Ocaml / ReasonML - Missing libraries in built executable - ocaml

I have an ReasonML project that is using dune build to build an executable. The executable runs on the development machine (where the code is built) without any problems. However, if I copy this exe to my other laptop (Another mac with the same OSX version), I can´t execute the file due to missing libraries:
dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/opt/gmp/lib/libgmp.10.dylib
Referenced from: /usr/local/bin/foo
Reason: image not found
I´m not very experienced with ocaml / reason but I expected the executable to bundle all necessary dependencies within the binary.
Is there a special build-flag or some other step that I have to perform apart from dune build in order to include all necessary libs?

What you are looking for is statically linking binaries. MacOS unfortunately does not official encourage or recommend static linking. An old page can be found here. You might find this Stackoverflow answer useful as well.
This has less to do with OCaml itself and more wrt how linkers behave on different platforms (MacOS, Linux etc)
To overcome your issue, you could checkout esy-gmp assuming you are using esy as your package manager. If you're on OPAM, you could add conf-gmp to you opam dependencies
All this being said, if you're interested in static linking on supported platform like Linux (and Windows too I guess?), you'll have to provide C linker flags via dune
(link_flags (-ccopt -static))


Trying to compile code with references to both protobuffers 2.6.1 and 3.4.1

I am trying to compile a single codebase with references to both protobuffers 3.4.1 and 2.6.1. Now the 2.6.1 variant is globally defined as I am using ubuntu xenial, also:
$ protoc --version
libprotoc 2.6.1
The requirement for protobuffer version 3.4.1 comes from Google Cartographer (https://github.com/googlecartographer/cartographer) while the requirement for 2.6.1 comes from rotors simulator (https://github.com/ethz-asl/rotors_simulator) as it relies on Gazebo-7 (which uses protobuffer 2.6.1). In order to compile Google Cartographer I have added the binaries (added them in a proto3 folder, see below) to the installation by adapting the CMakeList.txt (see original file here: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/googlecartographer/cartographer/master/CMakeLists.txt) for Google Cartographer by adding the following lines:
install(DIRECTORY proto3/ DESTINATION .)
So the binaries of the protobuffer 3.4.1 are added to the install folder. I am utilizing catkin-tools (https://catkin-tools.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) to build the whole workspace. Now in a CMakelist.txt for Rotors Simulator I have the following line:
find_package(Protobuf 2.6.1 REQUIRED HINTS "/usr")
But at the moment while trying to compile it does not seem to be able to find the protobuffer 2.4.1 as it returns the following:
Could not find a configuration file for package "Protobuf" that is
compatible with requested version "2.6.1".
The following configuration files were considered but not accepted:
version: 3.4.1
As a side-note, if I compile the packages separately I am able to compile and install the packages. This is done with the following commands:
catkin build cartographer_ros
catkin build rotors_gazebo_plugins
I am at the moment trying to adapt the package of rotors_gazebo_plugins but am so far unsuccessful at making sure the correct protobuffer library is selected, am I missing something by defining references to a local protobuffer version?
You will find it possible to build a single executable that references 2 versions of the same library on mac, quite difficult on windows, and pretty much impossible on unix. This is because the symbol names are not distinct between the two libraries, so if you load both libraries, there is no way to know which library should service which call.
If you are building 2 different executables in one makefile package, then you just need to set the right libraries to load in the link stage. In linux, libraries are usually installed on your system with a version-number suffix, and a symlink that publishes the latest version without the version number. Normally you simply link to the unsuffixed latest version, but in your case, in your link command you will need to explicitly add the suffix.
If you really do need to link this cobble-together into a single executable, on unix you can do a lot with objcopy --redefine-syms to rename all the entrypoints in one of the libraries, and all the references in the dependant code all after compilation, but before linking. Note that the intended end result is that both libraries will run independently and will not be aware of each other.
If you will be able to wrap up at least one of the libs (i.e. either Cartographer or Rotors or both) into a separate shared library, and if the protobuff is only used internally in each of them, you still might be able to use them both in a single executable by building the shared libs with -fvisibility=hidden gcc flag (to switch the default visibility to hide symbols) and only exporting the symbols that are needed (that the app is using) via __attribute__((visibility("default"))).
This way I recall I was able to use two completely different Boost versions in the past, in the same app (by the shared lib not exporting the boost symbols linked in statically).

