per thread c++ guard to prevent re-entrant function calls - c++

I've got function that call the registry that can fail and print the failure reason.
This function can also be called directly or indirectly from the context of a dedicated built-in printing function, and I wish to avoid printing the reason in this case to avoid endless recursion.
I can use thread_local to define per thread flag to avoid calling the print function from this function, but I guess it's rather widespread problem, so I'm looking for std implementation for this guard or any other well debugged code.
Here's an example that just made to express the problem.
Each print function comes with log level, and it's being compared with the current log level threshold that reside in registry. if lower than threshold, the function returns without print. However, in order to get the threshold, additional print can be made, so I wanted to create a guard that will prevent the print from getPrintLevelFromRegistry if it's called from print
int getPrintLevelFromRegistry() {
int value = 0;
DWORD res = RegGetValueW("//Software//...//logLevel" , &value);
if (res != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
print("couldn't find registry key");
return 0;
return value;
void print(const char * text, int printLoglevel) {
if (printLogLevel < getPrintLevelFromRegistry()) {
// do the print itself
Thanks !

The root of the problem is that you are attempting to have your logging code log itself. Rather than some complicated guard, consider the fact that you really don't need to log a registry read. Just have it return a default value and just log the error to the console.
int getPrintLevelFromRegistry() {
int value = 0;
DWORD res = RegGetValueW("//Software//...//logLevel" , &value);
if (res != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
OutputDebugStringA("getPrintLevelFromRegistry: Can't read from registry\r\n");
return value;
Further, it's OK to read from the registry on each log statement, but it's redundant and unnecessary.
int getPrintLevelFromRegistry() {
static std::atomic<int> cachedValue(-1);
int value = cachedValue;
if (value == -1) {
DWORD res = RegGetValueW("//Software//...//logLevel" , &value);
if (res == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
cachedValue = value;
return value;


SetPerTcpConnectionEStats fails and can't get GetPerTcpConnectionEStats multiple times c++

I am following the example in to get the TCP statistics. Although, I got it working and get the statistics in the first place, still I want to record them every a time interval (which I haven't managed to do so), and I have the following questions.
The SetPerTcpConnectionEStats () fails with status != NO_ERROR and equal to 5. Although, it fails, I can get the statistics. Why?
I want to get the statistics every, let's say 1 second. I have tried two different ways; a) to use a while loop and use a std::this_thread::sleep_for(1s), where I could get the statistics every ~1sec, but the whole app was stalling (is it because of the this), I supposed that I am blocking the operation of the main, and b) (since a) failed) I tried to call TcpStatistics() from another function (in different class) that is triggered every 1 sec (I store clientConnectRow to a global var). However, in that case (b), GetPerTcpConnectionEStats() fails with winStatus = 1214 (ERROR_INVALID_NETNAME) and of course TcpStatistics() cannot get any of the statistics.
UINT winStatus = GetTcpRow(localPort, hostPort, MIB_TCP_STATE_ESTAB, (PMIB_TCPROW)clientConnectRow);
ToggleAllEstats(clientConnectRow, TRUE);
thread t1(&ClassB::TcpStatistics, this, clientConnectRow);
while (true)
GetAndOutputEstats(row, TcpConnectionEstatsBandwidth)
// some more code here
MIB_TCPROW client4ConnectRow;
void* clientConnectRow = NULL;
clientConnectRow = &client4ConnectRow;
UINT winStatus = GetTcpRow(localPort, hostPort, MIB_TCP_STATE_ESTAB, (PMIB_TCPROW)clientConnectRow);
m_clientConnectRow = clientConnectRow;
ToggleAllEstats(m_clientConnectRow , TRUE);
void* row = m_clientConnectRow;
GetAndOutputEstats(row, TcpConnectionEstatsBandwidth)
// some more code here
ClassB::GetAndOutputEstats(void* row, TCP_ESTATS_TYPE type)
winStatus = GetPerTcpConnectionEStats((PMIB_TCPROW)row, type, NULL, 0, 0, ros, 0, rosSize, rod, 0, rodSize);
if (winStatus != NO_ERROR) {wprintf(L"\nGetPerTcpConnectionEStats %s failed. status = %d", estatsTypeNames[type], winStatus); //
else { ...}
I found a work around for the second part of my question. I am posting it here, in case someone else find it useful. There might be other solutions too, more advanced, but this is how I did it myself. We have to first Obtain MIB_TCPROW corresponding to the TCP connection and then to Enable Estats collection before dumping current stats. So, what I did was to add all of these in a function and call this instead, every time I want to get the stats.
MIB_TCPROW client4ConnectRow;
void* clientConnectRow = NULL;
clientConnectRow = &client4ConnectRow;
//this is for the statistics
UINT winStatus = GetTcpRow(lPort, hPort, MIB_TCP_STATE_ESTAB, (PMIB_TCPROW)clientConnectRow); //lPort & hPort in htons!
if (winStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
wprintf(L"\nGetTcpRow failed on the client established connection with %d", winStatus);
// Enable Estats collection and dump current stats.
ToggleAllEstats(clientConnectRow, TRUE);
TcpStatistics(clientConnectRow); // same as GetAllEstats() in msdn

