What is the problem I am having with using arrays with classes? - c++

I have been working on a project for my computer science class and have encountered an issue with the code working. I am shown no error except when I try to compile and I get an error that reads:
Exception thrown: write access violation.
_Left was 0xCCCCCCCC.
The purpose of my project is to take a list of names from an external file, read them into an array, sort said array and then output the sorted list all while using a class for the code.
Here is a copy of my code and I would like to extend my gratitude to whoever can help me through my issue:
**Header File**
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class person
bool get(ifstream&);
void put(ofstream&);
int capacity = 0;
string first_name[CAPACITY];
string last_name[CAPACITY];
int age[CAPACITY];
**Header function definitions cpp file**
const int CAPACITY=20;
using namespace std;
#include "Person.h"
//Names constructor
//Postcondition both first name and last name initialized to zero
first_name[CAPACITY] = "";
last_name[CAPACITY] = "";
bool person::get(ifstream& in)
in >> first_name[CAPACITY] >> last_name[CAPACITY] >> age[CAPACITY];
void person::put(ofstream &out)
out << first_name[CAPACITY] << last_name[CAPACITY] << age[CAPACITY];
**cpp file which holds main**
const int CAPACITY = 20;
using namespace std;
#include "Person.h"
void pop(string *xp, string *yp);
void sort(string name[CAPACITY], int count);
int main()
class person names[CAPACITY];
ifstream infile;
ofstream outfile;
string filename;
string name[CAPACITY];
int n = 0;
cout << "Enter the file name you wish to open" << endl;
cin >> filename;
infile.open(filename + ".txt");
if (infile.fail())
cout << "The file requested did not open" << endl;
while (!infile.eof())
sort(name, CAPACITY);
for (int i = 0; i < CAPACITY; i++)
cout << "The file has been created" << endl;
void pop(string *xp, string *yp)
string temp = *xp;
*xp = *yp;
*yp = temp;
void sort(string name[CAPACITY], int count)
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < count - 1; i++)
for (j = 0; j < count - i - 1; j++)
if (name[j] > name[j + 1])
pop(&name[j], &name[j + 1]);
Once again Thank you for any support

It sounds to me like the compiler is getting upset that you are trying to write (i.e. assign a value) at an address that you do not have permission to access. I believe your constructor for the class person might be at fault because of how this class stores its variables, as well as the class header:
Constructor for the class person:
first_name[CAPACITY] = "";
last_name[CAPACITY] = "";
age[CAPACITY] = 0;
Class header for the class person:
`class person{
int capacity = 0;
std::string first_name[CAPACITY];
std::string last_name[CAPACITY];
int age[CAPACITY];
//more stuff
C++ is very specific about its naming conventions, so it makes a distinction between capacity and CAPACITY. Because of this, the variable CAPACITY is not defined within the Person.h file.
Also, because CAPACITY is set to a fixed value in your Person.cpp file, whenever you use first_name[CAPACITY], last_name[CAPACITY], or age[CAPACITY] to assign new values, you are only updating the values at the index equal to CAPACITY unless you update the value of CAPACITY itself. In the code you provided, CAPACITY is equal to 20, so your program attempts to update exclusively index 20 with each method call. This will likely cause issues since the person class only attempts to make its arrays on the runtime stack, with a size of 0 each.
Separately, it seems like you want an array of people, but it appears that you are attempting to use a single person object to store the names and ages of multiple people by making these all arrays. Instead, I would recommend making first_name, last_name, and age not arrays, but rather single variables. Then, you can manipulate an array of type person using your CAPACITY variable. You got pretty close, but you can instead declare it as person myPersonArray[CAPACITY] (no need to mention "class" in front of it -- just be sure that you have #include "Person.h" in your main.cpp file). When you want to update a specific person, you can perform an operation like myPersonArray[updateThisIndexNum].update(newFirstName, newLastName, newAge) or some logical equivalent.
As a final note, I almost always highly recommend against using !infile.eof() to control your while loop when reading any file because eof() only indicates whether you have tried to read past the end of an input file. I would highly recommend checking out this post on Stack Overflow where people far more knowledgeable than I explain exactly why this is usually dangerous and how to avoid it.


