c++ vector of pointers to vector of pointers ordering - c++

I have two classes, each has a vector of pointers to Data. What I want to do is to assign pointers in the vector of the class Sample2 to pointers in the vector of the class Sample1.
The problem is that as I assign pointers in the second vector, the order in witch they are stored is that of the first vector. I would like to store them in the order of insertion.
Here is a minimal reproducible example of the code:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std; //for sample purposes
// For simplicity, the data is just a string in this example.
using Data = string;
// In the real code there is a class with a certain vector as a member,
// but for this example we can reduce it to just the vector.
using Sample1 = vector<Data*>;
Class Sample2 — the problem is here
class Sample2 {
vector<Data*> autodromos2;
vector<Data*>& getAutodromos() { return autodromos2; }
// ** This is the function with the problem. **
void addAutodromos2(vector<string>& arguments, vector<Data*>& autodromos)
for (Data* a : autodromos) {
for (string &s : arguments) {
if (s == *a) { // The real test is more complex.
Main function (generate data and call addAutodromos2)
int main()
// Create the list of elements to add to a `Sample2`.
// Note that these are strings, not Data objects (in the real code).
vector<string> arguments { "fourth", "first", "third" };
// Create the `Sample1` data with which to work.
Sample1 s1 {
new Data("first"), new Data("second"), new Data("third"),
new Data("fourth"), new Data("fifth")
// Create the `Sample2` data from the list and `s1`.
Sample2 s2;
s2.addAutodromos2(arguments, s1);
// Diagnostic:
for (Data* a : s2.getAutodromos()) {
cout << *a << endl;
The output is
when it should be

Actually the sequence problem with loops in addAutodromos2() you need to change function with below code:
for (string s : arguments)
for (Data* a : autodromos)
if (s == *a) { // The real test is more complex.
Switch the for-loops. output is fourth first third
Hope this will help.

There is a school of thought that says if you have nested loops inside a function, you probably are not thinking abstractly enough. While that might be an overstatement at times, it does have value in this situation. Let's look at the inner loop.
for (string s : arguments) {
if (s == *a) {
This loop searches for *a in arguments and if found does something. The search is a concept that could be abstracted away into its own function, let's call it found, a function that returns a bool.
// Preliminary revision
void addAutodromos2(vector<string>& arguments, vector<Data*>& autodromos)
for (Data* a : autodromos) {
if ( found(arguments, *a) ) {
With only one loop to look at, it should be clearer what the problem is. Elements are added to getAutodromos() in the order they appear in autodromos. To use the order within arguments, you need to loop through it. (I'll change the name of the helper function to find_by_name and have it return either an iterator to the found element or the end iterator. A boolean return value is no longer adequate.)
// Final revision
void addAutodromos2(vector<string>& arguments, vector<Data*>& autodromos)
for (string s : arguments) {
auto result = find_by_name(autodromos, s);
if ( result != autodromos.end() ) {
A missing piece here is the find_by_name function. The good news is that this task is so common, that functionality is part of the standard library, in the header <algorithm>. The bad news is that there is a bit of typing to use the library function, as the arguments are more complex (for greater flexibility). You may want to define a wrapper to specialize it to your case.
// Returns an iterator to the element with the indicated name, or
// autodromos.end() if not found.
static auto find_by_name(const vector<Data*> & autodromos, const string & name)
return std::find_if(autodromos.begin(), autodromos.end(), [&name](Data *a){
return name == *a; // or name == a->get_name(), when Data is more complex
Note that if the real test was as simple as comparing name == *a, then std::find could be used instead of std::find_if, and there would be no need to use a lambda.
Don't forget to #include <algorithm> earlier in the file.


