AWS Application load balancer rule not working for cookies ? What could have gone wrong? - cookies

I work in the dev-ops team at my company. Recently, we shifted to aws's application load balancer and we are forwarding the request based on a cookie's value. For some reason, the rule isn't working and AWS doesn't support logs to get information on why a rule faied.
There could be 2 reasons for this, that we can think of:
Load balancer isn't able to read the cookie: We don't think this should be the issue as the applications under this load balancer are able to read and also print the cookies.
The load balancer doesn't read subsequent cookies after the first request: We have raised a concern with AWS on this and they are still to get back.
Meanwhile, can anyone point to any possible issues which we might be overlooking?


gcp classic loadbalancer vs modern loadbalancer doesn't work with websocket

We are having some issues with getting websockets to work with a load balancer in google cloud. We narrowed it down to a difference between the classic load balancer (works fine) and the Https Loadbalancer with advanced traffic management that is selected by default but marked as a preview (does not work).
We have an instance group that definitely supports websockets. I.e. we can connect to it via the ip address.
We set up a load balancer and went for the one with traffic management. That worked fine for normal requests but all the websocket requests fail with a 502. We did not select http/2 (which is documented as not working for this). We tried all sorts of things to get this working. Even though it is documented that this should work out of the box it clearly doesn't.
$ websocat wss://
websocat: WebSocketError: Received unexpected status code (502 Bad Gateway)
websocat: error running
As a last resort, I then set up a classic lb with the same configuration, same instance group, same health check, same certificate, etc. And this worked on the first try.
So, clearly the new style loadbalancer does not work as advertised when it comes to websockets. The question is: why? Is this a known issue or is there something I should configure to get websockets working with that?
We're fine using the classic lb as it works. But I would like to understand the issue.
Assuming you're using GCP's Global External HTTP(S) "modern" Load Balancer, the documentation states under GCP CLB Overview > WebSocket support states:
The global external HTTP(S) load balancer with advanced traffic management capability does not support Websockets. Websockets work with the global external HTTP(S) load balancer (classic) and regional external HTTP(S) load balancer as expected.
If you're using the regional "modern" LB, keep in mind that these "modern" Load Balancers are still in Preview. I'm sure you've seen this, but I'm only noting this because I've had experience with GCP products in the past that claimed to "support websockets" while in "Preview", but didn't work correctly until avaiable in GA.
Since you didn't provide more details It's impossibler to reproduce it - hence try to conclude anything - there are just too many variables.
From your description it looks like some issue with traffic management in https load balacing - if you can reproduce it you can at Google's IssueTracker - under the load balancing component and describe the issue in more detail; provide detailed reproductions steps and if possible your setup that you used (or any other details that - after that someone will get back to you :)

AWS Application Load Balancer with HTTP2

I have a RESTful app deployed on a number of EC2 instances sitting behind a Load Balancer.
Authentication is handled in part by a custom request header called "X-App-Key".
I have just migrated my classic Load Balancers to Application Load Balancers and I'm starting to experience intermittent issues where some valid requests (via testing with CURL) are failing authentication for some users. It looks like the custom request header is only intermittently being passed through. Using apache bench approx 100 of 500 requests failed.
If I test with a classic Load Balancer all 500 succeed.
I looked into this a bit more and found that the users who this is failing for are using a slightly newer version of CURL and specifically the requests coming from these users are using HTTP2. If I add "--http1.1" to the CURL request they all pass fine.
So the issues seem to be specific to us using a custom request header with the new generation application load balancers and HTTP2.
Am I doing something wrong?!
I found the answer on this post...
AWS Application Load Balancer transforms all headers to lower case
It seems the headers come through from the ALB in lowercase. I needed to update my backend to support this
You probably have to enable Sticky sessions in your loadbalancer.
They are needed to keep the session open liked to the same instance.
But, it's at application level the need of having to keep a session active, and not really useful in some kind of services, (depending on the nature of your system, not really recommended) as it provides performance reduction in REST like systems.