Vector Isn't Creating Multiple Class Objects

I have a vector that stores multiple class objects for later access. This way my program can create new objects during runtime. This is done like so:
vector<Person> peopleVector;
peopleVector.push_back(Person(name, age));
for (int i = 0; i < peopleVector.size(); i++) {
cout << peopleVector[i].name << endl;
This function should print out each objects "name" every time the code runs (it's a function that runs multiple times). However, when I run this, somehow the vector does not increase in size. If you add cout << peopleVector.size(); to that code, you will find that each time it runs, it gets one (obviously assuming you also have the class code which I have below).
I'm curious why I can't create multiple objects in the class.
#pragma once
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Person {
Person(string personName, int personAge);
string name;
int age;
Person::Person(string personName, int personAge) {
name = personName;
age = personAge;
#include "Class.h"
#include <random>
int main() {
// Necessary for random numbers
string name = names[rand() % 82]; // Array with a lot of names
int age = 4 + (rand() % 95);
// Create a new person
void newPerson(string name, int age) {
vector<Person> peopleVector;
peopleVector.push_back(Person(name, age));
for (int i = 0; i < peopleVector.size(); i++) {
cout << peopleVector[i].name << endl;
Just FYI those #includes might be a little bit off because I took that code out of a large section that had like 15 includes.
You are creating an empty vector each time you call your newPerson() function, and then you add a single person to it.
You then display the contents of that vector. What else can it contain, other than the single person that you added?
Every time a function runs, all local variables inside the function are re-created in their default state. That means that every time you call newPerson, it just recreates peopleVector.
There are two solutions:
Have newPerson take a reference to a vector, and add it on to that
make peopleVector static, so that it isn't re-initialized every time
First solution:
// Create a new person; add it to peopleVector
// The function takes a reference to the vector you want to add it to
void newPerson(string name, int age, vector<Person>& peopleVector) {
peopleVector.push_back(Person(name, age));
for (int i = 0; i < peopleVector.size(); i++) {
cout << peopleVector[i].name << endl;
Second solution: mark peopleVector as static
// create a new person; add it to peopleVector
void newPerson(string name, int age) {
// Marking peopleVector as static prevents it from being re-initialized
static vector<Person> peopleVector;
peopleVector.push_back(Person(name, age));
for (int i = 0; i < peopleVector.size(); i++) {
cout << peopleVector[i].name << endl;

Passing a dynamic array of structs c++

I need to read a .txt file and use the first number as the array size in a function called getData.
In my code, I am able to read the file and assign it to the array size as listSize. I am also able to fill the rest of the array with the .txt information. When I print out what is in my array WITHIN the getData function, it works.
The problem is that when I try to access the array outside of the getData function my program crashes. I am new to pointers, and c++ in general. I don't think I am passing it or calling it correctly. I have had a hard time finding information to assist me in the problem.
How can I access the arrays I created in getData?
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
struct menuItemType
string menuItem;
double menuPrice;
void getData(int& listSize, menuItemType menuList[], int orderList[]);
int main()
menuItemType *menuList = 0; //-----pointers
int *orderList = 0;
int listSize;
getData(listSize, menuList, orderList);
cout << menuList[0].menuItem; //-----This is what crashes the program
return 0;
//-----Get Menu Function
void getData(int& listSize, menuItemType menuList[], int orderList[])
//-----Declare inFile
ifstream inFile;
string price, size;
//-----Open inFile
//-----Get Amount of Items, Convert to int
getline(inFile, size);
listSize = stoi(size);
//-----Set Array Size
menuList = new menuItemType[listSize];
orderList = new int[listSize];
//-----Get Menu
for (int x = 0; x < listSize; x++)
//-----Get menuItem
getline(inFile, menuList[x].menuItem);
//-----Get menuPrice convert to double
getline(inFile, price);
menuList[x].menuPrice = stod(price);
//------PRINT WORKS HERE ----- This print made me think i created the
//arrays correctly
for (int x = 0; x < listSize; x++)
cout << menuList[x].menuItem << endl
<< menuList[x].menuPrice
<< endl;
The contents of the .txt
Plain Egg
Bacon and Egg
French Toast
Fruit Basket
Setting menuList and orderList in getData does not update the pointers in main. It would if you used references to pointers:
void getData(int& listSize, menuItemType*& menuList, int*& orderList);
Even better, use references to std::vector and quit mucking around with owning pointers and new and delete.
Let's Rewrite your code for a better C++ness, with explanations. :)
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
Don't do using namespace std just because you can type less things, namespaces helps you by telling you where this particular thing you invoked came from. if you really wanna write string instead of std::string, pull that particular thing, not the whole namespace, like this:
using std::string;
Your struct seems right, but you need to choose if your types will start with capitals or not, I always start my types with capitals but this is a choice:
struct MenuItemType
string menuItem;
double menuPrice;
Now, your getData should, well, get your data. so the type matters. your data is not 'void' as you declared, it's an array of MenuItemType, you can then declare them as vector and not even care about pointers.
Other thing: all of your parameters in getData shouldn't be parameters - they are all things that you would get from the text file that your program will parse, so the only thing that matters for the getData is the text file, so this is your variable.
std::vector<MenuItemType> getData(const std::string& textFile)
std::ifstream inFile;
std::string price, size, item;
getline(inFile, size);
int listSize = stoi(size);
std::vector<MenuItemType> result;
for (int x = 0; x < listSize; x++)
getline(inFile, item);
getline(inFile, price);
result.push_back(MenuItemType{item, stod(price)});
return result;
See how I didn't closed the file? It will be closed as soon as you leave the function, there's no need to call that unless you need the file to close before the function finishes.
Thumbs up rule: don't deal with pointers unless you have to.
As for your main function:
int main()
std::vector<MenuItemType> menuList = getData("Ch9_Ex5Data.txt");
cout << menuList[0].menuItem;
return 0;
You could rewrite that in a faster way if you are sure what types are you using, the code above is equivalent to this one:
int main()
auto menuList = getData("Ch9_Ex5Data.txt");
cout << menuList[0].menuItem;
return 0;