How to compile Quantlib via Xcode?

I am trying to install QuantLib on my Mac running OSX 10.11.6. Installed Boost 1.59 via MacPorts and then followed these instructions.
I used these additional environment variables
./configure --with-boost-include=/opt/local/include/ \
--with-boost-lib=/opt/local/lib/ --prefix=/opt/local/ \
CXXFLAGS='-O2 -stdlib=libstdc++ -mmacosx-version-min=10.6' \
LDFLAGS='-stdlib=libstdc++ -mmacosx-version-min=10.6'
and then make && sudo make install.
However when I run the Bermuda Swaption test it gave me the same error described here.
Little premise: I don't know anything about C++. I need QuantLib to work on Python. So I read carefully the answer by SmallChess and tried to solve it by myself. As I read in his answer
You can't just compile BermudanSwaption.cpp and hope everything would be fine. You have to compile the entire QuantLib library and link with the generated library files. Please google "compiling and linking C++" for more information.
By far, the easiest way to make it happen on Mac is to do it with Xcode. You will need to create a new Xcode project, and import the entire Quantlib project files into it. Next, you will need to create a main() function. Xcode does the compiling and linking for your automatically.
This is what I exactly did:
created a new project in Xcode (version 8.2.1)(file/new project/Command Line Tool/"HelloWorld"/Documents/create)
selected Targets, Build Phases and Link Binary With Library. Added libQuantLib.0.dylib
set libstdc++(GNUC++ standard library) as C++ Standard Library in Build Settings
Modified Header Search Paths to include: /opt/local/include/, and Library Search Paths to include: /opt/local/lib
C++ Language Dialect is set on Compiler Default.
Dragged the ql folder onto the left window of the Xcode
Now, I managed to copy a simple code which includes the library and even if there are many warnings, it runs. Still when I run on the Terminal the command for the Bermuda Swaption test I get the same error. What am I doing wrong?
Additional info (may or may not be useful): if I change the C++ Standard Library setting on Xcode to libc++, I get on Xcode the same error I get when i try the Bermuda Swaption test (ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64).
Any help would be very much appreciated
EDIT: you can find a picture of the code at https://i.stack.imgur.com/1zhjO.png

Can't add dynamic frameworks to Command Line Tool

I added Command Line Tool target to an iOS app and linked with swift frameworks. (tested with Realm and SwiftyJSON)
Expected Results
Build Command Line tool with those libraries.
Actual Results
Xcode output:
dyld: Library not loaded: #rpath/libswiftCore.dylib
Referenced from: .../Xcode/DerivedData/.../Build/Products/Debug/RealmSwift.framework/Versions/A/RealmSwift
Reason: Incompatible library version: RealmSwift requires version 1.0.0 or later, but libswiftCore.dylib provides version 0.0.0
Steps to Reproduce
Create empty Swift Command Line Tool and link Realm frameworks
Code Sample
Version of Frameworks and Tooling
Realm version: github "realm/realm-cocoa" "master"
SwiftyJSON version: github "acegreen/SwiftyJSON" "swift3"
Xcode version: 8 GM (which is on the App Store)
Dependency manager + version: Carthage 0.18
Command-line tools are best with static archives because everything is distributed as a single binary. Looking at Realm, I don't see that there is a static archive option. They do have an iOS static framework that I got compiling for macOS but that's not quite what you want. You might want to try playing with Realm's source a bit more to see if you can get it to produce a static archive.
In the mean time, as a workaround, you'll need to tell Xcode where to find the dylibs at runtime and also to install them somewhere.
In your Build Settings, go down to "Runpath Search Paths" and add "#rpath".
In Build Phases, under Copy Files, click the + button and add both Realm.framework and RealmSwift.framework from your project.
Because Realm is compiled with an older version of Swift, you also need to specify "Use Legacy Swift Language Version" in Build Settings.
That will get your project building and finding the Realm libraries but now it will fail to find libswiftCore.dylib. That's because normally command-line tools are statically linked with the Swift library but as soon as you add a framework/dylib, the linker no longer includes the static version.
Go back to Build Phases, Copy Files, and add the following:
You can find them inside your Xcode installation and then ./Contents/Developer/Toolchains/Swift_2.3.xctoolchain/usr/lib/swift/macosx/
WARNING: Keep in mind that you will need to distribute the frameworks and the dylibs with your command-line tool and they will need to be in the same directory as the tool. You can put them somewhere else on the system by specifying a different runpath but you'll still need them distributed with your tool.
The nice thing about a .app bundle is that it gives you a place to put this stuff and users can just drag-and-drop it to install it. If you could get a static archive version of Realm, you could distribute everything in one binary.