Create a function with unique function pointer in runtime

When calling WinAPI functions that take callbacks as arguments, there's usually a special parameter to pass some arbitrary data to the callback. In case there's no such thing (e.g. SetWinEventHook) the only way we can understand which of the API calls resulted in the call of the given callback is to have distinct callbacks. When we know all the cases in which the given API is called at compile-time, we can always create a class template with static method and instantiate it with different template arguments in different call sides. That's a hell of a work, and I don't like doing so.
How do I create callback functions at runtime so that they have different function pointers?
I saw a solution (sorry, in Russian) with runtime assembly generation, but it wasn't portable across x86/x64 archtectures.
You can use the closure API of libffi. It allows you to create trampolines each with a different address. I implemented a wrapping class here, though that's not finished yet (only supports int arguments and return type, you can specialize detail::type to support more than just int). A more heavyweight alternative is LLVM, though if you're dealing only with C types, libffi will do the job fine.
I've come up with this solution which should be portable (but I haven't tested it):
#define ID_PATTERN 0x11223344
#define SIZE_OF_BLUEPRINT 128 // needs to be adopted if uniqueCallbackBlueprint is complex...
typedef int (__cdecl * UNIQUE_CALLBACK)(int arg);
/* blueprint for unique callback function */
int uniqueCallbackBlueprint(int arg)
int id = ID_PATTERN;
printf("%x: Hello unique callback (arg=%d)...\n", id, arg);
return (id);
/* create a new unique callback */
UNIQUE_CALLBACK createUniqueCallback(int id)
char *pUniqueCallback;
char *pFunction;
int pattern = ID_PATTERN;
char *pPattern;
char *startOfId;
int i;
int patterns = 0;
pUniqueCallback = malloc(SIZE_OF_BLUEPRINT);
if (pUniqueCallback != NULL)
pFunction = (char *)uniqueCallbackBlueprint;
#if defined(_DEBUG)
pFunction += 0x256; // variable offset depending on debug information????
#endif /* _DEBUG */
memcpy(pUniqueCallback, pFunction, SIZE_OF_BLUEPRINT);
result = (UNIQUE_CALLBACK)pUniqueCallback;
/* replace ID_PATTERN with requested id */
pPattern = (char *)&pattern;
startOfId = NULL;
for (i = 0; i < SIZE_OF_BLUEPRINT; i++)
if (pUniqueCallback[i] == *pPattern)
if (pPattern == (char *)&pattern)
startOfId = &(pUniqueCallback[i]);
if (pPattern == ((char *)&pattern) + sizeof(int) - 1)
pPattern = (char *)&id;
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(int); i++)
*startOfId++ = *pPattern++;
pPattern = (char *)&pattern;
startOfId = NULL;
printf("%d pattern(s) replaced\n", patterns);
if (patterns == 0)
result = NULL;
return (result);
Usage is as follows:
int main(void)
int id;
int i;
id = uniqueCallbackBlueprint(5);
printf(" -> id = %x\n", id);
callback = createUniqueCallback(0x4711);
if (callback != NULL)
id = callback(25);
printf(" -> id = %x\n", id);
id = uniqueCallbackBlueprint(15);
printf(" -> id = %x\n", id);
return (0);
I've noted an interresting behavior if compiling with debug information (Visual Studio). The address obtained by pFunction = (char *)uniqueCallbackBlueprint; is off by a variable number of bytes. The difference can be obtained using the debugger which displays the correct address. This offset changes from build to build and I assume it has something to do with the debug information? This is no problem for the release build. So maybe this should be put into a library which is build as "release".
Another thing to consider whould be byte alignment of pUniqueCallback which may be an issue. But an alignment of the beginning of the function to 64bit boundaries is not hard to add to this code.
Within pUniqueCallback you can implement anything you want (note to update SIZE_OF_BLUEPRINT so you don't miss the tail of your function). The function is compiled and the generated code is re-used during runtime. The initial value of id is replaced when creating the unique function so the blueprint function can process it.

