How are assembly directives instructed? - c++

To elaborate the question on the title, suppose I declared the following array in C++,
int myarr[10];
This disassembles to the following in x86
.zero 40
Now, AFAIK this .zero directive is used for convention and is not an instruction. Then, how exactly is this directive translated to x86(or any other architecture, it's not the emphasis here) instructions? Because, for all we know the CPU can only execute instructions. So I guess these directives are somehow translated to instructions, am I correct?
I could generalize the question by also asking how .word .long etc. are translated into instructions, but I think it is clear.

The output of the assembler is an object module. In the object module are representations of various sections for a program. Each section has a size, some attributes, and possibly some data to be put into the section.
For example, a section may be a few thousand bytes, have attributes indicating it contains instructions for execution, and have data that consists of those instructions. Another section might be several hundred bytes but have no data—it is just space to be allocated when the program starts. Another section might be very big and have non-zero data that contains its initial values when the program starts.
To assemble a .zero 40 directive, the compiler just includes forty bytes of zeros in the section it is currently building. When it writes the final output, it will include those zeros in that section. Data directives like this and .word and such simply tell the assembler what data to put into its output.

unsigned int stuff[10];
void fun ( void )
unsigned int r;
for(r=0;r<10;r++) stuff[r]=r;
using ARM...
00000000 <fun>:
0: e3a03000 mov r3, #0
4: e59f2010 ldr r2, [pc, #16] ; 1c <fun+0x1c>
8: e5a23004 str r3, [r2, #4]!
c: e2833001 add r3, r3, #1
10: e353000a cmp r3, #10
14: 1afffffb bne 8 <fun+0x8>
18: e12fff1e bx lr
1c: 00000ffc
Disassembly of section .bss:
00001000 <stuff>:
The array stuff is simply data it is not code it is not instructions and won't be, the directive in question you asked about won't become code, it cants it is data.
If you want to see code, instructions, then you need to put lines of high level language that act on data for example as shown here. And in that case the compiler generates code.
Looking at this compilers actual output (comments and other non-essentials removed)
mov r3, #0
ldr r2, .L6
str r3, [r2, #4]!
add r3, r3, #1
cmp r3, #10
bne .L2
bx lr
.align 2
.word stuff-4
.comm stuff,40,4
the .comm in this case is how they declared the data that represents the array in the high level language. and the other stuff is mostly code. the .align is there so that the address of L6 is aligned so that you don't get an alignment fault when you try to read it.
.word is a directive, what you see here is .text vs .data while it is just one simple C program with the array and the code right there next to each other. because code can possibly live in read only memory like flash and data needs to be in read/write memory and at compile time the compiler doesn't know where the data is relative to the code, so it generates an abstraction by placing a read only word in the code that the linker fills in later, the code is generic and whatever the linker puts in there it uses. The linker "places" .text and .bss in this case it wasn't initialized so it isn't actually .data and then makes that connection in the code.
labels are directives if you will so that the programmer or code generator (compiler) doesn't have to count instructions or overall size of instructions to make relative jumps. Let the tools do that for you.
1c: 00000ffc
Disassembly of section .bss:
00001000 <stuff>:
and based on the way I linked this (non actually a working) program stuff is the only data item in this program and the linker placed it where I asked at address 0x1000, then went back and filled in that .word directive to be stuff-4 which is 0xFFC so that the code as compiled works.
directives are not part of the instruction set but are part of the assembly language, note that assembly language is defined by the assembler, the tool, not the instruction set/target. There are countless different x86 assembly languages and AT&T vs Intel is not the primary difference, the directives how you define a label, how you indicate a number is hex or decimal, because of the vagueness of the instructions as defined in the early docs lots of adjectives if you will to be able to specify which mov instruction you were actually after and even though that's part of the instruction and not a directive those adjectives varied across assembly languages. ARM, MIPS, and many if not most others have had tools created with incompatible assembly languages. .zero for example being one of those incompatible things.
In any case an assembly language in question needs to be able to define data and then have a way for code to reference that data in order to make useful programs.
The notion of a one to one line of assembly language to instructions is very misleading and don't get fooled by it, today's compilers generate almost as much non-code as code in their output. Lots of directives and other information.


