I have written this code in c++ to read a signal as an array and now I need to segment this array for 4 or 5 different arrays such that put first 20 elements in array1 ;20-50 in array2 and so on ..
how to do that in c++
my code :
int main()
// first we use for loop to insert the signal as arry by the user......
int size;
cout << "this programme read your signal as array first you need to "
"determine the size of the array "
<< endl
<< " Enter desired size of the array";
cin >> size;
vector<float> sig(size);
cout << "the signal " << endl;
for (int x = 0; x < size; x++)
cin >> sig[x];
To create a vector with a subrange of another vector you can use the constructor that takes two iterators( (5) in the link):
std::vector<float> x(100);
std::vector<flaot> y(x.begin()+begin,x.begin()+end);
y will have copies of elements from index begin till end (end not included) from x.
However, I would rather store the elements in the right place from the start instead of reading them into a vector<float> sig(size); first. Alternatively you can consider to keep all input in a single vector and pass iterators to functions that need to work with subranges of the full signal instead of splitting the signal.
I'm new to C++ and wanted to make a small function today which would flip all the elements of an array that was given to it (I had a pretty good idea for it). I started using arrays, but ran into issues since only a pointer to the first element is passed to the function; it was giving some very strange output. It was recommended I use a vector instead, but that started to give me some really odd output, too. I added a cout iterating over the vector values to see what it contains for some sanity-checking, but the outputs are completely bizarre; looks like I'm struggling to work out how to read input into it correctly.
As I mentioned, I first tried an array, which I could read into fine with a range-for loop. I tried that same thing with vectors (solution 1) and found it to be ignoring the first input, and assigning each element the last value that I gave it.
I first tried other Stack overflow threads but I found the solutions far too verbose or not suitable for something as simple as I need.
I thought maybe the vector couldn't be used in the range-for so I did for(auto x : array_size) instead - this gave an error stating there was no suitable "begin" for the function, so I changed this back.
Instead I looked around at the documentation and found .push_back(value) (solution 2) which appeared to put a given value at the end of the vector. Thought I might at least get some input into it correctly, which would be a step in the right direction. Instead, the output seems to show it doubled the number of positions in the vector and just assigned my first input to the furthest position. I imagine this is due to me specifying a size for the vector, and then having push_back grow the vector by that number of inputs (resulting in a double-size vector).
As for the input values themselves, I'm stumped.
Below is the offending bit of code as it stands with solution 2.
int main()
int array_size;
auto index_num = 0;
int arr_input = 0;
std::cout << "This program flips an array." << "\n";
std::cout << "Enter how many elements will be in your array: ";
std::cin >> array_size;
std::vector<int> user_array (array_size);
std::cout << "Fill your array with integer values. Press 'Enter' after each: " << std::endl;
for(auto x : user_array)
std::cin >> arr_input;
index_num = sizeof(user_array) / sizeof(user_array[0]); //or just use array_size-1 instead?
std::cout << "Your array, unflipped, contains the values: " << "\n";
for(auto y : user_array)
std::cout << "[" << user_array[y] << "] ";
Solution 2 provides this output:
Fill your array with integer values. Press 'Enter' after each:
Your array, unflipped, contains the values:
[0] [0] [0] [0] [0] [0] [0] [0] [0] [1]
Solution 1, where I attempt to input directly into the n-th location of the vector (as I would with an array) provides this output (with the same five 1 - 5 inputs):
Your array, unflipped, contains the values:
[0] [5] [5] [5] [5]
No error messages, everything is perfectly legal, I clearly just don't understand how something simple like a vector is implemented here.
I haven't even got to the taxing bit yet - flipping the array! Any advice appreciated.
std::vector<int> user_array (array_size) creates a vector containing array_size zeros. You then use push_back which adds additional elements to the end. You need to create an empty vector using std::vector<int> user_array, and optionally with a capacity of array_size by calling user_array.reserve(array_size). Since your vector starts out empty now, you'll need to change for(auto x : user_array) to a non-range-based loop such as for (int i = 0; i < array_size; i++).
sizeof(user_array) / sizeof(user_array[0]) only works with plain C arrays, not vectors. Use array_size or user_array.size().
In the last range-based for loop, y is the values in the array, not the indices. So print y, not user_array[y].