Can I check if memory block is readable without raising exception with C++?

I need the following for the exception handler in C++ code. Say, I have the following code block:
void myFunction(LPCTSTR pStr, int ncbNumCharsInStr)
//Do work with 'pStr'
//Catch all
//But here I need to log `pStr` into event log
//For that I don't want to raise another exception
//if memory block of size `ncbNumCharsInStr` * sizeof(TCHAR)
//pointed by 'pStr' is unreadable.
if(memory_readable(pStr, ncbNumCharsInStr * sizeof(TCHAR)))
Log(L"Failed processing: %s", pStr);
Log(L"String at 0x%X, %d chars long is unreadable!", pStr, ncbNumCharsInStr);
Is there any way to implement memory_readable?
The VirtualQuery function might be able to help. The following is a quick stab at how you could implement memory_readable using it.
bool memory_readable(void *ptr, size_t byteCount)
if (VirtualQuery(ptr, &mbi, sizeof(MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION)) == 0)
return false;
if (mbi.State != MEM_COMMIT)
return false;
if (mbi.Protect == PAGE_NOACCESS || mbi.Protect == PAGE_EXECUTE)
return false;
// This checks that the start of memory block is in the same "region" as the
// end. If it isn't you "simplify" the problem into checking that the rest of
// the memory is readable.
size_t blockOffset = (size_t)((char *)ptr - (char *)mbi.AllocationBase);
size_t blockBytesPostPtr = mbi.RegionSize - blockOffset;
if (blockBytesPostPtr < byteCount)
return memory_readable((char *)ptr + blockBytesPostPtr,
byteCount - blockBytesPostPtr);
return true;
NOTE: My background is C, so while I suspect that there are better options than casting to a char * in C++ I'm not sure what they are.
You can use the ReadProcessMemory function. If the function returns 0, the address is not readable otherwise it is readable.
Return Value
If the function fails, the return value is 0 (zero). To get extended
error information, call GetLastError.
The function fails if the requested read operation crosses into an
area of the process that is inaccessible.
If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.

How to store the state of a deeply-nested loop?

I am trying to refactor the following code, as I don't think it is structured well.
Can you think of a more elegant way to do this?
m_iter1 = 0;
m_iter2 = 0;
bool Bar::foo()
for (; m_iter1 < 2; m_iter1++, m_iter2 = 0) {
_log("TRYING METHOD: [%d]", m_iter1);
if (_something_wrong(m_iter1)) {
return false;
for (; m_iter2 < 6; m_iter2++) {
if (_try_with_these_params(m_iter1, m_iter2, ...)) {
m_status = success;
// store next iteration in case we need to retry.
return true;
return false;
bool try_foo(Bar& bar)
if ( {
if (meet_some_criteria) {
return true;
} else {
// retry. the Bar object stores the state.
} else {
return false;
int main()
Bar bar;
if (try_foo(bar)) {
} else {
The code loops over different parameter sets and tries to perform some action with these parameters. If the action is successful, then external code may invalidate the action and attempt to retry. The object which performs the action stores the state, so that external code may retry and re-enter the parameter loop at the place it left off.
The output using one parameters affect others, so the calculations need to be accomplished locally within the Bar class.
I would like to extend this idea to more dimensions, but doing so with the current design is clumsy.
A lot here depends on how expensive the various actions are.
If initially generating a candidate parameter set is cheap (and the set isn't too large), then you might want to just generate all the candidate sets, then give that result to the external code and try each in turn until you find one that the external code will accept.

