How can one properly declare char8_t for diacritical letters? - c++

I attempt to initialise some diacritical Latin letters using the new char8_t type:
constexpr char8_t french_letter_A_1 = 'À';//does not function properly
However, Visual Studio 2019 suggests me the following “character represented by universal-character-name "\u(the name)" cannot be represented in the current code page”, and the character cannot be properly displayed; If I try to explicitly declare the character as a u8 one, like:
constexpr char8_t french_letter_A_2 = u8'Â';//has error
It even throws an error " a UTF-8 character literal value cannot occupy more than one code unit"; but non-diacritical letters can be successfully interpreted as a UTF-8 one:
constexpr char8_t french_letter_A_0 = u8'A';//but ASCII letters are fine
I am wondering how can I properly declare a UTF-8 character with Visual C++... or I misunderstand the concept of char8_t, and should rather use something else instead?
Edit: I have comprehended that char8_t does not support those non-ASCII characters. What character type should I use instead?

char8_t, like char, signed char, and unsigned char, has a size of 1 byte. On most platforms (but not all!), that means it is an 8-bit type only capable of holding 256 discrete values. Unicode 12.1 defines 137,994 characters. Clearly, they can't all fit in a single char8_t value!
The C and C++ "character" types are, regrettably, poorly named. If we were designing a new language with modern terminology, we would name them some variation of code_unit as that better reflects how they are actually used. char32_t is the only character type that is currently guaranteed to be able to hold a code point value for every character in its associated character set (the C and C++ standards claim that wchar_t can too, but that contradicts existing practice).
Looking at your example, À is U+00C0 {LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH GRAVE} (or is it actually A U+0041 {LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A} followed by ̀ U+0300 {COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT}? Unicode is tricky that way). The UTF-8 encoding of U+00C0 is 0xC3 0x80. What value should french_letter_A_1 hold? It can't hold both code unit values. And if the value were to be the code point, then we're either in the situation that only 256 characters can be (portably) supported or, worse, that sometimes values of char8_t are code points and sometimes they are code units.
The reality is that C and C++ character literals are limited to just a few more characters than are in the basic source character set. That is sufficient if one is writing an English-only application. But for modern applications, character literals have limited use.
As Nicol already stated, working with most characters outside the basic source character set requires doing real text processing on strings. Unfortunately, the C and C++ standards do not provide much help there. That is something that SG16 is working to improve.

UTF-8 is an encoding for Unicode codepoints. In UTF-8, a codepoint is broken down into one or more "octets" (8-bit words) called UTF-8 code units. The C++20 type that represents a UTF-8 code unit is char8_t.
A single char8_t is only one UTF-8 code unit. Therefore, it can only represent a Unicode codepoint whose UTF-8 encoding only takes up 1 code unit. Visual Studio is telling you that the "character" you are trying to store in a char8_t requires more than 1 code unit and therefore cannot be stored in such a type. The only Unicode code points that UTF-8 encodes in a single code unit are the ASCII code points.
When dealing with UTF-8 (or any Unicode encoding that isn't UTF-32 for that matter), you do not deal in "characters"; you deal in strings: contiguous sequences of code units. Anytime you want to deal with UTF-8, you should be using some kind of char8_t-based string type.


Is 16-bit wchar_t formally valid for representing full Unicode?

In the ¹comp.lang.c++ Usenet group I recently asserted, based on what I thought I knew, that Windows' 16-bit wchar_t, with UTF-16 encoding where sometimes two such values (called a “surrogate pair”) is needed for a single Unicode code point, is invalid for representing Unicode.
It's certainly inconvenient and in conflict with the assumption of the C and C++ standard libraries (e.g. character classification) that each code point is represented as a single value, although the Unicode consortium's ²Technical Note 12 from 2004 makes a good case for using UTF-16 for internal processing, with an impressive list of software that does.
