Creating multiple cumulative line graphs in Power BI with DAX - powerbi

I'm trying to figure out how to create a cumulative line graph in Power BI. The problem I'm having is I have a lot of variables that need to fit in and I'm having some trouble to make it work. I've got the following columns in a table.
Product certification
Delivery date
Product volume
The product volume column has an associated data and certification number to each volume row. I want to create a graph that has cumulative lines for each product certification.
To create the cumulative graph by volume I've written a DAX formula that goes like this:
Cumulative volume =
SUM ( CONCRETE[Product Volume] ),
CONCRETE[Delivery Date] <= MAX ( CONCRETE[Delivery Date] )
However, this doesn't account for the Product certification. It only sums up the total volume to date.
Anyone have any thoughts on how to correct this?
Thanks so much for any help!

Just use Date column while filtering for ALL,
Cumulative volume =
SUM ( CONCRETE[Product Volume] ),
ALL ( CONCRETE[Delivery Date] ),
CONCRETE[Delivery Date] <= MAX ( CONCRETE[Delivery Date] )
I hope it helps!!


PowerBI using customer %% as X-Axis

I'm looking to create a line graph with accumulated revenue and -gross profit as 0-100% Value Lines on the Y-axis and then have 0-100% of the amount of customers on the X-axis.
I've managed to get the Y-axis and the accumulated lines working using Months on the X-axis. That's not the hard part though, I need to get customer count 0 - 100% on the X-AXIS and I cannot seem to figure it out.
No particular parameters desired i.r.t. the customer accumulation. We just want to be able to see how much the sales are rising along with the relative distinct count of customers in our database.
This way we can see that the first 20% of customers hold i.e. 50% of the revenue etc.
It's a bit weird, I've tried adding custom columns to calculate the percentage of a customer to the grand total of distinct counts but I cannot seem to get it to accumulate. Perhaps i'm looking entirely in the wrong direction and there's a better solution to this. I'd appreciate any help!
You can make the x-axis as a calculated column. If you don't already have a Customer dimension table, then you can create a new calculated table as follows:
CustomerAxis =
VAR CustomerRev =
DISTINCT ( Data[Customer] ),
"CustomerRevenue", CALCULATE ( SUM ( Data[Revenue] ) )
VAR TotalRev = SUM ( Data[Revenue] )
VAR TotalCustomers = DISTINCTCOUNT ( Data[Customer] )
VAR CumulativeCols =
FILTER ( CustomerRev, [CustomerRevenue] >= EARLIER ( [CustomerRevenue] ) ),
FILTER ( CustomerRev, [CustomerRevenue] >= EARLIER ( [CustomerRevenue] ) )
"% of Customers", DIVIDE ( [CumulativeCount], TotalCustomers ),
"% of Revenue", DIVIDE ( [CumulativeRevenue], TotalRev )
Then you can drag and drop these last two % columns into a line chart to get the desired curve.
PBIX file I created:

Power BI: Use unrelated date table to create a measure

Hi I have been struggling with this for a bit now and I hope I didn't miss a previous question. I am trying to get a count of the vehicles we have based on an EOMONTH date. We are buying and selling cars on a regular basis and for reporting we need to know how many we had at the end of each month and the report is a rolling 12 months.
I've tried creating the relationship with the purchasedate of the vehicle to the date of my date table but when I create the measure (Used to calculate the number of vehicles purchased but haven't been sold):
SalesBlank = CALCULATE(
FILTER(Vehicles, Vehicles[purchasedate] <= RELATED('Date'[EOMONTH]) && ISBLANK(Vehicles[saledate])))
I only get a count of vehicles purchased that month and don't have a sale date - I'm not surprised because my relationship with the date table is the purchase date.
How can I set up a measure to look at the date table and filter the vehicles table with this logic:
purchasedate <= date[EOMONTH] && ISBLANK(salesdate)
Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
Sample Data and Desired Results
If I understand you correctly, you want to get a count of the vehicles on hand at the end of each month. That could be calculated by counting the vehicles with a purchase date less than or equal to the selected end of month and subtracting the count of vehicles with a sale date less than or equal to the selected end of month.
You can create an active relationship between Vehicle[PurchaseDate] and Date[Date]. Then create an inactive relationship based upon Vehicles[SaleDate] and Date[Date].
You could use a measure that is something like this:
Inventory Count =
VAR MaxDate =
MAX ( 'Date'[Date] )
VAR MinDate =
CALCULATE ( MIN ( 'Date'[Date] ), ALL ( 'Date' ) )
VAR Purch =
COUNT ( 'Vehicles'[VehicleID] ),
DATESBETWEEN ( 'Date'[Date], MinDate, MaxDate )
VAR Sales =
COUNT ( 'Vehicles'[VehicleID] ),
USERELATIONSHIP ( 'Date'[Date], Vehicles[Sale Date] ),
DATESBETWEEN ( 'Date'[Date], MinDate, MaxDate )
VAR MaxPurDt =
CALCULATE ( MAX ( 'Vehicles'[Purchase Date] ), ALL ( 'Vehicles' ) )
VAR MaxSlDt =
CALCULATE ( MAX ( 'Vehicles'[Sale Date] ), ALL ( 'Vehicles' ) )
IF (
MIN ( 'Date'[Date] ) <= MaxPurDt
|| MIN ( 'Date'[Date] ) <= MaxSlDt,
Purch - Sales
This measure gets a cumulative count of purchases and a cumulative count of sales and then subtracts them. The IF check is to avoid propagation of cumulative totals beyond the maximum date in the Vehicle table.
I'm not sure how to interpret your showing of just 3 months in the desired results. This will produce the same answers as what you have, but without a filter applied to the table, it starts at 3/31/2016 (the date of the first sale).
Edit: There's probably a more efficient way along the lines you were thinking, but it is escaping me at the moment.

