Trying to use Boost library on Codeblocks gives an undefined reference - c++

I'm trying to use the boost library on CodeBlocks, but I'm new to it and I can't seem to be able to link it properly.
The boost folder(version 1.70) is in the same folder of my main.cpp, and the library I'm trying to access is libboost_filesystem-mgw92-mt-x64-1_70.a;
Here is my code:
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
int main()
boost::filesystem::path l_path("C:\\Hello.txt");
return 0;
And some screenshots of my settings and of the error
Thank you!

Undefined reference to _Unwind_Resume suggests that you build Boost with different compiler than your project or you choose different type of exception handling.
Check if you're using the same compiler in both cases.
It might be also caused by building your project using gcc instead of g++. You should check that as well. In this case switch to g++ or explicitly link against libstdc++, by adding -lstdc++ to compiler flags.


Undefined reference to std::*something* when linking library staticly

I've compiled some of my code into a static library. Everything from this library begins with Glow or GLOWE prefix. At the moment, I'm testing the library in Linux (Ubuntu 14.04). I made a simple program to check if I did everything correctly.
#include <GlowSystem/Package.h>
int main(void)
GLOWE::Package package;
return 0;
GLOWE::Package is a class. It uses libzip and zlib (and standard c++ files eg. string). I link both libzip and zlib. When I try to compile, it fails with some linking errors.
Build log (at pastebin)
I thought that these errors are caused by too old libstdc++, but this code compiles:
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main(void)
string a;
return 0;
I'm at my wits' end and I have no idea what to do. I will appreciate any help.
It looks like your linker options are incorrect:
../GlowE/GlowEngine/bin/Debug/libGlowEngine.a /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libzip.a /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libz.a
-l../GlowE/GlowEngine/bin/Debug/GlowEngine -l/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/zip -l/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/z

Compiling boost::asio example on Windows

I am trying to switch to Windows environment from Linux, but find it a very hard path.
This time I wanted to test if I can work with boost library.
I had problems with compiling boost on windows, so I downloaded precompiled version. I unpacked everything and tested positively that I can compile the header-only librariers.
Then I copied some simple boost::asio example. I set up everything in Eclipse. Compilation went fine, but during linking I got 'undefined reference' problem to 'boost::system' internal stuff.
C:/Users/jacek/cpp/boost_1_62_0/boost/system/error_code.hpp:221: undefined reference to `boost::system::generic_category()'
C:/Users/jacek/cpp/boost_1_62_0/boost/system/error_code.hpp:222: undefined reference to `boost::system::generic_category()'
C:/Users/jacek/cpp/boost_1_62_0/boost/system/error_code.hpp:223: undefined reference to `boost::system::system_category()'
So I added '-lboost_system', as well as the path to the libraries directory, to my linking options. But this did not help.
g++ "-LC:\\Users\\jacek\\cpp\\boost_1_62_0\\lib64-msvc-14.0" -o TestAsio.exe "src\\Main.o" -lboost_system
I checked the libraries directory and found there is a bunch of files containing 'boost_system' in the name. They are:
I did not know which I should use. I tried adding 'libboost_system-vc140-mt-1_62' to the linking options, I tried all other files, I tried renaming the files to the linux pattern 'libboost_system.a', but nothing worked.
g++ "-LC:\\Users\\jacek\\cpp\\boost_1_62_0\\lib64-msvc-14.0" -o TestAsio.exe "src\\Main.o" -llibboost_system-vc140-mt-1_62 -llibboost_system-vc140-mt-gd-1_62 -llibboost_system-vc140-mt-s-1_62 -llibboost_system-vc140-mt-sgd-1_62 -llibboost_system-vc140-s-1_62 -llibboost_system-vc140-sgd-1_62
What am I doing wrong here?
Please help...
I solved it myself with the help of a comment from this post: boost asio example compilation error
It looks like the precompiled version of Boost is created with Visual Studion and is NOT COMPATIBLE with G++. I if I decided to install MinGW then I cannot use the precompiled version of boost, but must compile it myself using g++.
I did that.
Now I have libraries compiled with G++.
I specify the path to the boost system library like that:
and add this option:
Now the problem with boost::system disappears. However, another one pops up with boost asio, but luckily the answer is here: MinGW linker error: winsock
The example works fine now on my Windows 10 laptop.
#include <boost/asio/io_service.hpp>
#include <boost/asio/steady_timer.hpp>
#include <chrono>
#include <iostream>
using namespace boost::asio;
int main()
io_service ioservice;
steady_timer timer{ioservice, std::chrono::seconds{3}};
timer.async_wait([](const boost::system::error_code &ec)
{ std::cout << "3 sec\n"; });;