And certainly it seems as if the original intent was to have one wchar_t value per code point, consistent with the assumptions of the C and C++ standard libraries. E.g. in the web page “ISO C Amendment 1 (MSE)” over at ³, about the amendment that brought wchar_t into the C standard in 1995, the authors maintain that
” The primary advantage to the one byte/one character model is that it is very easy to process data in fixed-width chunks. For this reason, the concept of the wide character was invented. A wide character is an abstract data type large enough to contain the largest character that is supported on a particular platform.
But as it turned out, the C and C++ standards seem to not talk about the largest supported character, but only about the largest extended character sets in the supported locales: that wchar_t must be large enough to represent every code point in the largest such extended character set – but not Unicode, when there is no Unicode locale.
C99 §7.17/2 (from the N869 draft):
” [the wchar_t type] is an integer type whose range of values can represent distinct codes for all members of the largest extended character set specified among the supported locales.
This is almost identically the same wording as in the C++ standard. And it seems to mean that with a restricted set of supported locales, wchar_t can be smallish indeed, down to a single byte with UTF-8 encoding (a nightmare possibility where e.g. no standard library character classification function would work outside of ASCII's A through Z, but hey). Possibly the following is a requirement to be wider than that:
C99 §7.1.1/4:
” A wide character is a code value (a binary encoded integer) of an object of type wchar_t that corresponds to a member of the extended character set.
… since it refers to the extended character set, but that term seems to not be further defined anywhere.
And at least with Microsoft's C and C++ runtime there is no Unicode locale: with that implementation setlocale is restricted to character encodings that have at most 2 bytes per character:
MSDN ⁴documentation of setlocale:
” The set of available locale names, languages, country/region codes, and code pages includes all those supported by the Windows NLS API except code pages that require more than two bytes per character, such as UTF-7 and UTF-8. If you provide a code page value of UTF-7 or UTF-8, setlocale will fail, returning NULL.
So it seems that contrary to what I thought I knew, and contrary to my assertion, Windows' 16-bit wchar_t is formally OK. And mainly due to Microsoft's ingenious lack of support for UTF-8 locales, or any locale with more than 2 bytes per character. But is it really so, is 16-bit wchar_t OK?
¹ news:comp.lang.c++
wchar_t is not now and never was a Unicode character/code point. The C++ standard does not declare that a wide-string literal will contain Unicode characters. The C++ standard does not declare that a wide-character literal will contain a Unicode character. Indeed, the standard doesn't say anything about what wchar_t will contain.
wchar_t can be used with locale-aware APIs, but those are only relative to the implementation-defined encoding, not any particular Unicode encoding. The standard library functions that take these use their knowledge of the implementation's encoding to do their jobs.
So, is a 16-bit wchar_t legal? Yes; the standard does not require that wchar_t be sufficiently large to hold a Unicode codepoint.
Is a string of wchar_t permitted to hold UTF-16 values (or variable width in general)? Well, you are permitted to make strings of wchar_t that store whatever you want (so long as it fits). So for the purposes of the standard, the question is whether standard-provided means for generating wchar_t characters and strings are permitted to use UTF-16.
Well, the standard library can do whatever it wants to; the standard offers no guarantee that a conversion from any particular character encoding to wchar_t will be a 1:1 mapping. Even char->wchar_t conversion via wstring_convert is not required anywhere in the standard to produce a 1:1 character mapping.
If a compiler wishes to declare that the wide character set consists of the Base Multilingual Plane of Unicode, then a declaration like this L'\U0001F000' will produce a single wchar_t. But the value is implementation-defined, per [lex.ccon]/2:
The value of a wide-character literal containing a single c-char has value equal to the numerical value of the encoding of the c-char in the execution wide-character set, unless the c-char has no representation in the execution wide-character set, in which case the value is implementation-defined.
And of course, C++ doesn't allow to use surrogate pairs as a c-char; \uD800 is a compile error.
