Winapi - passing LPWCSTR as LPCSTR - c++

I use CreateWindowEx which expands to CreateWindowExA. That function uses LPCSTR types. I would like to pass as a second argument MSFTEDIT_CLASS (from Richedit.h):
The following casting doesn't work:
CreateWindowEx returns NULL. It works when I pass the second argument this way:
but I don't want to copy a string from the header. How to fix that ?

There is only a single, viable solution here: Call CreateWindowExW, either directly or by defining the UNICODE preprocessor symbol and have the generic-text mapping CreateWindowEx expand to CreateWindowExW.
The window you are creating is a Unicode window, always. The character set used for communicating with a window is set at class registration time. The window class named "RICHEDIT50W" is registered using RegisterClassExW by the system. You don't have control over this.
Since you are eventually going to have to talk to the window using messages, you will need to use the Unicode variants of the message handling functions (GetMessageW, DispatchMessageW, etc.). You cannot use the ANSI versions, unless you are happy with an application, that sometimes doesn't fail.


SDL - Difference between SDL_GetRenderer and SDL_CreateRenderer

Both the functions SDL_GetRenderer(SDL_Window*) and SDL_CreateRenderer(SDL_Window*, int, Uint32) seem to do the same thing: return a pointer to SDL_Renderer from the window. However, what method is more appropriate for the task? The SDL Wiki does not provide much information on where which method should be used, so please explain what each method does, how they differ and where they should be used.
SDL_CreateRenderer allows you to create a renderer for a window by specifying some options. It's stored in the specific window data which you can query with SDL_GetRenderer (so the latter is equivalent to (SDL_Renderer *)SDL_GetWindowData(window, SDL_WINDOWRENDERDATA))
If you call SDL_GetRenderer without having created it beforehand, you'll get a NULL pointer.
If you call SDL_CreateRenderer on a window twice, the second call will fail with SDL_SetError("Renderer already associated with window"); (see line 805).
See here

Simulate keyboard input inside app in C++ MFC app

I created a dialog MainDialog.cpp with 2 edit controls whose IDs are IDC_EDITCONTROL_A and IDC_EDITCONTROL_B, and have variables defined as m_editControlA and m_editControlB, respectively.
Also, I have 2 buttons whose IDs are IDC_MFCBUTTON_KEY_X and IDC_MFCBUTTON_KEY_Y, and variables are m_buttonKeyX and m_buttonKeyY, respectively.
Below is the code in the source file
#include "afxdialogex.h"
CMainDialog::CMainDialog(CWnd* pParent): CDialogEx(IDD_MAIN_DIALOG, pParent)
void CMainDialog::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX)
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_EDITCONTROL_A, m_editControlA);
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_EDITCONTROL_B, m_editControlB);
DDX(Control(pDX, IDC_MFCBUTTON_KEY_X, m_buttonKeyX);
DDX(Control(pDX, IDC_MFCBUTTON_KEY_Y, m_buttonKeyY);
void CMainDialog::OnBnClickedButtonX()
m_editControlA.SetWindowTextW(_T("X")); // test
void CMainDialog::OnBnClickedButtonX()
m_editControlA.SetWindowTextW(_T("Y")); // test
I am trying to understand how I can have each button send their respective character (i.e. X or Y in this example) to the selected edit control if one is selected. Essentially, I would like to simulate keyboard input.
I have read the docs about how to simulate keyboard events and also the sendMessage but I could not understand how to implement it since my C++ knowledge is very basic. Also, following my previous question I have found that the GetFocus would be useful but still my main issue currently is sending the input.
Any example code or useful link could be very useful for me to learn how I can simulate a keyboard input inside an app.
The characters are sent from the OS to the edit controls using the WM_CHAR message.
In reality it is a bit more complex than that, but you do not need to emulate the entire WM_KEYUP WM_KEYDOWN message sequence, since its end result is to generate a WM_CHAR message.
You can use CWnd::PostMessage to send characters directly to your edit controls, even when they do not have the focus.
You have probably already found the documentation for WM_CHAR here:
oops.. excuse my french, ths english doc is here
(just changing the fr-fr to en-us does the trick, it probably works for all other languages, neat!
wParam holds the character you want to send. Either an plain ASCII character, or one of the VK_ constants... I suggest you use the unicode version WM_CHARW, as most windows software uses unicode nowadays. The notation for wide chars is either L'X' or _T('X'), the unicode (UTF-16) character type is wchar_t.
lParam contains other keystroke details, 0 should be fine for what you want to do.
to send X, simply call
m_editControlA.PostMessage(WM_CHAR, _T('X'));
When using the _T() notation, the character (or string) literal between the parenthesis will be automatically converted to the right character width for your app's unicode setting (you should set that to UNICODE, since that's what the OS is using, and is also the only valid encoding for Windows CE, for example, and you should get used to manipulating this type.
the _T() macros and _t* overrides for almost all C library functions operating on strings are defined in tchar.h, which is included by Visual Studio in stdafx.h. Under MFC, you'll mostly use CString, but it's good to know where these things are.
[EDIT] When you get that running, you should start playing with WM_KEYDOWN. You will discover that PostMessage(WM_CHAR, VK_ESCAPE) directly to your dialog does not close it, while a PostMessage(WM_KEYDOWN, VK_ESCAPE) does. And that m_editBox.PostMessage(WM_KEYDOWN, _T('X')) will send a lower key 'x' to your edit box. But that's another topic to ivestigate.
Have fun with MFC!
For your last question:
Sure, but it gets a bit more complicated, as your button will gain focus, as soon as you click on it. You'd have to create handlers for EN_SETFOCUS for eeach of your edit boxes, and add a CWnd* data member to keep track of the last edit box that had focus.
Your EN_SETFOCUS handlers should look something like this
void CdlgDlg::OnEnSetfocusEdit1()
m_pWndLastFocus = &m_edit1;
Don't forget to set the pointer to NULL in your constructor and to chjeck it's valid before calling m_pWndLastFocus->PostMessage() though.
The way to synthesize input in MFC is by using the SendInput method.

