How to reshape data multiple ways in Stata? - stata

I am working with a data set covering multiple countries, variables, and years. It is currently organized wide like so (actually ~30 years and 5 different variables for each country):
country measure yr1995 yr1996 yr1997
USA A 5 4 1
USA B 1 2 1
USA C 0 4 2
UK A 2 4 9
UK B 2 8 4
UK C 2 4 1
What I would like is for the data to be rearranged long like so:
country year A B C
USA 1995 5 1 0
USA 1996 4 2 4
USA 1997 1 1 2
UK 1995 2 2 2
UK 1996 4 8 4
UK 1997 9 4 1
I tried using reshape long yr, i(country) j(year) but get the following error message:
variable id does not uniquely identify the observations
Your data are currently wide. You are performing a reshape long. You specified i(country) and j(year). In
the current wide form, variable country should uniquely identify the observations.
I think this is because country is not the only long variable? (measure also is?)
Besides fixing that issue and arranging the years long instead of wide, I don't think this command will accomplish the other task of moving the different variables (A, B, C) into the wide format as column headers.
Will I need to use a separate reshape wide command for that? Or is there some way to expand the command to do both at once?

It's a double reshape. At least it can be done that way; and, further, that seems essential because years need to be long, not wide, and the measure(s) need to be wide, not long, so there are flavours of both problems.
Economic development data often arrive like this. Indeed the problem has given rise to at least one dedicated short paper
in the Stata Journal, but visible to all.
Your data example is helpful, and almost immediately useful, but please read the Stata tag and help dataex (if necessary, install dataex first using ssc install dataex).
See also this FAQ, which includes some hints beyond the Stata help and manual entry.
A search reshape in Stata would have pointed to these resources.
input str3 country str1 measure yr1995 yr1996 yr1997
USA A 5 4 1
USA B 1 2 1
USA C 0 4 2
UK A 2 4 9
UK B 2 8 4
UK C 2 4 1
reshape long yr, i(country measure) j(year)
reshape wide yr, i(country year) j(measure) string
rename (yr*) *
list, sepby(country)
| country year A B C |
1. | UK 1995 2 2 2 |
2. | UK 1996 4 8 4 |
3. | UK 1997 9 4 1 |
4. | USA 1995 5 1 0 |
5. | USA 1996 4 2 4 |
6. | USA 1997 1 1 2 |


Multiple choices in a choice data set

The original data contains information on the consumerid and the cars they purchased.
input consumerid car purchase
6 American 1
6 Japanese 0
6 European 0
7 American 0
7 Japanese 0
7 European 1
7 Korean 1
Since this is a purchase data, the data set needs to be expanded in a way to depict the full choice set of cars every time a consumer made a purchase. The final data set should look like this (the screenshot taken from the Stata manual on p. 97 in "Example 4: Multiple choices per case"):
I have generated several codes (shown below) to almost get me to where I need but I have trouble generating a single value of purchase=1 per consumerid-carnumber combination (i.e. due to the expansion, the purchase values are duplicated).
egen sumpurchase=total(purchase), by(id)
expand sumpurchase
bysort id car (purchase): gen carnumber=_n
You could use reshape to get all combinations of consumerid/car per car bought. This example assumes that the sort order in the original dataset defines which car is carnumber 1, carnumber 2 etc.
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input byte consumerid str8 car byte purchase
6 "American" 1
6 "Japanese" 0
6 "European" 0
7 "American" 0
7 "Japanese" 0
7 "European" 1
7 "Korean" 1
// Generate carnumber
bys consumerid: gen carnumber = cond(purchase != 0, sum(purchase), 0)
// To wide
reshape wide purchase, i(consumerid car) j(carnumber)
// Keep purchased cars only
drop purchase0
// Back to long
reshape long
// Drop if no cars purchased for consumerid/carnumber
bysort consumerid carnumber (purchase) : drop if missing(purchase[1])
// Replace missing with 0 for non-purchased cars
mvencode purchase, mv(0)
// Sort and see results
sort consumerid carnumber car
list, sepby(consumerid carnumber) abbr(14)
. list, sepby(consumerid carnumber) abbr(14)
| consumerid car carnumber purchase |
1. | 6 American 1 1 |
2. | 6 European 1 0 |
3. | 6 Japanese 1 0 |
4. | 7 American 1 0 |
5. | 7 European 1 1 |
6. | 7 Japanese 1 0 |
7. | 7 Korean 1 0 |
8. | 7 American 2 0 |
9. | 7 European 2 0 |
10. | 7 Japanese 2 0 |
11. | 7 Korean 2 1 |

Which function I can use in Stata to replicate a quantitative variable?

