The problem
I'm trying to use a simple, portable way to perform an interruptible sleep for a thread. Another requirement I have is about the use of SIGSTOP/SIGCONT, if the program is suspended the wait must performs without taking into account the suspension. Example: I'm waiting for 5 seconds, after 1 second the program is suspended, after 1 one minute is restored, the wait should run again waiting 4 seconds.
My analisys
std::condition_variable::wait_for() and std::condition_variable::wait_until() methods use a monothonic time only starting from gcc 10 and glibc 2.6 bugzilla. On previous versions or where there's no platform support, i.e. pthread_cond_clockwait() not available, the system clock is used. Using the system clock however can have side effects like a timeout too early or too late if the system clock is changed by human or automatically (ex. NTP). In addition the wait_for() and wait_until() can trigger too early if we stop the process via SIGSTOP because the system clock or steady clock are evaluated again and since the whole time is running but our process is frozen, when we start the process again using SIGCONT every wait is triggered.
Possible solutions
It seems there's only one way to sleep in a reliable way even on older platforms, calling select system call. In addition select behavior is ok for my requirements and it can be interrupted using the self pipe trick for example.
The question
Is my analysis correct? Am I missing anything?
I know that Sleep() is not accurate, but is there's a way to make it not sleep for more than 10 ms (i.e. only sleep between 1 ms and 10 ms)? Or does Sleep(1) already guarantee that?
If you really want guaranteed timings, you will not be using Windows at all.
To answer your question, Sleep() does not provide any means of guaranteeing an upper bound on the sleep time.
In windows, this is because Sleep() relinquishes the threads's time slice, and it is not guaranteed that the system scheduler will schedule the sleeping thread (i.e. allocate another time slice) to execute immediately after the sleep time is up. That depends on priorities of competing threads, scheduling policies, and things like that.
In practice, the actual sleep interval depends a lot on what other programs are running on the system, configuration of the system, whether other programs are accessing slow drives, etc etc.
With a lightly loaded system, it is a fair bet Sleep(1) will sleep between 1 and 2 ms on any modern (GHz frequency CPU or better). However, it is not impossible for your program to experience greater delays.
With a heavily loaded system (lots of other programs executing, using CPU and timer resources), it is a fair bet your program will experience substantially greater delays than 1ms, and even more than 10ms.
In short: no guarantees.
There is no way to guarantee it.
This is what real time OS are for.
In general case if your OS doesn't experience high loads sleep will be pretty accurate but as you increase load on it the more inaccurate it will get.
No. Or, yes, depending on your perspective.
According to the documentation:
After the sleep interval has passed, the thread is ready to run. If
you specify 0 milliseconds, the thread will relinquish the remainder
of its time slice but remain ready. Note that a ready thread is not
guaranteed to run immediately. Consequently, the thread may not run
until some time after the sleep interval elapses. For more
information, see Scheduling Priorities.
What this means is that the problem isn't Sleep. Rather, when Sleep ends, your thread may still need to wait to become active again.
You cannot count on 10 milliseconds, that's too low. Sleep() accuracy is affected by:
The clock tick interrupt frequency. In general, the processor tends to be in a quiescent state, not consuming any power and turned off by the HLT instruction. It is dead to the world, unaware that time is passing and unaware that your sleep interval has expired. A periodic hardware interrupt generated by the chipset wakes it up and makes it pay attention again. By default, this interrupt is generated 64 times per second. Or once every 15.625 milliseconds.
The thread scheduler runs at every clock interrupt. It is the one that notices that your sleep interval has expired, it will put the thread back into the ready-to-run state. And boosts its priority so that it is more likely to acquire a processor core. It will do so when no other threads with higher priority are ready to run.
There isn't much you can do about the 2nd bullet, you have to compete with everybody else and take your fair share. If the thread does a lot of sleeping and little computation then it is not unreasonable to claim more than your fair share, call SetThreadPriority() to boost your base priority and make it more likely that your sleep interval is accurate. If that isn't good enough then the only way to claim a high enough priority that will always beat everybody else is by writing ring 0 code, a driver.
You can mess with the 1st bullet, it is pretty common to do so. Also the reason why many programmers think that the default accuracy is 10 msec. Or if they use Chrome that it might be 1 msec, that browser jacks up the interrupt rate sky-high. A fairly unreasonable thing to do, bad for power consumption, unless you are in the business of making your mobile operating system products look good :)
Call timeBeginPeriod before you need to make your sleep intervals short enough, timeEndPeriod() when you're done. Use NtSetTimerResolution() if you need to go lower than 1 msec.
