what is libcpmtd.lib for? - c++

All of a sudden, my program got link errors like below:
libcpmtd.lib(xlock.obj) : error LNK2038: 'RuntimeLibrary' unmatched.The value 'MTd_StaticDebug' is different from that of [project x], which is: 'MDd_DynamicDebug'
Since this error suddenly appeared on multiple computers, I believe this was not caused by unintended modification of any file.
Version: Visual Studio 2013
Could you give any hint about the reason of this error and how to solve it?
What I did:
I remove the libcpmtd.lib from the import library list of project setting, then the build error disappeared and everything was OK.
But, I am not sure what libcpmtd.lib is for?
Google told me there is CRT inside, but what are the content specifically?
Perhaps this library was added and then not relevant from some point of time.
what is in side libcpmtd.lib? I want to figure out what I might have lost after I removed the lib.

These are the C++ standard runtime libraries. With Visual C++, you have 2 options, which give you 4 permutations of the library it links to.
Debug v.s. Release
As it suggests, do you want the C++ runtime lib that has additional error checking?
Static v.s. Dynamic
If you happen to be compiling only a simple exe, then linking to the library statically should be fine. If however you have a large project consisting of multiple DLL's, then it makes sense to load the CRT dynamically (so it can be shared between the DLL's, rather than being duplicated into each one).
So what you have is a mis-configured build. You'll need to check the C/C++ Runtime Library settings for each library, DLL, and exe within your project (which you can find in your project settings, under C/C++ -> Code Generation).
You will need to make sure that each one links to the same runtime library (i.e. Debug DLL for all debug settings, Release DLL for all release settings).
If that doesn't fix it, then there are two other possible causes:
You have started linking to a 3rd party library, and that's the cause of the CRT mis-match. Most libs ship debug and release builds for this reason, so hopefully you'll just need to update the libs you are linking to.
You are inadvertently pulling in a Debug lib into a release build (or a release build lib, into a debug exe). For this you will need to check all of the additional library directories, and/or check to make sure all of the debug & release output directories are correct (i.e. you aren't accidentally compiling a debug lib into a release build folder).


How to get rid of Debug runtime DLLs

I am using a VS2015 to create DLLs which will be used in a project (which will be run on another PC).
I have build the DLLs in Release version on my PC but when I start the project on another PC, I get following errors:
VCRUNTIME140D.dll is missing
MSVCP140D.dll is missing
MSVCP140D.dll is missing
What steps should I take while creating these DLLs so that these debug runtime DLLs won't be required to the run the project on any PC.
In spite of it being built in release mode, if you require "...D.dll", then there are debug builds in the mix.
This could be the result of the third party dll you have or there are DEBUG or _DEBUG defines floating around.
Most likely is that the build (of the dll or the host exe) is explicitly set to use the debug version of the runtime (/MDd). Change this in the project settings to not use the debug version of the runtime (/MD).
Open the project's Property Pages dialog box.
Expand the C/C++ folder.
Select the Code Generation property page.
Modify the Runtime Library property.
To assist in the diagnosis of which binary is responsible for the debug dependency, you can use Dependency Walker to track down the offender. It will give you a list (as a tree) of the dependencies of each file.
In general, for missing the C++ runtimes (release version) on a target machine, you should install the C++ redistributable. As of this writing, VS 2015 redistributable is available here.
In C/C++ -> Code Generation -> set Runtime Library to:
Multi-threaded Debug (/MTd)
And yes, such setting is very much needed if you want to debug a process on a remote machine. So, don't go by others saying, "test with Release build only". Obviously, you'll need Remote Tools installed.
As stated by Niall, you should use dependency walker in order to find which part of the project is causing the error, it might not be the dll in issue after all.
My bet is it's just some part of the project you forgot and built in debug mode, which of should never be used for production as debug dlls are not included in C++ redistrib installers.

Visual Studio (C++) is automatically linking against an unwanted version of lib file

I am trying to create a C++ project in Visual Studio 2013 that has CGAL and Boost (and a couple of other libraries) as dependencies. I preferably like to link to these libraries dynamically. Also, I'd like to link to the "Release" versions of these libraries for performance reasons (not the "Debug" versions).
Starting from an empty C++ project, I added the path to header files of the aforementioned libraries as shown in the image below:
Inside the linker options, I then added the directories that contain the DLL and lib files of the external libraries. (CGAL directory contains CGAL's compiled DLL files along with lib files).
At this point, I have not added a single "lib" file "Additional Dependencies" dialog:
Now something weird is going on and I cannot explain why. If I try to build the project as-is (under the "Debug" configuration), I get a LNK1104 error about the linker not being able to find CGAL-vc120-mt-gd-4.7.lib. I know that the error means I should add the lib file in "Additional Dependencies" dialog...
But wait... WHAT...?!!
How does Visual Studio know how to automatically link against this lib file?! Worse yet, how does it know it needs the "debug" version of the library? (With the gd suffix). Also, how does it know I compiled CGAL with VS2013!!??
At first, I though the project was inheriting properties from some preset property sheets somewhere in my system. But I am certain that's not the case as this behavior shows even with a project created from scratch.
My main question is, how would you force Visual Studio to link against the "Release" version of this library? (eg. CGAL-vc120-mt-4.7.lib)
Side question but related: Am I even linking against the DLL files? How can I be certain that I am in deed doing dynamic linking and not static linking?
This is probably happening due to the #pragma comment(lib) mechanism - eg see What does "#pragma comment" mean?
This is a way of the compiler emitting instructions for the linker so that it can decide between multiple versions of a library depending on the compiler version. In this case it means that it can automatically pick up the correct version of the library (debug vs release, vs2013 vs vs2015, MT vs MD, etc). When you added the explicit reference to the library in Additional Dependencies then it is now trying to look for two files.
So, to fix the problem, remove it from Additional Dependencies and let VS pick the right library. If you are getting the LNK1104 error then it suggests that either the link library path isn't set up correctly, or you don't have the CGAL library file it's looking for. You can increase the verbosity settings for the linker in the Project Options to get more detail about what's happening.

