Duplicate values in Julia with Function - tuples

I need writing a function which takes as input
a = [12,39,48,36]
and produces as output
where the idea is to repeat one element three times or two times (this should be variable) and divided by 2 or 3.
I tried doing this:
for i in a

You need to vectorize the division operator with a dot ..
Additionally I understand that you want results to be Int - you can vectorizing casting to Int too:
repeat(Int.(a./3), inner=3)

Przemyslaw's answer, repeat(Int.(a./3), inner=3), is excellent and is how you should write your code for conciseness and clarity. Let me in this answer analyze your attempted solution and offer a revised solution which preserves your intent. (I find that this is often useful for educational purposes).
Your code is:
c = [12,39,48,36]
a = size(c)
for i in a
repeat(c[i]/3, 3)
The immediate fix is:
c = [12,39,48,36]
output = Int[]
for x in c
append!(output, fill(x/3, 3))
Here are the changes I made:
You need an array to actually store the output. The repeat function, which you use in your loop, would produce a result, but this result would be thrown away! Instead, we define an initially empty output = Int[] and then append! each repeated block.
Your for loop specification is iterating over a size tuple (4,), which generates just a single number 4. (Probably, you misunderstand the purpose of the size function: it is primarily useful for multidimensional arrays.) To fix it, you could do a = 1:length(c) instead of a = size(c). But you don't actually need the index i, you only require the elements x of c directly, so we can simplify the loop to just for x in c.
Finally, repeat is designed for arrays. It does not work for a single scalar (this is probably the error you are seeing); you can use the more appropriate fill(scalar, n) to get [scalar, ..., scalar].


How can I calculate the length of a list containing lists in OCAML

i am a beginner in ocaml and I am stuck in my project.
I would like to count the number of elements of a list contained in a list.
Then test if the list contains odd or even lists.
let listoflists = [[1;2] ; [3;4;5;6] ; [7;8;9]]
l1 = even
l2 = even
l3 = odd
The problem is that :
List.tl listoflists
Gives the length of the rest of the list
so 2
-> how can I calculate the length of the lists one by one ?
-> Or how could I get the lists and put them one by one in a variable ?
for the odd/even function, I have already done it !
Tell me if I'm not clear
and thank you for your help .
Unfortunately it's not really possible to help you very much because your question is unclear. Since this is obviously a homework problem I'll just make a few comments.
Since you talk about putting values in variables you seem to have some programming experience. But you should know that OCaml code tends to work with immutable variables and values, which means you have to look at things differently. You can have variables, but they will usually be represented as function parameters (which indeed take different values at different times).
If you have no experience at all with OCaml it is probably worth working through a tutorial. The OCaml.org website recommends the first 6 chapters of the OCaml manual here. In the long run this will probably get you up to speed faster than asking questions here.
You ask how to do a calculation on each list in a list of lists. But you don't say what the answer is supposed to look like. If you want separate answers, one for each sublist, the function to use is List.map. If instead you want one cumulative answer calculated from all the sublists, you want a fold function (like List.fold_left).
You say that List.tl calculates the length of a list, or at least that's what you seem to be saying. But of course that's not the case, List.tl returns all but the first element of a list. The length of a list is calculated by List.length.
If you give a clearer definition of your problem and particularly the desired output you will get better help here.
Use List.iter f xs to apply function f to each element of the list xs.
Use List.length to compute the length of each list.
Even numbers are integrally divisible by two, so if you divide an even number by two the remainder will be zero. Use the mod operator to get the remainder of the division. Alternatively, you can rely on the fact that in the binary representation the odd numbers always end with 1 so you can use land (logical and) to test the least significant bit.
If you need to refer to the position of the list element, use List.iteri f xs. The List.iteri function will apply f to two arguments, the first will be the position of the element (starting from 0) and the second will be the element itself.

How to solve Syntax Error in Data Statement?

Hi I am new here and want to solve this problem:
do k=1,31
Data H(1,k)/0/
End do
do l=1,21
Data H(l,1)/0.5*(l-1)/
End do
do m=31,41
Data H(17,m)/0/
End do
do n=17,21
Data H(n,41)/0.5*(n-17)/
End do
I get error for l and n saying that it is a syntax error in DATA statement. Anyone know how to solve this problem?
You have three problems here, and not just with the "l" and "n" loops.
The first problem is that the values in a data statement cannot be arbitrary expressions. In particular, they must be constants; 0.5*(l-1) is not a constant.
The second problem is that the bounds in the object lists must also be constant (expressions); l is not a constant expression.
For the first, it's also worth noting that * in a data value list has a special meaning, and it isn't the multiplication operator. * gives a repeat count, and a repeat count of 0.5 is not valid.
You can fix the second point quite simply, by using such constructions as
data H(1,1:31) /31*0./ ! Note the repeat count specifier
outside a loop, or using an implied loop
data (H(1,k),k=1,31) /31*0./
To do something for the "l" loop is more tedious
data H(1:21,1) /0., 0.5, 1., 1.5, ... /
and we have to be very careful about the number of values specified. This cannot be dynamic.
The third problem is that you cannot specify explicit initialization for an element more than once. Look at your first two loops: if this worked you'd be initializing H(1,1) twice. Even though the same value is given, this is still invalid.
Well, actually you have four problems. The fourth is related to the point about dynamic number of values. You probably don't want to be doing explicit initialization. Whilst it's possible to do what it looks like you want to do, just use assignment where these restrictions don't apply.
do l=1,21
H(l,1) = 0.5*(l-1)
End do
Yes, there are times when complicated explicit initialization is a desirable thing, but in this case, in what I assume is new code, keeping things simple is good. An "initialization" portion of your code which does the assignments is far more "modern".