You seem to be confusing std::vector with C-style arrays.
std::vector<int> user_array (array_size);
initializes user_array with array_size zeroes.
for(auto x : user_array)
std::cin >> arr_input;
As noticed by Alexander Zhang, this piece modifies the vector while iterating over it, which results in Undefined Behaviour. It could result in anything happeining in your program, including infinite loop, crashing completely, supposingly working correct or demons flying out of your nose
index_num = sizeof(user_array) / sizeof(user_array[0]); //or just use array_size-1 instead?
This line makes no sense. You can get the length of vector using its size() method: user_array.size();, but you don't use that variable anyway.
for(auto y : user_array)
std::cout << "[" << user_array[y] << "] ";
This loop makes no sense either. y is not an index in the vector, it is a value from that vector. If you have a vector {10, 20, 30}, then in first iteration y is equal to 10, in second iteration y is 20 and in third y is 30.
After fixing the errors, your code should look like this:
std::vector<int> user_array ();
std::cout << "Fill your array with integer values. Press 'Enter' after each: " << std::endl;
for(int i = 0; i < array_size; ++i)
std::cin >> arr_input;
std::cout << "Your array, unflipped, contains the values: " << "\n";
for(auto y : user_array)
std::cout << "[" << y << "] ";
Or for an (invisible) increase in performance, you can reserve the size of the vector before you read it:
std::vector<int> user_array ();
std::cout << "Fill your array with integer values. Press 'Enter' after each: " << std::endl;
for(int i = 0; i < array_size; ++i)
int x;
std::cin >> x;
i have been trying to insert a new element into a given array at a given index. though i am able to insert new element but i have few doubts..
why it got inserted at 7th index instead at 3?
how value of variable k become 7?
why size of old and new array is same though new array has 1 more element?
thanks in advance. any help would be appreciated.
int main()
int arr[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7};
int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
int k = 3;
cout << "elements of old array" << endl;
for (int i=0; i<n; i++){
cout << arr[i] << endl;
cout << "size of old array " << sizeof(arr) << endl << endl << endl;
// inserting new element
for (int j=n; j>k; j--){
arr[j] = arr[j-1];
arr[k] = 10;
cout << "elements of new array " << endl;
for (int i=0; i<=n; i++){
cout << arr[i] << endl;
cout << "size of new array " << sizeof(arr)<< endl ;
Classic C Memory Question!
When you declare arr as an array it has a fixed length ... thus a fixed amount of space in memory. By shifting all the elements of arr to the right, you are not actually increasing the size of arr, you are just writing over whatever memory is directly adjacent to arr.
This explains why k is being set to 7. k must be stored adjacent to the end of arr in memory. Thus, when you shift arr[n-1] to arr[n], k is being set to 7.
If you want to fix this, I would suggest making a new array of size n + 1, then copying all the elements over with their new indices.
An array has a fixed size once it's created; your array has length 7, and that's it - it's not going to change.
Your code shifts the array along by one element, which involves writing to arr[7], which means 'store this value in the eighth element of array arr', and the compiler happily does that - there's no bounds checking for arrays in C++. However, it does not extend the length of the array, it just writes to the memory where the eighth element would be if the array was eight elements long.
In your code, it so happens that the memory where the eighth element would be is actually where the variable k is stored, which is why the value of k changes to 7 (I suspect that the variable n has been optimised away, otherwise it would have been n that got changed).
To make a long story short, handling arrays in C++ (and C) is fraught with danger and you have to be very careful. In any current and/or production code, you should use a std::vector instead.
While performing a practice assignment online I came across a problem which I am not able to solve.
The user has to a number(number of sentences he will be entering) and then proceed to enter the sentences one by one, which are to be stored as strings(by the way, declaring a dynamic array of pointers is mandatory). However, since the number of sentences is not a priori deducible, I know that the size of the array of pointers actually is the number of sentences but I can't figure out how to declare a dynamic array of pointers to strings.
Using something I had already known beforehand, I figured out how to do the same but with arrays of characters, not arrays of strings. The line that declared a dynamic array of pointers to dynamic arrays of chars looked like this:
char **ptr=new char*[n] {};
So with my understanding, this creates a pointer ptr which points to a dynamic array of pointers, the elements of which each point to one array of characters. I want to do something similar now, where the result should be that ptr is a pointer to a dynamic array of pointers, the elements of which each point to a string.
Can anyone help out? I'd be thankful!
