Django - Converting a Binary stream to an Image - django

I am trying to obtain an image from a url and return it to the ModelAdmin to display it in a new column of the table.
I tried the following code in file:
def new_field(self, obj):
r = requests.get('')
return r.content
The code is not giving me any error but it's returning a long binary string instead of the image itself.
How can I pass the image itself, or convert the binary content to an image?

You do not need download image if you wont only show it.
def new_field(self, obj):
url = ''
return '<img src="{}" />'.format(url)
new_field.allow_tags = True # it is important!!!

You can make use of a NamedTemporaryFile [GitHub] here. For example:
from django.core.files import File
from django.core.files.temp import NamedTemporaryFile
def store_image_from_source(self, obj):
img = NamedTemporaryFile()
r = requests.get('')
file = File(img)'filename.jpeg', file, save=True)
Here 'filename.jpeg' is thus te name of the file, as if you would have uploaded a file with that name with a ModelForm.


How to save pillow processed image in already existing Django object

I have created a object model as below
from django.db import models
# Create your models here.
class ImageModel(models.Model):
image = models.ImageField(upload_to='images/')
editedImg = models.ImageField(upload_to='images/')
def delete(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().delete(*args, **kwargs)
And here is what i am trying to do in a function
from django.shortcuts import render
from EditorApp.forms import ImageForm
from EditorApp.models import ImageModel
from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect
from PIL import Image
def edit_column(request):
codArr = request.POST.getlist('codArr[]')
imgs = ImageModel.objects.first()
orgImage = ImageModel.objects.first().image
orgImage =
croppedImg = orgImage.crop((int(codArr[0]), int(codArr[1]), int(codArr[2]), int(codArr[3])))
# imgs.editedImg = croppedImg
return HttpResponseRedirect("/editing/")
What i am trying to do is the codArr consists of coordinates of top(x, y) and bottom(x, y) in the array form(Which is not an issue and is tested( showed the desired cropped image) and handled and used to crop the image). Image crop is working fine. But what i am trying to do is to save the cropped image in editedImg of the model used above. The above commented one is what i tried but throw a error AttributeError: _committed
As i have not used any name for image in model as its not required.
Kindly help please, Would be very thankfull.
you should do it like this:
from io import BytesIO
from api.models import ProductPicture
from django.core import files
codArr = request.POST.getlist('codArr[]')
img_obj = ImageModel.objects.first()
orgImage = img_obj.image
orgImage =
croppedImg = orgImage.crop((int(codArr[0]), int(codArr[1]), int(codArr[2]), int(codArr[3])))
thumb_io = BytesIO() # create a BytesIO object, 'png')
editedImg = files.File(thumb_io, name=file_name)
img_obj.editedImg = editedImg
You can use Python's context manager to open the image and save it to the desired storage in that case I'm using the images dir.
Pillow will crop the image and will save it to the filesystem and after that, you can add it to Django's ImageField and save it into the DB.
The context manager takes care of the file opening and closing, Pillow
takes care of the image, and Django takes care of the DB.
from PIL import Image
with as image:
file_name = image.filename # Can be replaced by orgImage filename
cropped_path = f"images/croped-{file_name}"
# The crop method from the Image module takes four coordinates as input.
# The right can also be represented as (left+width)
# and lower can be represented as (upper+height).
(left, upper, right, lower) = (20, 20, 100, 100)
# Here the image "image" is cropped and assigned to new variable im_crop
im_crop = image.crop((left, upper, right, lower))
imgs.editedImg = cropped_path
Pillow's reference

How to save the generated image from Django ImageKit to ImageField?