How to delete an element from a vector of custom objects

I'm trying to delete an item from a vector with erase() function but I keep getting an error. I
searched everywhere but can't find an answer
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <iterator>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
class Person{
string name;
void set_name(string name){
this->name = name;
string get_name(){
return name;
class Record{
vector <Person> book;
void delete_person(string name){
for(Person p : book){
if(book.get_name() == name){
int main(){
// nothing in main yet
return 0;
I get en error in the delete_person() function in the record class: No matching member function for call to 'erase'
void delete_person(string name){
for(Person p : book){
if(book.get_name() == name){
fails for several reasons.
std::vector::erase does not accept items, it accepts iterators, locations of items to be removed.
Range-based for loops are very simple and limited in their abilities. They go from start to finish and are extremely intolerant of changes to the container while iterating. If you add or remove an item while iterating it, the hidden bookkeeping used by the loop becomes invalid and the loop breaks. And not the nice break sort of breaking. They tend to take the whole program down with them.
In Person p : book p is a new object that is a copy of an item in book. It's not the original or a reference to the original in the container. C++ defaults to values instead of references in almost every case. Unless you specifically request otherwise, you pass by value, return by value, and iterate by value.
Instead, employ the Erase-Remove Idiom. Here is an example with added commentary where I saw it fitting or educational.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <iterator>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
class Person
string name;
Person(const std::string & name) // added for testing
: name(name) // this is a member initializer list In C++ all class members
// and base classes must be initialized before the program can
// enter the body of the constructor. This trick allows us to
// initialize members rather than initializing them to their
// defaults (if the type has a default) and then setting them
// inside the body and wasting time doing two things where one
// thing was required
void set_name(string name) // side note consider saving construction of a new
// string and accepting name by const reference rather
// than by value and potentially making a copy.
// void set_name(const string & name)
// const because we do not intend to change `name`
// and because the compiler can take advantage of the
// promise not to change it in many interesting ways.
this->name = name;
string get_name() const // const because getters generally should not change the
// object this allows us to keep the class "const-correct"
// side note consider saving construction of a new
// string and returning by const reference rather than
// by value and making a copy.
// const string & get_name() const
return name;
class Record
vector<Person> book;
void add_person(const std::string & name) // added for testing
void delete_person(string name) // again consider passing name by const reference
book.erase(std::remove_if(book.begin(), // from start of list
book.end(), // to the end
[name](const Person &p)
return p.get_name() == name;
}), // moves all items to be removed to the end of the
// list, then returns start of range to erase
book.end()); // erase to the end of the list
// Why erase separately? Because remove functions don't actually remove. They
// move the unwanted values to the end of the list. Looks silly, but much easier
// and safer to write. For example, this won't change the size of the list and
// break loops that count on the size to remain the same.
friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out,
const Record & rec) // added for testing
for (const auto & item: rec.book) // print all items in book
// const because printing should not change
// the printed
// auto to let the compiler figure out the type
// & because we don't want to make a copy
out << item.get_name() << '\n';
return out;
int main()
Record r;
std::cout << r << std::endl;
std::cout << r << std::endl; // Ted should now be gone from the list
return 0;
Expected output:
book is a vector. The parameter to a vector's erase() method is an iterator.
for(Person p : book){
p is the value in the vector, and actually it is a copy of the value in the vector. You cannot pass a value to erase(). You must pass an iterator as a parameter. Passing some random copy of some random value in a vector to its erase() method is not going to accomplish anything useful.
std::vector has begin() and end() methods that return the iterator to the beginning and the end of a sequence that defines the contents of the vector.
This may be used with various algorithms, like std::find_if or std::remove_if, together with std::vector::erase to effect the removal of a value or multiple values from your vector.