Reading memory in debugging sessions with Eclipse embedded C/C++

I am trying to run the following assembly program using the :
.syntax unified
.global main
.balign 4
.type main, %function
main: MOV r0, #28 #1st argument;
MOV r1, #21 # 2nd argument;
ADD r1, r1, r0
LDR r2, =adder
STR r1, [r2]
stop: B stop
adder: .word -1
I am using the gdb QEMU armeclipse debugger. The file compiles successfully, and r1, r0 are correct as I step over them. r2 has a value of 0x186A0 and the memory view (in the traditional rendering) shows that its value is 0xFFFFFFFF (as expected). However upon stepping to the 'stop' label, the memory value of r2 did not change. An explanation to this end is appreciated.
Note: I reran the program for the STM32F4xx project template, to see if 'adder' is not in flash memory at runtime. It turns out that the debugger did not write into the RAM memory, the address of the 'adder' in this case: 0x8001140, which is out of the RAM memory (0x20000000). Could someone explain what could have happened? This strange behavior is there even if I explicitly state .section .data instead of just .data.

Why does ARM use two instructions to mask a value?

For the following function...
uint16_t swap(const uint16_t value)
return value << 8 | value >> 8;
...why does ARM gcc 6.3.0 with -O2 yield the following assembly?
swap(unsigned short):
lsr r3, r0, #8
orr r0, r3, r0, lsl #8
lsl r0, r0, #16 # shift left
lsr r0, r0, #16 # shift right
bx lr
It appears the compiler is using two shifts to mask off the unwanted bytes, instead of using a logical AND. Could the compiler instead use and r0, r0, #4294901760?
Older ARM assembly cannot create constants easily. Instead, they are loaded into literal pools and then read in via a memory load. This and you suggest can only take I believe an 8-bit literal with shift. Your 0xFFFF0000 requires 16-bits to do as 1 instructions.
So, we can load from memory and do an and (slow),
Take 2 instructions to create the value and 1 to and (longer),
or just shift twice cheaply and call it good.
The compiler chose the shifts and honestly, it is plenty fast.
Now for a reality check:
Worrying about a single shift, unless this is a 100% for sure bottleneck is a waste of time. Even if the compiler was sub-optimal, you will almost never feel it. Worry about "hot" loops in code instead for micro-ops like this. Looking at this from curiosity is awesome. Worrying about this exact code for performance in your app, not so much.
It has been noted by others here that newer versions of the ARM specifications allow this sort of thing to be done more efficiently. This shows that it is important, when talking at this level, to specify the Chip or at least the exact ARM spec we are dealing with. I was assuming ancient ARM from the lack of "newer" instructions given from your output. If we are tracking compiler bugs, then this assumption may not hold and knowing the specification is even more important. For a swap like this, there are indeed simpler instructions to handle this in later versions.
Edit 2
One thing that could be done to possibly make this faster is to make it inline'd. In that case, the compiler could interleave these operations with other work. Depending on the CPU, this could double the throughput here as many ARM CPUs have 2 integer instruction pipelines. Spread out the instructions enough so that there are no hazards, and away it goes. This has to be weighed against I-Cache usage, but in a case where it mattered, you could see something better.
There is a missed-optimization here, but and isn't the missing piece. Generating a 16-bit constant isn't cheap. For a loop, yes it would be a win to generate a constant outside the loop and use just and inside the loop. (TODO: call swap in a loop over an array and see what kind of code we get.)
For an out-of-order CPU, it could also be worth using multiple instructions off the critical path to build a constant, then you only have one AND on the critical path instead of two shifts. But that's probably rare, and not what gcc chooses.
AFAICT (from looking at compiler output for simple functions), the ARM calling convention guarantees there's no high garbage in input registers, and doesn't allow leaving high garbage in return values. i.e. on input, it can assume that the upper 16 bits of r0 are all zero, but must leave them zero on return. The value << 8 left shift is thus a problem, but the value >> 8 isn't (it doesn't have to worry about shifting garbage down into the low 16).
(Note that x86 calling conventions aren't like this: return values are allowed to have high garbage. (Maybe because the caller can simply use the 16-bit or 8-bit partial register). So are input values, except as an undocumented part of the x86-64 System V ABI: clang depends on input values being sign/zero extended to 32-bit. GCC provides this when calling, but doesn't assume as a callee.)
ARMv6 has a rev16 instruction which byte-swaps the two 16-bit halves of a register. If the upper 16 bits are already zeroed, they don't need to be re-zeroed, so gcc -march=armv6 should compile the function to just rev16. But in fact it emits a uxth to extract and zero-extend the low half-word. (i.e. exactly the same thing as and with 0x0000FFFF, but without needing a large constant). I believe this is pure missed optimization; presumably gcc's rotate idiom, or its internal definition for using rev16 that way, doesn't include enough info to let it realize the top half stays zeroed.
