using overloaded functions with polymorphic behaviour - c++

I am implementing a generic work engine class that executes field-specific tasks. All fields shall be derived from a base class so polymorphic behavior will be used. I created overloaded functions with type-specific to derived fields, i.e work_engine::run(const a_field& af) in the below code. I've assumed whenever a field comes (the base class type), the appropriate function will be called automatically. However, I have got the error below (refers // magic line):
Error C2664 'void work_engine::run(const b_field &)': cannot convert argument 1 from 'base_field' to 'const a_field &'
I used to use this approach in C#, but I am not familiar with it in C++. By using C++11 and later features, I would like to implement the same approach, as it is cleaner code than using if-else statements with cast operations. On the other hand, perhaps I am doing primitive mistakes, so I'd like to separate my questions into two items:
What is the proper way of achieving my intention?
What is the origin of the error I've met?
Thanks in advance for all your comments,
Header1.h including class definitions is below:
#pragma once
#include <algorithm>
#include <list>
// abstract class of all fields
class base_field
base_field() {}
virtual ~base_field() {}
// custom a field
class a_field : public base_field
a_field() : base_field(){}
// custom b field
class b_field : public base_field
b_field() : base_field() {}
class work_engine
std::list<base_field> fields;
void run(const a_field& af) {}
void run(const b_field& bf){}
void run_all()
for_each(fields.begin(), fields.end(), [&](auto& el) { this->run(el); }); // magic line
An the main below:
#include <iostream>
#include <Header1.h>
int main()
work_engine engine;
In other words, what I am looking for is implicit cast to concrete class inside the lambda expression, referring to the // magic line.

First of all: You need a std::list<base_field *> as detailed in this question.
Secondly, downcasting must be done explicitly and you can't pick the appropriate function overload at runtime automatically.
One solution could be to use a (pure) virtual function on base_field
class base_field
base_field() {}
virtual ~base_field() {}
virtual void Run() = 0;
// custom a field
class a_field : public base_field
a_field() : base_field(){}
void Run(work_engine &engine) {*this); }
There you either need to make work_engine::run public or make it a friend of a_field (or b_field respectivly).
The alternative would be to use type checking at runtime. If you have a base_field *base you can check the type like this:
auto aPtr = dynamic_cast<a_field *>(base);
if(aPtr != nullptr) {
else {
auto bPtr = dynamic_cast<b_field *>(base);
if(bPtr != nullptr) {
else {
// Ooops, it's something else entirely.
That's just a basic outline, but I hope it helps.

std::vector<std::unique_ptr<base_field>> fields;
if you want polymorphism don't use values. Also std list is a special case container in C++; use vector by default.
struct a_field;
struct b_field;
struct field_visitor{
virtual void operator()(a_field const&)=0;
virtual void operator()(b_field const&)=0;
template<class F>
struct visitor:field_visitor{
F f;
visitor(F in):f(in){}
virtual void operator()(a_field const& a){ f(a); };
virtual void operator()(b_field const& b){ f(b); };
class base_field {
virtual void visit(field_visitor&)const=0;
// ...
class a_field : public base_field {
virtual void visit(field_visitor& v){v(*this);}
class b_field : public base_field {
virtual void visit(field_visitor& v){v(*this);}
void run_all() {
for_each(fields.begin(), fields.end(), [&](auto&& el) { if(el) el->visit( visitor{ [&](auto& field){this->run(field); } });});
there are a bunch of other ways to do this. (This one is c++17 but in a c++03 style).
Another option is to store a variant<a_field, b_field> and std::visit it. Another option is to write a runnable type erasure type.
std::vector<std::variant<a_field, b_field>> fields;
void run_all() {
for_each(fields.begin(), fields.end(), [&](auto&& el) { std::visit( el, [&](auto&& x){ this->run(x); } ); });
the variant version is notable in that a_field and b_field need not be related types, just run has to accept them. So one could be std::string the other double.
C++ does not carry a complier around at run or link time (usually), so code at the point of use has to know what types it is written for. Vtable dispatch goes one way, and isn't extended due to requests outside of the class definition.
In comparison, C# carries a compiler around; so it can add a run dynamic dispatch based on two separate pieces of code automatically.
In C++, in double dispatch, one of the handled set of sub types should be listed. And in single dispatch, it needs be done within the type.
There are ways to stretch this, but not as far as C#.

I see using values instead of pointers cause object slicing: I changed values with pointers, shared_ptr in modern C++. The second, I moved run function into each field, so the field-specific function is encapsulated with the related field.
