overwrite existing files from codepipeline deployment - amazon-web-services

I am trying to deploy some new code using aws codepipeline. The first time it works no problem, the second time the deployment fails because of existing files. How can I instruct my flow to overwrite existing files?
Error Message:
The deployment failed because a specified file already exists at this location:

I think the best way to deploy is to delete the project directory and kill the process before deploying. This let the state of the project directory keep pure and in sync with the original repository.
As you can see from this link(appspec.yml hooks for deploying to EC2), CodeDeploy download artifacts on Install phase and we cannot access to that step. Install phase comes after BeforeInstall hook.
So you should delete the directory and kill the processes before
Install phase to be executed.
- location: codedeploy-scripts/deleteAndKill.sh
# runas: root # this might be needed depending on your setting.
Define codedeploy-scripts/deleteAndKill.sh properly and try running CodePipeline and CodeDeploy again.
P.S. Deleting the project directory and killing the processes are somewhat bothering. so once you use docker, what you have to do is only docker stop {container name} and docker run {image name}.


Amazon EC2 | CodeDeploy [React] - Deployment succeeds but build folder not populated

TL;DR The command npm run build is taking forever to run on the Amazon EC2 [Ubuntu] instance when I tried running it explicitly by making an SSH. Meanwhile, when I try to create a deployment using CodeDeploy, the deployment takes a good 1 hour time and succeeds but the build folder doesn't get populated, hence I am unable to view my website on the public URL of the EC2 instance. Also, the instance reachability check fails every time after I try to run the command explicitly, and then I have to start and then stop the ec2 instance again! Woof!
Hello everyone, I am trying to deploy my MERN Stack application to AWS but I am stuck now!
Current Progress:
Added both Nginx configs.[Attaching image below]
Nginx is running and there is no problem there!
Added build-app.sh in appspec.yml in the root directory. [View code below]
#clear build directory
cd /home/ubuntu/badlav-app/badlav-client
sudo rm -rf build
sudo mkdir build
#client (Generates a new `build` directory)
cd /home/ubuntu/badlav-app/badlav-client
sudo sh set-prod-env-aws.sh
sudo rm -rf node_modules
sudo npm i
sudo npm run build
cd /home/ubuntu/badlav-app/badlav-server
sudo sh set-prod-env.sh
#back to root
cd /home/ubuntu
version: 0.0
os: linux
- source: /
destination: /home/ubuntu/badlav-app
- location: scripts/build-app.sh
runas: root
Using the above appspec.yml file, the deployment using CodeDeploy succeeds but didn't populate the build folder within /home/badlav-app/badlav-client/build.
So I tried to debug on my own and started running the commands one by one by myself after SSH(ing :P) into the EC2 instance. But when I reach npm run build, the instance just hangs forever. After being exhausted, I have no option left, I terminate the task. Now, when I view my instance on the AWS Console, it has gone berserk! The instance reachability check fails! The only way, I get my instance back is by stopping it and starting it again.
Since I am new to CI/CD, please don't judge my appspec.yml. It'd be great if anyone of you could suggest a better way, thanks for that! :)
To sum up, I want to be able to create a deployment using AWS CodeDeploy, but due to this npm run build taking so much time and hanging my server(instance reach check fails!), I am unable to do so. Moreover, I am not even sure whether npm run build is a problem at all!
I would be more than happy to share any further details/screenshots in order to support my question. Please ask over.
Thanks in advance!
If you're using EC2 free tier, the chance is that the instance may have low spec and memory (t2.nano has 0.5G and t2.micro has 1G of memory).
Maybe npm run build consumes all of the memory space.
I often face the same problem with my vue project.
Solution: Do NOT use free tier for medium and large projects. Upgrade your plan and use better instances e.g. t2.medium

Need to move deployed folder - AWS CodeDeploy

So I want to deploy my application. I have a moving script that moves all the deployed files to where they need to be sent.
But when that script is running in BeforeInstall phase it's not capable of finding the files.
So I added a pwd to the script and the directory is "deployment-root". I suppose I need to cd into the deployment folder, but the id is always different.
Is there any way I can get that id in my appspec.yml file so that I can cd into it in my deploy scripts?
You don't have to do a manual copy, in appspect.yml, in "files" section, you can specify what and where your files copied to.
- source: Config/config.txt
destination: /webapps/Config
- source: source
destination: /webapps/myApp
Provides information to CodeDeploy about which files from your application revision should be installed on the instance during the deployment's Install event.
More details via this page:

AWS CodeDeploy Issue: Cannot run hooks in appspec file

I have just started working with AWS. I am trying to deploy a nodejs application using codeship and AWS codedeploy. I am successful in deploying the application from codeship to Ec2 instance. But the problem is that I am not able to run the hooks file in appspec.yml. My appspec.yml is given below:
version: 0.0
os: linux
- destination: /home/ec2-user/node-project
source: /
- location: bin/app-start.sh
runas: root
timeout: 100
In app-start.sh I have:
npm install
The app-start.sh never works and node-modules are never installed. I have also tried to debug in the logs path(/var/log/aws/codedeploy-agent/codedeploy-agent.log) for code-deploy but there is no error and warning.I have also tried multiple things but nothing is working.
The project is successfully installed in Ec2 instance but appspec.yml never launches app-start.sh. Any help would be appreciated.
The issue is that you're moving the files to /home/ec2-user/node-project, which happens before your app-start.sh gets run at the ApplicationStart lifecycle hook. You need to cd into the right directory before running npm install.
Updated ApplicationStart scripts:
cd /home/ec2-user/node-project
npm install
# You'll need to start your application too.
npm start
As an aside, you may want to use the AfterInstall lifecycle hook to run npm install just for organization purposes, but it will have no functional different.

AWS deployment "Unable to remove top level folder"

I have installed the Bitbucket addon to deploy with AWS CodeDeploy but for an unknown reason, I get this error "Unable to remove top level folder" when I try to deploy from the bitbucket view.
This is my appspec.yml
version: 0.0
os: linux
- source: /
destination: /var/www/citytwig
- location: scripts/configure.sh
timeout: 300
runas: root
I have already deployed other bitbucket repositories successfully, I'm wondering why this one doesn't work.
Aws codedeploy tries to rollback previous deployment before it applies a new one. It can happen that you have deleted some files manually on the instance and now rollback script is failing.
Delete rollback scripts of codedeploy-agent on the instance.
if you are using ubuntu, ssh into instance and go to the directory
cd /opt/codedeploy-agent/deployment-root/deployment-instructions/
and look for a file that ends with -cleanup
delete this file.
Now try you deployment again.
Check out documentation, or read it in Rollback and Redeployment Workflow section of pdf
Depending on the rollback script the Deployment may fail with different messages, for me it was Directory not empty # dir_s_rmdir
But it always fails on Install Event.
After a long searching, I realized that a file had Russian characters on his filename.
It seems that the Bitbucket CodeDeploy Addon have issues with this kind of characters.
I had got the exact error, but in my case, it was a typo in the file name appspec.yml

AWS Code Deploy Error on Before Install Cannot Solve

So I am attempting to setup CodeDeploy for my application and I keep getting an error during the BeforeInstall part of the deployment. Below is the error.
Error Code UnknownError
Script Name
Message No such file or directory - /opt/codedeploy-agent/deployment-root/06100f1b-5495-42d9-bd01-f33d59fb5deb/d-NL5K1THE8/deployment-archive/appspec.yml
Log Tail
I assumed this meant the YAML file was in the wrong place. However it is in the root directory of my revision. I have tried using a simple AppSpec file like so instead of a more complex one.
## YAML Template.
version: 0.0
os: linux
- source: /
destination: /home/ubuntu/www
More or less since this is a first deployment I want it to add all files in the revision to the public directory on the web server.
I am tearing my hair out over this and I feel it is a simple issue. I have the IAM policies and roles correct and I have CodeDeploy setup and running on my instance I am trying to deploy to.
It seems to think you had a successful deploy at some point.
Go into /opt/codedeploy-agent/deployment-root/deployment-instructions/ and delete all the files in there. Then it won't look for this last deploy.
I just had this SAME problem and I figured it out! Make sure your AppSpec file has the right EXTENSION! I was using yaml and not yml, now everything works perfectly.
I made it work like this:
I had a couple of failed deployments for various reasons.
The thing is that CD keeps in the EC2 instance and in the path /opt/codedeploy-agent/deployment-root/​ a folder named by the ID of the failed deployment [a very long alphanumeric sting] .
Delete this folder and create a new deployment [from the aws UI console] and redeploy the application. This way the appspec.yml file that is in the wrong place will be deleted.
It should now succeed.
Extra Notice:
CD does not rewrite files [that have not been created by it's specific deployment]
CodeDeploy does not deploy in a folder that there is already code[files] as it does not want to interfere with different CD deployments and/or other CI/CD tools [like Jenkins].
It only deploys in a path that has already deploy code with the specific deployment.
You can empty the folder where your deployment want to happen and redeploy your code via CD.
When you login to the host, do you see the appspec.yml file in the directory there? If not are you positive it has been checked in with the rest of your deployed code?
Just encountered this issue too. In my case, the revision zip file extracts into a directory when deployed. Because of that /opt/codedeploy-agent/deployment-root/xxx/xxx/deployment-archive contains the parent directory of my revision files (instead of the actual revision files).
The key is to compress your revision without the parent directory. In mac terminal,
cd your-app-directory-containing-appspec
zip -r app.zip .