swap: ## gcc6.3 -O3 -march=armv6 -marm
rev16 r0, r0
uxth r0, r0 # not needed
bx lr
For ARM pre v6, a shorter sequence is possible. GCC only finds it if we hand-hold it towards the asm we want:
// better on pre-v6, worse on ARMv6 (defeats rev16 optimization)
uint16_t swap_prev6(const uint16_t value)
uint32_t high = value;
high <<= 24; // knock off the high bits
high >>= 16; // and place the low8 where we want it
uint8_t low = value >> 8;
return high | low;
//return value << 8 | value >> 8;
swap_prev6: # gcc6.3 -O3 -marm. (Or armv7 -mthumb for thumb2)
lsl r3, r0, #24
lsr r3, r3, #16
orr r0, r3, r0, lsr #8
bx lr
But this defeats the gcc's rotate-idiom recognition, so it compiles to this same code even with -march=armv6 when the simple version compiles to rev16 / uxth.
All source + asm on the Godbolt compiler explorer
ARM is a RISC machine (Advanced RISC Machine), and thus, all instrutcions are encoded in the same size, capping at 32bit.
Immediate values in instructions are assigned to a certain number of bits, and AND instruction simply doesn't have enought bits assigned to immediate values to express any 16bit value.
That's the reason for the compiler resorting to two shift instructions instead.
However, if your target CPU is ARMv6 (ARM11) or higher, the compiler takes leverage from the new REV16 instruction, and then masks the lower 16bit by UXTH instruction which is unnecessary and stupid, but there is simply no conventional way to persuade the compiler not to do this.
If you think that you would be served well by GCC intrinsic __builtin_bswap16, you are dead wrong.
uint16_t swap(const uint16_t value)
return __builtin_bswap16(value);
The function above generates exactly the same machine code that your original C code did.
Even using inline assembly doesn't help either
uint16_t swap(const uint16_t value)
uint16_t result;
__asm__ __volatile__ ("rev16 %[out], %[in]" : [out] "=r" (result) : [in] "r" (value));
return result;
Again, exactly the same. You cannot get rid of the pesky UXTH as long as you use GCC; It simply cannot read from the context that the upper 16bits are all zeros to start with and thus, UXTH is unnecessary.
Write the whole function in assembly; That's the only option.
This is the optimal solution, the AND would require at least two more instructions possibly having to stop and wait for a load to happen of the value to mask. So worse in a couple of ways.
00000000 <swap>:
0: e1a03420 lsr r3, r0, #8
4: e1830400 orr r0, r3, r0, lsl #8
8: e1a00800 lsl r0, r0, #16
c: e1a00820 lsr r0, r0, #16
10: e12fff1e bx lr
00000000 <swap>:
0: ba40 rev16 r0, r0
2: b280 uxth r0, r0
4: 4770 bx lr
The latter is armv7 but at the same time it is because they added instructions to support this kind of work.
Fixed length RISC instructions have by definition a problem with constants. MIPS chose one way, ARM chose another. Constants are a problem on CISC as well just a different problem. Not difficult to create something that takes advantage of ARMS barrel shifter and shows a disadvantage of MIPS solution and vice versa.
The solution actually has a bit of elegance to it.
Part of this as well is the overall design of the target.
unsigned short fun ( unsigned short x )
0000000000000010 <fun>:
10: 8d 47 01 lea 0x1(%rdi),%eax
13: c3 retq
gcc chooses not to return the 16 bit variable you asked for it returns a 32 bit, it doesnt properly/correctly implement the function I asked for with my code. But that is okay if when the user of the data gets that result or uses it the mask happens there or with this architecture ax is used instead of eax. for example.
unsigned short fun ( unsigned short x )
unsigned int fun2 ( unsigned short x )
0000000000000010 <fun>:
10: 8d 47 01 lea 0x1(%rdi),%eax
13: c3 retq
0000000000000020 <fun2>:
20: 8d 47 01 lea 0x1(%rdi),%eax
23: 0f b7 c0 movzwl %ax,%eax
26: c3 retq
A compiler design choice (likely based on architecture) not an implementation bug.
Note that for a sufficiently sized project, it is easy to find missed optimization opportunities. No reason to expect an optimizer to be perfect (it isnt and cant be). They just need to be more efficient than a human doing it by hand for that sized project on average.
This is why it is commonly said that for performance tuning you dont pre-optimize or just jump to asm immediately you use the high level language and the compiler you in some way profile your way through to find the performance problems then hand code those, why hand code them because we know we can at times out perform the compiler, implying the compiler output can be improved upon.
This isnt a missed optimization opportunity, this is instead a very elegant solution for the instruction set. Masking a byte is simpler
unsigned char fun ( unsigned char x )
00000000 <fun>:
0: e1a03220 lsr r3, r0, #4
4: e1830200 orr r0, r3, r0, lsl #4
8: e20000ff and r0, r0, #255 ; 0xff
c: e12fff1e bx lr
00000000 <fun>:
0: e1a03220 lsr r3, r0, #4
4: e1830200 orr r0, r3, r0, lsl #4
8: e6ef0070 uxtb r0, r0
c: e12fff1e bx lr
the latter being armv7, but with armv7 they recognized and solved these issues you cant expect the programmer to always use natural sized variables, some feel the need to use less optimal sized variables. sometimes you still have to mask to a certain size.

