How to find which word contained within sentence [closed] - regex

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I have a list of suppliers in a column (column A) in Google Sheets, and I have transactions list from my bank. Each item description (column B) in bank transactions list is a mess of the supplier name and numbers. For each item description I want to find a matching supplier name from the suppliers list. How can I do this?

LOWER(TEXTJOIN("|", 1, SORT(A2:A, 1, 1))))))


Regex: Is the input date within the next two weeks? [closed]

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Closed 6 days ago.
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The input is a person's date of birth (e.g. 22/Feb/78).
Using a regular expression, I want to find out if the person has their birthday within the next two weeks from now.
So I want to know if February 22nd (the year needs to be ignored, of course) is within the next 14 days from now. Today is February 13th, so the correct result would be: yes.
Is there a way to do this?
I tried ChatGPT but it was not available for me due to capacity reasons.
So I tried and entered "Is the date (mm.dd.) within the next two weeks?".
But it did not work.

How can I determine a state with a given zip code in Stata? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Currently, my line of code is really long and I was curious to know if there was a more efficient way of doing this.
As Nick has pointed out your question is missing most of the information that would make it answerable. Please read more here, and add more information to your question.
In the meantime, a useful approach is to merge your zipcode data with a dataframe (or dataset) with the state-zipcode link in it.
* first you need to get the zipcode data from somewhere.
* Here is one way:
!wget ""
* now put this data in a frame
frame create zctaFrame
frame zctaFrame{
import delimited "zcta_county_rel_10.txt"
* now I'm making up a dataset (share some of yours with dataex from ssc
input str10 name zip
"sam" 55901
"sasha" 84101
"saul" 84111
frlink 1:1 zip, frame(zctaFrame zcta5)
frget state, from(zctaFrame)
If this doesn't match what you're trying to do, please add more detail to the question.

Choosing random event with different probabilities [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I need help creating a general function or pseudocode that chooses a single event from a group events who all have different probabilities.
event 1 = 45%
event 2 = 15%
event 3 = 50%
event 4 = 35%
event 5 = 50%
The simplest solution would be to sum and normalize the ranges (as an example, the sum of the values is 195, your first event would get the range [0, 45/195=0.23[, the second one [0.23, 0.23+0.076=0.31], and so on), then extract a number from [0,1[ and look to what range it belongs.

What can I use as data structure for Ranking in C++? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have data-set with these attributes:
UserID (int)
Group (int)
Score (int)
I want to evaluate ranking:
All Ranking by score
Group ranking in user's group by score
What should I do?
Use a linear array of structure which contains the data set and an array of size equal to the number of groups.
Sort the structure array based on score to get overall rank and use the second array to keep count of the number of structures of each group to assign group rank to each data set.
struct user
int userID , group , score;
int totalRank , groupRank;
Take arrays as:
user list[100];
int groupCount[10]; //Assuming there will be maximum 10 groups

IF ELSE in display column tag in struts2 [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Hi i am using display column tag in struts2.
And want to format row on basis of data...
For example column hs boolean value.
If value is true i want display row in red font.
else in black font.
So how can i implement if else condition in display column tag in struts2?
I have check on net, bt solutions given ar
Can anyone give me code example for the same???
thanks in advance.
Please check this and link for Example
<s:if test="%{column ==true}">
// do stuff to change row color
// do stuff to change black font