Find or create s3 bucket in CDK? - amazon-web-services

I'm finding that cdk tries to recreate S3 buckets every time I deploy. If I don't specify a bucket name, it generates a new junk bucket name every time. If I do specify a name, it refuses to deploy because the bucket already exists. How can I make it "upsert" a bucket?
Here's the code I'm using:
const dataIngestBucket = new Bucket(this, 'data-lake', {
bucketName: `${this.props.environmentName}-my-company-data-lake`

As long as I do not see the language you want to use, I give an answer using python. It can be easily traced and converted to any other languages.
Please refer to aws_cdk.aws_s3.Bucket class.
There you will find parameters to specify during class creating which allow you reach your goal, namely auto_delete_objects=True and removal_policy=cdk.RemovalPolicy.DESTROY.

CDK would do an update on your stack resources automatically if CDK code is updated.
For example, when you execute a CDK stack that creates a bucket for the first time, bucket would be created with provided configuration.
When you update your CDK code to say update lifecycle policy of the bucket or add a CORS, as part of the same stack, the update of the stack would automatically update the bucket - it would not recreate the bucket as Cloud Formation knows that there is an update on an existing stack.
In your case, it seems the stack is being re-created after a removal when the stack resources still exists. This causes Cloud Formation to create a new stack and its resources which were not removed when stack was destroyed.
Generally, issues occur when stack update fails and it is in rollback state, for example. In that case, redeploy would try to create the bucket again and fail.
In that case, possible option could be:
Delete the buckets
Delete the stack
Redeploy to re-create
Many times, we do not want to delete the resources, as they contain data; in that case, you can use another library such as boto3 for python in the CDK code, to check if the resource exists - if not create via CDK. This would cause CDK code to be not attempt creating the bucket if it exists ( CDK itself cannot be used to see if say S3 resource exists already - at least have not seen how to achieve this)
Another important point is the removal policy associated with the resource
My S3 bucket, DynamoDB table, or other resource is not deleted when I
issue cdk destroy
By default, resources that can contain user data have a removalPolicy
(Python: removal_policy) property of RETAIN, and the resource is not
deleted when the stack is destroyed. Instead, the resource is orphaned
from the stack. You must then delete the resource manually after the
stack is destroyed. Until you do, redeploying the stack fails, because
the name of the new resource being created during deployment conflicts
with the name of the orphaned resource.
If you set a resource's removal policy to DESTROY, that resource will
be deleted when the stack is destroyed.
However, even with the removal policy as DESTROY, Cloud formation cannot delete a non-empty bucket. Extract from the same link below -
AWS CloudFormation cannot delete a non-empty Amazon S3 bucket. If you
set an Amazon S3 bucket's removal policy to DESTROY, and it contains
data, attempting to destroy the stack will fail because the bucket
cannot be deleted. You can have the AWS CDK delete the objects in the
bucket before attempting to destroy it by setting the bucket's
autoDeleteObjects prop to true.
Best Practice is to
Design stack resources in such a manner that they have minimal updates being applied which can cause failure. So a stack can be created with say mostly static resources such as ECR, S3 which do not change much and is independent generally of the main application deployment stack which is more likely to fail.
Avoid manually deleting the stack resources which breaks a stack's inconsistency
If a stack is deleted, ensure stack's owned resources are also deleted.

Get rid of having fix names!
final IBucket myBucket = Bucket.Builder.create(this, "mybucket")
(Java, but doesn´t matter)
Do you get a "random-Named" Bucket.
Described here:
Use it like this in your template (here nested stack)
#Nullable NestedStackProps templateProps = NestedStackProps.builder()
.parameters(new HashMap<String, String>(){{
put("S3Bucket", myBucket.getBucketName());
Or you still have a fix name (get rid of!!) then get them with:
final IBucket myBucket = Bucket.fromBucketName(this, "mybucket", "my-hold-bucket-name");
But you can not doing things like:
if (!myBucket) then create
(pseudo code)
No ressource-check at compile/runtime!


Terraform - Manage destroy of everything except the S3 bucket

We create all our AWS resources using Terraform and we are having issues with our S3 bucket.
We are in a development environnement so sometimes we wants to destroy everything and recreate everything except the S3 Bucket.
We tried to implement the following attribute for our S3 Bucket :
resource "aws_s3_bucket" "bucket" {
bucket = "${}-${var.environment}-data"
lifecycle {
prevent_destroy = true
It seems like the prevent_destroy attribute is not working as we thought it would work. Instead of skipping the deletion of the bucket and terminate the terraform destroy with a success state, it fails instead (as if this attribute tells terraform to fail on purpose).
I've found out similar conclusions already on stackoverflow but what would be the best way to avoid that issue and also the way that would be the best practice please ?
We use also github actions so we have thought of using it to create the bucket but if there's a solution using terraform, it will be easier for us (as there are other resources that are linked to the bucket id).
Thanks in advance !
prevent_destroy is used as a safety measure to ensure that the deletion of the resource does not occur. It is expected that it errors out. From the docs:
This meta-argument, when set to true, will cause Terraform to reject with an error any plan that would destroy the infrastructure object associated with the resource
so you shouldn't be using this meta-argument for your purposes.
Instead, if you want to delete everything except the bucket, you will need to remove the bucket from the terraform state before running the destroy operation, e.g.:
terraform state rm aws_s3_bucket.bucket
terraform destroy
for your next deployment, you will then need to import the bucket back into the terraform state before running the apply:
terraform import aws_s3_bucket.bucket bucket-name
terraform apply