Hypothetical - about making a header for an *existing* static/dynamic library

I want to learn more about unix/linux and this question popped into my head - let's say I made a static/dynamic library (.a or .so) and lost the c/c++ source code and header file. Default nm output gives me the names of the symbols but I need to know return types and parameter count/types to make a header. Is it possible to get this extra information somehow to reverse engineer a header for a given library?
You tagged C and C++ and the answer varies slightly between the two.
For C++, the method names of classes have type information embedded in the symbol name. You just have to figure how what kind of name mangling the compiler that compiled the library did.
For C, there's no real clean way to do it. You could take apart the assembly and analyze which registers and stack areas are read without having been written to figure out how many parameters a function takes. This would require knowledge of the calling conventions used by whatever compiler compiled the library.
Similarly, you can look at how each parameters is used in the assembly. If you see it being used in a load instruction, it is most likely a pointer of some sort while if you see it being used in arithmetic, it's possibly an integer of some sort.
For the return type, you can check if anything seemingly meaningful is placed in the return register before a return instruction. Again, this requires knowledge of calling conventions for your platform.
Here's an example of how I would do things in ARM assembly.
I know that parameters in ARM are passed in registers r0 to r3 and the return value is stored in register r0. With that in mind, we can begin reverse engineering. Let's take a look at the assembly for two functions and try to work out what the function prototype was.
00000000 <func1>:
0: e3510000 cmp r1, #0
4: 0a000007 beq 28 <func1+0x28>
8: e0801001 add r1, r0, r1
c: e1a03000 mov r3, r0
10: e3a00000 mov r0, #0
14: e4d32001 ldrb r2, [r3], #1
18: e1530001 cmp r3, r1
1c: e0800002 add r0, r0, r2
20: 1afffffb bne 14 <func1+0x14>
24: e12fff1e bx lr
28: e1a00001 mov r0, r1
2c: e12fff1e bx lr
If we take a look here, r0 and r1 are both read before anything was written to it. We can also see r2 and r3 are written to before they were read. We can therefore infer that func1 has a maximum of two paramaters.
We also realise that r0 is moved to r3 and then used as an address to ldrb, which is an instruction to load a byte from memory. Hence, we infer that the first parameter is a pointer. Because the instruction only loads a single byte, we can also tell it might be a pointer to some sort of one byte data type.
The second parameter in r1 never seems to be used except in compare and add instructions so it is possibly an integer.
Before each bx lr (a return-to-caller instruction), something is placed in r0 so we infer that the function returns some sort of value.
If this function were presented to me, I'd guess that the function prototype would look something like this:
int func1(unsigned char *, int);
unsigned int func1(void *, unsigned int);
Here's an another function
00000030 <func2>:
30: e0822001 add r2, r2, r1
34: e5c02000 strb r2, [r0]
38: e12fff1e bx lr
This one is very easy.
We see that r0, r1 and r2 are all read from before being written to so we can guess that the function takes three parameters. r0 is used as an address to a strb instruction (store byte) so it is probably a pointer. Again, it only stores a byte so it is probably a pointer to a byte sized data type.
The other two are only used in an add instruction so are probably integers.
Nothing seems to be placed into r0 at the end so the function either returns the first parameter or doesn't return a value.
I would guess the prototype would be one of the following
void func2(unsigned char *, int, int);
unsigned char *func2(unsigned char *, int, int);
void func2(char *, char, char);
Keeping in mind that caller/callee conventions vary for different processor instruction sets and you are already aware of name mangling while using c and c++ libraries together, you can try the following way:
gdb <executable>
disas <function name>
Here you can make a wild guess about the type of return value and parameters using the bit size of those values written on stack making use of assembly code.