Visual Studio C++ - Check the reason of link a specific library

vs report a error such as:
can not find xxx.lib
How do I check out why vs need to link xxx.lib? Is there a trace log? My project have not use boost.regex, but vs report a error says can not find regex.lib. So I want to find out which part of code refer to regex
LNK error: LIBCMT.lib: xxx was already defined in LIBCMTD.lib
How do I check why vs also link yyy.lib even this is a debug build? I have 2 projects, they link to same libs, all libs and project itself was /MTd. But one of them will report above error, I think it shouldn't link LIBCMT.lib because it is a release version lib, and another project is OK so the lib file was build correctly
VS can show the link trace?
1) Let's start with how the linker actually knows what to link with. Basically there are 2 categories:
Libraries specified in the project settings in the linker options as additional inputs
Libraries added in code with precompiler directive #pragma comment (generally the same thing as above but people have different tastes)
Otherwise you just get information about missing symbols but not the actual library they are from. What you can do to help is under visual studio linker options set Show Progress to For Libraries Searched (or just /VERBOSE:LIB linker flag), that will actually show you what dependencies are added after each lib is loaded, this also helps with point 2) to see which library loads which run-time.
2) Already mentioned in 1) that you can make the linker show library load progress, otherwise if a dynamic C run-time is used in the external library you are linking against you could use Dependency Walker to examine the dependencies of the library and find if the C run-time dll that is needed is debug or release by 'd' suffix in the dll name. If the library is already linked with static run-time then I guess only the linker errors will warn you. But I think that most serious libraries are correctly packed and structured so that you will be able to tell which files contain the debug version and which the release. If the library has only release version, well than that's another story. But i mean still, you can reconfigure the Debug configuration of your project to actually link against the release run-time to satisfy the external library, of course this prevents some debugging features, debug heap, etc.
For the missing boost regex library problem, I think the cause is due to boost's default autolink behaviour. If you include one of the headers of some of the boost libraries (not all of them, but regex is one of them), then these will cause Visual Studio to automatically link against the library. It uses a special pragma of the form:
#pragma comment(lib, "regex")
This has the effect of automatically adding a flag to the linker command. However, it's only picked up during compilation and so you won't see it in the project properties. In the case of boost, the solution to this is quite simple - find boost/config/user.hpp and uncomment the line
This will turn off the autolink behaviour for all libraries. Alternatively you can use #define BOOST_REGEX_NO_LIB to change this just for the regex library.
To solve the second problem, you need to find out which library is linking against the release build. Try selecting all projects in the solution and open Properties -> C++ -> Code Generation. You will probably find that the Runtime Library setting will be blank (because the option is different for some of the libraries. Force it to the correct threaded/single-threaded Debug option and rebuild.

Build C++ project to include ALL msvc dlls

I have a simple C++ program. I want to just build the exe and give it to a person on another complete non-development box. Is there a way to build such a simple, single-source file to an executable in Visual Studio without needing all the crap ? I have changed the program to compile in MT mode, instead of MTD which statically linked the msvcr.dll file, but now it is looking for msvcp.dll file. How can I compile so that my executable either 1) doesnt include all this junk or 2) statically links it all so that I have exactly one file to transfer to another Windows PC to run
If compiling with /MT is requiring msvcr100.dll, something included in your application is probably trying to link with it, possibly a third party component. I would check any third party libraries and related.
MSVCP100.DLL is the C++ standard library. You might want to double check that it's not looking for MSVCP100D.DLL, which is the debug version; mixing release and debug mode libraries could cause this.
MSVCRT100.DLL is the C run-time library, and MSVCP100.DLL is the C++ standard library. Both should go away if you build with /MT, in that case static versions of these libraries should have been used.
My guess is that you either did not fully rebuild your app after switching to /MT, or that one or more files in your project have custom settings that include /MD. You may want to open the properties dialog box on the page that shows the /MT and then click on all your source files one by one to verify that none of them still show /MD.

Msvcr90d.dll not found when building in RELEASE

It's strange, if I build my program in debug mode, I have no errors, but if I build my program in released mode, I get an error saying that Msvcr90d.dll is not found.
Msvcr90d.dll is a debug library, I'm not sure why it's coming up when I load it for release =/
msvcr90d.dll is a debug version of C/C++ library. It looks like you have a dependency somewhere on a debug target. Check that all the projects in release target use the release version of C runtime, and not the debug. Also, check other 3rd party libraries (DLLs) that you might use, so they not depend on msvcr90d.dll
You can use dependency walker tool to check the dependencies of your binaries, so you can identify the project in your solution that still depends on debug version of C library.
If you are getting the warning LNK 4098 during build, please see this
And follow the recommendations.
Also, make sure that you chose the correct C/C++ runtime under the Code Generation tab (Multi-threaded DLL -- not Multithreaded Debug DLL)