Django rest_api and React - django

I am creating an am using Django and React. I have created custom user model api in Django using rest-framework, but i am confused about the whole login and signup system. Do we create login and signup modules in Django or React.
Can anyone please guide me through it, or suggest any tutorial.

You create the templates (login, signup, etc. pages) in React and connect them to DRF. There are multiple ways to perform authentication. Take a look to Authentication docs on DRF.


Django allauth REST social login without DRF

I've been searching quite a while for a solution to integrate social logins provided by Django allauth with a mobile app, but all seem to point towards using DRF.
My Django project doesn't have DRF and I'd rather avoid to integrate it, as there are many things that would need to be changed in a rather complex project.
Is there any solution to integrate Allauth's social logins via REST in a non-DRF project, or will I have to re-write allauth's views to REST by hand?
Use django rest-auth that's make the process easy there is no need to make any serializer
Here is the documentation and installation link for django rest-auth
I hope my answer help you

Authenticate VueJS app to Django DRF back end using sessions

Good afternoon,
I am writing an app structured with two docker containers. Docker1 is the front end VueJS app, Docker2 is the backend Django DRF API. I would like to manage access using Sessions (NOT JWT's).
I am having trouble finding resources to help me get started on this approach. Does anyone have any good resources on how to interact with authenticating and managing Django sessions over DRF? Most of the examples use a DJango template form to do initial authentication which is not an option in this case.
EDIT: To be more specific, I intend to make the ajax calls via axios and expect to post to the built-in auth views. My question is around how to handle the csrf_token items.
Thanks for your help.

Authenticating Access to Django Rest Framework using custom authentication from a Django App

Ive implemented a custom auth system in one(only) Django app on my project
Now I want to open my site up to Api access, is there a way to only let users from the Django app access this api. As I don't want to repeat myself (DRY) so was asking if it was possible to work backwards rather than to overwrite the Django rest Authentication with very similar code
DRF's SessionAuthentication is included in the default DRF settings and is entirely transparent to users who are already familiar with logging in to your site. You can add it to the list of authenticators for DRF:
# ...
The session a user establishes when logging in to your site now also authenticates them for DRF's browsable API and any API calls.
More info:
If you're instead asking how to do something like issue API keys, DRF's TokenAuthentication can do that for you. You'll just need to add a view to your site that allows users to retrieve their generated tokens.
More info:

Django Authentication and ReactJS Templates

I have an existing login template served by django templates and it has no react components at all. I have recently integrated ReactJS and have created some routes and components and pages that are completely react. Now I am wondering how to get a user to login through the django template and then be redirected to the ReactJS page afterwards and pass on all the authentication/user information to ReactJS as well.
In Django, I am using the session authentication middleware.
I have done that just allowing an open url to my component something like ".../app/*". But this inside a template in Django as a bundle. What I do is to bind the view with that with LogginRequired from django-brases. So, if I want to se my app, I have to be authenticated. I hope this could help you.

Should I use the Django admin for user submitted content?

I'm creating a site that will allow users to authenticate via Facebook and create content.
Should I use the Django admin interface for content creation or would it be smarter to create my own interface. If I should roll my own are there any good tutorials about this?
You can use admin login page and with custom URL redirection. Here is the working example for facebook authentication.
As a general rule, the django admin is best for validating your models during development and testing; and should not be used as a front end user interface.
Since each site/application has their own unique requirements, it is difficult to recommend a tutorial. Once you are familiar with django, you will find the following libraries helpful:
django-bootstrap-toolkit - this integrates the the excellent bootstrap css/javascript framework in django.
django-social-auth - allows your users to login using their social network credentials.
pinax project - a collection of common utilities for developing just about any kind of front end website.
For customizing the existing admin application:
grappelli - a custom skin for the admin
django-frontendadmin - edit models in the front end using template tags
django-admin-tools - customized widgets and UI elements for the admin application