C++ how to manage dependencies (use libraries from github for example)

I'm very new to C++ world, so please, sorry for such a dummy question. I googled a little, but wasn't able to find a proper answer.
My question is fairly simple - how should I use libraries in C++ world. For example in Java - there is maven and gradle for this task. In Python - I use pip. In javascript npm and bower do all the stuff. In C# you use nuget or just adding DLL lib to your project. But looks like in C++ things isn't such easy.
I found a tool, called conan but amount of libraries they have is pretty small and does not include any what I'm looking for.
So, for example - I want to use nlp lib meta but it seems like they don't provide any installer files. So I assume I need to get sources from Github. Should I compile them and then try to add the compiled files to my project or do I need to have a lib folder in my project, and put meta's sources in those folder and after operate with meta's sources as they are in my project?
My question isn't about how to install specific meta lib, but more from the source management point of view. If I use Visual Studio on Windows for example, but my colleague will be coding Clion under Linux. And I don't know the proper way of managing dependencies in C++ world.
C++ doesn't have anything like pip or npm/bower. I don't know if maven or gradle can be persuaded to handle C++ libraries.
In general, you are going to have to end up with
Header files in a directory somewhere
library files (either static libraries, or DLLs/shared objects). If the library is a header-only library like some of the boost libraries, then you won't need this.
You get hold of the library files, either by building them on your machine (typical for open source projects, and projects aimed at Linux platforms), or by downloading the pre-compiled binaries (typical for Windows libraries, particularly paid-for).
Hopefully, the instructions for building the library will be included on the library website. As noted in the comments, 'meta' seems to be quite good at that.
When you try to compile with the library, you may need a command line option (eg -I) to specify the directory containing the header files, and you may need a linker option (eg -l) to tell the linker to link against your library.
Cget will install any package that uses standard cmake, and works for linux and windows. It has shorten syntax for getting packages directly from github(such as cget install google/googletest).
In addition, dependencies can be automatically downloaded as well by listing them in a requirements.txt file.
There is also recipes for installing non-cmake packages and the repository here has over 300 libraries(and growing). So you can install curl with just cget install pfultz2/cget-recipes curl.
C++ sadly has no package manager for libraries. Some are out there and try to be one which are still small and scattered though (like conan).
In linux you have some "-dev" packages you can install but they are also not "all".
You most likely end up downloading them yourself. Next though is you have the problem of integrating those libraries. You have different build systems per operating system so you have to see how you build c++ files.
Like in windows with Visual studio you have to get a visual studio project or a nmake compatible makefile to build the libraries and then add them to your project. Same with linux makefiles.
There are several build frameworks who are higher level like cmake. The example you have in your post also works with CMake. So integrating that one into a cmake build environment would be easier but this only applies for other libraries also trying to use/integrate cmake build environments to it (e.g. boost / qt is doing this).
Yeah these are some thoughts to this. Sadly there won't be an easy/definitive answer to this because there is no real central c++ packet repository which is also integrated into a build system.
It appears to me that the Crascit/DownloadProject could be of help in your situation. It provides CMake plugins for downloading projects from a git repository by specifying tags, etc. Then you can use add_custom_target to run commands you need to have the project built.
There are a number of popular C++ released via nuget packages.
You can search on the gallery for them, usually using the native or c++ tags. Obviously you need a nuget manager for your OS, and I'm pretty sure that the C++ nuget packages rely on MSBuild for a lot of the grunt work, so you may have trouble getting a non-Visual Studio oriented setup to work nicely.
Also Gradle actually does have some support for native dependencies as well. I had a look at little while ago but the work on it was curtailed because the support for VS 2015 was lacking.
I recommend vcpkg for cross platform development. It has a number of IDE integrations. GitHub project is here.
I do cross platform development using tools like CMake, Visual Studio, WSL. vcpkg was incredibly helpful.
I started new project... in cureent time it's just "source package manager" you can provide some source code on github and then it will be just copy to you project (based on cmake + auto generating cmake files)
So links here:

Using boost-python with C++ in Linux

My development shop has put together a fairly useful Python-based test suite, and we'd like to test some Linux-based C++ code with it. We've gotten the test project they ship with Boost to compile (type 'bjam' in the directory and it works), but we're having issues with our actual project.
Building the boost libraries and bjam from source (v1.35.0), when I run bjam I get a .so in the bin/gcc-4.1.2/debug directory. I run python and "import " and I get:
ImportError: libboost_python-gcc41-d-1_35.so.1.35.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Looking in the library directory, I have the following:
libboost_python-gcc41-mt-1_35.so libboost_python-gcc41-mt-1_35.so.1.35.0 libboost_python-gcc41-mt.so
Obviously I need the -d instead of the -mt libraries, or to point at the -mt libraries instead of -d, but I can't figure out how to make my Jamroot file do that.
When I install Debian Etch's versions of the libraries, I get "No Jamfile in /usr/include" - and there's a debian bug that says they left out the system-level jamfile.
I'm more hopeful about getting it working from source, so if anyone has any suggestions to resolve the library issues, I'd like to hear them.
Response to answer 1: Thanks for the tip. So, do you know how I'd go about getting it to use the MT libraries instead? It appears to be more of a problem with bjam or the Jamfile I am using thinking I am in debug mode, even though I can't find any flags for that. While I know how to include specific libraries in a call to GCC, I don't see a way to configure that from the Boost end.
If you want to build the debug variants of the boost libraries as well, you have to invoke bjam with the option --build-type=complete.
On Debian, you get the debug Python interpreter in the python2.x-dbg packages. Debug builds of the Boost libraries are in libboost1.xy-dbg, if you want to use the system Boost.
Found the solution! Boost builds a debug build by default. Typing "bjam release" builds the release configuration. (This isn't listed in any documentation anywhere, as far as I can tell.) Note that this is not the same as changing your build-type to release, as that doesn't build a release configuration. Doing a 'complete' build as Torsten suggests also does not stop it from building only a debug version.
It's also worth noting that the -d libraries were in <boost-version>/bin.v2/libs/python/build/<gcc version>/debug/ and the release libraries were in <gcc-version>/release, and not installed into the top-level 'libs' directory.
Thanks for the other suggestions!
One important Point: -d means debug of course, and should only be linked to a debug build of your project and can only be used with a debug build of python (OR NOT, SEE BELOW). If you try to link a debug lib to a non-debug build, or you try to import a debug pyd into a non-debug python, bad things will happen.
mt means multi-threaded and is orthogonal to d. You probably want to use a mt non-d for your project.
I am afraid I don't know how to tell gcc what to link against (I have been using Visual Studio). One thing to try:
man gcc
Somewhere that should tell you how to force specific libs on the linker.
EDIT: Actually you can import a debug version of you project into a non-debug build of python. Wherever you included python.h, include boost/python/detail/wrap_python.hpp instead.