Sleep won't guarantee that.
The only way I know of doing that is to have a thread wait for a fast timer event and free a synchronization object every 10 ms or so.
You will pass a semaphore to this "wait server task", and it will free it on the next timer tick, thus giving you a response time between 0 and 10 ms.
Of couse if you want an extreme precision you will have to boost this thread priority above other tasks that might preempt it, and at any rate you might still be preempted by system processes and/or interrupt handlers, which will add some noise to your timer.
I have a rare heisenbug in a multi-threaded application where the main thread, and only this thread, will just do nothing. As it's an heisenbug it's really hard to understand why this is happening.
The main thread is basically just looping. In the loop, it check several concurrent priority queues which contain tasks ordered by time to be executed. It pop a task, see if it's time to execute it. If it's time, it will just schedule it into TBB's task scheduler (using a root task which is the parent of all other tasks). If it's not time, the task is pushed again in the priority queue.
That's for one cycle. At the end of the cycle, the main thread is put to sleep for a very short time that I expect will be longer in practice but it's not really a problem, I just don't want it to use too much resources when not necessary.
static const auto TIME_SCHEDULED_TASKS_SPAWN_FREQUENCY = microseconds(250);
while( !m_task_scheduler.is_exiting() ) // check if the application should exit
m_clock_scheduler.spawn_realtime_tasks(); // here we spawn tasks if it's time
I have a special task that just log a "TICK" message each second. It is automatically rescheduling until the end of the program. However, when the heisenbug appear, I can see the "TICK" disappearing and the application not doing anything else than the work that occurs in non-main threads. So it appear that only the main thread is touched.
The problem can come from different places, maybe in the scheduling logic, but then it's also the only thread that have a sleep call. That sleep is a boost::this_thread::sleep_for().
My question is: Is it possible that Windows (7 64bit) consider the main thread to be sleeping often and decide that it should sleep for a longer period of time than asked or be definitely ended?
I expect that it is not possible but I would like to be sure. I didn't find any precision on this in online documentation so far.
I have a friend who can reproduce the bug systematically (on Windows Vista, Core 2 Duo). I sent him a version without sleep and another with the main loop reimplemented using condition_variable so that each time a task is pushed in the queue the condition_variable awaken the main thread (but still have a minimum time of spawning).
The version without sleep works (but is slower) - so the problem seem to be related even if I don't know the real source.
The version using condition_variable works - which would indicate that it's the sleep call that don't work correctly?
So, apparently I fixed the bug, but I still don't know why the specific sleep call can sometime block.
It was actually a bug triggered by Boost code. I hunted the bug and reported it and it have been fixed. I didn't check the previous versions but it is fixed in Boost 1.55
Is it possible that Windows (7 64bit) consider the main thread to be sleeping often and decide that it should sleep for a longer period of time than asked or be definitely ended?
NO. This does not happen. MSDN does not indicate that this could happen. Empirically, I have many Windows apps with periodic intervals ranging from ms to hours. The effect you suggest does not happen - it would be disastrous for my apps.
Given the well-known granularity issues with Sleep() calls for very short intervals, a sleeping thread will become ready upon the expiry of the interval. If there is a CPU core available, (ie. the cores are not all in use running higher-priority threads), the newly-ready thread will become running.
The OS will not extend the interval of Sleep() because of any historical/statistical data associated with the thread states - I don't think it keeps any such data.
I have a thread running on a Linux system which i need to execute in as accurate intervals as possbile. E.g. execute once every ms.
Currently this is done by creating a timer with
timerfd_create(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, 0)
, and then passing the desired sleep time in a struct with
timerfd_settime (fd, 0, &itval, NULL);
A blocking read call is performed on this timer which halts thread execution and reports lost wakeup calls.
The problem is that at higher frequencies, the system starts loosing deadlines, even though CPU usage is below 10%. I think this is due to the scheduler not waking the thread often enough to check the blocking call. Is there a command i can use to tell the scheduler to wake the thread at certain intervals as far as it is possble?
Busy-waiting is a bad option since the system handles many other tasks.
Thank you.
You need to get RT linux*, and then increase the RT priority of the process that you want to wake up at regular intervals.