How to concatenate list values in OCaml

If I have a function
let rec function n =
if n<0 then []
else n-2 # function n-2 ;;
I get an error saying that the expression function n-2 is a list of int but it is expecting an int.
How do I concatenate the values to return all the n-2 values above zero as a list?
I cannot use the List module to fold.
Your title asks how to concatenate lists, but your question seems rather different.
To concatenate lists, you can use the # operator. In many cases, code that depends on this operator is slower than it needs to be (something to keep in mind for later :-).
Here are some things I see wrong with the code you give:
a. You can't name a function function, because function is a keyword in OCaml.
b. If you use the # operator, you should have lists on both sides of it. As near as I can see, the thing on the left in your code is not a list.
c. Function calls have higher precedence than infix operators. So myfun n - 2 is parsed as (myfun n) - 2. You probably want something closer to myfun (n - 2).
Even with these changes, your code seems to generate a list of integers that are 2 apart, which isn't what you say you want. However, I can't understand what the function is actually supposed to return.
It seems like you are not concatenating lists, but concatenating ints instead. This is done by the :: operator. So your code would look like:
else (n-2)::(fun (n-2))
Although I could see this function possibly not producing the desired output if you put in negative numbers. For example if you pass through n = 1, n-2 will evaluate to -1 which is less than zero.

Python array management C++ equivalent

I know SO is not rent-a-coder, but I have a really simple python example that I need help translating to C++
grey_image_as_array = numpy.asarray( cv.GetMat( grey_image ) )
non_black_coords_array = numpy.where( grey_image_as_array > 3 )
# Convert from numpy.where()'s two separate lists to one list of (x, y) tuples:
non_black_coords_array = zip( non_black_coords_array[1], non_black_coords_array[0] )
First one is rather simple I guess - a linear indexable array is created with what bytes are retruned from cv.GetMat, right?
What would be an equivalent of pyton's where and especially this zip functions?
I don't know about OpenCV, so I can't tell you what cv.GetMat() does. Apparently, it returns something that can be used as or converted to a two-dimensional array. The C or C++ interface to OpenCV that you are using will probably have a similarly names function.
The following lines create an array of index pairs of the entries in grey_image_as_array that are bigger than 3. Each entry in non_black_coords_array are zero based x-y-coordinates into grey_image_as_array. Given such a coordinates pair x, y, you can access the corresponsing entry in the two-dimensional C++ array grey_image_as_array with grey_image_as_array[y][x].
The Python code has to avoid explicit loops over the image to achieve good performance, so it needs to make to with the vectorised functions NumPy offers. The expression grey_image_as_array > 3 is a vectorised comparison and results in a Boolean array of the same shape as grey_image_as_array. Next, numpy.where() extracts the indices of the True entries in this Boolean array, but the result is not in the format described above, so we need zip() to restructure it.
In C++, there's no need to avoid explicit loops, and an equivalent of numpy.where() would be rather pointless -- you just write the loops and store the result in the format of your choice.

Are implied DO loops inefficient?

I have an array initialization based on an implied do loop, given an odd size N.
XLOC(1:N) = (/ (I-J, I=1,N) /)
In the context of F90+ is it recommended to use the (/ .. /) syntax, or is more efficient to use a FORALL statement.
Example: for N=19 then XLOC=(-9,-8,-7,-6,-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)
How else would you initialize this array?
Edit 1
How would you initialize this array with more readable code?
For such a simple construct both are likely to lead to the same code because compilers are good at optimizing. The FORALL statement is not so much a looping statement but an initialization statement that has many restrictions that can inhibit optimizations. If a simple loop will work, I'd use it.
Also see this previous answer: Do Fortran 95 constructs such as WHERE, FORALL and SPREAD generally result in faster parallel code?
There is no reason they should be less efficient that actual do loops. If you find a case, where they are, report it as an missed optimization bug to your compiler vendor!