Where things get murky in the standard is the treatment of strings that contain characters outside of the character set. The above text would suggest that implementations can do what they want. And yet, [lex.string]\16 says this:
The size of a char32_t or wide string literal is the total number of escape sequences, universal-character-names, and other characters, plus
one for the terminating U’\0’ or L’\0’.
I say this is murky because nothing says what the behavior should be if a c-char in a string literal is outside the range of the destination character set.
Windows compilers (both VS and GCC-on-Windows) do indeed cause L"\U0001F000" to have an array size of 3 (two surrogate pairs and a single NUL terminator). Is that legal C++ standard behavior? What does it mean to provide a c-char to a string literal that is outside of the valid range for a character set?
I would say that this is a hole in the standard, rather than a deficiency in those compilers. It should make it more clear what the conversion behavior in this case ought to be.
In any case, wchar_t is not an appropriate tool for processing Unicode-encoded text. It is not "formally valid" for representing any form of Unicode. Yes, many compilers implement wide-string literals as a Unicode encoding. But since the standard doesn't require this, you cannot rely on it.
Now obviously, you can stick whatever will fit inside of a wchar_t. So even on platforms where wchar_t is 32-bits, you could shove UTF-16 data into them, with each 16-bit word taking up 32-bits. But you couldn't pass such text to any API function that expects the wide character encoding unless you knew that this was the expected encoding for that platform.
Basically, never use wchar_t if you want to work with a Unicode encoding.
Let's start from first principles:
(§3.7.3) wide character: bit representation that fits in an object of type
wchar_t, capable of representing any character in the current locale
(§3.7) character: 〈abstract〉 member of a set of elements used for the
organization, control, or representation of data
That, right away, discards full Unicode as a character set (a set of elements/characters) representable on 16-bit wchar_t.
But wait, Nicol Bolas quoted the following:
The size of a char32_t or wide string literal is the total number of
escape sequences, universal-character-names, and other characters,
plus one for the terminating U’\0’ or L’\0’.
and then wondered about the behavior for characters outside the execution character set. Well, C99 has the following to say about this issue:
(§ Each source character set member and escape sequence in character
constants and string literals is converted to the corresponding member
of the execution character set; if there is no corresponding member,
it is converted to an implementation- defined member other than the
null (wide) character.8)
and further clarifies in a footnote that not all source characters need to map to the same execution character.
Armed with this knowledge, you can declare that your wide execution character set is the Basic Multilingual Plane, and that you consider surrogates as proper characters themselves, not as mere surrogates for other characters. AFAICT, this means you are in the clear as far as Clause 6 (Language) of ISO C99 cares.
Of course, don't expect Clause 7 (Library) to play along nicely with you. As an example, consider iswalpha(wint_t). You cannot pass astral characters (characters outside the BMP) to that function, you can only pass it the two surrogates. And you'd get some nonsensical result, but that's fine because you declared the surrogate themselves to be proper members of the execution character set.
After clarifying what the question is I will do an edit.
Q: Is the width of 16 bits for wchar_t in Windows conformant to the standard?
A: Well, lets see. We will start with the definition of wchar_t from c99 draft.
... largest extended character set specified among the supported locales.
So, we should look what are the supported locales. For that there are Three steps:
We check the documentation for setlocale
We quickly open the documentation for the locale string. We see the format of the string
locale :: "locale_name"
| "language[_country_region[.code_page]]"
| ".code_page"
| "C"
| ""
We see the list of supported Code pages and we see UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-32 and what not. We're in a dead end.
If we start with the C99 definition, it ends with
... corresponds to a member of the extended character set.
The word "character set" is used. But if we say UTF-16 code units are our character set, then all is OK. Otherwise, it's not. It's kinda vague, and one should not care much. The standards were defined many years ago, when Unicode was not popular.
At the end of the day, we now have C++11 and C11 that define use cases for UTF-8, 16 and 32 with the additional types char16_t and char32_t.
You need to read about Unicode and you will answer the question yourself.