New to C++, program not responding when dereferencing part of a vector?

I learned C++ yesterday an I'm trying to solve USACO training problems.
For this one, I have created a vector of People pointers. However, after some troubleshooting, I discovered that when I try to do something like
Person bob = *(people.at(i));
people.at(i) -> setbalance(giveself); // giveself is an int
The program is not responding and:
Process terminated with status -1073741819 (0 minute(s), 3 second(s).
I'm also new to this forum.
Here is my code:
include statments
using namespace std;
class Person
int balance;
int origbalance;
string name;
int getbalance() {return balance;}
string getname() {return name;}
void setbalance(int b){balance +=b;}
void setorigbalance(int o) {origbalance = o;}
int getorigbalance() {return origbalance;}
void giveTo(int num, Person* y) {y->setbalance(num);}
Person(string n);
Person::Person(string n)
name = n;
int main()
ofstream fout ("gift1.out");
ifstream fin ("gift1.in");
int NP;
vector<Person*> people(NP);
cout<<"Created vector\n"<<endl;
for(int i = 0; i<NP; i++)
string nam;
Person* p = new Person(nam);
cout<<"\nFilled vector, size = "<<people.size()<<endl;
for(int i = 0; i<NP; i++)
string temp;
cout<<"\nNow receiving "<<temp<<endl;
int togive, numgiving;
cout<<"\n"<<temp<<" is dividing "<<togive<<" among "<<numgiving<<" people"<<endl;
Person bob = *(people.at(i));
cout<<"hi bob"<<endl;
cout<<"Original balance set"<<endl;
int giveeach = togive/numgiving;
cout<<"or "<<giveeach<<" to each person"<<endl;
int giveself = togive%numgiving;
cout<<"and "<<giveself<<" to himself :/"<<endl;
people.at(i) -> setbalance(giveself);
for(int j=0; j<numgiving; j++)
string nametogiveto;
fin>> nametogiveto;
for(int k=0; k<NP; k++)
string namy = people.at(k)->getname();
cout<<"\nHere you go "<<namy<<" have "<<giveeach<<endl;
for(int i=0; i<NP; i++)
cout<<people.at(i)->getorigbalance() - people.at(i)->getbalance()<<endl;
fout<<people.at(i)->getorigbalance() - people.at(i)->getbalance()<<endl;
return 0;
You're running into undefined behavior due to dereferencing null pointers.
vector<Person*> people(NP);
This line creates the vector with NP null pointers. You later add on your actual pointers but only ever access the first NP elements which are the null pointers.
That said you don't even need pointers here and I'd recommend getting rid of them. In fact you have memory leaks due to allocating pointers with new but never calling delete on them. In my experience it's typical for people just starting out with C++ to overuse pointers, so think about ways to avoid them first.
vector<Person*> people(NP);
vector<Person> people;
and fill it using:
for(int i = 0; i<NP; i++)
string nam;
Person p(nam); // no more need for pointer or new here
later when accessing it you don't need any dereferencing anymore either. That means you can get rid of all the * for example:
Person bob = *(people.at(i));
turns into:
Person bob = people.at(i);
and you can access member functions with . instead of -> everywhere, for example:
would turn into:
This means getting rid of a lot of unneeded dereferencing of pointers and also of the memory leak you previously would have had.
For me, it seems that you are getting that error since opening input file fin is not successful. To check it, add the following line after you define fin variable:
ifstream fin ("gift1.in");
if(!fin) {
cout << "Error opening input file.\n";
In any case, it's always a good practice to check if the file is opened successfully.

