Electron desktop APP GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY: Context has been lost - opengl

Desktop APP based electron start up to meet the error on windows 7 pro, the console is full of logs:
[4688:0302/234755.270:ERROR:gl_utils.cc(325)] [.DisplayCompositor] GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY: Context has been lost.
[4688:0302/234755.271:ERROR:gl_utils.cc(325)] [.DisplayCompositor] GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY: Context has been lost.
[4688:0302/234755.274:ERROR:gl_utils.cc(325)] [.DisplayCompositor] GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY: Context has been lost.
[4688:0302/234755.275:ERROR:gl_utils.cc(325)] [.DisplayCompositor] GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY: Context has been lost.
electron: 7.1.7
electron-builder: ^22.2.0
electron-react-devtools: 0.5.3

Add --disable-gpu to command line fix this problem for me in Windows 7, maybe a GPU-related problem.
See https://github.com/electron/electron/issues/21500


Alert handling is not working in Chrome v62 and above using selenium and python

I am trying to accept an alert using python-selenium in Chrome v62 to v66.
I have checked the compatibilies of the driver and selenium, there seems to be no issues in them. The exception occurs in local as well as in browserstack.
WebDriverWait(driver, 5).until(EC.alert_is_present)
currentURL= driver.current_url
raise exception_class(message, screen, stacktrace)
UnexpectedAlertPresentException: Alert Text: None
Message: unexpected alert open: {Alert text : }
(Session info: chrome=66.0.3359.170)
(Driver info: chromedriver=2.37.544337 (8c0344a12e552148c185f7d5117db1f28d6c9e85),platform=Mac OS X 10.12.6 x86_64)
I have tried waiting for the alert and then switch and accept it also. The alert is present but EC.alert_is_present returns false.
The same code works as expected in Chrome v61 and below.

SetUnhandledExceptionFilter in electron node native module disables crash reporter

I have a native node module running in an electron application and I want to log all unhandled exceptions so I use the following snippet:
AddVectoredExceptionHandler(0, unhandledExceptionFilter);
The problem is that when I use SetUnhandledExceptionFilter electron crash reporting will not work anymore (I have it set up to send a log file to some server). I also tried all possible return values but none work.
What am I doing wrong ? and how to get this to work ?
Some more info:
Window 7 64 bit
Application is 32bit
Electron version 1.7.10
Node version 8.1.3
Electron crash reporter

uncaught exception in webIDE when running firefox os simulator

I was running ffos 2.0 simulator in webIDE and testing world-clock example as given in https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Apps/Build/Modern_web_app_architecture on windows 7 machine. This throws uncaught exception [object object] line no: unknown and white screen in simulator. In firefox browser 36, it runs fine without reporting any error in firebug.
I scaled down the world-clock example to the point, where there is no clock or timnezone page. It is just http://localhost:4200/. Even this is working in ff browser but throwing same error in webIDE console. In debugger of webIDE, on choosing pause on exception, it pauses at div.queryselectorall("*,:x").
Somebody, please help!
i had the same issue.
To resolve it : in /config/environment.js ,
if (environment === 'development') {
ENV.locationType = 'hash';
Do the same for 'production' to use as packaged app.

CaptureError.CAPTURE_INTERNAL_ERR on Android trying to use capture.captureImage

I am trying to write a hybrid app for Android using VS 2013 update 3 and the multi-device hybrid app extension (Cordova v3.5.0). Everything is working well except the Media Capture plugin. I am calling navigator.device.capture.captureImage(MediaCaptureSuccess, MediaCaptureError, { limit: 3 }) which opens up the camera app. I can take a picture but when I click Ok on the device, my error callback is executed with CaptureError.CAPTURE_INTERNAL_ERR with no other information. I have tried switching to org.apache.cordova.media-capture#0.3.4 (currently using 0.3.1) but when I try to compile, I get a plugman error when it tries to retrieve it. I have searched the debug output for clues and the only thing that I found was the following line "Unknown permission android.permission.RECORD_VIDEO in package..." but that seems to be a valid user permission. When I look at capture.java generated by the build, I can see that this error is returned if there is an IOException occurs.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to fix this or what to check next?
Try this plugin
navigator.camera.getPicture(onSuccess, onFail, {
quality: 30,
destinationType: Camera.DestinationType.FILE_URI,
saveToPhotoAlbum: true

Issue with CQN registration getting dropped implictly

Using custom C++ OCI wrappers, I can successful register a CQN C++ callback-based registration, but it appears that somehow the subscription is dropped right away, behind my back. I get no call back on simple DMLs. If I try to unregister that subscription, for which register() worked just fine, I get ORA-29970: Specified registration id does not exist.
I'm running this test on a Win7 (64-bit) box, running a local Oracle Server, and I connect with a C++ client app built against instantclient- that runs on that same machine.
I tried setting OCI_ATTR_SUBSCR_TIMEOUT explicitly to 0, to no avail.
I checked the job_queue_processes instance param to make sure it's not 0 (it's 1000).
Of course, the user/schema I'm connecting with has been granted CHANGE NOTIFICATION
I'm running out of ideas on this issue, and I would appreciate some insights on what else I could try or check.
I'm starting to wonder if CQN needs to be activated somehow. My DBA skills are close to nonexistent, this is a stock install of 11gR1 on Windows using the installer, with no special configurations or customization done at all.
Thanks, --DD
Update #1
A colleague successfully ran that same test, and he ran it using the server-provided oci.dll. I tried that (I build using instantclient, but forced the PATH at runtime: Path=D:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\BIN;$(Path) in VS Property Page> Debugging> Environment), and indeed the CQN test works! We still haven't figured out whether the slight version difference between client and server, or using instantclient (the Light variant by the way) vs a full client vs a server install is the real culprit.
But it is bad news that a newer instantclient does not support CQN...
Update #2
I've tried all 6 combinations of instantclient Light (65 MB) or Normal (150 MB) in versions 12.2.0.(1|2|3).0 on Win64, and none of them worked. Haven't tested the Full Client yet, nor have we tested on Linux just yet.
Environment_var cqn_env = Environment::create(OCI_EVENTS + OCI_OBJECT);
Connection_var cqn_conn = Connection::logon2(...);
Subscription sub(cqn_conn, "cqn_test", OCI_SUBSCR_NAMESPACE_DBCHANGE);
sub.set<attr::SUBSCR_CALLBACK>( &cqn_callback_func );
try {
} catch (const OracleException& ex) {
BOOST_REQUIRE(ex.error_code && *ex.error_code == 29972);
cerr << "\nSKIPPED: test requires CHANGE NOTIFICATION privilege" << endl;