#pragma once
#include <algorithm>
#include <list>
// abstract class of base fields
class base_field
base_field() {}
virtual ~base_field() {}
virtual void run() = 0;
// custom a field
class a_field : public base_field
a_field() : base_field(){}
virtual void run() override{}
// custom b field
class b_field : public base_field
b_field() : base_field() {}
virtual void run() override {}
class work_engine
std::list<std::shared_ptr<base_field>> fields;
void run_all()
for_each(fields.begin(), fields.end(), [&](auto& el) { el->run(); });
With those changes, the error is disappeared as well as working as intended.


Iterate over class inheritances in C++

Assume I have a some classes architecture (the number of the classes is growing up during the development time), that each class inherit from N classes with the same basic interface. What is the best way (if possible) to create a base function (in the base class OR in the derived class) that will iterate over the inheritances?
Target: Avoid developers mistakes and make sure we won't forget to call all the base functions from all of the inheritances & make the code more clear to read and understandable.
Please see edit notes for updated state
Short Example:
class shared_base {
virtual void func() = 0;
class base_1 : virtual public shared_base {
void func() override {}
class base_2 : virtual public shared_base {
void func() override {}
class target : virtual public base_1, virtual public base_2 {
void func() override {
// Instead of:
// ... My func() implementation
for_each(std::begin(inheritances), std::end(inheritances), [](auto& inheritance) -> void { inheritance::func(); })
More descriptive & practical example:
class base {
virtual void func() = 0;
/*...Some interface (pure virtual) functions...*/
class base_core : virtual public base {
void func() override {}
/*...Some base implementations for the rest...*/
template <typename FuncT>
virtual void iterate_over_base_core_inheritances(FuncT function_to_apply) {
template <class Decorator = base_core, typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<base_core, Decorator>::value>::type>
class core_1 : virtual public Decorator {
void func() override {
// Will iterate (once) over Decorator
/*iterate_over_base_core_inheritances([](core_base*) -> void {
// Implementation
// Instead of:
/*More functions implementations*/
template <class Decorator = base_core, typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<base_core, Decorator>::value>::type>
class core_2 : virtual public core_1<>, virtual public Decorator {
void func() override {
// Will iterate (twice) over core_1 and Decorator
/*iterate_over_base_core_inheritances([](core_base*) -> void {
// Implementation
// Instead of:
//... Self func() implementation
/*More functions implementations*/
// If it's not possible doing it in the upper hierarchy level is it possible do it here?
template <typename FuncT>
void iterate_over_base_core_inheritances(FuncT function_to_apply) override {
Some things to know:
I am working on Linux 64x platform (Ubuntu 16.04)- if it's matter for the answers.
The idea behind this code is to create kind of Decorator DP, which will be easy to extend and to understand, and also will enable the developers to use the protected functions/attributes of the base class.
A practical example (for my actual use) can be found in this commit.
Thanks to #RaymondChen I got a working solution, with (so far) only one minor issue: Every time I want to use a class that implemented this way, I need to specify the core_base class in it's template arguments list (before- I was using the default type parameter). I am looking for a way to solve this issue.
The current solution:
template <class ...Decorators>
class core_2 : virtual public Decorators... {
static_assert((std::is_base_of<base_core, Decorators>::value && ...), "All decorators must inherit from base_core class.");
void func() override {
(Decorators::func(), ...);
//... Self func() implementation
/*More functions implementations*/
Creating an instance example:
std::shared_ptr<base> base = std::make_shared<core_2<core_1<base_core>, core_3<base_core>>>();
std::shared_ptr<base> base = std::make_shared<core_2<core_1<>, core_3<>>>();
A practical example (for my actual use) can be found in this commit.
Thanks to #RaymondChen I got really close to my original target with the following solution [See update section at the bottom]:
template <class ...Decorators>
class core_2 : virtual public Decorators... {
static_assert((std::is_base_of<base_core, Decorators>::value && ...), "All decorators must inherit from base_core class.");
void func() override {
(Decorators::func(), ...);
//... Self func() implementation
/*More functions implementations*/
Using parameters pack we can create a "list" of classes we inherit from, and using folding expression [c++17] we can implement it in just few lines of code.
Pros compare to my original idea:
The object creation line is more clear and logically now:
Before:std::shared_ptr<base> base = std::make_shared<core_2<core_1<core_3<>>>>();
After:std::shared_ptr<base> base = std::make_shared<core_2<core_1<base_core>, core_3<base_core>>>();
Because core_1 & core_3 are independent, but core_2 is using both of them.
