Health check fails after switching from ALB to NLB? - amazon-web-services

The health check in my target group fails after I switched my load balancer type from "application" to "network". I need to use the network load balancer in order to do a vpc link in api gateway. I attached a security group to my ALB but this is no longer needed for the NLB.
I understand the the NLB operates on Layer 4. My ALB listened for HTTPS on port 443 and the target group HTTP on port 80. Now, my NLB listens for TCP on port 80 and the target group TCP on port 80.
If I alter the security group attached to my EC2 instances and allow All TCP traffic from anywhere then the health check starts passing again. But, I don't want to allow traffic from anywhere. I also tried setting source to my vpc security group, but this did not work either.
Therefore, I am not sure what I should be setting source to in my security group. In my security group, is there a way I can restrict All TCP to just internal traffic? Does the NLB do something different to ALB which might be causing my health check to fail?

Ended up just using the cidr range of all subnets attached to the network load balancer.
It appears that for Network Load Balancers you have to just allow all traffic for everything in the NLB or restrict it to the cidr range of all subnets attached to the load balancer.


How to only allow a few IPs to reach a AWS Network Load Balancer?

I am running my tasks (in public subnets) using AWS Fargate, and an Internet-facing NLB distributes the traffic to all the available tasks through a target group. I have a security group added to the service that only allows the the NLB's IP. We are planning to use cloudflare as a reverse proxy for all the traffic coming to this NLB. How do I whitelist the cloudflare IPs so that no one else can reach this NLB?
If you're using a Network Load Balancer, update the security groups
for your target instances because Network Load Balancers don't have
associated security groups.
If your target type is an IP, add a rule to your security group to
allow traffic from your load balancer's IP address to the target IP
If your target type is an instance, add a rule to your
security group to allow traffic from your load balancer's IP address
and clients to the target IP address.
I think it's not possible to add a security group to an NLB. Ref:
If I add the cloudflare IPs to the security group of the service then wouldn't it prevent the load balancers from making a connection, or is the IP of the actual client forwarded till here?
You would need to enable Client IP preservation in the Target Group of the Network Load Balancer. Then in the security group of your target(s) (your ECS service, EC2 instance, etc..) you would allow those specific IPs.

Api gateway VPC link integration to a EC2 machine through the NLB not working because of the security group issue

I have a service running on the port 8080 of an EC2 machine in a private subnet. My plan is to establish a VpcLink to the private endpoint using a Network load balancer. Now the network load balancer cannot associate a security group of its own, instead the target security group will come into action here (in this case the security group of the EC2 where my service is running). I am a little confused over how does the security group of the ec2 machine looks like. I need to add a custom TCP rule which will allow traffic to port 8080, but I am confused over what IP range I can give in the source. The API gateway has no IP. Also, it is saying that
Recommended Rules
Inbound Source Port Range Comment
Client IP addresses instance listener Allow traffic from clients on the instance listener port
VPC CIDR health check Allow traffic from the load balancer on the health check port
Based on the comments and from the docs:
Network Load Balancers do not have associated security groups. Therefore, the security groups for your targets must use IP addresses to allow traffic from the load balancer.
If you register targets by IP address and do not want to grant access to the entire VPC CIDR, you can grant access to the private IP addresses used by the load balancer nodes.
Thus, for NLB you either use CIDR range of the subnet where NLB is. Or to be more restrictive you using NLB private addresses. For the IP addresses, you can't get them from CloudFormation. Would have to write custom resources in the CloudFormation to get the IPs from NLB. As a compromise, you could put your NLB in a dedicated subnet, or the same one as instances, and used its CIDR range.

Cannot connect to internet-facing NLB forwarding traffic to a private instance

I have configured a cloud with following configuration
VPC with a public and private subnet in two availability zones. Public subnet has an internet gateway and private subnet has a NAT gateway configured
An internet-facing Network Load Balancer allowing TCP traffic configured in both availability zones
A target group to forward traffic from the load balancer
An EC2 instance in private subnet configured with haproxy listening at port 80. It's security group is configured to accept TCP traffic at port 80 from both the subnets in which NLB is configured
Added this instance to the target group, the status is healthy
When I try to hit the NLB DNS it is giving me 'Connection timed-out' error. I am expecting that when I hit NLB DNS it should forward me to the private instance. I have checked many AWS documents such as this link but still cannot find the resolution to this issue. Please feel free to ask for more information if this is not sufficient.
It's security group is configured to accept TCP traffic at port 80 from both the subnets in which NLB is configured
When targets are registered by instance-id, the security group for instances behind an Internet-facing NLB need to allow traffic from -- or whatever range of public IP addresses need to access them through the balancer -- not just the subnets of the balancer (which are needed for health-checks).
If your target type is an instance, add a rule to your security group to allow traffic from your load balancer and clients to the target IP.
Unlike ALB and Classic balancers, NLB traffic has the source address of the external client when the targets are configured by instance-id, and this is the address the security group is matching against.