Removing element from the standard list

Suppose I have the following class
class Human
virtual ~Human();
string getName();
string name;
int staj;
I have created list with 2 elements that I pushed in
list<Human> mylist;
Human x ("Mike",13);
Human y("pavlek",33);
I am trying to remove if there is element with name "Mike",I tried removing it like this :
for(list<Human>::iterator it=mylist.begin();it!=mylist.end();++it)
cout<< "removed";
However I get error at passing the value to the remove() function,what should I exactly pass in order to delete this element from the list?
You have simply mistaken erase and remove. According to the C++ reference, remove is used to remove from the list all elements whose values are equals to the given parameter. On the other hand, erase removes a single element given its position or a range of elements given the start and end positions.
If you only need to delete the first element containing "Mike" as its name, simply do something like this:
for(list<Human>::iterator it=mylist.begin();it!=mylist.end();++it)
if(it->getName() == "Mike")
Please notice that after using erase, your iterator will be invalidated. You can circumvent it by using the returned value of erase, which is the next valid iterator value. This detail is important if your list might contain multiple elements whose name is "Mike".
Matheus Portela's solution was the old C++98 method. It's a lot easier now:
mylist.remove_if( [](Human const& h){return h.getName()=="Mike";} );
The condition here is [](Human const& h){return h.getName()=="Mike";}. That is a lambda expression which returns true if the Human h should be removed. You can test any other property or combination of properties there. The { } part of the lambda is a real function body; you could even have for-loops in there:
Other examples:
mylist.remove_if( [](Human const& h){return h.getName().size() > 4; } );
mylist.remove_if( [](Human const& h) {
for (char c: h.getName())
if (c=='i') return true; // remove if name contains an i
return false; } );
Mind you, the latter would be easier with std::any_of.

C++ - Return multidimensional array from function

I am writing a code for Cellular Automata and I need an evolution function to calculate the state of the automata after a time step.
I choose to call this function evol, to test it I created an elementary function in C++. Unfortunately it does not compile since the compiler cannot understand that I need it to return an array. Here is the code :
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
const int N = 51; // Size of the grid; two columns/rows are added at the beginning and the end of the array (no evolution of the CA on the boundaries)
class Cell{
//defining whats a cell here
void showCA(Cell CA[N+2][N+2]){
//function to print the CA grid in the terminal
Cell[N+2][N+2] evol(Cell CA[N+2][N+2]){
return CA;
int main()
// Initialisation
cout << "Initialisation" << endl;
static Cell CA[N+2][N+2];
// some code here to initialize properly the Cell array.
CA = evol(CA);
return 0;
The compiler returns this error :
error: expected unqualified-id
Cell[N+2][N+2] evol(Cell CA[N+2][N+2]){
Any idea on how I should implement this ?
You cannot return arrays from functions:
§ 8.3.5/8
Functions shall not have a return type of type array or function, although they may have a return type of type pointer or reference to such things.
If you are wishing to return raw, C-style arrays from functions, then you have to use a reference or pointer. For example, here's how it is done using a reference (you can do the same using a pointer by replacing & with *):
Cell (&evol(Cell (&CA)[N+2][N+2]))[N+2][N+2];
However, this is very unintuitive and hard to read. If your compiler supports the latest standard (C++11) the return type can be cleaned up using a trailing return type:
auto evol(Cell (&CA)[N+2][N+2]) -> Cell(&)[N+2][N+2];
But again, this is probably still harder to read.
C++11 facilitates the handling of C-style arrays with the container std::array<>. Non-C++11 code should use std::vector<>:
using Cells = std::array<std::array<Cell, N+2>, N+2>;
Cells const& evol(Cells const& CA);
You can use
typedef std::vector<std::vector<Cell>> CellArray;
CellArray Cells(N+2); // resize main dimension
for (size_t i=0; i<N+2; i++)
Cells[i].resize(N+2); // resize all cells of main dimension
to hold your cell array, but you also need to add a copy constructor and operator= in Cell class
class Cell {
Cell() { ... default ctor code here ... }
Cell(const Cell &c) { *this = c; }
Cell &operator=(const Cell&c)
if (this != &c)
... copy data from c members to this members here ...
return *this;
Your evol function then can return a CellArray:
CellArray evol(CellArray &c)
CellArray r;
... do some calculations with c and r ...
return r;
once you have declared a variable using the array syntax like you have:
Cell CA[N+2][N+2];
you cannot assign CA to be something else. You can only assign values to its contents. Hence,
CA = evol(CA);
is wrong.
You can do the following:
Cell (*CA2)[N+2] = evol(CA);
As the number of elements seems to be fixed, I suggest you use the std::array container:
const int N = 51;
typedef std::array<std::array<Cell,N+2>, N+2> datatype;
You can then use this type as a return type:
datatype Evol( const datatype& d );
You can access elements just as if it was a "C" array:
datatype d;
Cell c;
d[10][20] = c;
I would strongly suggest encapsulate your array into a class. You cannot return an array, but you can return an object that contains an array.