I generate the image using the code below:
source_file = open('/path/to/myimage.jpg', 'rb')
image_generator = Thumbnail(source=source_file)
result = image_generator.generate()
What is the proper method to save the generated "result" back to django ImageField? ie in a model
The generated result seems to be a _io.BytesIO object. And it seems I cannot directly save it to ImageField.
Any help would be appreciated
Assuming you have a SampleModel as below,
class SampleModel(models.Model):
image = models.ImageField(null=True)
then,ContentFile do the magic for you. Follow the snippet,
from django.core.files.base import ContentFile
source_file = open('/path/to/myimage.jpg', 'rb')
image_generator = Thumbnail(source=source_file)
result = image_generator.generate()
# additional snippet
django_file = ContentFile(result.getvalue())
sample = SampleModel.objects.create()'sample_name.jpg', django_file)

Upload Image to Amazon S3 with Flask-admin

I am using Flask-Admin and is very happy with it. However, the sample in Flask-Admin only provides to upload the image to static folder. Is it possible to upload it to S3 directly with Flask-Admin? Thanks.
Thanks for your sample code, Alex Chan. I needed this functionality too, so I decided to write more complete S3FileUploadField and S3ImageUploadField classes, based on your code and various other snippets.
You can find my code at:
Also up on pypi, so you can install with:
pip install flask-admin-s3-upload
I've documentated a basic usage example in the readme (can see it on the github project page). Hope this helps, for anyone else who needs S3 file uploads in flask-admin.
Here it is but not clean the code..
import os
import os.path as op
import cStringIO
import logging
import config
from flask import url_for
from werkzeug import secure_filename
from werkzeug.datastructures import FileStorage
import boto
from boto.s3.key import Key
from wtforms import ValidationError, fields
from wtforms.widgets import HTMLString, html_params
from flask.ext.admin.babel import gettext
from flask.ext.admin._compat import string_types, urljoin
from flask.ext.admin.form.upload import ImageUploadField
from PIL import Image, ImageOps
except ImportError:
Image = None
ImageOps = None
__all__ = ['FileUploadInput', 'FileUploadField',
'ImageUploadInput', 'ImageUploadField',
'namegen_filename', 'thumbgen_filename']
class ImageUploadInput(object):
Renders a image input chooser field.
You can customize `empty_template` and `data_template` members to customize
look and feel.
empty_template = ('<input %(file)s>')
data_template = ('<div class="image-thumbnail">'
' <img %(image)s>'
' <input type="checkbox" name="%(marker)s">Delete</input>'
'<input %(file)s>')
def __call__(self, field, **kwargs):
args = {
'file': html_params(type='file',
'marker': '_%s-delete' %
if and isinstance(, string_types):
url = self.get_url(field)
args['image'] = html_params(src=url)
template = self.data_template
template = self.empty_template
return HTMLString(template % args)
def get_url(self, field):
if field.thumbnail_size:
filename = field.thumbnail_fn(
filename =
if field.url_relative_path:
filename = urljoin(field.url_relative_path, filename)
#return url_for(field.endpoint,
class s3ImageUploadField(ImageUploadField):
Image upload field.
Does image validation, thumbnail generation, updating and deleting images.
Requires PIL (or Pillow) to be installed.
widget = ImageUploadInput()
keep_image_formats = ('PNG',)
If field detects that uploaded image is not in this list, it will save image
as PNG.
def __init__(self, label=None, validators=None,
base_path=None, relative_path=None,
namegen=None, allowed_extensions=None,
thumbgen=None, thumbnail_size=None,
url_relative_path=None, endpoint='static',
:param label:
Display label
:param validators:
:param base_path:
Absolute path to the directory which will store files
:param relative_path:
Relative path from the directory. Will be prepended to the file name for uploaded files.
Flask-Admin uses `urlparse.urljoin` to generate resulting filename, so make sure you have
trailing slash.
:param namegen:
Function that will generate filename from the model and uploaded file object.
Please note, that model is "dirty" model object, before it was committed to database.
For example::
import os.path as op
def prefix_name(obj, file_data):
