OpenVINO GPU performance optimization - c++

I'm trying to speed up the inference on a people counter application, in order to use the GPU I've set the inference engine configuration setting as described:
device_name = "GPU"
ie.SetConfig({ {PluginConfigParams::KEY_CONFIG_FILE, "./cldnn_global_custom_kernels/cldnn_global_custom_kernels.xml"} }, device_name);
and loading the network on the inference engine I've set the target device like described below:
CNNNetwork net = netReader.getNetwork();
TargetDevice t_device = InferenceEngine::TargetDevice::eGPU;
const std::map<std::string, std::string> dyn_config = { { PluginConfigParams::KEY_DYN_BATCH_ENABLED, PluginConfigParams::YES } };
ie_.LoadNetwork(network,device_name, dyn_config);
but the inference engine use the CPU yet, and this slow down the inference time. There is a way to use the Intel GPU at maximum power to do inference on a particular network? I'm using the person-detection-retail-0013 model.

Have you meant person-detection-retail-0013? Because I haven't found pedestrian-detection-retail-013 in open_model_zoo repo.
This might be expected that you see a slowdown while using GPU. The network, you tested, has the following layers as part of the network topology: PriorBox, DetectionOutput . Those layers are executed on CPU as documentation says:
I have a guess that this may be the reason of the slowdown.
But to be 100% percent sure I would suggest to run benchmark_app tool to do bench-marking of the model. This tool can print detailed performance information about each layer. It should help to shed light what is the real root cause of the slowdown. More information about benchmark_app can be found here:
PS: Just a piece of advice regarding usage of IE API. network.setTargetDevice(t_device); - setTargetDevice is a deprecated method. It is enough to set a device using LoadNetwork like in your example: ie_.LoadNetwork(network,device_name, dyn_config);
Hope it will help.


Is there an API that will run on iOS in order to change the Frame Per Second of an existing video?

I am looking for a way to receive as an input any video (that is supported on iOS) and save on the device a new video with a new Frame Per Second rate. The motivation is to decrease the video size, and as well make it as lite weighted as possible.
Tried using ffmpeg library from command line (need it to run directly from application)
Tried working with SDAVAssetExportSessionDelegate, but managed only to change the bit per second (each frame quality is lower)
Though to work with OpenCV - but preferring something lighter and build in if possible
Objective C:
compressionEncoder.videoSettings = #
AVVideoCodecKey: AVVideoCodecTypeH264,
AVVideoWidthKey: [NSNumber numberWithInt:width], //Set your resolution width here
AVVideoHeightKey: [NSNumber numberWithInt:height], //set your resolution height here
AVVideoCompressionPropertiesKey: #
AVVideoAverageBitRateKey: [NSNumber numberWithInt:bitRateKey], // Give bitrate for lower size low values
AVVideoProfileLevelKey: AVVideoProfileLevelH264High40,
// Does not change - quality setting and not reletaed to playback framerate!
//AVVideoMaxKeyFrameIntervalKey: #800,
compressionEncoder.audioSettings = #
AVFormatIDKey: #(kAudioFormatMPEG4AAC),
AVNumberOfChannelsKey: #2,
AVSampleRateKey: #44100,
AVEncoderBitRateKey: #128000,
Expected a video with less Frame Per Second, each frame is in the same quality. Similar to a brief thumbnail summary of the video
The type of conversion you are doing will be time and power consuming on a mobile device, but I am guessing you are already aware of that.
Given your end goal is to reduce size, while presumably maintaining a reasonable quality, you may find you want to experiment with different settings etc in the encodings.
For this type of video manipulation, ffmpeg is a good choice as you probably saw from your command line usage. To use ffmpeg from an application, a common approach is to use a well supported 'ffmpeg wrapper' - this effectively runs the Ffmpeg command line commands from wihtin your application.
The advantage is that all the usual syntax should work and you can leverage the vast amount of info on ffmpeg command line syntax on the web. The downsides are that ffmpeg was not not designed to be wrapped like this so you may see some issues, although with a well supported wrapper you should find either help or that others have already worked around the issues.
Some examples of popular iOS ffmpeg wrappers:
Get MobileFFMpeg up and running:
Once you can make MobileFFMpeg calls in your IOS code then changing frame rate is pretty straightforward with this code:
[MobileFFmpeg execute: #"-i -filter:v fps=fps=30 "];