How to update entries in array automatically before/at compile time or code initialization time?

Well, I have an abstract virtual machine ("PAWN") which is running from my code and the scripts can execute functions, those functions are registered to the script from the C code which gets executed by my C++ code.
The c++ code has to supply an array in the form of
{ "name_i_want_the_function_to_have_in_the_script" , function_in_my_cpp_code }
if the function is not in the array, it cannot be executed. (because it doesn''t "exist")
So this brings us to this:
My functions look like this:
//Pawn Functions
#define PWNFUNC(a) static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL a(AMX *amx, cell *params)
namespace PawnFunc
return pGameInterface->FindGameVersion();
};//namespace PawnFunc
and the array with the scripting functions information is in another file, like this:
AMX_NATIVE_INFO custom_Natives[] =
{ "GetGameVersion", PawnFunc::GGV },
{ 0,0 }
and the question is now:
is it possible to make that array auto updated? (before/at compile time or code initialization time)
as for now I have to add each function manually. Which is sometimes annoying and more prone for errors.
I would like to change it so I could do:
//Pawn Functions
#define PWNFUNC(a,b) ...?...
namespace PawnFunc
PWNFUNC(GGV,GetGameVersion)//{ "GetGameVersion", PawnFunc::GGV }, is now added to "custom_Natives" array
return pGameInterface->FindGameVersion();
};//namespace PawnFunc
Is this possible at all? If yes, how could I achieve this?
maybe it is possible to loop the namespace?
Edit: here is some pseudo code: http://ideone.com/btG2lx
And also a note: I can do it at runtime, but then it has to be done at DLLMain (my program is a DLL).
This #define will do the job, if you use a std::vector as the storage for your script info.
(Note that the standard guarantees that you'll still get a C-style array from &custom_Natives[0])
std::vector<AMX_NATIVE_INFO> custom_Natives;
struct IMPL_ ## FUNC { \
IMPL_ ## FUNC() { \
AMX_NATIVE_INFO entry = { NAME, PawnFunc::FUNC }; \
custom_Natives.push_back( entry ); \
} \
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL FUNC(AMX *amx, cell *params)
Now code like this will both define the function and add the script entry to custom_Natives.
PWNFUNC("GetGameVersion", GGV)
return pGameInterface->FindGameVersion();
What I could come up with (assuming C-style arrays and C-linkage functions):
AMX_NATIVE_INFO custom_natives[] =
{ "GetGameVersion", TheGGVFunc },
{ 0, 0 }
// here a function call named `GetGameVersion` was encountered,
// so let's look it up using a naive linear search
const char *toBeCalled = "GetGameVersion"; // obtain this somehow
void (*fptr)(void) = NULL;
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(custom_natives) / sizeof(*custom_natives) - 1; i++) {
const char *name = custom_natives[i].name;
if (strcmp(toBeCalled, name) == 0) {
fptr = custom_natives[i].func;
if (fptr != NULL) {
You can approximate it; the idea is to use a global std::vector instead of a C array, and to use constructors of global objects to extend the vector. That way your array will be initialized by the time main() starts executing. So instead of a custom_Natives array you would have a
std::vector<MethodArrayElementType> custom_Natives;
vector (replace MethodArrayElementType with the name of the struct which holds the string -> function pointer mapping). You can treat this vector like a plain C array by using &custom_Natives[0].
Then, right next to every function you define, you add a little Registrar class to register the method:
// Your implementation goes here...
struct GGV_Registrar {
GGV_Registrar() {
MethodArrayElementType e = { "GetGameVersion", GGV };
custom_Natives.push_back( e );
} GGV_Registrar_instance;
The constructor of the global GGV_Registrar_instance constructor will be called before main() is called, and it will update the custom_Natives vector.
We do something like this, but instead of using an array we use a linked list. So your example would become
namespace PawnFunc
return pGameInterface->FindGameVersion();
PawnRegister GGVfunc( "GetGameVersion", GGV );
};//namespace PawnFunc
The constructor for PawnRegister adds all the objects (like GVVfunc) to a linked list. When your script engine wants to lookup a function, it traverses the list instead of scanning the array. I suppose you could set up PawnRegister to add entries to an array instead.