No need of new function in the base/derived class, it's just fit within the target line (for example in is_equal function that didn't mention within this post).
Lost functionality:
Template validation of is_base_of (Solved with static_assert & fold expressions).
Default inheritance in case that no inheritance specified is not possible yet (Still trying to solve).
std::shared_ptr<base> base = std::make_shared<core_2<core_1<base_core>, core_3<base_core>>>();
std::shared_ptr<base> base = std::make_shared<core_2<core_1<>, core_3<>>>();
After a lot of research and tries, I came up with the following solution (improved also with C++20 concepts feature):
template <class T>
concept Decorator = std::is_base_of_v<base_core, T>;
class empty_inheritance {};
template<typename Base = base_core, typename ...Decorators>
struct base_if_not_exists {
static constexpr bool value = sizeof...(Decorators);
using type = typename std::conditional<value, empty_inheritance, Base>::type;
template <Decorator ...Decorators>
class core_2 : virtual public base_if_not_exists<base_core, Decorators...>::type, virtual public Decorators... {
void func() override {
if constexpr (!base_if_not_exists<base_core, Decorators...>::value) {
(Decorators::func(), ...);
//... Self func() implementation
/*More functions implementations*/
No functionality lost :)

How to automatically call a method or generate code if a subclass derived from a base class?

I have some classes that describe abilities / behaviours, such as flying, or driving etc. Each of these classes has a specific method that must be called to load some data - For example, Flyable has loadFlyData(), Drivable has loadDriveData(). For each class the method name is unique.
I have many derived classes that may inherit from one or more of these behaviour classes. Each of these derived classes has a method called loadData(), in which we should call all the parent behaviour classes methods such as loadFlyData(), loadDriveData() etc.... Is there a way to automatically generate this method using metaprogramming ? Since there are many derived classes, it may be more maintainable if I can generate these methods using metaprogramming...
Behaviour classes : (An object class may have any of these behaviours, and will have to call that classes "load" method...
class Flyable {
void loadFlyData() {
class Drivable{
void loadDriveData() {
All object classes derive from Object:
class Object {
virtual void loadData() {
A derived class:
class FlyingCar : public Object, public Flyable, public Drivable {
virtual void loadData() override {
// How to automatically generate code so that the next two lines are called:
Sure is possible. You'll need however to employ some conventions so the code can be generic. See it live.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct Flyable{
int loadConcreteData(){
cout << "Flyable\n"; return 0;
struct Drivable{
int loadConcreteData(){
cout << "Drivable\n"; return 0;
class Object{
virtual void loadData(){
template<class ...CS>
struct ConcreteLoader : Object, CS... {
void loadData() override {
int load[] = {
class FlyingCar : public ConcreteLoader<Flyable,Drivable>{
int main() {
FlyingCar fc;
return 0;
Changes that need mentioning:
The return type of each concrete Load function had to be changed. This is to facilitate the "array trick" in expanding the parameter pack.
The names of all the load functions are the same, again for the same reason.
Reason (1) may become obsolete once c++17 and fold expressions roll out.
You can make a free function loadXData() that will become a noop if your class isn't X:
namespace detail
void loadFlyData(Flyable* ptr) { ptr->loadFlyData(); }
void loadFlyData(...) {}
void loadDriveData(Drivable* ptr) { ptr->loadDriveData(); }
void loadDriveData(...) {}
class FlyingCar : public Object, public Flyable, public Drivable{
virtual void loadData()override{
//How to automatically generate code so that the next two lines are called:
Though I think using a common name loadData and just calling it for all variadic parents might be preferable:
template<typename... Policies>
struct ComposedType : Object, Policies...
virtual void loadData() override {
int arr[] = {
((void)Policies::loadData(), 0)...
using FlyingCar = ComposedType<Drivable, Flyable>;
The above loadData could be simplified in C++1z:
virtual void loadData() override {
((void)Policies::loadData(), ...);

C++ Overload an overrided method

Is it possible in C++ to overload in the child classes an overrided method?
I'm asking this because I have many child classes that although they are the same (in my case game objects) they interact in different ways with each others.
So, I need to create a function like void processCollision(GameObject obj) in the superclass.
But that could be overloaded in the child classes depending on the class of the GameObject (if it's a building, a car ...).
I'm just trying to run from the alternative which is using upcasting and RTTI.
What you're trying to implement is normally called "multiple dispatch" and unfortunately C++ doesn't support it directly (because in C++ view methods are bounded with classes and there are no multimethods).
Any C++ solution will require some coding for the implementation.