I'm using a sample survey by persons of a country. Every person has an ID that represents the home whom he/she belongs. I'm doing a probit model to analyze the effect of household head's education on poverty, but I need to replicate the level of education of the head of household to all the members of the household.
How can I create a variable in Stata that replicates the level of education of the head of householdenter image description here to all the members of the household, if they share the same household ID?
I need to do something like the image. I need "schooling of the head of household" variable.
Your data example is helpful, but still ambiguous as the column headers are not all legal Stata variable names and it is not clear whether variables are string or numeric with value labels or numeric. See the Stata tag wiki for detailed advice on data examples.
This example works in terms of numeric variables.
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input byte id float(relationship schooling)
1 1 4
1 2 4
1 3 2
2 1 5
2 2 4
3 1 5
3 3 1
bysort id : egen wanted = mean(cond(relationship == 1, schooling, .))
list, sepby(id)
| id relati~p school~g wanted |
1. | 1 1 4 4 |
2. | 1 2 4 4 |
3. | 1 3 2 4 |
4. | 2 1 5 5 |
5. | 2 2 4 5 |
6. | 3 1 5 5 |
7. | 3 3 1 5 |
If there is at most one person who is head of household, some other functions of the egen command would work to give the same result, including min(), max() and total(). If two or more people were recorded as head of household, then the mean would indeed be recorded and it might not be an integer.
For explanation and discussion, see Section 9 of this paper.

Adding across years

Quick question. I'm working with code that produces a spreadsheet that contains the information like the following:
year business sales profit
2001 a 5 3
2002 a 6 4
2003 a 4 2
2001 b 2 1
2002 b 6 3
2003 b 7 5
How can I get Stata to total sales and profits across years?
collapse (sum) sales profit, by(year)
or, if you want to retain your original data,
bysort year: egen tot_sales = total(sales)
egen stands for extended generate, a very useful command.

How to obtain the order of multiple reponses?