tensorflow places softmax op on cpu instead of gpu

I have a tensorflow model with multiple inputs and several layers, and a final softmax layer. The model is trained in Python (using the Keras framework), then saved and inference is done using a C++ program that facilitates a CMake build of TensorFlow (following basically those instructions:
In python (tensorflow-gpu) all ops use the GPU (using log_device_placement):
out/MatMul: (MatMul): /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/gpu:0
2017-12-04 14:07:38.005837: I C:\tf_jenkins\home\workspace\rel-in\M\windows-gpu\PY\35\tensorflow\core\common_runtime\] out/MatMul: (MatMul)/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/gpu:0
out/BiasAdd: (BiasAdd): /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/gpu:0
2017-12-04 14:07:38.006201: I C:\tf_jenkins\home\workspace\rel-win\M\windows-gpu\PY\35\tensorflow\core\common_runtime\]
out/BiasAdd: (BiasAdd)/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/gpu:0
out/Softmax: (Softmax): /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/gpu:0
2017-12-04 14:07:38.006535: I C:\tf_jenkins\home\workspace\rel-win\M\windows-gpu\PY\35\tensorflow\core\common_runtime\] out/Softmax: (Softmax)/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/gpu:0
To save the graph, the freeze_graph script is used (the script producing the log above loads again the freezed graph in .pb format).
When I use the C++ program and load the freezed graph (following closely the LoadGraph() function in - ReadBinaryProto() and session->Create()), and log again the device placements, I find that the Softmax is placed on CPU (all others ops are on GPU):
dense_6/MatMul: (MatMul): /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0
dense_6/BiasAdd: (BiasAdd): /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0
dense_6/Relu: (Relu): /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0
out/MatMul: (MatMul): /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0
out/BiasAdd: (BiasAdd): /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0
out/Softmax: (Softmax): /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0
This placement is also confirmed by high CPU/low GPU utilization, and also apparent from profiling the application. The data type of the out layer is float32 (out/Softmax -> (<tf.Tensor 'out/Softmax:0' shape=(?, 1418) dtype=float32>,)).
Further investigation revealed:
Creating the softmax-op in C++ and placing it on GPU explicitly throws this error message:
Cannot assign a device for operation 'tsoftmax': Could not satisfy explicit device specification '/device:GPU:0' because no supported kernel for GPU devices is available.
A call to tensorflow::LogAllRegisteredKernels() showed also that Softmax is only available for CPU!
The build directory contains many files related to "softmax" (e.g. ` Don't know how to check every compilation step, though.
when I look into the "tf_core_gpu_kernels.lib" (one can open a .lib with 7Z ;)), there are files like "" - so I believe there is nothing wrong with compiling the kernels itself
But: inspecting the "tensorflow.dll" (Dependency Walker) shows that only CPU kernels for Softmax are included (there are functions like const tensorflow::SoftmaxOp<struct Eigen::ThreadPoolDevice,double>, but no functions with GPU such as const tensorflow::SoftplusGradOp<struct Eigen::GpuDevice,float>).
Setup: Tensorflow 1.3.0, Windows 10, GPU: NVidia GTX 1070 (8GB RAM, memory utilization also very low).
I found a workaround - the workaround is to include the tf_core_gpu_kernels.lib in some of the steps ( More details here: GitHub Issue 15254

