How to remove "the activating a license results with one Component popup" on application start(Just for others but works fine for me)? - visual-studio-2017

I have activated the one component license and used it in one of the application and created a .exe for that application. It's not popping up for me but when any third user is installing that .exe and open that app then it's popping up with the below trial version popup. There is no licenses.licx in my projects/solution. I have added the licx file(just found some keys on grapcity site) through Nuget package but they are empty. Below is the popup comes for third users:

You are a licensed customer of GrapeCity/ComponentOne, so you should contact their support team directly... Submit a ticket via and/or get in touch with them in other ways:


I got an error while trying to publish my Android app that read: "You told us your app doesn't comply with the Location permissions policy"

[google-people] I have an Android app that I recently published to the play store. I got an error while trying to publish the app that read: "You told us your app doesn't comply with the Location permissions policy". I am not sure what this means, but here is some context about my situation.
My app, the one I tried to publish is a flavor of another app. So, I have a Main app and a copy of Main(the flavor app). The copy contains all the features and functionalities of the Main app, with modifications to the colors and assets of the app. For this copy(flavor app) I did not require background location so I removed it from it's manifest. I did not remove it from Main's manifest. Just the copy(flavor app). So, Main app's manifest has the the background location permission enabled, but the copy(flavor app) does not.
Is it because my flavor app does not have the background location permission enabled? According to the developers page:
"Manifest files that were part of the build but did not contribute elements or attributes are listed under Other Manifest Files on the right." So, although Main's manifest gets merged into the flavors, it does not contribute elements or attributes to the final apk buid of the flavor.
I would highly appreciate some clarification and understanding to this issue.
Please see attached image or go to:
According to the Requesting access to background location, Google Play requires a strict(er) set of requirements to be able to use background permissions for apps installed via the Google Play store. It provides a set of guidelines which have to be fulfilled to allow an app to enter- or remain in the store with said permissions.
In short you have to follow the steps given below at Google support to verify your apps location permission requirement.

TFS 2015 not able to queue build using TFS2010 controller

we have upgraded from TFS2010 to TFS2015.
And connected the TFS2010 XAML build controller to TFS2015.
when we try to queue the build , we are not able to see the build controller in the drop down of build controller.
we could see that the Build controller registered and in running state.
I am getting error "TF900560: Could not start build: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
This issue was caused because we have used the TFS controller which is cloned from the current production. Therefore, it is always suggested to reconfigure the build controller rather than using a cloned one.
Please check below items to narrow down the issue:
Check your TFS server an agent server to make sure the machines are
not running out of disk space. In this case, you can try clearing up some space on the servers.
Change the agent service account as another user account which has
admin privileges.
Restart the TFS and Agent servers.
Seems it should be the permission issue, just try to compare the permissions of Contributors and Project Administrators groups , then set the correct permission for Contributors group.
You can also try to clean the caches for your IE or change another browser even client to check that again.
As you mentioned in below comments "few users from same contributors group are able to queue the build".
So you can compare the permission settings between the vaild and invalid users in Contributors group. Then debug accrodingly. (Switch to Users tab in below screenshot --> Select the specific user to check the permission settings)

Workflow error in Sharepoint Online

I am having this error in Sharepoint Online when I run a workflow to create an Enterprise Project from a list
The details of the error was
Retrying last request. Next attempt scheduled in less than one minute.
Details of last request: HTTP Forbidden to
Correlation Id: f9d2736f-8a66-4425-a5cc-cb30adf980ff Instance Id:
PJClientCallableException: GeneralSecurityAccessDenied
I tried changing my workflow to just send an email to check whether there is something wrong with the workflow but emailing work
I suspect it has something to do with the workflow engine service user (if there is such a thing) trying to create and Enterprise Project.
I and the admin so I have the full access but for some reason the workflow is running as a different user on my behalf.
It is a simple workflow and it looks like this
And the list looks like this with its mapping with the Project Web App Fields
Any reasons why this is happening?
How do I resolve the issue?
If its a workflow service user what is the user that I can give full access to creating Enterprise Projects
Since this is SharePoint Online we are talking about it leverages Azure Workflows. Impersonation is discontinued in SharePoint Designer so you will have to use the App Step, to do that you will need to first to activate Allow workflow to use app permissions feature, then create App Step action where you will place your create project action.
You can find more information on how to add App Step as well as how to setup permissions here:
App step in SharePoint Designer
(MSDN) Create a workflow with elevated permissions by using the SharePoint 2013 Workflow platform
Do you have schedule template associated with your EPT?
if yes, then you have to include that template to that group's category within selected projects section.
Go to the category of that user's group, select the project template and include it into selected projects.
You can find steps and details in this blog by my colleague:
hope this helps.