One simple symmetric way to implement it is to create a map for the supported cases:
typedef void (*Handler)(Obj *a, Obj *b);
typedef std::map<std::pair<OType, OType>, Handler> HandlerMap;
HandlerMap collision_handlers;
then the collision handling is:
HandlerMap::iterator i =
collision_handlers.find(std::make_pair(a->type, b->type));
if (i != collision_handlers.end()) i->second(a, b);
and the code goes in a free function.
If speed is a key factor and the object type can be coded in a small integer (e.g. 0...255) the dispatch could become for example:
collision_handlers[(a->type<<8)+b->type](a, b);
where collision handler is just an array of function pointers, and the speed should be equivalent to a single virtual dispatch.
The wikipedia link at the start of the answer lists another more sophisticated option for C++ (the visitor pattern).
"I'm just trying to run from the alternative which is using upcasting and RTTI."
Virtual polymorphism doesn't need upcasting or RTTI. Usually that's what virtual member functions are for:
class GameObject {
virtual void processCollision(GameObject& obj);
class SomeGameObject1 : public GameObject {
// SomeGameObject1's version of processCollision()
virtual void processCollision(GameObject& obj) {
// e.g here we also call the base class implementation
// ... and add some additional operations
class SomeGameObject2 : public GameObject {
// SomeGameObject2's version of processCollision()
virtual void processCollision(GameObject& obj) {
// Here we leave the base class implementation aside and do something
// completely different ...
As you're mentioning upcasting I'd suspect you want to handle collisions differently, depending on the actual GameObject type passed. This indeed would require upcasting (and thus RTTI) like follows
class Building : public GameObject {
virtual void processCollision(GameObject& obj) {
Car* car = dynamic_cast<Car*>(&obj);
Airplane* airplane = dynamic_cast<Airplane*>(&obj);
if(car) {
else if(airplane) {
void collapse();
Based on the above, that makes me contemplative about some design/architectural principles:
May be it's not the best idea to place the processCollision() implementation strategy to the GameObject classes themselves. These shouldn't know about each other (otherwise it will be tedious to introduce new GameObject types to the model)
You should introduce a kind of GameManager class that keeps track of moving/colliding GameObject instances, and chooses a GameObjectCollisionStrategy class implementing void processCollision(GameObject& a,GameObject& b); based on the actual types of a and b.
For choosing the strategy, and resolve the final GameObject implementations and corresponding strategies, you should concentrate all of that business knowdlege to a CollisionStrategyFactory, and delegate to this.
The latter would look something like this
class GameObjectCollisionStrategy {
virtual processCollision(GameObject& a,GameObject& b) const = 0;
class CollideBuildingWithAirplane : public GameObjectCollisionStrategy {
virtual void processCollision(GameObject& a,GameObject& b) const {
Building* building = dynamic_cast<Building*>(a);
Airplane* airplane = dynamic_cast<Airplane*>(b);
if(building && airplane) {
class CollideBuildingWithCar : public GameObjectCollisionStrategy {
virtual void processCollision(GameObject& a,GameObject& b) const {
Building* building = dynamic_cast<Building*>(a);
Car* car = dynamic_cast<Car*>(b);
if(building && car) {
class CollisionStrategyFactory {
static const GameObjectCollisionStrategy& chooseStrategy
(GameObject* a, GameObject* b) {
if(dynamic_cast<Building*>(a)) {
if(dynamic_cast<Airplane*>(b)) {
return buildingAirplaneCollision;
else if(dynamic_cast<Car*>(b)) {
return buildingCarCollision;
return defaultCollisionStrategy;
class DefaultCollisionStrategy : public GameObjectCollisionStrategy {
virtual void processCollision(GameObject& a,GameObject& b) const {
// Do nothing.
// Known strategies
static CollideBuildingWithAirplane buildingAirplaneCollision;
static CollideBuildingWithCar buildingCarCollision;
static DefaultCollisionStrategy defaultCollisionStrategy;
class GameManager {
void processFrame(std::vector<GameObject*> gameObjects) {
for(std::vector<GameObject*>::iterator it1 = gameObjects.begin();
it1 != gameObjects.end();
++it1) {
for(std::vector<GameObject*>::iterator it2 = gameObjects.begin();
it2 != gameObjects.end();
++it2) {
if(*it1 == *it2) continue;
if(*it1->collides(*it2)) {
const GameObjectCollisionStrategy& strategy =
Alternatively you may want to opt for static polymorphism, which also works without RTTI, but needs all types known at compile time. The basic pattern is the so called CRTP.