Bin packing implementation in C++ with STL

This is my first time using this site so sorry for any bad formatting or weird formulations, I'll try my best to conform to the rules on this site but I might do some misstakes in the beginning.
I'm right now working on an implementation of some different bin packing algorithms in C++ using the STL containers. In the current code I still have some logical faults that needs to be fixed but this question is more about the structure of the program. I would wan't some second opinion on how you should structure the program to minimize the number of logical faults and make it as easy to read as possible. In it's current state I just feel that this isn't the best way to do it but I don't really see any other way to write my code right now.
The problem is a dynamic online bin packing problem. It is dynamic in the sense that items have an arbitrary time before they will leave the bin they've been assigned to.
In short my questions are:
How would the structure of a Bin packing algorithm look in C++?
Is STL containers a good tool to make the implementation be able to handle inputs of arbitrary lenght?
How should I handle the containers in a good, easy to read and implement way?
Some thoughts about my own code:
Using classes to make a good distinction between handling the list of the different bins and the list of items in those bins.
Getting the implementation as effective as possible.
Being easy to run with a lot of different data lengths and files for benchmarking.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <list>
#include <queue>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
struct type_item {
int size;
int life;
bool operator < (const type_item& input)
return size < input.size;
class Class_bin {
double load;
list<type_item> contents;
list<type_item>::iterator i;
Class_bin ();
bool operator < (Class_bin);
bool full (type_item);
void push_bin (type_item);
double check_load ();
void check_dead ();
void print_bin ();
Class_bin::Class_bin () {
bool Class_bin::operator < (Class_bin input){
return load < input.load;
bool Class_bin::full (type_item input) {
if (load+(1.0/(double) input.size)>1) {
return false;
else {
return true;
void Class_bin::push_bin (type_item input) {
int sum=0;
for (i=contents.begin(); i!=contents.end(); ++i) {
load+=1.0/(double) sum;
double Class_bin::check_load () {
return load;
void Class_bin::check_dead () {
for (i=contents.begin(); i!=contents.end(); ++i) {
if (i->life==0) {
void Class_bin::print_bin () {
for (i=contents.begin (); i!=contents.end (); ++i) {
cout << i->size << " ";
class Class_list_of_bins {
list<Class_bin> list_of_bins;
list<Class_bin>::iterator i;
void push_list (type_item);
void sort_list ();
void check_dead ();
void print_list ();
Class_bin new_bin (type_item);
bool comparator (type_item, type_item);
Class_bin Class_list_of_bins::new_bin (type_item input) {
Class_bin temp;
temp.push_bin (input);
return temp;
void Class_list_of_bins::push_list (type_item input) {
if (list_of_bins.empty ()) {
list_of_bins.push_front (new_bin(input));
for (i=list_of_bins.begin (); i!=list_of_bins.end (); ++i) {
if (!i->full (input)) {
i->push_bin (input);
list_of_bins.push_front (new_bin(input));
void Class_list_of_bins::sort_list () {
void Class_list_of_bins::check_dead () {
for (i=list_of_bins.begin (); i !=list_of_bins.end (); ++i) {
i->check_dead ();
void Class_list_of_bins::print_list () {
for (i=list_of_bins.begin (); i!=list_of_bins.end (); ++i) {
i->print_bin ();
cout << "\n";
int main () {
int i, number_of_items;
type_item buffer;
Class_list_of_bins bins;
queue<type_item> input;
string filename;
fstream file;
cout << "Input file name: ";
cin >> filename;
cout << endl;
file.open (filename.c_str(), ios::in);
file >> number_of_items;
for (i=0; i<number_of_items; ++i) {
file >> buffer.size;
file >> buffer.life;
input.push (buffer);
file.close ();
while (!input.empty ()) {
buffer=input.front ();
input.pop ();
bins.push_list (buffer);
bins.print_list ();
return 0;
Note that this is just a snapshot of my code and is not yet running properly
Don't wan't to clutter this with unrelated chatter just want to thank the people who contributed, I will review my code and hopefully be able to structure my programming a bit better
How would the structure of a Bin packing algorithm look in C++?
Well, ideally you would have several bin-packing algorithms, separated into different functions, which differ only by the logic of the algorithm. That algorithm should be largely independent from the representation of your data, so you can change your algorithm with only a single function call.