Unicode is a character set. Set of characters, it's about 200000 characters. Or more precisely it is a mapping, mapping between numbers and characters. Unicode by itself does not mean this or that bit width.
Then there are 4 encodings, UTF-7, UTF-8, UTF-16 and UTF-32. UTF stands for Unicode transformation format.
Each format defines a code point and a code unit. Code point is an actual charter from Unicode and can consists of one or more units. Only UTF-32 has one unit per point.
On the other hand, each unit fits into a fixed size integer. So UTF-7 units are at most 7 bits, UTF-16 units are at most 16 bits etc.
Therefore, in a 16 bit wchar_t string we can hold Unicode text encoded in UTF-16. Particularly in UTF-16 each point takes one or two units.
So the final answer, in a single wchar_t you can not store all Unicode char, only the single unit ones, but in a string of wchar_t you can store any Unicode text.

using unicode in a C++ program

I want that strings with Unicode characters be correctly handled in my file synchronizer application but I don't know how this kind of encoding works ?
In a unicode string, I can see that a unicode char has this form : "\uxxxx" where xs are numbers, how a normal C or C++ program interpret this kind of char ? (why there is a 'u' after '\' ? what's the effect ?)
In internet I see examples using "wide strings or wchar_t ??
So, what's the suitable object to handle unicode characters ? In rapidJson (which supports Unicode, UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-32) , we can use const char* to store a JSOn that could have "wide characters" but those characters take more than a byte to be represented... I don't understand...
This is the kind of temporary arrangement I found for the moment (unicode->utf8?ascii?, listFolder is a std::string) :
boost::replace_all(listFolder, "\\u00e0", "à");
boost::replace_all(listFolder, "\\u00e2", "â");
boost::replace_all(listFolder, "\\u00e4", "ä");
The suitable object to handle Unicode strings in C++ is icu::UnicodeString (check "API References, ICU4C" in the sidebar), at least if you want to really handle Unicode strings (as opposed to just passing them from one point of your application to another).
wchar_t was an early attempt at handling international character sets, which turned out to be a failure because Microsoft's definition of wchar_t as two bytes turned out to be insufficient once Unicode was extended beyond code point 0x10000. Linux defines wchar_t as four bytes, but the inconsistency makes it (and its derived std::wstring) rather useless for portable programming.
TCHAR is a Microsoft define that resolves to char by default and to WCHAR if UNICODE is defined, with WCHAR in turn being wchar_t behind a level of indirection... yeah.
C++11 brought us char16_t and char32_t as well as the corresponding string classes, but those are still instances of basic_string<>, and as such have their shortcomings e.g. when trying to uppercase / lowercase characters that have more than one replacement character (e.g. the German ß would require to be extended to SS in uppercase; the standard library cannot do that).
ICU, on the other hand, goes the full way. For example, it provides normalization and decomposition, which the standard strings do not.
\uxxxx and \UXXXXXXXX are unicode character escapes. The xxxx are a 16-bit hexadecimal number representing a UCS-2 code point, which is equivalent to a UTF-16 code point within the Basic Multilingual Plane.
The XXXXXXXX are a 32-bit hex number, representing a UTF-32 code point, which may be any plane.
How those character escapes are handled depends on the context in which they appear (narrow / wide string, for example), making them somewhat less than perfect.
C++11 introduced "proper" Unicode literals:
u8"..." is always a const char[] in UTF-8 encoding.
u"..." is always a const uchar16_t[] in UTF-16 encoding.
U"..." is always a const uchar32_t[] in UTF-32 encoding.
If you use \uxxxx or \UXXXXXXXX within one of those three, the character literal will always be expanded to the proper code unit sequence.
Note that storing UTF-8 in a std::string is possible, but hazardous. You need to be aware of many things: .length() is not the number of characters in your string. .substr() can lead to partial and invalid sequences. .find_first_of() will not work as expected. And so on.