Calculate cumulative sum of summarized table column

I having trouble calculating the cumulative sum of a column on PowerBI.
I have a big offer table and I want to run a pareto analysis on it. Following many tutorials, I created a SUMMARIZED table by offer and a sum of their sales. So the table definition is:
summary = SUMMARIZE(big_table; big_table[offer]; "offer sales"; sum(big_table[sales]))
Many of the forums and stackoverflow answers I found have direct me to the following formula for cumulative sum on column:
cum_sales =
summary[offer_sales] <= max( summary[offer_sales])
However the resulting table is not correct:
What I need is simply to have the offers ordered by sales descending and then add the current row's sales amount to the previous row's sales,
So I excepted numbers closer to:
1st row: 1.5M
2nd row: 2.1M
3rd row: 2.6M and so on
But (maybe) because of my data structure and (certainly) lack of knowledge on how PowerBI works, I'm not getting the right results...
Total Amount = SUM ( 'Fact'[Amount] )
Offer Visual Cumulative =
VAR OfferSum =
ALLSELECTED ( 'Offer'[Offer] ),
"amt", [Total Amount]
VAR CurrentOfferAmount = [Total Amount]
VAR OffersLessThanCurrent =
[amt] <= CurrentOfferAmount
There's no need to pre-aggregate to a summary table. We can handle that as in the measure above.
This assumes a single fact table named 'Fact', and a table of distinct offers, 'Offer'.
Depending on what you're doing in terms of other filters on 'Offer', you may need to instead do as below:
Offer Visual Cumulative =
VAR OfferSum =
ALLSELECTED ( 'Offer'[Offer] ),
"amt", CALCULATE ( [Total Amount], ALLEXCEPT ( 'Offer', 'Offer'[Offer] ) )
The rest of the measure would be the same.
The measure is fairly self-documenting in its VARs. The first VAR, OfferSum is a table with columns ('Offer'[Offer], [amt]). This will include all offers displayed in the current visual. CurrentOfferAmount is the amount for the offer on the current row/axis label of the visual. OffersLessThanCurrent takes OfferSum and filters it. Finally, we iterate OffersLessThanCurrent and add up the amounts.
Here's a sample:

Cumulative average on power bi

I have a table which contains a list of products scores by date:
From this table, I have to make a plot of the cumulative percentage of each quality by date.
At this moment I have the percentage of each class by day:
For that I used this measurement:
Measure =
SUM ( Table1[Percentage_By_Class] ),
FILTER ( Table1, Table1[Date] = MAX ( Table1[Date] ) ),
ALLEXCEPT ( Table1, Table1[Score] )
SUM ( Table1[Percentage_By_Class] ),
FILTER ( ALL ( Table1 ), Table1[Date] = MAX ( Table1[Date] ) )
But this only considers the percentage of each day. I need to consider all previous dates. E.G. for day 2 I need to consider days 1 and 2, for day 3 I need to consider days 1,2,3 and so on.
How can I accomplish this?
in my opinion, you need a calendar for the date first, you can create a table easily bay dax function =CALENDARAUTO() And mark it as a calendar table,
After that, you can use a DATEMTD or a DATEYTD function for your coding purpose.
here are the steps:
1 -
select left pane --> table --> modelling / create table and add dax formula
2- reference the table as a date table, right click on the table from the right pane
after then you can use data functions like YTD MTD ,
new measure :
1st mesure : AVG1 = AVG(DATA_)
then you can use MONTH(CALENDAR(DATE)) on left and YTD AVG as a value at any table...

Cumulative total by group in Power BI (DAX)

After googling for two pages, I'm struggling to find a simple way to create a cumulative sum measure by date and item in Power BI (using DAX). I have a table which contains:
Number of requests in that day
I have managed to obtain the cumulative sum by using the following expression (extracted from DAXPatterns):
SUM ( Table[Requests] ),
ALL ( 'Date'[Date] ),
'Date'[Date] <= MAX ( 'Date'[Date] )
But I would like to obtain a measure indicating how many requests have been made by a user up to a certain date.
Is there a simple way to do this?
Create calculated table using SUMMARIZECOLUMNS function and apply filter that you need on the top of that calculated table.
YourCalcTableName =
"Number Of Requests", SUMX ( 'UsernameTable', 'UsernameTable'[NumberOfRequests] )
This calculated table essencialy produces 3 column table with user name, date and number of requests sent by this user on this date.