That should look as follows
class GameObject {
// Put all the common attributes here
const Point& position() const;
const Area& area() const;
void move(const Vector& value);
template<class Derived>
class GameObjectBase : public GameObject {
void processCollision(GameObject obj) {
class SomeGameObject1 : public GameObjectBase<SomeGameObject1 > {
// SomeGameObject1's version of processCollisionImpl()
void processCollisionImpl(GameObject obj) {
class SomeGameObject2 : public GameObjectBase<SomeGameObject2 > {
// SomeGameObject2's version of processCollisionImpl()
void processCollisionImpl(GameObject obj) {
But this would unnecessarily complicate the design, and I doubt it will provide any benefits for your use case.

Design test with templates and inheritance

I have a question regarding a design in C++.
As you see in the code below there is a design problem. I want to be able to have a TestClass which inherits from zero or more classes derived from ModeBase (ModeOne and ModeTwo in this example). If TestClass inherits from ModeOne, it would have the ability to use MethodeOne(), and it would be a requirement for TestClass to implement MethodOne() which is what I want.
class ModeBase
virtual ~ModeBase() = default;
class ModeOne : private ModeBase
virtual ~ModeOne() = default;
virtual void MethodOne() {}
class ModeTwo : private ModeBase
virtual ~ModeTwo() = default;
virtual void MethodTwo() {}
class TestBase
TestBase() : currentMode_( nullptr ) {}
virtual ~TestBase() = default;
template <class Mode, class T>
void ChangeMode()
if( std::is_base_of<Mode, T>::value )
// Class does inherit from Mode so we make sure the current mode
// has changed
currentMode_ = std::make_shared<Mode>();
// Class does not inherit from Mode so we don't do anything
template <class Mode>
bool CurrentMode()
if( std::dynamic_pointer_cast<Mode>(currentMode_) != nullptr )
return true;
return false;
//--Data members---------------------------------------------------------------
std::shared_ptr<ModeBase> currentMode_;
class TestOne
: public TestBase
, private ModeOne
, private ModeTwo
~TestOne() = default;
void HeartbeatTick()
if( CurrentMode<ModeOne>() )
else if( CurrentMode<ModeTwo>() )
virtual void MethodOne() {}
virtual void MethodTwo() {}
class SomeManager
~SomeManager() = default;
void ChangeAllMode()
for( auto it = vector_.begin(); it != vector_.end(); ++it )
// Here is the problem with this implementation. I need to know
// the type of the TestBase derived class (TestOne) to use it as
// a `ChangeMode` method template parameter.
//(*it)->ChangeMode<AIModeFollowLine, SOMETYPE>();
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<TestBase>> vector_;
I already know this is bad design since vector_ will be filled at runtime so I have no way of using ChangeMode like that. It appears that it would be a good solution to use multimethods, wouldn't it ? If so, what would the design look like ?
Multimethods (AKA multiple dispatch) deals with the issue of dispatching a call to a single function based on the runtime type of the parameters involved. This does not appear to be your issue (or have I misunderstood you?), as you have two different method names, implemented on two different types.
Your goal appears to be to select a method implementation based on a runtime type that you have injected into a class. It is not clear whether you are able to dictate the form which that injection takes but if you are then why do you not directly inject the implementation? Then you could use an implicit interface rather than an explicit one. In other words why not inject a functor-like object?
class TestBase
typedef std::function<void ()> Ticker;
TestBase(Ticker hbTicker) : ticker{hbTicker} {}
void HeartbeatTick() {
void setTicker(Ticker hbTicker){
ticker = hbTicker;
Ticker ticker;
Seems like a lot less complicated to me if that meets your requirements.
If you really do need to implement multiple dispatch you will probably need to implement a visitor pattern on each of the parameters whose runtime type you need to determine. Not sure if that would work for multiple parameters though (I've not tried multiple parameters myself at least). Or you could use RTTI and a case statement or something like that.
I am just being stupid here !
I just have to use a different ChangeMode() method in order to know if TestBase and thus TestOne is of type ModeBase:
template<typename Mode>
IsSame( TestBase* base )
return dynamic_cast<Mode*>(base) != nullptr;
template <class Mode>
if( isSame<Mode>(this) )
// Change the ticker method

Am I Abusing Inheritance Here? What's A Best-Practice Alternative/Pattern?

So after gathering some feedback from all of you, and meditating on the XY problem as Zack suggested, I decided to add another code example which illustrates exactly what I'm trying to accomplish (ie the "X") instead of asking about my "Y".