You can look at what the STL Algorithms have in common. Mainly, they operate on iterators instead of containers, but as I detail below, I wouldn't suggest this for you initially. You should get a feel for what algorithms are available and leverage them in your implementation.
Is STL containers a good tool to make the implementation be able to handle inputs of arbitrary length?
It usually works like this: create a container, fill the container, apply an algorithm to the container.
Judging from the description of your requirements, that is how you'll use this, so I think it'll be fine. There's one important difference between your bin packing algorithm and most STL algorithms.
The STL algorithms are either non-modifying or are inserting elements to a destination. bin-packing, on the other hand, is "here's a list of bins, use them or add a new bin". It's not impossible to do this with iterators, but probably not worth the effort. I'd start by operating on the container, get a working program, back it up, then see if you can make it work for only iterators.
How should I handle the containers in a good, easy to read and implement way?
I'd take this approach, characterize your inputs and outputs:
Input: Collection of items, arbitrary length, arbitrary order.
Output: Collection of bins determined by algorithm. Each bin contains a collection of items.
Then I'd worry about "what does my algorithm need to do?"
Constantly check bins for "does this item fit?"
Your Class_bin is a good encapsulation of what is needed.
Avoid cluttering your code with unrelated stuff like "print()" - use non-member help functions.
struct type_item {
int size;
int life;
bool operator < (const type_item& input)
return size < input.size;
It's unclear what life (or death) is used for. I can't imagine that concept being relevant to implementing a bin-packing algorithm. Maybe it should be left out?
This is personal preference, but I don't like giving operator< to my objects. Objects are usually non-trivial and have many meanings of less-than. For example, one algorithm might want all the alive items sorted before the dead items. I typically wrap that in another struct for clarity:
struct type_item {
int size;
int life;
struct SizeIsLess {
// Note this becomes a function object, which makes it easy to use with
// STL algorithms.
bool operator() (const type_item& lhs, const type_item& rhs)
return lhs.size < rhs.size;
vector<type_item> items;
std::sort(items.begin, items.end(), type_item::SizeIsLess);
class Class_bin {
double load;
list<type_item> contents;
list<type_item>::iterator i;
Class_bin ();
bool operator < (Class_bin);
bool full (type_item);
void push_bin (type_item);
double check_load ();
void check_dead ();
void print_bin ();
I would skip the Class_ prefix on all your types - it's just a bit excessive, and it should be clear from the code. (This is a variant of hungarian notation. Programmers tend to be hostile towards it.)
You should not have a class member i (the iterator). It's not part of class state. If you need it in all the members, that's ok, just redeclare it there. If it's too long to type, use a typedef.
It's difficult to quantify "bin1 is less than bin2", so I'd suggest removing the operator<.
bool full(type_item) is a little misleading. I'd probably use bool can_hold(type_item). To me, bool full() would return true if there is zero space remaining.
check_load() would seem more clearly named load().
Again, it's unclear what check_dead() is supposed to accomplish.
I think you can remove print_bin and write that as a non-member function, to keep your objects cleaner.
Some people on StackOverflow would shoot me, but I'd consider just making this a struct, and leaving load and item list public. It doesn't seem like you care much about encapsulation here (you're only need to create this object so you don't need do recalculate load each time).
class Class_list_of_bins {
list<Class_bin> list_of_bins;
list<Class_bin>::iterator i;
void push_list (type_item);
void sort_list ();
void check_dead ();
void print_list ();
Class_bin new_bin (type_item);
bool comparator (type_item, type_item);
I think you can do without this class entirely.
Conceptually, it represents a container, so just use an STL container. You can implement the methods as non-member functions. Note that sort_list can be replaced with std::sort.
comparator is too generic a name, it gives no indication of what it compares or why, so consider being more clear.
Overall Comments