Getline() and cin manipulate dynamic array

I'm totally lost and confused and could use some help.
I'm currently working on a small command line-based game. For this I wrote a class Inventory, dynamically creating an array of invSpace-objects, each space representing a pair of a pointer to an Item (another class of mine) and a integer, depicting a quantity. Here's the code:
class invSpace {
Item *item;
int quantity;
invSpace() {
item = NULL;
quantity = 0;
class Inventory {
invSpace* spaces = NULL;
size_t size;
int free_space() {
int free = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
if (spaces[i].item == NULL) {
return free;
Inventory() {}
Inventory(size_t new_size) {
size = new_size;
spaces = new invSpace[size];
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { //I know this is obsolete because
spaces[i].item = NULL; //of the invSpace constructor, I
spaces[i].quantity = 0; //just did this for testing
~Inventory() {
delete[] spaces;
invSpace& operator[](int index) {
return spaces[index];
There are some more methods in this class, like for adding, deleting and searching for items, but those don't matter now. So this is basically just a simple array within one object, dynamically allocating memory in the constructor and with some extra methods. After being created, the array contains zero elements, or Items, so the free_space() method should return the size of the array. But it doesn't. It returns about half of the size.
My first thought was that something went wrong with the allocation. But at a second glance I noticed that the Inventory is totally fine directly after being created; with exactly as many spaces as requested, all of them set to item=NULL/quantity=0. But after a call of getline() at the start of main() that scans user input and saves it to a string for further analyzing, some spaces get filled with random addresses and integers.
Even stranger, with each new call of getline() some spaces are freed, some others filled. As far as my debugging, experimenting and testing goes, none of these addresses belong to any variable in my program, they are just plain random. Also, at no point is there be any interference with the Inventory and the getline() function or the string it returns. In fact, after being created, no part of this object is used anywhere in the code beside the free_space() method. What's even stranger is that spaces in the Inventory class is marked private, so a method is required to meddle with this pointer/array (or so I would expect).
This problem occurs with getline() and cin but not with any of C's <stdio.h> input stream functions. Using malloc() instead of new[] makes no difference. Of course, I could use something like scanf() for the reading from the console. Still, I just want to know why all these things happen. I have absolutely no idea.
Thanks in advance for every answer!
I narrowed the whole code so that it still produces the same error, also changed free_space() so that it prints adress and integer if present:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
class Item {
static map<string, Item*> itemlist;
string name;
string description;
Item() {}
Item(const string new_name, const string new_description) {
name = new_name;
description = new_description;
itemlist.insert(pair<string, Item*> (name, this));
map<string, Item*> Item::itemlist;
/*The more Items are declared, the more random adresses appear in the
Item item01("sword", "A sharp and deadly weapon.");
Item item02("shield", "This will protect you. To a certain extent.");
Item item03("stick", "What is this for exactly?");
Item item04("bottle of water", "A bottle full of refreshing spring water.");
class invSpace {
Item *item;
int quantity;
invSpace() {
item = NULL;
quantity = 0;
class Inventory {
invSpace* spaces = NULL;
size_t size;
int free_space() {
int free = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
if (spaces[i].item == NULL) {
cout << i << " = free" << endl;
else {
cout << spaces[i].item << " / " << spaces[i].quantity << endl;
return free;
Inventory() {}
Inventory(size_t new_size) {
size = new_size;
spaces = new invSpace[size];
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
spaces[i].item = NULL;
spaces[i].quantity = 0;
~Inventory() {
delete[] spaces;
class Player {
string name;
Inventory inventory;
Player(const string new_name) {
inventory = Inventory(40);
name = new_name;
Player player("Me");
int main() {
string input;
//Inventory inventory(40); //no error when declared outside the Player class
while (1) {
cout << "\n>> ";
getline(cin, input);
if (input == "x") {
else {
Some things I noticed: No error occurs if the inventory isn't part of a Player-object. If it is but no Items are declared only the first inventory space receives a random adress (and int value) after the first call of getline().
The more Items there are, the more random adresses I get, it seems...