How can I find the depth of a recursive function in C++

How can I find the current depth inside a recursive function in C++ without passing in the previous level? i.e. is it possible to know how many times the function was called without using a parameter to keep track of the level and passing that number in as a parameter each time the function is called?
For example my recursive function looks like this:
DoSomething(int level)
print level;
if (level > 10)
Building on the answer already given by JoshD:
void recursive()
static int calls = 0;
static int max_calls = 0;
if (calls > max_calls)
max_calls = calls;
This resets the counter after the recursive function is complete, but still tracks the maximum depth of the recursion.
I wouldn't use static variables like this for anything but a quick test, to be deleted soon after. If you really need to track this on an ongoing basis there are better methods.
You could use a static variable in the function...
void recursive()
static int calls = 0;
Of course, this will keep counting when you start a new originating call....
If you want it to be re-entrant and thread-safe, why not:
void rec(int &level) // reference to your level var
// do work
rec(++level); // go down one level
//and you call it like
int level=0;
cout<<level<<" levels."<<endl;
No static/global variables to mess up threading and you can use different variables for different recursive chains for re-entrancy issues.
You can use a local static variable, if you don't care about thread-safety.
Although, this will only give you a proper count the first time you run your recursive routine. A better technique would be a RAII guard-type class which contains an internal static variable. At the start of the recursive routine, construct the guard class. The constructor would increment the internal static variable, and the destructor would decrement it. This way, when you create a new stack-frame the counter increments by one, and when you return from each stack-frame the counter would decrement by one.
struct recursion_guard
recursion_guard() { ++counter; }
~recursion_guard() { --counter; }
static int counter;
int recursion_guard::counter = 0;
void recurse(int x)
recursion_guard rg;
if (x > 10) return;
recurse(x + 1);
int main()
Note however, that this is still not thread-safe. If you need thread-safety, you can replace the static-storage variable with a thread-local-storage variable, either using boost::thread_specific_ptr or the C++0x thread local facilities.
You could also pass in the level as a template parameter, if it can be determined at compile-time. You could also use a function object. This is by far and away the best option - less hassle, and static variables should be avoided wherever possible.
struct DoSomething {
DoSomething() {
calls = 0;
void operator()() {
std::cout << calls;
if (calls < 10)
return operator()();
int calls;
int main() {
DoSomething()(); // note the double ().
convert level to an instance variable of a new object (typically a template) capable of containing the arguments and (possibly) the function. then you can reuse the recursion accumulator interface.
You can also try using a global variable to log the depth.
var depth = 0;
print ++depth;
if (depth > 10)
I came here when I sensed that some recursion is required, because I was implementing a function that can validate the chain of trust in a certificate chain. This is not X.509 but instead it is just the basics wherein the issuer key of a certificate must match the public key of the signer.
bool verify_chain(std::vector<Cert>& chain,
Cert* certificate,
unsigned char* pOrigin = nullptr, int depth = 0)
bool flag = false;
if (certificate == nullptr) {
// use first element in case parameter is null
certificate = &chain[0];
if (pOrigin == nullptr) {
pOrigin = certificate->pubkey;
} else {
if (std::memcmp(pOrigin, certificate->pubkey, 32) == 0) {
return false; // detected circular chain
if (certificate->hasValidSignature()) {
if (!certificate->isRootCA()) {
Cert* issuerCert = certificate->getIssuer(chain);
if (issuerCert) {
flag = verify_chain(chain, issuerCert, pOrigin, depth+1);
} else {
flag = true;
if (pOrigin && depth == 1) {
pOrigin = nullptr;
return flag;
I needed to know the recursion depth so that I can correctly clean up pOrigin. at the right stack frame during the unwinding of the call stack.
I used pOrigin to detect a circular chain, without which the recursive call can go on forever. For example,
cert0 signs cert1
cert1 signs cert2
cert2 signs cert0
I later realized that a simple for-loop can do it for simple cases when there is only one common chain.
bool verify_chain2(std::vector<Cert> &chain, Cert& cert)
Cert *pCert = &cert;
unsigned char *startkey = cert.pubkey;
while (pCert != nullptr) {
if (pCert->hasValidSignature()) {
if (!pCert->isRootCA()) {
pCert = pCert->getIssuer(chain);
if (pCert == nullptr
|| std::memcmp(pCert->pubkey, startkey, 32) == 0) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
} else {
return false;
return false;
But recursion is a must when there is not one common chain but instead the chain is within each certificate. I welcome any comments. Thank you.