Other then that, I do not see problems in your code, and if your process is not getting blocked, it should work fine.
(*) RT linux - an os with some real time scheduling patches applied.
One way to reduce scheduler latency is to run your process using the realtime scheduler such as SCHED_FIFO. See sched_setscheduler .
This will generally improve latency a lot, but still theres little guarantee, to further reduce latency spikes, you'll need to move to the realtime brance of linux, or a realtime OS such as VxWorks, RTEMS or QNX.
You won't be able to do what you want unless you run it on an actual "Real Time OS".
If this is only Linux for x86 system I would choose HPET timer. I think all modern PCs has this hardware timer build in and it is very, very accurate. I allow you to define callback that will be called every millisecond and in this callback you can do your calculations (if they are simple) or just trigger other thread work using some synchronization object (conditional variable for example)
Here is some example how to use this timer
Along with other advice such as setting the scheduling class to SCHED_FIFO, you will need to use a Linux kernel compiled with a high enough tick rate that it can meet your deadline.
For example, a kernel compiled with CONFIG_HZ of 100 or 250 Hz (timer interrupts per second) can never respond to timer events faster than that.
You must also set your timer to be just a little bit faster than you actually need, because timers are allowed to go beyond their requested time but never expire early, this will give you better results. If you need 1 ms, then I'd recommend asking for 999 us instead.
I was testing how long a various win32 API calls will wait for when asked to wait for 1ms. I tried:
::WaitForSingleObject(handle, 1)
::GetQueuedCompletionStatus(handle, &bytes, &key, &overlapped, 1)
I was detecting the elapsed time using QueryPerformanceCounter and QueryPerformanceFrequency. The elapsed time was about 15ms most of the time, which is expected and documented all over the Internet. However for short period of time the waits were taking about 2ms!!! It happen consistently for few minutes but now it is back to 15ms. I did not use timeBeginPeriod() and timeEndPeriod calls! Then I tried the same app on another machine and waits are constantly taking about 2ms! Both machines have Windows XP SP2 and hardware should be identical. Is there something that explains why wait times vary by so much? TIA
Thread.Sleep(0) will let any threads of the same priority execute. Thread.Sleep(1) will let any threads of the same or lower priority execute.
Each thread is given an interval of time to execute in, before the scheduler lets another thread execute. As Billy ONeal states, calling Thread.Sleep will give up the rest of this interval to other threads (subject to the priority considerations above).
Windows balances over threads over the entire OS - not just in your process. This means that other threads on the OS can also cause your thread to be pre-empted (ie interrupted and the rest of the time interval given to another thread).
There is an article that might be of interest on the topic of Thread.Sleep(x) at:
Priority-induced starvation: Why Sleep(1) is better than Sleep(0) and the Windows balance set manager
Changing the timer's resolution can be done by any process on the system, and the effect is seen globally. See this article on how the Hotspot Java compiler deals with times on windows, specifically:
Note that any application can change the timer interrupt and that it affects the whole system. Windows only allows the period to be shortened, thus ensuring that the shortest requested period by all applications is the one that is used. If a process doesn't reset the period then Windows takes care of it when the process terminates. The reason why the VM doesn't just arbitrarily change the interrupt rate when it starts - it could do this - is that there is a potential performance impact to everything on the system due to the 10x increase in interrupts. However other applications do change it, typically multi-media viewers/players.
The biggest thing sleep(1) does is give up the rest of your thread's quantum . That depends entirely upon how much of your thread's quantum remains when you call sleep.
To aggregate what was said before:
CPU time is assigned in quantums (time slices)
The thread scheduler picks the thread to run. This thread may run for the entire time slice, even if threads of higher priority become ready to run.
Typical time slices are 8..15ms, depending on architecture.
The thread can "give up" the time slice - typically Sleep(0) or Sleep(1). Sleep(0) allows another thread of same or hogher priority to run for the next time slice. Sleep(1) allows "any" thread.
The time slice is global and can be affected by all processes
Even if you don't change the time slice, someone else could.
Even if the time slice doesn't change, you may "jump" between the two different times.
For simplicity, assume a single core, your thread and another thread X.
If Thread X runs at the same priority as yours, crunching numbers, Your Sleep(1) will take an entire time slice, 15ms being typical on client systems.
If Thread X runs at a lower priority, and gives up its own time slice after 4 ms, your Sleep(1) will take 4 ms.