Overall, I think the classes you've picked adequately model the space you're trying to represent, so you'll be fine.
I might structure my project like this:
struct bin {
double load; // sum of item sizes.
std::list<type_item> items;
bin() : load(0) { }
// Returns true if the bin can fit the item passed to the constructor.
struct bin_can_fit {
bin_can_fit(type_item &item) : item_(item) { }
bool operator()(const bin &b) {
return item_.size < b.free_space;
type_item item_;
// ItemIter is an iterator over the items.
// BinOutputIter is an output iterator we can use to put bins.
template <ItemIter, BinOutputIter>
void bin_pack_first_fit(ItemIter curr, ItemIter end, BinOutputIter output_bins) {
std::vector<bin> bins; // Create a local bin container, to simplify life.
for (; curr != end; ++curr) {
// Use a helper predicate to check whether the bin can fit this item.
// This is untested, but just for an idea.
std::vector<bin>::iterator bin_it =
std::find_if(bins.begin(), bins.end(), bin_can_fit(*curr));
if (bin_it == bins.end()) {
// Did not find a bin with enough space, add a new bin.
// push_back invalidates iterators, so reassign bin_it to the last item.
bin_it = std::advance(bins.begin(), bins.size() - 1);
// bin_it now points to the bin to put the item in.
bin_it->load += curr.size();
std::copy(bins.begin(), bins.end(), output_bins); // Apply our bins to the destination.
void main(int argc, char** argv) {
std::vector<type_item> items;
// ... fill items
std::vector<bin> bins;
bin_pack_first_fit(items.begin(), items.end(), std::back_inserter(bins));
Some thoughts:
Your names are kinda messed up in places.
You have a lot of parameters named input, thats just meaningless
I'd expect full() to check whether it is full, not whether it can fit something else
I don't think push_bin pushes a bin
check_dead modifies the object (I'd expect something named check_*, to just tell me something about the object)
Don't put things like Class and type in the names of classes and types.
class_list_of_bins seems to describe what's inside rather then what the object is.
push_list doesn't push a list
Don't append stuff like _list to every method in a list class, if its a list object, we already know its a list method
I'm confused given the parameters of life and load as to what you are doing. The bin packing problem I'm familiar with just has sizes. I'm guessing that overtime some of the objects are taken out of bins and thus go away?
Some further thoughts on your classes
Class_list_of_bins is exposing too much of itself to the outside world. Why would the outside world want to check_dead or sort_list? That's nobodies business but the object itself. The public method you should have on that class really should be something like
* Add an item to the collection of bins
* Print solution
* Step one timestep into the future
list<Class_bin>::iterator i;
Bad, bad, bad! Don't put member variables on your unless they are actually member states. You should define that iterator where it is used. If you want to save some typing add this: typedef list::iterator bin_iterator and then you use bin_iterator as the type instead.
Here is my psuedocode:
class Item
Item(Istream & input)
read input description of item
double size_needed() { return actual size required (out of 1) for this item)
bool alive() { return true if object is still alive}
void do_timestep() { decrement life }
void print() { print something }
class Bin
vector of Items
double remaining_space
bool can_add(Item item) { return true if we have enough space}
void add(Item item) {add item to vector of items, update remaining space}
void do_timestep() {call do_timestep() and all Items, remove all items which indicate they are dead, updating remaining_space as you go}
void print { print all the contents }
class BinCollection
void do_timestep { call do_timestep on all of the bins }
void add(item item) { find first bin for which can_add return true, then add it, create a new bin if neccessary }
void print() { print all the bins }
Some quick notes:
In your code, you converted the int size to a float repeatedly, that's not a good idea. In my design that is localized to one place
You'll note that the logic relating to a single item is now contained inside the item itself. Other objects only can see whats important to them, size_required and whether the object is still alive
I've not included anything about sorting stuff because I'm not clear what that is for in a first-fit algorithm.
This interview gives some great insight into the rationale behind the STL. This may give you some inspiration on how to implement your algorithms the STL-way.