I think what you are looking for is something like
std::size_t num;
std::cout << "enter the number of sentences\n";
std::cin >> num;
std::string *sentences = new std::string[num];
for(std::size_t i=0; i!=num; ++i) {
std::cout << "enter the " << (i+1) << "th sentence\n";
std::cin >> sentences[i];
... (do something with the sentences, accessing them as sentences[i])
delete[] sentences; // free the memory
Note that this style of coding is highly discouraged. The problem is the need to manage the allocated memory: avoid memory leaks and dangling pointers (including exception safety). The correct approach is to use a container or smart pointer. For example:
std::size_t num;
std::cout << "enter the number of sentences\n";
std::cin >> num;
std::vector<std::string> sentences{num};
for(std::size_t i=0; i!=num; ++i) {
std::cout << "enter the " << (i+1) << "th sentence\n";
std::cin >> sentences[i];
... (do something with the sentences, accessing them as sentences[i])
std::size_t num;
std::cout << "enter the number of sentences\n";
std::cin >> num;
std::unique_ptr<std::string[]> sentences{new std::string[num]};
for(std::size_t i=0; i!=num; ++i) {
std::cout << "enter the " << (i+1) << "th sentence\n";
std::cin >> sentences[i];
... (do something with the sentences, accessing them as sentences[i])
when in both cases you don't have to worry about calling delete: the allocated memory will be automatically deleted (even if an exception occurs).
You can avoid pointers completely and use
std::vector<std::string> input;
A std::array needs to know the size at compile time, and you learn this at runtime. The vector works like an array but can have items push_backed at runtime.
You could declare pointer to some strings, using n once you know it:
std::string * pInputs = new std::string[n];
but it's easier to use the vector.
Each pInput will be a string, as with the std::vector version.
What is the easiest way to read space separated input into an array?
1 2 3 4 7
int main() {
int n;
int array[n];
for (int i =0;i<n;i++){
return 0;
I tried the code above but the output is 0x7ffe42b757b0.
The problem lies with your printing. Since array is a pointer, you are only printing an address value.
Instead, do this:
for (int i =0;i<n;i++){
cout<< array[i] << " ";
You can do that by passing std::istream_iterator to std::vector constructor:
std::vector<int> v{
std::vector has a constructor that accepts 2 iterators to the input range.
istream_iterator<int> is an iterator that reads int from a std::istream.
A drawback of this approach is that one cannot set the maximum size of the resulting array. And that it reads the stream till its end.
If you need to read a fixed number of elements, then something like the following would do:
int arr[5]; // Need to read 5 elements.
for(auto& x : arr)
if(!(std::cin >> x))
throw std::runtime_error("failed to parse an int");
array variable always give base address of an array
for (int i =0;i<n;i++){
cout<< array[i] << " ";
cout<<*(array+i)<< " ";
Both cout statements will print same only.
in short
array[i] compiler will internally convert into *(array+i) like this only
in the second cout statement from base address of an array it won't add value,since it is an pointer it will add sizeof(int) each time for an increment
Trying to insert values into a 2D array, but the output isnt giving my values, instead random letters
int myArr[8][2] = {700,730,760,790,810,840,910,1000}{0.011,0.035,0.105,0.343,0.789,2.17,20,145};
cout << myArr << endl;
How should I adjust the code, or is it easier to use a text file and insert?
Numerous problems:
the array dimensions are wrong
you don't have outer braces or a comma for the nested arrays
you're trying to store double precision floating point values in an int array
you can't use cout with an entire array.
The array declaration should probably be something like this:
double myArr[2][8] = { {700,730,760,790,810,840,910,1000},
{0.011,0.035,0.105,0.343,0.789,2.17,20,145} };
and to output the contents you could do something like this:
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < 8; ++j)
cout << " " << myArr[i][j];
cout << endl;
Live Demo
First - you can't print the whole array just by using cout << myArr, you need to iterate over the elements of the array using a for loop.
Second - you are trying to put decimal values into an integer array which will truncate all of the decimals.
Third - Your array should be sized myArr[8][2] not myArr[2][8]. I'm surprised your compiler lets you get away with this. You should probably look into using a different compiler.
You need to iterate through each row and column, otherwise you're just printing out the pointer value of the array handle.
for (int i=0;i<8;i++){
for (int j=0;j<2;j++){
cout << myArr[i][j] << " ";
cout << endl;