Maximize tensorflow multi gpu performance

I was wondering if anybody could advise on how to get peak performance out of tensorflow in a 4 GPU setting.
As a test I created two of the same network (18 ish layer residual network with small filter banks (ranging from 16-128) on 32x32 inputs. Batch size 512, 128 per GPU.). One in MXNet and one I have modelled off of the inception example.
My MXNet network can train at around 7k examples a second where tensorflow is only capable of 4.2k with dummy data and 3.7 with real data.
(when running on 1 GPU the numbers are 1.2k examples a second vs 2.1k)
In my experiment I have a few questions in hopes to speed things up.
GPU utilization seems quite low when training. I noticed that in the tensorflow white paper there is support for running multiple streams on the same GPU. Is this possible in the public release?
Is there anyway to perform multiple train operations in one execution of Or have async execution? This would allow for weight updates to be done at the same time as the next batches forward pass? I have tried using 2 threads (both system and with QueueRunners's), but this only resulted in a slowdown. MXNet is able to increase speeds by running weight updates on the CPU so that the gpu's can be used for the next batch.
Will the new distributed run time get around some of these issues by letting me run more than one worker on a single machine?
Is there something else that can be done?
I know there are a number of similar questions here on stack overflow, but though my searching I couldn't find a solution to my problems that I have not already tried.
I did a little bit of CUDA profiling to see what the expensive kernels were. According to my run, 21.4% of the time is spent inside:
void Eigen::internal::EigenMetaKernel_NonVectorizable<Eigen::TensorEvaluator
<Eigen::TensorAssignOp<Eigen::TensorMap<Eigen::Tensor<float, int=4, int=1, long>, int=16>,
Eigen::TensorPaddingOp<Eigen::array<std::pair<int, int>,
unsigned long=4> const, Eigen::TensorMap<Eigen::Tensor<float const,
int=4, int=1, long>, int=16> const > const > const, Eigen::GpuDevice>, long>(float, int=4)
and 20.0% of the time were spent in
void Eigen::internal::EigenMetaKernel_NonVectorizable<Eigen::TensorEvaluator
<Eigen::TensorAssignOp<Eigen::TensorMap<Eigen::Tensor<float, int=4, int=1, long>, int=16>,
Eigen::TensorBroadcastingOp<Eigen::array<int, unsigned long=4>
const, Eigen::TensorMap<Eigen::Tensor<float const, int=4, int=1, long>,
int=16> const > const > const, Eigen::GpuDevice>, long>(float, int=4)
Off of the Signature I am not exactly sure what these are doing. Do these make sense?
In addition to this, the analysis reports low kernel concurrency, 0%, as expected.
And Low compute utilization 34.9% (granted this includes start-up time and a little bit of python in train loop. Around 32 seconds total out of 91. This comes out to around 50% utilization inside tensorflow.)
Edit 2:
I have attached a copy of the trimmed down source code. In general though I am more concerned about question 1-3 and don't want to take too much of ever bodies time.
In addition I am running on tensorflow built from: f07234db2f7b316b08f7df25417245274b63342a
Edit 3:
Updated to the most recent tensorflow (63409bd23facad471973b110df998782c0e19c06) same code, default data format (NHWC) and that seemed to speed this up a lot.
On fake data 6.7k-6.8k (thermal dependence I think?) examples a second 4gpu. 1gpu -- 2.0k examples a second.
Real data performance is around 4.9k examples a second for 4gpu. 1gpu -- 1.7k examples a second.
Edit 4:
In addition I tried out switching data formats to BCHW. I made the conversion modelled off of Soumith's benchmarks. The convolution parts were indeed faster, but batch norm appears to be messing everything up. With a naive implementation (fixing axis, and making weights [1,C,1,1] instead of [C,]) I am only able to get 1.2k examples a second on 4 gpu (fake data). Where as with a transpose before and after the batch norm op I am able to get 6.2k examples a second (fake data). Still slower than the NHWC data_format.
It's a bit hard to diagnose your program's performance problem without seeing the code. Is it possible for us to read your test code somehow?
TensorPadding showing on the top is a bit strange. I'd expect cudnn calls should be on the top of the profile. Anyway, showing us the test code will be helpful.

Platform independent delay timer

I originally posted this question which was apparently something that did not meet my customer spec. Hence I am redefining the problem:
To understand the problem a bit more, the timing diagram on the original post can be used. The delayer needs to be platform independent. To be precise, I run a job scheduler and apparently my current delayer is not going to be compatible with it. What I am stuck with is the "Independent" bit of the delayer. I have already knocked out a delayer in SIMULINK using Probe (probes for Sampling Time) and Variable Integer Delay blocks. However, during our acceptance phase we realised that the scheduler does not comply with such configuration and needs to be something more intrinsic and basic - something like a while loop running in C/C++ application.
Initial Solution
What I can think of a solution is the following:
Define a global and static time-slice variable called tslc. Basically, this is how often the scheduler runs. The unit could be in seconds
Define a function that has the following body:
void hold_for_secs(float* tslc, float* _delay, float* _tmr, char* _flag) {
_delay[0] -= tslc[0];
if (_delay[0] < (float)(1e-5)) {
_flag[0] = '1';
} else {
_flag[0] = '0';
Users please forgive my poor function-coding skilss, but I merely tried to come up with a solution. I would really appreciate if people help me out a little bit with suggestions here!
Computing Platform
Windows 2000 server
Target computing platform
An embedded system card - something similar to a modern graphics card or sound card that goes along one of the PCI slot. We do testing on a testbed and finally implement the solution on that embedded system card.

kyoto cabinet scan_parallel not really parallel?

I just spent a day creating an abstraction layer to kyotodb to remove global locks from my code, I was busy porting my algorithms to this new abstraction layer when I discover that scan_parallel isn't really parallel. It only maxes out one core -- For jollies I stuck in a billion-int-countdown spin-loop in my code(empty stubs as I port) to try and simulate some processing time. still only one core maxed. Do I need to move to berkley db or leveldb ? I thought kyotodb was meant for internet scale problems :/. I must be doing something wrong or missing some gotchas.
top or iostat never went above 100% / 25% (iostat one cpu maxed = 1/number of cores * 100):/ On a quad core i5.
source db is 10gigs corpus of protocol buffer encoded data (treedb) with the following flags (picked these up from the documentation).
index_db.tune_options(TreeDB::TLINEAR | TreeDB::TCOMPRESS);
index_db.tune_buckets(1LL * 1000);
Do not remove the IR TAG. Please think before you wave arround the detag bat.
This IS an IR related question, its about creating GINORMOUS (40 gig +) inverted files ONLINE, inverted indices are the base of IR data access methods, and inverted index creation has a unique transactional profile. By removing the IR tag you rob me of the wisdom of IR researchers who have used a database library to create such large database files.