So now we are working with cars and I've added 5 abstract classes: ICar, ICarFeatures, ICarParts, ICarMaker, ICarFixer. All of these interfaces will wrap or use a technology-specific complex object provided by a 3rd party library, depending on the derived class behind the interface. These interfaces will intelligently manage the life cycle of the complex library objects.
My use case here is the FordCar class. In this example, I used the Ford library to access classes FordFeatureImpl, FordPartsImpl, and FordCarImpl. Here is the code:
class ICar {
ICar(void) {}
virtual ~ICar(void) {}
class FordCar : public ICar {
ICar(void) {}
~FordCar(void) {}
FordCarImpl* _carImpl;
class ICarFeatures {
ICarFeatures(void) {}
virtual ~ICarFeatures(void) {}
virtual void addFeature(UserInput feature) = 0;
class FordCarFeatures : public ICarFeatures{
FordCarFeatures(void) {}
virtual ~FordCarFeatures(void) {}
virtual void addFeature(UserInput feature){
//extract useful information out of feature, ie:
std::string name =;
int value = feature.value;
_fordFeature->specialAddFeatureMethod(name, value);
FordFeatureImpl* _fordFeature;
class ICarParts {
ICarParts(void) {}
virtual ~ICarParts(void) {}
virtual void addPart(UserInput part) = 0;
class FordCarParts :public ICarParts{
FordCarParts(void) {}
virtual ~FordCarParts(void) {}
virtual void addPart(UserInput part) {
//extract useful information out of part, ie:
std::string name =;
std::string dimensions = part.dimensions;
_fordParts->specialAddPartMethod(name, dimensions);
FordPartsImpl* _fordParts;
class ICarMaker {
ICarMaker(void) {}
virtual ~ICarMaker(void) {}
virtual ICar* makeCar(ICarFeatures* features, ICarParts* parts) = 0;
class FordCarMaker {
FordCarMaker(void) {}
virtual ~FordCarMaker(void) {}
virtual ICar* makeCar(ICarFeatures* features, ICarParts* parts){
FordFeatureImpl* fordFeatures = dynamic_cast<FordFeatureImpl*>(features);
FordPartsImpl* fordParts = dynamic_cast<FordPartsImpl*>(parts);
FordCar* fordCar = customFordMakerFunction(fordFeatures, fordParts);
return dynamic_cast<ICar*>(fordCar);
FordCar* customFordMakerFunction(FordFeatureImpl* fordFeatures, FordPartsImpl* fordParts) {
FordCar* fordCar = new FordCar;
return fordCar;
class ICarFixer {
ICarFixer(void) {}
virtual ~ICarFixer(void) {}
virtual void fixCar(ICar* car, ICarParts* parts) = 0;
class FordCarFixer {
FordCarFixer(void) {}
virtual ~FordCarFixer(void) {}
virtual void fixCar(ICar* car, ICarParts* parts) {
FordCar* fordCar = dynamic_cast<FordCar*>(car);
FordPartsImpl* fordParts = dynamic_cast<FordPartsImpl*>(parts);
customFordFixerFunction(fordCar, fordParts);
customFordFixerFunction(FordCar* fordCar, FordPartsImpl* fordParts){
Notice that I must use dynamic casting to access the technology-specific objects within the abstract interfaces. This is what makes me think I'm abusing inheritance and provoked me to ask this question originally.
Here is my ultimate goal:
UserInput userInput = getUserInput(); //just a configuration file ie XML/YAML
CarType carType = userInput.getCarType();
ICarParts* carParts = CarPartFactory::makeFrom(carType);
ICarFeatures* carFeatures = CarFeaturesFactory::makeFrom(carType);
ICarMaker* carMaker = CarMakerFactory::makeFrom(carType);
ICar* car = carMaker->makeCar(carFeatures, carParts);
UserInput repairSpecs = getUserInput();
ICarParts* replacementParts = CarPartFactory::makeFrom(carType);
ICarFixer* carFixer = CarFixerFactory::makeFrom(carType);
carFixer->fixCar(car, replacementParts);
Perhaps now you all have a better understanding of what I'm trying to do and perhaps where I can improve.
I'm trying to use pointers of base classes to represent derived (ie Ford) classes, but the derived classes contain specific objects (ie FordPartsImpl) which are required by the other derived classes (ie FordCarFixer needs a FordCar and FordPartsImpl object). This requires me to use dynamic casting to downcast a pointer from the base to its respective derived class so I can access these specific Ford objects.
My question is: am I abusing inheritance here? I'm trying to have a many-to-many relationship between the workers and objects. I feel like I'm doing something wrong by having an Object family of class which literally do nothing but hold data and making the ObjectWorker class have to dynamic_cast the object to access the insides.