parts = op.splitext(file_data.filename)
return secure_filename('file-%s%s' % parts)
class MyForm(BaseForm):
upload = FileUploadField('File', namegen=prefix_name)
:param allowed_extensions:
List of allowed extensions. If not provided, will allow any file.
:param max_size:
Tuple of (width, height, force) or None. If provided, Flask-Admin will
resize image to the desired size.
:param thumbgen:
Thumbnail filename generation function. All thumbnails will be saved as JPEG files,
so there's no need to keep original file extension.
For example::
import os.path as op
def thumb_name(filename):
name, _ = op.splitext(filename)
return secure_filename('%s-thumb.jpg' % name)
class MyForm(BaseForm):
upload = ImageUploadField('File', thumbgen=prefix_name)
:param thumbnail_size:
Tuple or (width, height, force) values. If not provided, thumbnail won't be created.
Width and height is in pixels. If `force` is set to `True`, will try to fit image into dimensions and
keep aspect ratio, otherwise will just resize to target size.
:param url_relative_path:
Relative path from the root of the static directory URL. Only gets used when generating
preview image URLs.
For example, your model might store just file names (`relative_path` set to `None`), but
`base_path` is pointing to subdirectory.
:param endpoint:
Static endpoint for images. Used by widget to display previews. Defaults to 'static'.
# Check if PIL is installed
if Image is None:
raise Exception('PIL library was not found')
self.max_size = max_size
self.thumbnail_fn = thumbgen or thumbgen_filename
self.thumbnail_size = thumbnail_size
self.endpoint = endpoint
self.image = None
self.url_relative_path = url_relative_path
if not allowed_extensions:
allowed_extensions = ('gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'tiff')
super(ImageUploadField, self).__init__(label, validators,
def pre_validate(self, form):
super(ImageUploadField, self).pre_validate(form)
if and isinstance(, FileStorage):
self.image =
except Exception as e:
raise ValidationError('Invalid image: %s' % e)
# Deletion
def _delete_file(self, filename):
super(ImageUploadField, self)._delete_file(filename)
def _delete_thumbnail(self, filename):
path = self._get_path(self.thumbnail_fn(filename))
if op.exists(path):
# Saving
def _save_file(self, data, filename):
path = self._get_path(filename)
if not op.exists(op.dirname(path)):
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path), self.permission)
# Figure out format
filename, format = self._get_save_format(filename, self.image)
if self.image and (self.image.format != format or self.max_size):
if self.max_size:
image = self._resize(self.image, self.max_size)
image = self._resize(self.image, (500, 500))
#image = self.image
self._save_image(image, filename, format)
savedUrl=self._save_image(self.image, filename, format)
self._save_thumbnail(data, filename, format)
return savedUrl
def _save_thumbnail(self, data, filename, format):
if self.image and self.thumbnail_size:
path = self._get_path(self.thumbnail_fn(filename))
savedUrl=self._save_image(self._resize(self.image, self.thumbnail_size),
return savedUrl
def _resize(self, image, size):
(width, height, force) = size
if image.size[0] > width or image.size[1] > height:
if force:
return, (width, height), Image.ANTIALIAS)
thumb = self.image.copy()
thumb.thumbnail((width, height), Image.ANTIALIAS)
return thumb
return image
def _save_image(self, image, path, format='JPEG'):
if image.mode not in ('RGB', 'RGBA'):
image = image.convert('RGBA')
conn =boto.connect_s3( config.AWS_KEY, config.AWS_SECRET,)
bucket = conn.get_bucket("vipbutton")
k = Key(bucket)
k.key= path
tempFile = cStringIO.StringIO(),format)
#k.set_contents_from_string('This is a test of S3')
#with open(path, 'wb') as fp:
#, format)
return k.generate_url(expires_in=0, query_auth=False)
def _get_save_format(self, filename, image):
if image.format not in self.keep_image_formats:
name, ext = op.splitext(filename)
filename = '%s.jpg' % name
return filename, 'JPEG'
return filename, image.format
# Helpers
def namegen_filename(obj, file_data):
Generate secure filename for uploaded file.
return secure_filename(file_data.filename)
def thumbgen_filename(filename):
Generate thumbnail name from filename.
name, ext = op.splitext(filename)
return '%s_thumb%s' % (name, ext)