That being said, in my opinion UTF-8 is the only sane encoding choice for any stored text. There are cases to be made for handling texts as UTF-16 in-memory (the way ICU does), but on file, don't accept anything but UTF-8. It's space-efficient, endianess-independent, and allows for semi-sane handling even by software that is blissfully unaware of Unicode matters (see caveats above).
In a unicode string, I can see that a unicode char has this form : "\uxxxx" where xs are numbers, how a normal C or C++ program interpret this kind of char ? (why there is a 'u' after '\' ? what's the effect ?)
That is a unicode character escape sequence. It will be interpreted as a unicode character. The u after the escape character is part of the syntax and it's what differentiates it from other escape sequences. Read the documentation for more information.
So, what's the suitable object to handle unicode characters ?
char for uft-8
char16_t for utf-16
char32_t for utf-32
The size of wchar_t is platform dependent, so you cannot make portable assumptions of which encoding it suits.
we can use const char* to store a JSOn that could have "wide characters" but those characters take more than a byte to be represented...
If you mean that you can store multi-byte utf-8 characters in a char string, then you're correct.
This is the kind of temporary arrangement I found for the moment (unicode->utf8?ascii?, listFolder is a std::string)
What you're attempting to do there is replacing some unicode characters with characters that have a plaftorm defined encoding. If you have other unicode characters besides those, then you end up with a string that has mixed encoding. Also, in some cases it may accidentally replace parts of other byte sequences. I recommend using library to convert encoding or do any other manipulation on encoded strings.

Is the u8 string literal necessary in C++11

From Wikipedia:
For the purpose of enhancing support for Unicode in C++ compilers, the definition of the type char has been modified to be at least the size necessary to store an eight-bit coding of UTF-8.
I'm wondering what exactly this means for writing portable applications. Is there any difference between writing this
const char[] str = "Test String";
or this?
const char[] str = u8"Test String";
Is there be any reason not to use the latter for every string literal in your code?
What happens when there are non-ASCII-Characters inside the TestString?
The encoding of "Test String" is the implementation-defined system encoding (the narrow, possibly multibyte one).
The encoding of u8"Test String" is always UTF-8.
The examples aren't terribly telling. If you included some Unicode literals (such as \U0010FFFF) into the string, then you would always get those (encoded as UTF-8), but whether they could be expressed in the system-encoded string, and if yes what their value would be, is implementation-defined.
If it helps, imagine you're authoring the source code on an EBCDIC machine. Then the literal "Test String" is always EBCDIC-encoded in the source file itself, but the u8-initialized array contains UTF-8 encoded values, whereas the first array contains EBCDIC-encoded values.
You quote Wikipedia:
For the purpose of enhancing support for Unicode in C++ compilers, the definition of the type char has been modified to be at least the size necessary to store an eight-bit coding of UTF-8.
Well, the “For the purpose of” is not true. char has always been guaranteed to be at least 8 bits, that is, CHAR_BIT has always been required to be ≥8, due to the range required for char in the C standard. Which is (quote C++11 § “incorporated” into the C++ standard.
If I should guess about the purpose of that change of wording, it would be to just clarify things for those readers unaware of the dependency on the C standard.
Regarding the effect of the u8 literal prefix, it
affects the encoding of the string in the executable, but
unfortunately it does not affect the type.
Thus, in both cases "tørrfisk" and u8"tørrfisk" you get a char const[n]. But in the former literal the encoding is whatever is selected for the compiler, e.g. with Latin 1 (or Windows ANSI Western) that would be 8 bytes for the characters plus a nullbyte, for array size 9. While in the latter literal the encoding is guaranteed to be UTF-8, where the “ø” will be encoded with 2 or 3 bytes (I don’t recall exactly), for a slightly larger array size.
If the execution character set of the compiler is set to UTF-8, it makes no difference if u8 is used or not, since the compiler converts the characters to UTF-8 in both cases.