That is not abusing inheritance... This is abusing inheritance
class CSNode:public CNode, public IMvcSubject, public CBaseLink,
public CBaseVarObserver,public CBaseDataExchange, public CBaseVarOwner
Of which those who have a C prefix have huge implementations
Not only that... the Header is over 300 lines of declarations.
So no... you are not abusing inheritance right now.
But this class I just showed you is the product of erosion. I'm sure the Node as it began it was a shinning beacon of light and polymorphism, able to switch smartly between behavior and nodes.
Now it has become a Kraken, a Megamoth, Cthulu itself trying to chew my insides with only a vision of it.
Heed this free man, heed my counsel, beware of what your polymorphism may become.
Otherwise it is fine, a fine use of inheritance of something I suppose is an Architecture in diapers.
What other alternatives do I have if I want to only have a single work() method?
Single Work Method... You could try:
Policy Based Design, where a policy has the implementation of your model
A Function "work" that it is used by every single class
A Functor! Instantiated in every class that it will be used
But your inheritance seems right, a single method that everyone will be using.
One more thing....I'm just gonna leave this wiki link right here
Or maybe just copy paste the wiki C++ code... which is very similar to yours:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
template <typename OutputPolicy, typename LanguagePolicy>
class HelloWorld : private OutputPolicy, private LanguagePolicy
using OutputPolicy::print;
using LanguagePolicy::message;
// Behaviour method
void run() const
// Two policy methods
class OutputPolicyWriteToCout
template<typename MessageType>
void print(MessageType const &message) const
std::cout << message << std::endl;
class LanguagePolicyEnglish
std::string message() const
return "Hello, World!";
class LanguagePolicyGerman
std::string message() const
return "Hallo Welt!";
int main()
/* Example 1 */
typedef HelloWorld<OutputPolicyWriteToCout, LanguagePolicyEnglish> HelloWorldEnglish;
HelloWorldEnglish hello_world;; // prints "Hello, World!"
/* Example 2
* Does the same, but uses another language policy */
typedef HelloWorld<OutputPolicyWriteToCout, LanguagePolicyGerman> HelloWorldGerman;
HelloWorldGerman hello_world2;; // prints "Hallo Welt!"
More important questions are
How are you going to use an Int Object with your StringWorker?
You current implementation won't be able to handle that
With policies it is possible.
What are the possible objects?
Helps you define if you need this kind of behavior
And remember, don't kill a chicken with a shotgun
Maybe your model will never really change overtime.
You have committed a design error, but it is not "abuse of inheritance". Your error is that you are trying to be too generic. Meditate upon the principle of You Aren't Gonna Need It. Then, think about what you actually have. You don't have Objects, you have Dogs, Cats, and Horses. Or perhaps you have Squares, Polygons, and Lines. Or TextInEnglish and TextInArabic. Or ... the point is, you probably have a relatively small number of concrete things and they probably all go in the same superordinate category. Similarly, you do not have Workers. On the assumption that what you have is Dogs, Cats, and Horses, then you probably also have an Exerciser and a Groomer and a Veterinarian.
Think about your concrete problem in concrete terms. Implement only the classes and only the relationships that you actually need.
The point is that you're not accessing the specific functionality through the interfaces. The whole reason for using interfaces is that you want all Cars to be made, fixed and featured ... If you're not going to use them in that way, don't use interfaces (and inheritance) at all, but simply check at user input time which car was chosen and instantiate the correct specialized objects.
I've changed your code a bit so that only at "car making" time there will be an upward dynamic_cast. I would have to know all the things you want to do exactly to create interfaces I would be really happy with.