Access violation writing location when using pointers

I'm trying to write a program that allows a user to input data into a text file to organize class assignments. The user can display the list of assignments, enter an assignment into the file, and search for specific course work that is due. I am having a problem where I get an access violation writing location error and I'm not entirely sure how to fix it. I have looked at previous discussions that are posted but can't quite figure out where I am going wrong in my code.
This is taskList.cpp.
The header file taskList.h is posted after it.
I'm using VS2013.
When I debug the error is posted at line 55 in the taskList.cpp file below
list = new Task[capacity];
#include "taskList.h"
#include "mytools.h"
capacity = CAP;
list = new Task[capacity];
size = 0;
TaskList::TaskList(char filename[])
capacity = CAP;
list = new Task[capacity];
size = 0;
//load from file.
ifstream inData;
Task aTask;
char tempName[MAXCHAR];
char tempDescription[MAXCHAR];
char tempDate[MAXCHAR];
if (!inData){
cout << "cannot open file";
inData.getline(tempName, MAXCHAR, ';');
while (!inData.eof())
inData.getline(tempDescription, MAXCHAR, '\n');
inData.getline(tempDate, MAXCHAR, '\n');
inData.getline(tempName, MAXCHAR, ';');
if (list)
delete [] list;
list = NULL;
//Adds a video item to the list
void TaskList::addTask(Task aTask)
list[size++] = aTask;
//displays the list of videos
void TaskList::showList()
int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
void TaskList::searchList()
char searchName[MAXCHAR];
char tempName[MAXCHAR];
int i;
bool found = false;
cout << "Enter the name of the course to search for: ";
cin.getline(searchName, MAXCHAR);
for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
if (strstr(searchName, tempName) != NULL)
found = true;
if (found == false)
cout << "No search results." << endl;
void TaskList::writeData()
ofstream outData;
if (!outData)
cout << "cannot open file";
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
//expand array function
void TaskList::expand()
char tempName[MAXCHAR];
char tempDescription[MAXCHAR];
char tempDate[MAXCHAR];
capacity += GROWTH;
Task *temp = new Task[capacity];
//copy from old array to new array
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
//delete old array
delete [] list;
list = NULL;
//point ptr to temp
list = temp;
//set temp to NULL
temp = NULL;
The header file (taskList.h)
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
const int CAP = 2;
const int GROWTH = 2;
//define class VideoList for array of Videos and its size.
class TaskList
Task *list;
int size;
int capacity;
void expand();
TaskList(char filename[]);
//database functions
void addTask(Task aTask);
void showList();
void searchList();
void writeData();
Just to be sure that everything is made clear because there are 3 header files, 4 source files, and a text file, I am include the task.h header file and task.cpp source file.
Here is task.h:
#ifndef TASK_H
#define TASK_H
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;
const int MAXCHAR = 101;
class Task
char *name;
char *description;
char *date;
//defult constructor
//constructor with parameters
Task(char newName[], char newDescription[], char newDate[]);
//copy constructor
Task(const Task &otherTask);
//Accessor funct
void getName(char returnName[]);
void getDescription(char returnDescription[]);
void getDate(char returnDate[]);
//mutator function
void setName(char newName[]);
void setDescription(char newDescription[]);
void setDate(char newDate[]);
//print function to print a video
void printTask();
void printToFile(ofstream &outFile);
const Task& operator= (const Task& anItem);
Here is the task.cpp file, not sure if this is necessary but I am adding it for clarity:
#include "task.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
//defult constructor
strcpy(name, "no course name");
strcpy(description, "no task description");
strcpy(date, "no due date");
//constructor with parameters
Task::Task(char newName[], char newDescription[], char newDate[])
name = new char[strlen(newName) + 1];
description = new char[strlen(newDescription) + 1];
date = new char[strlen(newDate) + 1];
strcpy(name, newName);
strcpy(description, newDescription);
strcpy(date, newDate);
//copy constructor
Task::Task(const Task &otherTask)