However if the compilers execution character set is the system's non UTF8 codepage (default for e.g. Visual C++), then non ASCII characters might not properly handled when u8 is omitted. For example, the conversion to wide strings will crash e.g. in VS15:
std::string narrowJapanese("スタークラフト");
std::wstring_convert<std::codecvt_utf8_utf16<wchar_t>, wchar_t> convertWindows;
std::wstring wide = convertWindows.from_bytes(narrowJapanese); // Unhandled C++ exception in xlocbuf.
The compiler chooses a native encoding natural to the platform. On typical POSIX systems it will probably choose ASCII and something possibly depending on environment's setting for character values outside the ASCII range. On mainframes it will probably choose EBCDIC. Comparing strings received, e.g., from files or the command line will probably work best with the native character set. When processing files explicitly encoded using UTF-8 you are, however, probably best off using u8"..." strings.
That said, with the recent changes relating to character encodings a fundamental assumption of string processing in C and C++ got broken: each internal character object (char, wchar_t, etc.) used to represent one character. This is clearly not true anymore for a UTF-8 string where each character object just represents a byte of some character. As a result all the string manipulation, character classification, etc. functions won't necessarily work on these strings. We don't have any good library lined up to deal with such strings for inclusion into the standard.

UTF-8 Compatibility in C++

I am writing a program that needs to be able to work with text in all languages. My understanding is that UTF-8 will do the job, but I am experiencing a few problems with it.
Am I right to say that UTF-8 can be stored in a simple char in C++? If so, why do I get the following warning when I use a program with char, string and stringstream: warning C4566: character represented by universal-character-name '\uFFFD' cannot be represented in the current code page (1252). (I do not get that error when I use wchar_t, wstring and wstringstream.)
Additionally, I know that UTF is variable length. When I use the at or substr string methods would I get the wrong answer?
To use UTF-8 string literals you need to prefix them with u8, otherwise you get the implementation's character set (in your case, it seems to be Windows-1252): u8"\uFFFD" is null-terminated sequence of bytes with the UTF-8 representation of the replacement character (U+FFFD). It has type char const[4].
Since UTF-8 has variable length, all kinds of indexing will do indexing in code units, not codepoints. It is not possible to do random access on codepoints in an UTF-8 sequence because of it's variable length nature. If you want random access you need to use a fixed length encoding, like UTF-32. For that you can use the U prefix on strings.
Yes, the UTF-8 encoding can be used with char, string, and stringstream. A char will hold a single UTF-8 code unit, of which up to four may be required to represent a single Unicode code point.
However, there are a few issues using UTF-8 specifically with Microsoft's compilers. C++ implementations use an 'execution character set' for a number of things, such as encoding character and string literals. VC++ always use the system locale encoding as the execution character set, and Windows does not support UTF-8 as the system locale encoding, therefore UTF-8 can never by the execution character set.
This means that VC++ never intentionally produces UTF-8 character and string literals. Instead the compiler must be tricked.
The compiler will convert from the known source code encoding to the execution encoding. That means that if the compiler uses the locale encoding for both the source and execution encodings then no conversion is done. If you can get UTF-8 data into the source code but have the compiler think that the source uses the locale encoding, then character and string literals will use the UTF-8 encoding. VC++ uses the so-called 'BOM' to detect the source encoding, and uses the locale encoding if no BOM is detected. Therefore you can get UTF-8 encoded string literals by saving all your source files as "UTF-8 without signature".
There are caveats with this method. First, you cannot use UCNs with narrow character and string literals. Universal Character Names have to be converted to the execution character set, which isn't UTF-8. You must either write the character literally so it appears as UTF-8 in the source code, or you can use hex escapes where you manually write out a UTF-8 encoding. Second, in order to produce wide character and string literals the compiler performs a similar conversion from the source encoding to the wide execution character set (which is always UTF-16 in VC++). Since we're lying to the compiler about the encoding, it will perform this conversion to UTF-16 incorrectly. So in wide character and string literals you cannot use non-ascii characters literally, and instead you must use UCNs or hex escapes.