AWS NLB in public subnets with EC2 in private subnets

Has someone configured a NLB in the public subnets of your VPC to route traffic to EC2 instances that are in the private subnets?
When using an ELB, a good solution is to create a Security Group for the ELB and then create another SecurityGroup for the private EC2 Instances, allowing incoming traffic from that ELB Security Group, as explained here:
"You can also add a rule on the instance’s security group to allow traffic from the security group assigned to the load balancer. For example, if the security group on the load balancer is sg-1234567a, make the following changes on the security group associated with the private instances"
Since you cannot associate a Security Group to a NLB, how could you accomplish this with the same type of security?
Since you cannot associate a Security Group to a NLB, how could you
accomplish this with the same type of security?
The security aspect does not change.
NLB is a different beast, it not the same as classic Load Balancers. For Classic Load Balancers, from the point of view of your instances, traffic does appear to come from inside the VPC. From outside, traffic goes to a (random and mutating) list of IP addresses, resolved by the DNS record that AWS provides to you.
Network Load Balancers are completely different. From the point of view of your instances, they are completely invisible. If it is an external network load balancer, traffic appears to be coming from instances on the internet directly (even though this is an illusion). Therefore, if you want to talk to everyone on the internet, is what you open it to.
This is, in fact, what the documentation says:
Recommended Rules
Inbound Source Port Range Comment
Client IP addresses instance listener Allow traffic from clients on the instance listener port
VPC CIDR health check Allow traffic from the load balancer on the health check port
Client IP addresses is whatever your client IPs are. If they are on the open internet, it is. Adding the NLB private IP address, as I saw in other responses, accomplishes nothing. Traffic is not coming from there, as far as the instances are concerned.
On the security angle, nothing changes. Since your instances are in private subnets, traffic cannot flow directly to them, as there is a NAT gateway in the middle. It can only flow from them to the internet (through NAT gateway, then internet gateway). Even if you specify all traffic is allowed from everywhere, traffic still won't come. It will have to come through another way. In your case, that way is the NLB, which has a fixed number of ports it listens to, and only sends traffic to the destination ports on the instances you specify.
If you are moving from classic Load Balancers to NLBs, move the security group rules from the Load Balancer to your instances. Or better yet, since you can have multiple security groups, just add the SG you currently have for the classic LB to the instances(and update any ASGs as needed). Your security posture will be exactly the same. With the added benefit that now your applications won't need things like proxy protocol to figure out where traffic is coming from, it is no longer obfuscated by the load balancer.
That is indeed true as per AWS Documentation :
Network Load Balancers do not have associated security groups.
Therefore, the security groups for your targets must use IP addresses
to allow traffic from the load balancer.
So If you do not want to grant access to the entire VPC CIDR, you can grant access to the private IP addresses used by the load balancer nodes. There is one IP address per load balancer subnet.
On NLB Tab of there is one Network Interface per Load Balancer from there :
On the Details tab for each network interface, copy the address from
Primary private IPv4 IP.
You can use this private IP Address at add it SG of EC2 Instances.
Please Refer to AWS Documentation
Tail your http access logs and you will see there is no changing of source IP address from the network load balancer which means you need to allow on the endpoints security group if the internet needs access to your endpoint.
This is only ok if you use a private subnet so be careful if you have this server on a public subnet as this solution would not be advisable. In this case just use an application load balancer. You can still setup the same listener and configure a target group by instance as well. The application load balancer will update the source IP address to it's own private address if you tail the access logs. The advantage of this is you only need to allow https traffic to the app load balancer and then you can accept http for the target group if you like from the load balancer.

AWS load balancer security group not allowing traffic even when all allowed

The security group assigned to it has both Inbound and Outbound rule as ALL traffic and ALL port range, so why does it say it's not allowing traffic on that listener port?
If the LoadBalancer was created by ElasticBeanstalk environment, you would have to add the listener in the ElasticBeanstalk configurations