class ICar {
ICar(void) {}
virtual ~ICar(void) {}
virtual void specialFeatureMethod(ICarFeatures *specialFeatures);
virtual void specialPartsMethod(ICarParts *specialParts);
virtual void specialRepairMethod(ICarParts *specialParts);
class FordCar : public ICar {
FordCar(void) {}
~FordCar(void) {}
void specialFeatureMethod(ICarFeatures *specialFeatures) {
//Access the specialFeatures through the interface
//Do your specific Ford stuff
void specialPartsMethod(ICarParts *specialParts) {
//Access the specialParts through the interface
//Do your specific Ford stuff
void specialRepairMethod(ICarParts *specialParts) {
//Access the specialParts through the interface
//Do your specific Ford stuff
class ICarFeatures {
ICarFeatures(void) {}
virtual ~ICarFeatures(void) {}
virtual void addFeature(UserInput feature) = 0;
class FordCarFeatures : public ICarFeatures{
FordCarFeatures(void) {}
~FordCarFeatures(void) {}
void addFeature(UserInput feature){
//extract useful information out of feature, ie:
std::string name =;
int value = feature.value;
_fordFeature->specialAddFeatureMethod(name, value);
FordFeatureImpl* _fordFeature;
class ICarParts {
ICarParts(void) {}
virtual ~ICarParts(void) {}
virtual void addPart(UserInput part) = 0;
class FordCarParts :public ICarParts{
FordCarParts(void) {}
~FordCarParts(void) {}
void addPart(UserInput part) {
//extract useful information out of part, ie:
std::string name =;
std::string dimensions = part.dimensions;
_fordParts->specialAddPartMethod(name, dimensions);
FordPartsImpl* _fordParts;
class ICarMaker {
ICarMaker(void) {}
virtual ~ICarMaker(void) {}
virtual ICar* makeCar(ICarFeatures* features, ICarParts* parts) = 0;
class FordCarMaker {
FordCarMaker(void) {}
~FordCarMaker(void) {}
ICar* makeCar(ICarFeatures* features, ICarParts* parts){
return customFordMakerFunction(features, parts);
ICar* customFordMakerFunction(ICarFeatures* features, ICarParts* parts) {
FordCar* fordCar = new FordCar;
return dynamic_cast<ICar*>(fordCar);
class ICarFixer {
ICarFixer(void) {}
virtual ~ICarFixer(void) {}
virtual void fixCar(ICar* car, ICarParts* parts) = 0;
class FordCarFixer {
FordCarFixer(void) {}
~FordCarFixer(void) {}
void fixCar(ICar* car, ICarParts* parts) {
customFordFixerFunction(car, parts);
void customFordFixerFunction(ICar* fordCar, ICarParts *fordParts){
One can do better (for certain values of "better"), with increased complexity.
What is actually being done here? Let's look point by point:
There's some object type, unknown statically, determined at run time from a string
There's some worker type, also unknown statically, determined at run time from another string
Hopefully the object type and the worker type will match
We can try to turn "hopefully" into "certainly" with some template code.
ObjectWorkerDispatcher* owd =
myDispatcherFactory->create("someWorker", "someObject");
Obviously both object and worker are hidden in the dispatcher, which is completely generic:
class ObjectWorkerDispatcher {
ObjectWorkerDispatcher(string objectType, string workerType) { ... }
virtual void dispatch() = 0;
template <typename ObjectType>
class ConcreteObjectWorkerDispatcher : public ObjectWorkerDispatcher {
void dispatch () {
ObjectFactory<ObjectType>* of = findObjectFactory(objectTypeString);
WorkerFactory<ObjectType>* wf = findWorkerFactory(workerTypeString);
ObjectType* obj = of->create();
Worker<ObjectType>* wrk = wf->create();
map<string, ObjectFactory<ObjectType>*> objectFactories;
map<string, WorkerFactory<ObjectType>*> workerFactories;
ObjectFactory<ObjectType>* findObjectFactory(string) { .. use map }
WorkerFactory<ObjectType>* findWorkerFactory(string) { .. use map }
We have different unrelated types of Object. No common Object class, but we can have e.g. several subtypes of StringObject, all compatible with all kinds of StringWorker.
We have an abstract Worker<ObjectType> class template and concrete MyStringWorker : public Worker<StringObject> , OtherStringWorker : public Worker<StringObject> ... classes.
Both kinds of factories are inheritance-free. Different types of factories are kept completely separate (in different dispatchers) and never mix.
There's still some amount of blanks to fill in, but hopefully it all should be more or less clear.
No casts are used in making of this design. You decide whether this property alone is worth such an increase in complexity.
I think you have the right solution per your needs. One thing I see that can be improved is removing the use of carType from the function that deals with the objects at the base class level.
ICar* FordCarFixer::getFixedCar(UserInput& userInput)
FordCarParts* carParts = new FordPartFactory;
FordCarFeatures* carFeatures = new FordCarFeatures;
FordCarMaker* carMaker = new FordCarMaker;
FordCar* car = carMaker->makeCar(carFeatures, carParts);
UserInput repairSpecs = getUserInput();
ForCarParts* replacementParts = new ForCarParts;
FordCarFixer* carFixer = new FordCarFixer;
carFixer->fixCar(car, replacementParts);
return car;
UserInput userInput = getUserInput();
ICar* car = CarFixerFactory::getFixedCar(userInput);
With this approach, most of the objects at FordCarFixer level are Ford-specific.