UTF-8 is variable length (as is UTF-16). The indices used with at() and substr() are code units rather than character or code point indices. So if you want a particular code unit then you can just index into the string or array or whatever as normal. If you need a particular code point then you either need a library that can understand composing UTF-8 code units into code points (such as the Boost Unicode iterators library), or you need to convert the UTF-8 data into UTF-32. If you need actual user perceived characters then you need a library that understands how code points are composed into characters. I imagine ICU has such functionality, or you could implement the Default Grapheme Cluster Boundary Specification from the Unicode standard.
The above consideration of UTF-8 only really matters for how you write Unicode data in the source code. It has little bearing on the program's input and output.
If your requirements allow you to choose how to do input and output then I would still recommend using UTF-8 for input. Depending on what you need to do with the input you can either convert it to another encoding that's easy for you to process, or you can write your processing routines to work directly on UTF-8.
If you want to ever output anything via the Windows console then you'll want a well defined module for output that can have different implementations, because internationalized output to the Windows console will require a different implementation from either outputting to a file on Windows or console and file output on other platforms. (On other platforms the console is just another file, but the Windows console needs special treatment.)
The reason you get the warning about \uFFFD is that you're trying to fit FF FD inside a single byte, since, as you noted, UTF-8 works on chars and is variable length.
If you use at or substr, you will possibly get wrong answers since these methods count that one byte should be one character. This is not the case with UTF-8. Notably, with at, you could end up with a single byte of a character sequence; with substr, you could break a sequence and end up with an invalid UTF-8 string (it would start or end with �, \uFFFD, the same one you're apparently trying to use, and the broken character would be lost).
I would recommend that you use wchar to store Unicode strings. Since the type is at least 16 bits, many many more characters can fit in a single "unit".

Why is there no ASCII or UTF-8 character literal in C11 or C++11?

Why is there no UTF-8 character literal in C11 or C++11 even though there are UTF-8 string literals? I understand that, generally-speaking, a character literal represents a single ASCII character which is identical to a single-octet UTF-8 code point, but neither C nor C++ says the encoding has to be ASCII.
Basically, if I read the standard right, there's no guarantee that '0' will represent the integer 0x30, yet u8"0" must represent the char sequence 0x30 0x00.
I'm aware not every UTF-8 code point would fit in a char. Such a literal would only be useful for single-octet code points (aka, ASCII), so I guess calling it an "ASCII character literal" would be more fitting, so the question still stands. I just chose to frame the question with UTF-8 because there are UTF-8 string literals. The only way I can imagine portably guaranteeing ASCII values would be to write a constant for each character, which wouldn't be so bad considering there are only 128, but still...
It is perfectly acceptable to write non-portable C code, and this is one of many good reasons to do so. Feel free to assume that your system uses ASCII or some superset thereof, and warn your users that they shouldn't try to run your program on an EBCDIC system.
If you are feeling very generous, you can encode a check. The gperf program is known to generate code that includes such a check.
_Static_assert('0' == 48, "must be ASCII-compatible");
Or, for pre-C11 compilers,
extern int must_be_ascii_compatible['0' == 48 ? 1 : -1];
If you are on C11, you can use the u or U prefix on character constants, but not the u8 prefix...
/* This is useless, doesn't do what you want... */
_Static_assert(0, "this code is broken everywhere");
if (c == '々') ...
/* This works as long as wchar_t is UTF-16 or UTF-32 or UCS-2... */
/* Note: you shouldn't be using wchar_t, though... */
_Static_assert(__STDC_ISO_10646__, "wchar_t must be some form of Unicode");
if (c == L'々') ...
/* This works as long as char16_t is UTF-16 or UCS-2... */
_Static_assert(__STDC_UTF_16__, "char16_t must be UTF-16");
if (c == u'々') ...