Oracle Apex workspace settings for multiple sessions for the same user account

Making Faster Navigation Between APEX Site-Designer Pages
I am having a few difficulties here as this may be a setting that I took for granted in other previous versions of Oracle APEX as before it may have been a default setting, but now the default has changed. Can anyone help me figure it out? I also explain why it was useful for me before...
How do you enable the Oracle APEX instance to permit logging in to the site-designer pages for a single workspace (Application Builder, SQL Workshop, Team Development modules, etc.) using the same user id through more than one browser window?
Note, I do this to save time from navigating between each section of the site-designer (even quick load times can slow down developing an application page or region because of constant shuttling back and forth to make small changes originally missing).
Example Use Case:
Oracle APEX Release: Application Express
Database Platform: Oracle 11g R2
Client-Agent(Browser): Firefox Release 33
Note, this was a fresh install from a lower version that was upgraded
several times up to the current APEX release.
LOG IN to Site-Designer with an account that has DEVELOPER or ADMIN level user privileges.
USE your own values for WORKSPACE, USER, PASSWORD.
CREATE a new PAGE level OBJECT (REGION, FORM, REPORT, etc.) and stop in the middle of the set-up wizard.
RIGHT-CLICK on a TOP LEVEL Menu item such as SQL WORKSHOP. Open it in a NEW WINDOW;
CREATE an object like a TABLE which can be used by the DESIGN WIZARD open in step 3.
The reason for trying to keep different browser sessions open for the same USER account allows users to go back to another section of the design tool to build other objects or app/page elements that were overlooked before initiating a design wizard process.
Observed Behavior:
The new session will allow the user to make a new database object, but when clicking back on the previous window with the session that is running the original wizard, the server prompts for a new log in because that session has been closed.
The solution I found when facing a similar situation was opening Apex in a couple of different web browsers in parallel, so i have Safari for the SQL workshop, and Chrome for the page designer..
so instead of ctrl-tab i use cmd-tab (or alt-tab for PC)
Our IT said it has something to do with session state..

Sitecore ECM Newsletter: ECM generate different values for links inside message when click on Dispatch and Test button

I have ECM NewsLetter with some links to site (another Items). When I send this Newsletter to my email by click on Dispatch button - links don't work when I click on them from the email inbox. It displays 404 not found error. But in ECM, if I click on Test button and type an email address, then go to inbox - the links works.
Link - when clicked on Dispatch message button looks like: (after ec_camp there's no nulls)
And link - when clicked on Test button looks like: (after ec_camp there's a lot of nulls)
Why does this happen? Only the last link works. How to generate a proper link when clicked on Dispatch message button? I appreciate any help you can provide.
I'll assume that you have separate CD + CM environments and also that you're using ECM 2.x as well.
If this is the case, we had the same issue and it's apparently a bug in ECM. When you dispatch, the campaign, message, etc are all already created, but they aren't published to the shared Web database automatically. (as one might expect) Sitecore support was able to provide us with a fix for this.
Contact support and reference issue ID 388472.
Also: The zeros are there for the campaignID and automation state when you send the test email so that it doesn't log your test against your actual campaign.
The issue has been fixed in the latest ECM version. I just updated it and tested with Sitecore 7.1. (it is ECM v2.1 rev.140214 ).
Are you having a CM and CD environment? Are you sure that both url's points to the same domain?
Make sure you have the file /sitecore/redirecturlpage.aspx on all your environments. Make sure that the item mypage.aspx is pointing to is actually published.
Don't worry about the zeroes in the ec_camp querystring. These are simply there to trigger a campaign in DMS. It will not cause a 404.