how to not display original picture name in Django

I am building a Django project where users can upload pictures. I am wondering what I should do to not show the original picture name.
I want the url to be something like /pic/randomnumber, and when the picture is downloaded from the website, it would have the name randomnumber.jpg. For example, all the pictures on Tumblr have the name tumblr_blabla.jpg.
I think this is something that should be done in, but I am not quite sure how to implement it.
IMO you should write method save in your model
Something like that:
from PIL import Image
import os
class YOURS_MODEL_NAME(models.Model):
photo = models.ImageField(upload_to="photos")
def save(self, miniature=True):
super(YOURS_MODEL_NAME, self).save()
if miniature:
filepath =
image =
new_filepath = filepath.split('.')
new_filepath = '.'.join("HERE YOU CAN ADD EVERYTHING TO PATH TO THIS PHOTO") + "." + new_filepath[-1].lower()
try:, quality=90, optimize=1)
except:, quality=90)
photo_name ='.')
photo_name = '.'.join("HERE YOU CAN ADD EVERYTHING YOU WANT TO 'PHOTO NAME'") + "." + photo_name[-1].lower() = photo_name
# remove old image
The upload_to argument in your Model definition can be a callable function which you use to customize the name of the file. Taken from the Django docs on
FileField (of which ImageField is a subclass):
upload_to takes two arguments: instance and filename, (where filename is the original filename, which you may also chose to ignore).
Something similar to this in should do the trick:
def random_filename(instance, filename):
file_name = "random_string" # use your choice for generating a random string!
return file_name
class SomeModel(models.Model):
file = models.ImageField(upload_to=random_filename)
(this is similar to the answer this question about FileFields).
If you are going down this path, I would recommend that you use either the hash/checksum or date/time of the file upload. Something along these lines should work (although I haven't tested it myself!):
from hashlib import sha1
def unique_filename(instance, field):
filehash = sha1()
for chunk in getattr(instance, field).chunks():
return filehash
class SomeModel(models.Model):
file = models.ImageField(upload_to=unique_filename(field='file'))
Hope this helps!

Django - Getting PIL Image save method to work with Amazon s3boto Storage

In order to resize images upon upload (using PIL), I'm overriding the save method for my Article model like so:
def save(self):
super(Article, self).save()
if self.image:
size = (160, 160)
image =
image.thumbnail(size, Image.ANTIALIAS)
This works locally but in production I get an error:
NotImplementedError: This backend doesn't support absolute paths.
I tried replacing the line with
but then I get an IOError:
[Errno 2] No such file or directory: ''
That is the correct location of the image though. If I put that address in the browser, the image is there. I tried a number of other things but so far, no luck.
You should try and avoid saving to absolute paths; there is a File Storage API which abstracts these types of operations for you.
Looking at the PIL Documentation, it appears that the save() function supports passing a file-like object instead of a path.
I'm not in an environment where I can test this code, but I believe you would need to do something like this instead of your last line:
from import default_storage as storage
fh =, "w")
format = 'png' # You need to set the correct image format here, format)
For me did not work, did not work, this one worked. See this code if anyone is still interested. I apologize for the indentation. My project was using Cloudinary and Django small project.
from io import BytesIO
from django.core.files.base import ContentFile
from import default_storage as storage
def save(self, *args, **kargs):
super(User, self).save(*args, **kargs)
# After save, read the file
image_read =, "r")
image =
if image.height > 200 or image.width > 200:
size = 200, 200
# Create a buffer to hold the bytes
imageBuffer = BytesIO()
# Resize
image.thumbnail(size, Image.ANTIALIAS)
# Save the image as jpeg to the buffer, image.format)
# Check whether it is resized
# Save the modified image
user = User.objects.get(, ContentFile(imageBuffer.getvalue()))
image_read =, "r")
image =
If you are working with cloud storages for files in Django
NotImplementedError: This backend doesn't support absolute paths
To fix it you need to replace file.path with
For code in the the question: with
Here how it looks like in the console
>>> c = ContactImport.objects.last()
>>> c.json_file
<FieldFile: protected/json_files/data_SbLN1MpVGetUiN_uodPnd9yE2prgeTVTYKZ.json>
>>> c.json_file.url