I would say it just depends on how loaded the cpu is, if there arent many other process/threads it could get back to the calling thread a lot faster.
I have a program that was built in C++ (MFC, Visual Studio 6.0) several years ago and has been running on a certain Windows machine for quite some time (more than 5 years). The PC was replaced a month ago (the old one died), and since then the program's timing behavior changed. I need help understanding why.
The main functionality of the program is to respond to keystrokes by sending out ON and OFF signals to an external card, with very accurate delay between the ON and the OFF. An example program flow:
> wait for keystroke...
> ! keystroke occurred
> send ON message
> wait 150ms
> send OFF message
Different keystrokes have different waiting periods associated with them, between 20ms and 150ms (a very deterministic time depending on the specific keystroke). The timing is very important. The waiting is executed using simple Sleep(). The accuracy of the sleep on the old PC was 1-2ms deviation. I can measure the timing externally to the computer (on the external card), so my measurement of the sleep time is very accurate. Please take into account this machine executed such ON-sleep-OFF cycles thousands of times a day for years, so the accuracy data I have is sound.
Since the PC was replaced the timing deviation is more than 10ms.
I did not install the previous PC, so it may had some additional software packages installed. Also, I'm ashamed to admit I don't remember whether the previous PC was Windows 2000 or Windows XP. I'm quite sure it was XP, but not 100% (and I can't check now...). The new one is Windows XP.
I tried changing the sleeping mechanism to be based on timers, but the accuracy did not improve.
Can anything explain this change? Is there a software package that may have been installed on the previous PC that may fix the problem? Is there a best practice to deal with the problem?
The time resolution on XP is around 10ms - the system basically "ticks" every 10ms. Sleep is not a very good way to do accurate timing for that reason. I'm pretty sure win2000 has the same resolution but if I'm wrong that could be a reason.
You can change that resolution , atleast down to 1ms - see or use this - there's probably a registry key as well(windows media player will change that timer as well, probably only while it's running.
Could be the resolution somehow was altered on your old machine.
If your main concern is precision, consider using spinlock. Sleep() function is a hint for the scheduler to not to re-schedule the given thread for at least x ms, there's no guarantee that the thread will sleep exactly for the time specified.
Usually Sleep() will result in delay of ~15 ms or period multiple by ~15ms depending on sleep value.
On of the good ways to find out haw it works is the following pseudo-code:
while true do
And also it will show that the behavior of this code is different for, say, Windows XP and Vista/Win 7
As others have mentioned, sleep has coarse accuracy.
I typically use Boost::asio for this kind of timing:
// Set up the io_service and deadline_timer
io_service io_
deadline_timer timer(io_service);
// Configure the wait period
Asio uses the most effective implementation for your platform; on Windows I believe it uses overlapped IO.
If I set the time period to 1ms and loop the "timer." calls 10000 times the duration is typically about 10005-10100 ms. Very accurate, cross platform code (though accuracy is different on Linux) and very easy to read.
I can't explain why your previous PC was so accurate though; Sleep has been +/- 10ms whenever I've used it - worse if the PC is busy.
Is your new PC multi-core and the old one single-core? The difference in timing accuracy may be the use of multiple threads and context switching.
Sleep is dependent on the system clock. Your new machine probably has a different timing than your previous machine. From the documentation:
This function causes a thread to
relinquish the remainder of its time
slice and become unrunnable for an
interval based on the value of
dwMilliseconds. The system clock
"ticks" at a constant rate. If
dwMilliseconds is less than the
resolution of the system clock, the
thread may sleep for less than the
specified length of time. If
dwMilliseconds is greater than one
tick but less than two, the wait can
be anywhere between one and two ticks,
and so on. To increase the accuracy of
the sleep interval, call the
timeGetDevCaps function to determine
the supported minimum timer resolution
and the timeBeginPeriod function to
set the timer resolution to its
minimum. Use caution when calling
timeBeginPeriod, as frequent calls can
significantly affect the system clock,
system power usage, and the scheduler.
If you call timeBeginPeriod, call it
one time early in the application and
be sure to call the timeEndPeriod
function at the very end of the
The documentation seems to imply that you can attempt to make it more accurate, but I wouldn't try that if I were you. Just use a timer.
What timers did you replace it with? If you used SetTimer(), that timer sucks too.
The correct solution is to use the higher-resolution TimerQueueTimer.