localtunnel not generating url string on Windows 10 - facebook-graph-api

I have followed this guide in setting up my localtunnel:
however, when I run the following command lt –port 80 nothing is showing. I started looking for this solution since Facebook seems to have stopped localhost access to FB.iu() method for sharing content on their site.
I have tried running as admin while disabling firewall and McAfees Antivirus Scan. I have used ngrok before now too but Facebook rejects it for no clear reason.
Below is an image of the steps taken:

Managed to get my way around this localhost tunneling issue using ngrok.
I noticed I'm expected to add additional domain names under App Domains in Facebook APP settings. So I added ngrok.io as an additional APP Domain and WHALAH! everything started working for the FB.ui() method.


How to test Django app with multitenancy on localhost

I am developing a Django app that works with multitenancy through the django-tenant-schemas library. We bind subdomains to our tenants. I need to test a data migration locally before I run it on production but the problem I'm running into is that I cannot access all the tenants. What I need to do is use the application, click buttons and see if everything still works, posing as multiple of our clients.
We currently have it set up so that the public schema is bound to on my local machine and our own tenant to localhost. On our staging / production it would be client.ourdomain.com, but as I understand -and tested- it you cannot work with subdomains on localhost, so I'm lost on how to get access to the other tenant schemas.
I have tried to edit my /etc/hosts file to bind the following 2 but those don't work:
localhost client.localhost client.localhost
This seems like it would be a problem many people run into but I cannot seem to find good info on how to do this both in the official docs or elsewhere, although the second link looks to be what I need but they suggest what I already tried.
Does anyone know how I can achieve this?
You could bind client1.example.test, client2.example.test etc. to your ip.

AWS Lightsail terminal blocked

I installed WordPress on AWS Lightsail following aws’ video tutorial. Generated a static IP and watched the WP site running on the browser. To log into WP I have the user and have to retrieve the password using the terminal. To launch it I clicked the “Connect with SSH” button and a terminal pop-out. Unfortunately the terminal is blocked/freezed and I can’t write any command nor click into it. Restarted the instance and tried 4 browsers (IE, Chrome, Firefox, Safari) and nothing works.
I completely deleted the instance and created a new one but have the same problem.
Anyone know what’s happening and how to make the terminal work? Is there other way to get the wP password I need? Thanks.
The browser terminal interface can be problematic. It is better to use an SSH client (such as PuTTY). You will need the private key to do this (see instructions if you don't have this). The official bitnami instructions can be found here
If you don't have the WordPress password, these can be found in the initial installation logs, or in /home/bitnami/bitnami_credientials. Refer to Step 4 of the instructions
Hope this helps.

Accessing javascript resource under a Rails Engine throws net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET

I have a Rails 4.2.1 application with multiple engines under it. The application has been hosted in production with Apache2 and Passenger and was working fine till a few weeks back. I am now facing a strange problem and unable to load assets under one particular engine and get the error "Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET" when trying to load javascript or other asset files under a particular engine.
The application structure is
AssessmentTools (app->assets->javascript->assessment_tools->angular.js)
QuestionBankTools (app->assets->javascript->question_bank_tools->angular.js)
All seems to work fine when loading resources under AssessmentTools (http:///assets/assessment_tools/angular.js), but fails for QuestionBankTools (http:///assets/question_bank_tools/angular.js).
Also, everything seems to work fine on localhost and even in a VM that i hosted on my development machine (with app running behind Apache2 and Passenger), but the problem appears when i host it on server behind a proper a domain.
I have tried cleaning up the server and re-installing the application but without success. I am not able to figure out what could have changed in the past weeks to create this issue.
In my case the problem turned out to be an over eager firewall filter introduced by the data server admin. They had blocked off all url having particular keywords in it.
Fixed the firewall and all is well.

Django Allauth and Google

I've tried to add google login to my web application using django-allauth.
I added to my google application the following callback_uri:
since i'm running tests on my development server (localhost) and i don't wanna use https.
Even though, i get a 'redirect_uri_mismatch' saying that my redirect URI doesn't match any registred redirect URI.
Does anyone have any ideea about what causes this?
Thanks for your time.
Later Edit:
Using instead of localhost solved this problem.
Recently I ran into problems trying to get Google+ to work as well. I finally got it working. I made some updates to the documentation so it's a bit easier to use. See if using the updated allauth google docs you can get it to work.
Have you try doing the following:
1. Go to the Google Developers console -> Api $ auth -> credentials
2. You should see "Client ID for web application" click "Edit Settings"
3. Change your "Redirect URI" to "http://localhost:8000/accounts/google/login/callback"
Should work after that let me know if it doesn't.

How to set up Django app to make cookies work on subdomain

I have deployed my application on subdomain.domain.com (it works only on that one subdomain). Everything works fine except the fact that from time to time users cannot log in to application (the message "Looks like your browser isn't configured to accept cookies. Please enable cookies, reload this page, and try again" is shown when trying to log into admin panel). I've noticed that restarting the web server eliminates this problem for some time.
Does anyone have experience with setting up django project on subdomain and can guide me how to configure my application to make it work correctly without need to ocasionally make reset?
I'd tried to set up SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN = 'subdomain.domain.com' setting but it didn't solve the problem (maybe I set it wrong?)
I use Django 1.1.1, Python 2.5.4 for this project. Project is deployed in provider I use for other projects and cookies works there perfectly. Other projects run also on subdomains and do not have SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN set at all.
in your settings do you have SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN set? If so, is it set to something that isn't the domain the site is operating on?