linking jsoncpp on Ubuntu

I try to use jsoncpp library with c++ on Ubuntu.
I compiled the code and built the library with scons.
Now I can compile a simple programme:
#include "json/json.h"
#include <json/value.h>
#include <json/writer.h>
int main()
return 0;
I use this command to compile:
g++ test.cpp -usr/lib/libjson_linux-gcc-4.8_libmt
I conclude that the compiler knows where to find the library.
The problem comes when I declare a json object:
Json::Value root;
Then I have this error message:
undefined reference to « Json::Value::Value(Json::ValueType) »
How can I fix this problem?
For CodeBlocks (Ubuntu 14.04)
I have faced same problem in my codeblocks IDE after installing jsconcpp. This is how I rectified my problem.
Got to project>Build Options>linker settings and in the link libraries add jsconcpp and click ok

undefined reference to boost::gregorian::greg_month::as_short_string() const

This was asked several times however I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I'm trying to get the current date subtracted by 7. Here's the Main:
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/date_time/gregorian/gregorian.hpp>
#include <boost/date_time/date_formatting.hpp>
#include <boost/date_time/gregorian/greg_month.hpp>
using namespace std;
using namespace boost::gregorian;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
time_t rawtime;
struct tm *timeinfo;
time (&rawtime);
timeinfo = localtime (&rawtime);
date cdate(timeinfo->tm_year+1900, timeinfo->tm_mon+1, timeinfo->tm_mday);
cdate += date_duration(-7);
string date = to_iso_string(cdate);
cout << date << endl;
return 0;
When I try to compile it I get the following error.
E:/include/boost/date_time/date_formatting.hpp:44: undefined reference to `boost::gregorian::greg_month::as_short_string() const'
E:/include/boost/date_time/date_formatting.hpp:49: undefined reference to `boost::gregorian::greg_month::as_long_string() const'
Can anyone help? I thought I included the neccessary files..
Boost date_time is not a header-only library. Please build the library and then add it. Simple in gcc:
gcc myapp.cpp -omyapp -lboost_date_time
(Be careful! This library sneakily appears to work as a header-only library at optimization levels -O2 and higher, due to inlining; but it will fail to link when you use lower optimization levels where the compiler's inliner isn't as aggressive.)
I think the compiler is complaining about the inclusion of boost lib.
In order to use boost::gregorian(boost::date_time), you need to use
bjam to build boost library and then link it against the FileSystem lib.
The reference of boost see click here.
EDIT: According to what you got above, the problem is that the library can't be found, mingw seems like don't know where it is. A re-installation of mingw maybe required or you can try to specify the specific path of the library.
Good luck!
you should add the link lib named
(my path D:\My Documents\Downloads\boost_1_54_0\bin.v2\libs\date_time\build\gcc-mingw-4.6.2\debug\libboost_date_time-mgw46-d-1_54.dll.a) to the compiler's path
Good luck
The reason of the linking issue is the class grep_month part of implementation is at other cpp file located in file boost_xxx_xx_x\libs\date_time\src\gregorian\greg_month.cpp. So this should be built into a static library or directly built into your target.
The other reason of why the "Release" mode with option "O2" building could pass ok, it should be caused by the final codes has not called the gregorian::greg_month related codes, and the complier ignore linking the unused function into the target, so the building is sneakily passed.
So the CyberGuy's comments in the stackoverflow website about the argument of inlining should just be a guess.

Code Blocks, MinGW, Boost, and static linking issues

I am using Code Blocks with MinGW and am trying to get a simple program to compile with static linking. I have built the Boost libraries using these directions. Everything worked out fine and I was able to successfully compile this simple program (it compiles, I know it doesn't work because it exits before the message is sent to the console, but I just want it to compile).
If I have a DLL in my linker libraries, it compiles fine, but when I switch it with the static .a libraries of the same contents, I get undefined references such as "undefined reference to `_imp___ZN5boost6threadD1Ev'|".
I have no idea what the problem is and can't find the solution. I think it might have to do with linker settings but I can't find information on how to change them. I would be extremely grateful for any help that could be provided.
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
void myfunction()
std::cout << "this is a thread" << std::endl;
int main()
boost::thread mythread(&myfunction);
return 0;
It's from trying to link statically when the headers are configured for a dynamic link. I explain this for libssh in this question. Poking around in boost/thread/detail/config.hpp makes me think you should #define BOOST_THREAD_USE_LIB, or use the -D flag to do the same.