/* This works as long as char32_t is UTF-32... */
_Static_assert(__STDC_UTF_32__, "char32_t must be UTF-32");
if (c == U'々') ...
There are some projects that are written in very portable C and have been ported to non-ASCII systems (example). This required a non-trivial amount of porting effort, and there's no real reason to make the effort unless you know you want to run your code on EBCDIC systems.
On standards: The people writing the C standard have to contend with every possible C implementation, including some downright bizarre ones. There are known systems where sizeof(char) == sizeof(long), CHAR_BIT != 8, integral types have trap representations, sizeof(void *) != sizeof(int *), sizeof(void *) != sizeof(void (*)()), va_list are heap-allocated, etc. It's a nightmare.
Don't beat yourself up trying to write code that will run on systems you've never even heard of, and don't search to hard for guarantees in the C standard.
For example, as far as the C standard is concerned, the following is a valid implementation of malloc:
void *malloc(void) { return NULL; }
Note that while u8"..." constants are guaranteed to be UTF-8, u"..." and U"..." have no guarantees except that the encoding is 16-bits and 32-bits per character, respectively, and the actual encoding must be documented by the implementation.
Summary: Safe to assume ASCII compatibility in 2012.
UTF-8 character literal would have to have variable length - for many most of them, it's not possible to store single character in char or wchar, what type should it have, then? As we don't have variable length types in C, nor in C++, except for arrays of fixed size types, the only reasonable type for it would be const char * - and C strings are required to be null-terminated, so it wouldn't change anything.
As for the edit:
Quote from the C++11 standard:
The glyphs for the members of the basic source character set are intended to identify characters from the subset of ISO/IEC 10646 which corresponds to the ASCII character set. However, because the mapping from source file characters to the source character set (described in translation phase 1) is specified as implementation-defined, an implementation is required to document how the basic source characters are represented in source files.
(footnote at 2.3.1).
I think that it's good reason for not guaranteeing it. Although, as you noted in comment here, for most (or every) mainstream compiler, the ASCII-ness of character literals is implementation guaranteed.
For C++ this has been addressed by Evolution Working Group issue 119: Adding u8 character literals whose Motivation section says:
We have five encoding-prefixes for string-literals (none, L, u8, u, U)
but only four for character literals -- the missing one is u8. If the
narrow execution character set is not ASCII, u8 character literals
would provide a way to write character literals with guaranteed ASCII
encoding (the single-code-unit u8 encodings are exactly ASCII). Adding
support for these literals would add a useful feature and make the
language slightly more consistent.
EWG discussed the idea of adding u8 character literals in Rapperswil and accepted the change. This paper provides wording for that
This was incorporated into the working draft using the wording from N4267: Adding u8 character literals and we can find the wording in at this time latest draft standard N4527 and note as section 2.14.3 say they are limited to code points that fit into a single UTF-8 code unit:
A character literal that begins with u8, such as u8'w', is a character
literal of type char, known as a UTF-8 character literal. The value of
a UTF-8 character literal is equal to its ISO10646 code point value,
provided that the code point value is representable with a single
UTF-8 code unit (that is, provided it is a US-ASCII character). A
UTF-8 character literal containing multiple c-chars is ill-formed.
If you don't trust that your compiler will treat '0' as ASCII character 0x30, then you could use static_cast<char>(0x30) instead.
As you are aware, UTF-8-encoded characters need several octets, thus chars, so the natural type for them is char[], which is indeed the type for a u8-prefixed string literal! So C11 is right on track here, just that it sticks to its syntax conventions using " for a string, needing to be used as an array of char, rather than your implied semantic-based proposal to use ' instead.
About "0" versus u8"0", you are reading right, only the latter is guaranteed to be identical to { 0x30, 0 }, even on EBCDIC systems. By the way, the very fact the former is not can be handled conveniently in your code, if you pay attention to the __STDC_MB_MIGHT_NEQ_WC__ predefined identifier.