How to include a variable inside <% include > in a template ejs file? - templates

I have a list of files in a folder that I need to serve inside the parent as a child template. I would like to do something like this:
<% var noScriptBody = 'message-scriptless.ejs' %>
<% include noScriptBody %>
or <%include <%= noScriptBody %>/message-scriptless' %> where <%= noScriptBody %> are the specific child template to include.
For example, I want to include <% include carousel/message-scriptless %> and <% include modal/message-scriptless %> where the path is variable ['carousel', 'modal', etc]

You can include dynamic template like this
for ex. your array passed is pathArray = ['carousel', 'modal', etc]
<% for (const path in pathArray) { %>
<%- include(path +'/message-scriptless.ejs') %>
<% } %>
Here, we iterate through the pathArray & include message-scriptless.ejs from each folder as shown in code above
Please correct me if I misunderstood your requirements

For an example, you can look at this code below: index.ejs
<!-- Only show text -->
<% var noScriptBody = 'message-scriptless' %>
<%= noScriptBody %>
<!-- Show template -->
<% var noScript = 'message-scriptless' %>
<%- include(noScript) -%>
<!-- Show template `message-scriptless` from `carousel` directory -->
<% var carouselMessageSciptLess= 'carousel/message-scriptless' %>
<%- include(carouselMessageSciptLess) -%>
Make sure in the same directory, you've a file message-scriptless.ejs.
Updated: For mapping your variable, you can use this code below:
<% arrayPath.forEach(function(path){
include(path + '/message-scriptless');
}) %>;
From code above, this is an example directory structure:
src > app.js
views > index.ejs
views > message-scriptless.ejs
views > carousel > message-scriptless.ejs
For more information about this ejs, you can read this documentation.
For an example, you can look at my codeSandbox:
I hope it can help you.


Globalize accessors on subset of available locales

By design, some classes will deal with only a subset of available languages.
the globalize-accessors gem is quite useful, however, the rendering requires that the following be defined
so while available_locales = [:en, :ru, :fr, :de], the goal is to work with a smaller array [:en, :ru]
The documentation states Calling globalize_accessors with no options will therefore generate accessor methods for all translated fields and available languages. But the purported way to invoke is in the model
globalize_accessors :locales => [:en, :fr], :attributes => [:title]
How can the globalize_accessorsmethod refer to an array, something generated by the likes of
(although the array values are quoted...)
A working solution found but that does not address the above question, is based on the fact that globalize-accessors
gives you access to methods: title_pl, title_en, title_pl=, title_en=
Thus, a controller method that generates a whitelist
#locales = []
#post.owner.ownerlocales.each do |ol|
locale = ol.locale
... then process in the view filtering out the globalize_processors from whitelist
<% Post.globalize_attribute_names.each do |lang| %>
<% my_string = lang.to_s %>
<% #locales.each do |locale| %>
<% checkstring = "_" + locale %>
<% if my_string.include? checkstring %>
<div class="row">
<%= t(lang[0..-4]) %> - <%= lang[-2, 2] %> <br />
<%= f.text_area lang, rows: "3" %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
Not efficient, functional.

How to make a category disapear if there are no elements?

Ok guys, I have to make a list of items, they have a category. I'm Listing by Categories, however I don't want to show the category title unless there are items that belong there. I'm having trouble doing it.
<% #categorias.each do |categoria| %>
<h3> <%= categoria.categoria_pt %></h3>
<% #pratos_precos.each do |pratos_preco| %>
<% if #pratos.find(pratos_preco.prato_id).categoria_pratos_id.to_s == %>
i want something like this:
if there is a prato_preco who's prato_id matches a prato_id who's categoria_pratos_id matches categoria_id
Solved it :)
<% #pratocategorias = #pratos.where("categoria_pratos_id = ?", %>
<% #pratocategorias.each do |pratocategoria|%>
<% #pratosprecos = #pratos_precos.where("prato_id = ?", %>

SilverStripe loop through hidden pages

How do I iterate only through all hidden pages in SilverStripe?
$Children excludes hidden pages. $AllChildren includes all pages. Is there a way to include only hidden pages?
We can write a function to return only the hidden children like this:
public function HiddenChildren() {
return $this->AllChildren()->filter('ShowInMenus', false);
Then in our template we can loop through the hidden children like this:
<% loop $HiddenChildren %>
<% end_loop %>
Well, a simple if in the template might do the trick:
<% loop $AllChildren %>
<% if not $ShowInMenus %>
<% end_if %>
<% end_loop %>

Indicate that an uploaded file is present in edit form -- paperclip

In my current solution, I am able to put a checkbox in the edit form so that users can delete attachment. However, there is no indication for the user that a file has been uploaded, the name of that file, etc. so that he can decide whether to delete.
Right now the form look like this. The first material is an existing one, the next 3 are due to
def edit
#post = Post.find(params[:id])
3.times { }
As you can see, it's very hard to distinguish between them. Ideally, I want the first material file name to appear somehow.
<%= form_for #post, :html => { :multipart => true } do |f| %>
<%= f.label :title %>
<%= f.text_field :title %>
<%= f.fields_for :materials, :html => { :multipart => true } do |materials_form| %>
<%= materials_form.label :asset %>
<%= materials_form.file_field :asset %>
<%= materials_form.label :_destroy, class: "checkbox inline" do %>
Remove attachment <%= materials_form.check_box :_destroy %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<%= f.submit "Submit", class: "btn btn-large" %>
<% end %>
Running paperclip's generator creates a migration to add 4 attributes on your model, as you can see here. These attributes are:
So, If you ran the generator this way: rails generate paperclip post_material asset, on your PostMaterial model, you will have these attributes:
Then, on your code you can do something like this:
if materials_form.object.asset.exists? #object represents the current post_material instance
#show a label with object.asset_file_name
#render materials_form.file_field :asset

Showing Spree taxonomy tree on product page

I'm running Spree 2.2. I'm trying to get the standard taxonomy/filter list to appear on each individual product page in Spree, but I cannot find where it decides that there's sidebar content to be displayed. If anyone can shed any light on where/how that's decided I'd be most grateful.
On the front-end part of spree, more specific, on the index view of the products controller, route spree_frontend/app/views/spree/products/index.html.erb at the beginning of the file, it get's decided whether there will be displayed the taxons or not:
<% content_for :sidebar do %>
<div data-hook="homepage_sidebar_navigation">
<% if "spree/products" == params[:controller] && #taxon %>
<%= render :partial => 'spree/shared/filters' %>
<% else %>
<%= render :partial => 'spree/shared/taxonomies' %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
So what you can do is to write an override pointing at any part of the products/show view, in particular i suggest after the product_left_part_wrap" data-hook, wich is a wrapper for the sidebar on the products show view, so your deface could look something like this:
:virtual_path => 'spree/products/show',
:name => 'add_map_to_product_show',
:insert_after => '[data-hook="product_left_part_wrap"]',
:partial => "spree/products/the_taxons_and_filters"
And inside the file named _the_taxons_and_filters.html.erb located on app/views/spree/products/ you can add the code from above and include the taxons filters. Hope this was helpful.