Adding external library (Gurobi) to Eclipse C++ - c++

I would like to use Gurobi in a C++ project I have in Eclipse. I tried multiple manuals/tutorials (including THIS on how to do the same in Visual Studio) to add the hook up the Gurobi files with Eclipse/GCC, but I just couldn't make it work. I feel like I don't understand enough how these things should work in the first place.
In my Gurobi folder I have 3 folders, that in my opinion are important: include (with .h files), lib (with .lib files and NO .so or .a files) and src (with .cpp & .h files).
include: I added the path to this folder to C/C++ Build -> Settings -> GCC C++ Compiler -> Includes -> Include paths, I guess this is for the compiler to see the .h files. I also added it to C/C++ General -> Paths and Symbols -> Includes -> Include directories, I guess this is for the linker to see the .h files.
lib: I first added the folder path to C/C++ Build -> Settings -> MinGW C++ Linker -> Libraries -> Libraries (-l), however after searching online it seems to me this option only works for libraries with standard names and extensions. It also gave me the error ld.exe: cannot find -lc:/gurobi900/win64/lib/, so I deleted it and added the two .lib file paths separately to Miscellanous -> Other objects.
I got to the point where #include "gurobi_c++.h" works, however, already Eclipse underlines a line where I am defining a GRBEnv() object, that is declared in include/gurobi_c++.h, but defined in src/cpp/Env.cpp. Also if I try to compile, I get undefined reference errors. This means neither the Linker nor the Compiler can see the definition of GRBEnv().
Is there a way to tell the linker/compiler where the .cpp files are? Is it happening automatically, based on the path of the include folder? Am I supposed to link the .lib or the .cpp files?
I would greatly appreciate even if someone just pointed out mistakes in my understanding.


Configuring a Gurobi C++ project using Eclipse? [duplicate]

I would like to use Gurobi in a C++ project I have in Eclipse. I tried multiple manuals/tutorials (including THIS on how to do the same in Visual Studio) to add the hook up the Gurobi files with Eclipse/GCC, but I just couldn't make it work. I feel like I don't understand enough how these things should work in the first place.
In my Gurobi folder I have 3 folders, that in my opinion are important: include (with .h files), lib (with .lib files and NO .so or .a files) and src (with .cpp & .h files).
include: I added the path to this folder to C/C++ Build -> Settings -> GCC C++ Compiler -> Includes -> Include paths, I guess this is for the compiler to see the .h files. I also added it to C/C++ General -> Paths and Symbols -> Includes -> Include directories, I guess this is for the linker to see the .h files.
lib: I first added the folder path to C/C++ Build -> Settings -> MinGW C++ Linker -> Libraries -> Libraries (-l), however after searching online it seems to me this option only works for libraries with standard names and extensions. It also gave me the error ld.exe: cannot find -lc:/gurobi900/win64/lib/, so I deleted it and added the two .lib file paths separately to Miscellanous -> Other objects.
I got to the point where #include "gurobi_c++.h" works, however, already Eclipse underlines a line where I am defining a GRBEnv() object, that is declared in include/gurobi_c++.h, but defined in src/cpp/Env.cpp. Also if I try to compile, I get undefined reference errors. This means neither the Linker nor the Compiler can see the definition of GRBEnv().
Is there a way to tell the linker/compiler where the .cpp files are? Is it happening automatically, based on the path of the include folder? Am I supposed to link the .lib or the .cpp files?
I would greatly appreciate even if someone just pointed out mistakes in my understanding.

Updating Netbeans C++ Makefile

I added some outside library files to my C++ project in netbeans within my Source folder. However the makefile doesnt seem to build them. I cant figure out how to add them to my makefile to have them included in the build. Has anyone done this before?
Did you add it as source files or as compiled library?
Source files: You need to add them to your Netbeans project (not only place them into the folder). Otherwise they aren't compiled when building it.
Compiled library: This typically needs two settings: Add the library to the linker (Build -> Linker -> Libraries) and add the libraries header path to the include path (Build -> C++ Compiler -> Include Directories)

avr linker++ setting header and .cpp files

I want to set the linker correctly so an eclipse project can work properly.I have added the the folder that my header and cpp files exist to the c/c++ compiler directories. I have to set the linker also. I do n ot know how cause the linker in the tool settings wants to add a library (an .a file that does not exist cause none makes it), so since i do not have any .a file i get error at the functions cause i can give the folder path to the linker but inside there there is no .a file. What can i do.

How to use my library in C++?

In Eclipse I have created two libraries. One of them is shared another one is static. I have compiled them in Eclipse and as a result a Debug folder was created (for both libraries) and these folders contain make-files as well as object files (*.o) and dependency reference file (*.d). In addition to that, the static library contains an *.a file.
Now I create a new project and what to use these library in this project. Normally, when I use a library I type #include <libraryname>. But if I use #include <mylibraryname> it does not work (I get unresolved inclusion). And this is not surprising because Eclipse should somehow know where my library is located. So, my question is how can I inform Eclipse about the locations of my libraries.
ADDED As recommended I do the following sequence "Project -> Properties -> C/C++ Build -> Settings -> Tool Settings -> GCC C++ Linker -> Libraries". Then, in the "libraries(-l)" filed I add "StaticList" (because I have "libStaticList.a" file) and in the "Library search path (-L)" filed I give the full name of the directory where my "libStaticList.a" is located. Then I click Apply and OK. But it does not help. Eclipse does not like #include <StaticList>. It complains: "Unresolved Inclusion..".
#includeing headers only makes the compiler aware that the functions in those headers exist. The actual implementation of those functions needs to be linked in by the linker. That's where the library (.a) files that you built come in. Check out this thread for an example on how to link in your libraries using Eclipse.
I think you need to #include "yourlibrary.cpp" (between double quotes) instead of < >.

C++ Project dependencies issue Visual studio 2005

I am working on a dataManagement project that periodically deletes files in a specific folder. The solution has three projects of which, one is the application and the other two are static libraries. Now I want to add one more project which is a static library used for logging. The logging static library project has a header file which the application project refers. When I build the solution, I am getting error as the header file is not found. When I added the logging static library project, I also made the application project dependent on it by checking the appropriate bix in the project dependencies.
Can anyone please help me?
It needs an additional include file path to reference the header file directory...
Project->Properties->Config Properties->C/C++->Additional Include Directories
it doesn't auto pick up the header file paths, it just knows how to link to the project.... Its completely undefined where the header file should be. or even if you have a header file, you can forward reference the thing in the other project if you like!
There are two things you need to do to get a statically linked library working in VS. The compiler needs to be able to find the declaration for the symbols that you're referencing and the linker needs to be able to resolve the full definition. When you add the .lib file to the VS project this meets the second obligation. To meet the first you must include the header somewhere in your source hierarchy before the first reference and you must also tell the project where to find the header files. The dependency settings in VS only set the build order - they will not help here. You need to make sure that the folder that your header files are in is added to the "Additional Include Directories" setting in the project properties, or is one of the global include directories in the main VS Options. You must also make sure that the .lib is added to the linker's "Additional Dependencies" setting.