MFC C++ CListBox get selected item

First let me say that I've been searching for a solution for couple of days now...
I'm trying to get selected item for ListBox. This is my code:
CListBox * pList1 = (CListBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_LIST1);
CString ItemSelected;
// Get the name of the item selected in the Sample Tables list box
// and store it in the CString variable declared above
pList1->GetText(pList1->GetCurSel(), ItemSelected);
MessageBox(ItemSelected, "TEST", MB_OK);
Now when i try this i get an error message saying "The Parameter is incorect"
Your code looks OK except error handling. Also MessageBox parameters look incorrect. The first parameter should be of type HWND. I believe that this is the root cause of your problems. Use MFC standard AfxMessageBox instead:
CListBox * pList1 = (CListBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_LIST1);
int nSel = pList1->GetCurSel();
if (nSel != LB_ERR)
CString ItemSelected;
pList1->GetText(nSel, ItemSelected);
If the CListBox is in single selection mode, the CListBox::GetCurSel will return the selected index.
If the CListBox is in multi-selection mode, you should use CListBox::GetSelItems which will return a list of indices.
You cannot mix'n'match the functions.
And always check return codes (as others already wrote).
If You already have a data member MyList(of classCListBox) :
int nSel = MyList.GetCurSel();
CString ItemSelected;
if (nSel != LB_ERR)
MyList.GetText(nSel, ItemSelected);
CWnd class has a MessageBox function which does not need a HWND parameter. But yes, AfxMessageBox is a little bit more easier to use and can be called anywhere in the MFC code without having a CWnd-derived object. And a beside note: if call a WinAPI function inside MFC code (not needed here, but possible in other cases) it's good to prepend it with scope resolution operator in order to avoid any confusion, mistake and/or name conflict (e.g. ::MessageBox...).
One possible cause for "invalid parameter" error in OP code is that it uses an ANSI string literal ("TEST") in a UNICODE build configuration. This case, must use an UNICODE string literal (L"TEST") or a little bit better, use _T macro (_T("TEST")) that makes it possible to build in both ANSI and UNICODE configurations.

How to copy data from a stream to a LPCTSTR variable?

I'm absolutely new to programming. I searched for this question online but couldn't find it anywhere
I'm trying to create window based MFC application using Visual studio 13. I have implemented an OpenFileDialog and obtained the path and file name in a stream.
Now I need to make it appear in a edittext box using the function SetWindowText. It accepts parameter of type LPCTSTR. So how do I make the conversion or Is there any other better approach for this problem?
Thanks in advance!
Don't mess around with dynamic allocation here. Simply get the string of the stream and put it into a CString.
It has an operator LPCTSTR for this purpose.
#include <atlstr.h> //CString
CString csText;

Wrapping a PropertySheet; how to handle callbacks?

I'm writing an (unmanaged) C++ class to wrap the Windows PropertySheet. Essentially, something like this:
class PropSheet {
PropSheet(/* parameters */);
INT_PTR show();
static int CALLBACK *propSheetProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, LPARAM lParam);
The constructor just initializes the d_header member:
PropSheet::PropSheet(/* parameters */) {
d_header.dwSize = sizeof(PROPSHEETHEADER);
d_header.dwFlags = PSH_USECALLBACK;
// ...
d_header.pfnCallback = &propSheetProc;
// ...
After which I can show it, modally, with:
INT_PTR PropSheet::show() {
return PropertySheet(&d_header);
Now the problem is, because the callback is static, that it cannot access the wrapper class. If this were a normal window, with a WindowProc instead of a PropSheetProc, I could attach some extra data to the window using cbWndExtra in WNDCLASS, in which I could store a pointer back to the wrapper, like in this article. But property sheets do not offer this functionality.
Furthermore, because the property sheet is shown modally, I can execute no code between the creation and destruction of the actual window, except when that code is executed through the callback or one of the sheets's window procedures.
The best solution I've come up with so far is to, right before showing the property sheet, store a pointer to the wrapper class inside a global variable. But this assumes that I'll only be showing one property sheet at a time, and is quite ugly anyway.
Does anyone have a better idea how to work around this?
As you are showing the property sheet modally, you should be able to use the parent window (i.e. its handle) of the property sheet to map to an instance, using ::GetParent() on the hwndDlg parameter of PropSheetProc().
Awesome, yet another Win32 API that uses callbacks without a user-defined context parameter. It is not the only one, alas. e.g. CreateWindow is bad (it gives you user-defined context, but that context isn't available for the first few window messages), SetWindowsHookEx is even worse (no context at all).
The only "solution" that is general-purpose and effective is to emit a small piece of executable code with a 'this' pointer hardcoded. Something like this:
It's horrible.
The PROPSHEETPAGE structure has an lParam field available for callbacks. In your PROPSHEETHEADER, you can include the PSH_PROPSHEETPAGE flag to pass an array of PROPSHEETPAGE items describing your pages, or omit the flag to pass an array of preallocated HPROPSHEETPAGE handles instead (which means using CreatePropertySheetPage(), and thus using PROPSHEETPAGE anyway).
You've already admitted "I can execute no code between the creation and destruction of the actual window". It seems that a global variable wouldn't be a terrible hack.
I've found another option: using SetProp to add a property that stores the pointer to the wrapper. Only requires the global variable once, to be able call SetProp from the property sheet callback.