//allocate memory and then copy name
this->name = new char[strlen(otherTask.name) + 1];
strcpy(name, otherTask.name);
//allocate memory and then copy description
this->description = new char[strlen(otherTask.description) + 1];
strcpy(description, otherTask.description);
//allocate memory and then copy date
this->date = new char[strlen(otherTask.date) + 1];
strcpy(date, otherTask.date);
//Accessor functions
void Task::getName(char returnName[])
strcpy(returnName, name);
void Task::getDescription(char returnDescription[])
strcpy(returnDescription, description);
void Task::getDate(char returnDate[])
strcpy(returnDate, date);
//mutator functions
void Task::setName(char newName[])
strcpy(name, newName);
void Task::setDescription(char newDescription[])
strcpy(description, newDescription);
void Task::setDate(char newDate[])
strcpy(date, newDate);
//prints a video item
void Task::printTask()
cout << name << ';' << description << ';' << date << endl;
void Task::printToFile(ofstream &outFile)
outFile << name << ';' << description << ';' << date << endl;
//assignment operator overloaded
const Task& Task::operator= (const Task& aTask)
strcpy(this->name, aTask.name);
this->description = aTask.description;
strcpy(this->description, aTask.description);
this->date = aTask.date;
strcpy(this->date, aTask.date);
return *this;
Here is the problem:
char *name;
// ...
strcpy(name, "no course name");
The first line creates a pointer which currently does not point anywhere. Then you tell strcpy to copy that string to where the pointer is pointing, so it writes the string to "nowhere" (in practice: a semi-random memory location). This causes your access violation.
To fix this, replace the code with:
std::string name;
// ...
name = "no course name";
Do the same for description and date. Note that this means you don't need a copy-constructor or copy-assignment operator or destructor; because the default ones behave correctly.
Of course you will need to change your accssor functions (but they were badly designed anyway since the caller cannot prevent a buffer overflow):
std::string getName() const { return name; }
Also, change Task *list; to std::vector<Task> list; and stop using new and delete. The vector correctly manages memory for you.
It is simplest and easiest to do this task without using pointers or manual memory management or C-library functions such as strcpy. You'll halve your code size (at least) and it will be much less prone to error.
You may need #include <string> and #include <vector>.
Since the erroe happens at allocation if an array (list = new Task[capacity]) i guess your problem is in default constructor of Task class. try playing with this constructor a liitle , i suggest allocating yor char arrays (names , descriptions and data) befor filling them.
somecode like name = new Char[14]; (and of course same for the other two)
You have failed to follow the rule-of-five or the rule-of-zero.
The correct thing (rule-of-zero) would be to implement TaskList in terms of std::vector<Task>.
Seeing as your assignment demands that you use a "dynamic array", perhaps they don't want you to use std::vector. This means that you are stuck with manual memory management. This means that you need to correctly implement or remove the following functions:
//You have these
TaskList::TaskList(char filename[]);
//You are missing these, this is your problem:
TaskList::TaskList(TaskList const &o); //Copy constructor
TaskList &TaskList::operator=(TaskList const &o); //Copy assignment
TaskList::TaskList(TaskList &&o); //Move constructor
TaskList &TaskList::operator=(TaskList &&o); //Move assignment
If you do not explicitly supply these functions, the compiler may automatically generate them, and the compiler-generated versions will be incorrect (for the situation where you are manually managing resources within TaskList), as they will do member-wise moves or copies, rather than copying or moving the underlying resources. When you then use these incorrect compiler-generated versions, your code will have strange behaviour.
For Task, you shouldn't be managing multiple resources at once. Use std::string, or otherwise write your own string class, and then use it to manage the string members of Task. If you do not, your code is almost guaranteed to be incorrect (due to a lack of exception safety).