I'm working on a survey dataset which contains a question with multiple responses. The data is not well cleaned for the order of responses depends on the order in which an interviewee chose the multiple options. So it's a so-called "many-to-many" multiple response (I borrow the term from N.J. Cox and U. Kohler's tutorial on this topic). There are also several following complementary questions (like the year a certain event happened) which share the order of the first question. The basic data structure is like
q1_1 q1_2 q1_3 q2_1 q2_2 q2_3
1 3 . 1998 1999 .
2 . . 2000 . .
3 2 . 2001 1997 .
I can use code provided in the tutorial cited to detect whether a certain value appears in q1_* and set a new dummy to 1 in this case. But how can I retain the order in which I encounter the certain value and use it in my analysis regarding q2_* in the loop?
forvalues i = 1/3 {
egen Q1_`i' = anymatch(q1_*), val(`i')
The current answer is brilliant, but it gives the general order, not the particular order in which a certain value occurs.
I may not have expressed my question clearly enough.
What I desire is to detect if a certain event (a option of the multiple responses represented by certain value like 3) happens. If it does happen, then set a new-created dummy, say eventhappens, to 1: so in my example, we shall set eventhappens to 1 for the first and third id.
If that's all my desire, then anymatch() suffices.
However, I also need to retain the order in which the particular value 3 occurs, like 2 for first observation, to ease the analysis of the following questions. So for the first id, 1999 is the year when the certain event happened, not 1998. Then what should I do?
Appologize for my former unclear description. The real data is like (I don't have the authority to post a picture of the real data in Stata browse window)
id ce101_s_1 ce101_s_2 ... ce101_s_13 ce102_s_1 ...... ce102_s_13
1 1 2 13 1999 1998 2005
2 13 . . 1999 2007 .
the ce101_s_* is a list of variable,they represent the options interviewee choose with regarding to question ce101 and their orders are the orders in which interviewee make the choice.Certain value(in the real data is chinese character with value labels)represents certain event had occured, for example 1 represents a villiage build its own hospital,13 represent a villiage has mobile signal and so on.Take id_1 for example, this village build a hospital (represented by 1) in 1999, build a preliminary school(represented by 2) in 1998 and so on, in fact , all event listed actually happened in id_1 village,but for id_2 only 2 and 13 event happens. The difficulty for me is to retain the order certain event happened in each villiage, take 13(mobile signal for instance),it occured in 2005 for id_1 village, because interviwee choose it at 13th order when answering question ce101, and the value of ce102_s_13 is 2005.But for id_2, interviewee choose it at the second order and the correponding value in ce102 is 2007.So if a want to create a dummy to represent if household live in certain villiage before certain event occur in this village, I need the order in ce102_s_*
I am not especially clear what you want, but I suspect the one-word answer is reshape. This structure may make it easier for you to cross-relate responses.
. input id q1_1 q1_2 q1_3 q2_1 q2_2 q2_3
id q1_1 q1_2 q1_3 q2_1 q2_2 q2_3
1. 1 1 3 . 1998 1999 .
2. 2 2 . . 2000 . .
3. 3 3 2 . 2001 1997 .
4. end
. reshape long q , i(id) j(Q) string
(note: j = 1_1 1_2 1_3 2_1 2_2 2_3)
Data wide -> long
Number of obs. 3 -> 18
Number of variables 7 -> 3
j variable (6 values) -> Q
xij variables:
q1_1 q1_2 ... q2_3 -> q
. rename q answer
. split Q, parse(_) destring
variables born as string:
Q1 Q2
Q1 has all characters numeric; replaced as byte
Q2 has all characters numeric; replaced as byte
. rename Q1 question
. rename Q2 order
. list, sepby(id)
| id Q answer question order |
1. | 1 1_1 1 1 1 |
2. | 1 1_2 3 1 2 |
3. | 1 1_3 . 1 3 |
4. | 1 2_1 1998 2 1 |
5. | 1 2_2 1999 2 2 |
6. | 1 2_3 . 2 3 |
7. | 2 1_1 2 1 1 |
8. | 2 1_2 . 1 2 |
9. | 2 1_3 . 1 3 |
10. | 2 2_1 2000 2 1 |
11. | 2 2_2 . 2 2 |
12. | 2 2_3 . 2 3 |
13. | 3 1_1 3 1 1 |
14. | 3 1_2 2 1 2 |
15. | 3 1_3 . 1 3 |
16. | 3 2_1 2001 2 1 |
17. | 3 2_2 1997 2 2 |
18. | 3 2_3 . 2 3 |

Stata: how to duplicate observations under certain conditions

Please help me duplicate a variable under certain conditions? My original dataset looks like this:
week category averageprice
1 1 5
1 2 6
2 1 4
2 2 7
This table says that for each week, there is a unique average price for each category of goods.
I need to create the following variables:
averageprice1 (av. price for category 1)
averageprice2 (av. price for category 2)
such that:
week category averageprice1 averageprice2
1 1 5 6
1 2 5 6
2 1 4 7
2 2 4 7
meaning that for week 1, average price for category 1 stayed at $5, and av. price for cater 2 stayed at 6. Similar logic applies to week 2.
As you could see that the new variables are duplicated depending on a week.
I am still learning Stata. I tried:
bysort week: replace averageprice1=averageprice if categ==1
but it doesn't work as expected.
You are not duplicating observations (meaning here in the Stata sense, i.e. cases or records) here at all, as (1) the number of observations remains the same (2) you are copying certain values, not the contents of observations. Similar comment on "duplicating variables". However, that's just loose use of terminology.
Taking your example very literally
input week category averageprice
1 1 5
1 2 6
2 1 4
2 2 7
bysort week (category) : gen averageprice1 = averageprice[1]
by week: gen averageprice2 = averageprice[2]
| week category averag~e averag~1 averag~2 |
1. | 1 1 5 5 6 |
2. | 1 2 6 5 6 |
3. | 2 1 4 4 7 |
4. | 2 2 7 4 7 |
This is a standard application of subscripting with by:. Your code didn't work because it did not oblige Stata to look in other observations when that is needed. In fact your use of bysort week did not affect how the code applied at all.
A generalization is
egen averageprice1 = mean(averageprice / (category == 1)), by(week)
egen averageprice2 = mean(averageprice / (category == 2)), by(week)