How to tell clang not to save registers to stack?

The Goal
I'm currently trying out avr-llvm (a llvm that supports AVR as a target). My main goal is to use it's hopefully better optimizer (compared to the one of gcc) to achieve smaller binaries. If you know a little about AVRs you know that you've got only few memory.
I currently work with an ATTiny45, 4KB Flash and 256 Bytes (just bytes not KB!) of SRAM.
The Problem
I was trying compile a simple C program (see below), to check what assembly code is produced and how the machine-code size is developing. I used "clang -Oz -S test.c" to produce assembly output and to optimize it for minimal size. My problem are the needlessly saved register values, knowing that this method would never return.
My Questions...
How can I tell llvm that it can just clobber any register, if needed without saving/restoring it's content? Any ideas how to optimize it even more (e.g. more efficient setup of stack)?
Details / Example
Here is my test program. As mentioned above it was compiled using "clang -Oz -S test.c".
#include <stdint.h>
void __attribute__ ((noreturn)) main() {
volatile uint8_t res = 1;
while (1) {}
As you can see it has just one "volatile" variable of type uint8_t (if I don't set it to volatile everything would be optimized out). This variable is set to 1. And there is an endless loop at the end. Now let us have a look at the assembly output:
.file "test.c"
.globl main
.align 2
.type main,#function
push r28
push r29
in r28, 61
in r29, 62
sbiw r29:r28, 1
in r0, 63
out 62, r29
out 63, r0
out 61, r28
ldi r24, 1
std Y+1, r24
rjmp .BB0_1
.size main, .tmp0-main
Yeah! That's a lot of machine code for such a simple program. I just tested some variations and had a look into the reference manual of the AVR... so I can explain what happens. Let's have a look at each part.
This here is the "beef", which is just doing what our c program is about. It loads r24 with value "1" which is stored into memory at Y+1 (Stack Pointer + 1). And there is of course our endless loop:
ldi r24, 1
std Y+1, r24
rjmp .BB0_1
Note: that the endless loop is needed. Else the __attribute__ ((noreturn)) is ignored and the stack pointer + saved registers are restored later.
Just before that the pointer in "Y" is set up:
in r28, 61
in r29, 62
sbiw r29:r28, 1
in r0, 63
out 62, r29
out 63, r0
out 61, r28
What happens here is:
Y (register pair r28:r29 is equivalent to "Y") is loaded from ports 61 and 62, these ports map to some "registers" namely SPL and SPH ("L"ow and "H"igh byte of the "S"tack "P"ointer)
the loaded value is decremented (sbiw r29:r28)
the changed value of the stack pointer is saved back to the ports; and I guess to avoid problems: interrupts are disabled before; the state of "cli/sti" [which is stored in register 63 (SREG)] is saved to r0 and later restored to port 63.
This setup of the stack registers seems to be inefficient. To increment the stack pointer I would just need to "push r0" to the stack. Then I could just load the value of SPH/SPL into r29:r28. How ever, this would probably need some changes to llvm's optimizer in source code. The above code makes just sense if more than 3 byte of stack have to be reserved for local variables (even if optimizing -O3, for -Oz it makes sense for up to 6 bytes). HOW EVER... I guess we need to touch the source of llvm for that; so this is out of scope.
More interesting is this part:
push r28
push r29
As main() is not intended to return, this doesn't make sense. This just wastes RAM and flash memory for silly instructions (remember: we have only 64, 128 or 256 bytes SRAM available in some devices).
I investigated this a bit further: If we let main return (e.g. no endless loop) the stack pointer is restored, we have a "ret" instruction at the end AND the registers r28 and r29 are restored from stack via "pop r29, pop 28". But the compiler should know, that if scope of the function "main" is never left, then all registers can be clobbered without having them stored to the stack.
This problem seems just a bit "silly" as we speak about 2 bytes RAM. But just think about what happens if the program starts using the rest of the registers.
All this really changed my view at current "compilers". I thought today there wouldn't be much room for optimization via assembler. But it seems there is...
So, still the question is...
Do you have any idea how to improve this situation (except for filing a bug report / feature request)?
I mean: Are there just some compiler switches I might have overlooked...?
Additional Info
Using __attribute__ ((OS_main)) works for avr-gcc.
Output is as following:
.file "test.c"
__SREG__ = 0x3f
__SP_H__ = 0x3e
__SP_L__ = 0x3d
__CCP__ = 0x34
__tmp_reg__ = 0
__zero_reg__ = 1
.global __do_copy_data
.global __do_clear_bss
.global main
.type main, #function
push __tmp_reg__
in r28,__SP_L__
in r29,__SP_H__
/* prologue: function */
/* frame size = 1 */
ldi r24,lo8(1)
std Y+1,r24
rjmp .L2
.size main, .-main
This is (to my opinion) optimal in size (6 instructions or 12 bytes) and also in speed for this sample program. Is there any equivalent attribute for llvm? (clang version '3.2 (trunk 160228) (based on LLVM 3.2svn)' does neither know about OS_task nor knows anything about OS_main).
The answer to the question asked is somewhat brought up by Anton in his comment: the problem is not in LLVM, it is in your AVR target. For example, here is an equivalent program run through Clang and LLVM for other targets:
% cat test.c
__attribute__((noreturn)) int main() {
volatile unsigned char res = 1;
while (1) {}
% ./bin/clang -c -o - -S -Oz test.c # I'm on an x86-64 machine
main: # #main
# BB#0: # %entry
movb $1, -1(%rsp)
.LBB0_1: # %while.body
# =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1
jmp .LBB0_1
.size main, .Ltmp0-main
% ./bin/clang -c -o - --target=armv6-unknown-linux-gnueabi -S -Oz test.c
sub sp, sp, #4
mov r0, #1
strb r0, [sp, #3]
b .LBB0_1
.size main, .Ltmp0-main
% ./bin/clang -c -o - --target=powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu -S -Oz test.c
.align 3
.quad .L.main
.quad .TOC.#tocbase
.quad 0
li 3, 1
stb 3, -9(1)
b .LBB0_1
.long 0
.quad 0
.size main, .Ltmp0-.L.main
As you can see for all three of these targets, the only code generated is to reserve stack space (if necessary, it isn't on x86-64) and set the value on the stack. I think this is minimal.
That said, if you do find problems with LLVM's optimizer, the best way to get help is to send email to the development mailing list or to file bugs if you have a specific input IR sequence that should produce more minimal output IR.
Finally, to answer the questions asked in comments on your question: there are actually areas where LLVM's optimizer is significantly more powerful than GCC. However, there are also areas where it is significantly less powerful. =] Benchmark the code you care about.