RabbitMQ MochiWeb on AWS behind Load Balancer

I have an AWS setup with an Elastic Load Balancer that talks to a RabbitMQ cluster of two nodes. There is a plugin called RabbitHub that runs on MochiWeb as a REST interface to RabbitMQ. My problem is that I get a lot of 504 GATEWAY_TIMEOUT errors, with or without the load balancer. I'm forwarding HTTPS to HTTP on 15670 through the load balancer, but even when I go directly to the server through a VPN, I'll get a 504.
It appears that most GET requests work (like the base URL), but I have a significant issue with POSTs. Sometimes it works...sometimes it doesn't. I had about 4 good hours today, then went back to a nasty 2 hours. I'm really at the end of my knowledge here. What could be causing this?
AWS docs say to increase the keep-alive on the web server. Is that possible on MochiWeb?
Thanks --
Well, forget I said anything. The problem was that a MochiWeb error occurred, which closed the connection immediately. As a result, the load balancer reports the 504. If this helps anybody, I checked the SASL logs to see that there was an actual Erlang error. From there, I could see what the issue was and address it.

How can I configure an automatic timeout for an Elastic Load Balancer?

Does anyone know of a way to make Amazon's Elastic Load Balancers timeout if an HTTP response has not been received from upstream in a set timeframe?
Occasionally Amazon's Elastic Beanstalk will fail an update and any requests to the specified resource (running Nginx + Node if tht's any use) will hang any request pages whilst the resource attempts to load.
I'd like to keep the request timeout under 2s, and if the upstream server has no response by then, to automatically fail over to a default 503 response.
Is this possible with ELB?
You can Configure Health Check Settings for Elastic Load Balancing to achieve this:
Elastic Load Balancing routinely checks the health of each registered Amazon EC2 instance based on the configurations that you specify. If Elastic Load Balancing finds an unhealthy instance, it stops sending traffic to the instance and reroutes traffic to healthy instances. For more information on configuring health check, see Health Check.
For example, you simply need to specify an appropriate Ping Path for the HTTP health check, a Response Timeout of 2 seconds and an UnhealthyThreshold of 1 to approximate your specification.
See my answer to What does the Amazon ELB automatic health check do and what does it expect? for more details on how the ELB health check system work.
TLDR - Set your timeout in Nginx.
Let's see if we can walkthrough the issues.
The client should be presented with something quickly. It's okay if it's a 500 page. However, the ELB currently waits 60 seconds until giving up ( which means it takes a minute before the user is shown anything.
Change the timeout of the ELB
Looks like AWS support will help increase the timeout ( so I imagine that you'll be able to ask for the reverse. Thus, we can see that it's not user/api tunable and requires you to interact with support. This takes a bit of lead time and more importantly, seems like an odd dial to tune when future developers working on this project will be surprised by such a short timeout.
Change the timeout of the nginx server
This seems like the right level of change. You can use proxy_read_timeout ( to do what you're looking for. Tune it to something small (and in particular, you can set it for a particular location if you would like).
Change the way the request happens.
It may be beneficial to change how your client code works. You could imagine shipping a really simple html/js page that 1. pings to see if the job is done and 2. keeps the user updated on the progress. This takes a bit more work then just throwing the 500 page.
Recently, AWS added a way to configure timeouts for ELB. See this blog post:

Amazon ELB forwarding http request changes request.RemoteAddress

We are using Amazon EC2 services to host our play application on live. I have a quite important problem with Elastic Load Balancer. In my application I need request remote address and I am using play framework controller's request.remoteAddress property for it. However on Amazon it is stored always as load balancers ip address which is misleading us as we cannot track request remote address.
Is there something like a setting in Amazon ELB Configuration for forwarded requests? In Apache i think there is a solution for that but I have skimmed through ELB documentation and could not find any clue.
i think you can use this when you a behind an proxy or load balancer:
String ip = Http.Request.current().headers.get("x-forwarded-for")
I think I found an elegant solution that Play Framework have a support such as XForwardedSupport. I am planning to test it in a short while.
Details of XForwardedSupport is here