"Bucket Already Exists" error when re-deploying CDK

I was working on some changes to some CDK code in my AWS account and I made a typo (lack of sleep does some crazy things) in the bucket name (the correct name is something like mybucket-alpha) so it created a new bucket (mybucket-alpha-alpha). I rolled back the change but now I get a "Bucket with name mybucket-alpha already exists" error when I deploy. It seems that the old mybucket-alpha is no longer in the part of my CDK stack, so I get this error because CDK is trying to recreate the bucket. Is there a quick way to reimport this bucket into my stack? I can't delete it since it contains a ton of important data
there is a way to import existing resources into you CDK Stack.
In case of S3 Bucket you can use the Bucket.fromBucketArn() method. You can find it in the documentation as well:
Quick example:
const myBucket = Bucket.fromBucketArn(this, 'MyBucket', myBucketArnParam.stringValue);
Here is a thorough explanation of how to import an existing bucket into a cdk stack:
In case the link breaks, the basic steps are...
Add an S3 Bucket to your stack and run cdk synth to generate a template.
In the AWS Console, navigate to the stack to which you wish to add the bucket, choose Stack Actons -> Import resources into stack.
Follow the prompts to upload the template you got via synth
Choose the bucket resource and notice it will pick up the cdk generated id from your template
Complete the import process and then verify the bucket is listed in the stack resources and there is no drift detected.
After importing the bucket into the stack you can managed it via you cdk app/stack.

Why do Amazon suggest including the region in AWS IAM resource names?

IAM resources are global, meaning they aren't isolated within specific AWS regions. However, the documentation for an IAM role includes a warning:
Naming an IAM resource can cause an unrecoverable error if you reuse the same template in multiple regions. To prevent this, we recommend using FN::Join and AWS::Region to create a region-specific name, as in the following example ...
What kind of "unrecoverable error" are they talking about? Will cloudformation just fail to create the resource, or will things get stuck in some weird state?
The stacks we have which include IAM resources only contain IAM resources, so I suspect I may be able to ignore this warning.
The problem they want you to be aware of is that IAM is a global namespace, which can result in problems, if you don't manually namespace resources.
Here's an example:
Stack 1 in eu-central-1 creates a role with the name AppAdmin
Stack 2 in eu-west-1 creates a role with the name AppAdmin - this stack will fail to create or update
This failure is usually nothing life-threatening, it just means, your deployment will be broken.
If it's an update of an existing stack, a rollback will be performed.
If it's a new stack, the stack will fail to create and you need to manually delete the stack afterwards before rolling it out again (by default the orphaned resources will be deleted).
You can simply avoid this problem by namespacing the resources as suggested:
Stack 1 in eu-central-1 creates a role with the name AppAdmin-eu-central-1
Stack 2 in eu-west-1 creates a role with the name AppAdmin-eu-west-1
Now everybody is happy!
(The same thing is true for S3 Bucket names and other resources with a global namespace)

Cloudformation template fails due to S3Bucket resource already exists

I have created an S3 Bucket, with the cloud formation, Lets Say Bucket Name is S3Bucket,
I don't want this bucket getting deleted if I delete stack, so added Deletion Policy to Retain,
Now the problem here is, If run the stack again, it complains S3Bucket name already exists.
If a bucket already exists, it should not complain.
What to do for this.
Please help
I faced this in the past and what i did in order to resolve this is that i created a common AWS cloudformation template/stack which will create all our common resources which are static(Handle it like a bootstrap template).
Usually i am adding in this template the creation of s3 buckets,VPC, networking, databases creation, etc.
Then you can create other AWS cloudformation templates/stacks for your rest resources which are dynamic and changing usually like lambdas,ec2, api gateway etc.
S3 names are globally unique. (e.g if I have s3 bucket in my AWS account s3-test, you cannot have a bucket with the same name).
The only way to use same name is to delete the bucket, or retype your cloud formation template and use new cloud formation feature to import resource:

CloudFormation resource AWS::S3::Bucket doesn't show up in S3 console

Using my cloudformation template, i was able to create two buckets and one bucket policy in my stack. Turns out my bucket policy had the wrong permissions so i decided to delete the buckets and recreate them with a new template.
It doesn't look like cloudformation has detected my deleted s3 buckets. The buckets still show up in my stack resources but are marked as "Deleted"
My stack is also marked as drifted. When i try to access the s3 buckets via the link in cloudformation, i get "Error Data not found"
My stack has been in this state for about 16 hours. Any idea on how to get cloudformation to sync up with s3?
Your template isn't telling CloudFormation what resources to create, its telling CloudFormation the state that you want.
It sounds like you created a stack with a template with a resource for a bucket.
You then realized a problem and deleted the bucket manually.
You then updated the stack with an updated template with the same resource for the bucket (but with correct permissions)
When CloudFormation processed this updated template, it determined that it had already created the bucket and as a result it didn't recreate it.
You likely could have achieved your desired result without deleting the bucket by just updating the template.
Because you deleted the bucket, your stack is in a bad state. If you have the flexibility to do so, you could delete your stack and recreate it. When you delete it, it may complain about not being able to delete the bucket, you may have to retry once, then get the option to ignore it.