Strange behaviour of ldr [pc, #value]

I was debugging some c++ code (WinCE 6 on ARM platform),
and i find some behavior strange:
4277220C mov r3, #0x93, 30
42772210 str r3, [sp]
42772214 ldr r3, [pc, #0x69C]
42772218 ldr r2, [pc, #0x694]
4277221C mov r1, #0
42772220 ldr r0, [pc, #0x688]
Line 42772214 ldr r3, [pc, #0x69C] is used to get some constant from .DATA section, at least I think so.
What is strange that according to the code r2 should be filled with memory from address pc=0x42772214 + 0x69C = 0x427728B0, but according to the memory contents it's loaded from 0x427728B8 (8bytes+), it happens for other ldr usages too.
Is it fault of the debugger or my understanding of ldr/pc?
Another issue I don't get - why access to the .data section is relative to the executed code? I find it little bit strange.
And one more issue: i cannot find syntax of the 1st mov command (any one could point me a optype specification for the Thumb (1C2))
Sorry for the laic description, but I'm just familiarizing with the assemblies.
This is correct. When pc is used for reading there is an 8-byte offset in ARM mode and 4-byte offset in Thumb mode.
From the ARM-ARM:
When an instruction reads the PC, the value read depends on which instruction set it comes from:
For an ARM instruction, the value read is the address of the instruction plus 8 bytes. Bits [1:0] of this value are always zero, because ARM instructions are always word-aligned.
For a Thumb instruction, the value read is the address of the instruction plus 4 bytes. Bit [0] of this value is always zero, because Thumb instructions are always halfword-aligned.
This way of reading the PC is primarily used for quick, position-independent addressing of nearby instructions and data, including position-independent branching within a program.
There are 2 reasons for pc-relative addressing.
Position-independent code, which is in your case.
Get some complicated constants nearby which cannot be written in 1 simple instruction, e.g. mov r3, #0x12345678 is impossible to complete in 1 instruction, so the compiler may put this constant in the end of the function and use e.g. ldr r3, [pc, #0x50] to load it instead.
I don't know what mov r3, #0x93, 30 means. Probably it is mov r3, #0x93, rol 30 (which gives 0xC0000024)?