TextWrangler does not work in Mac OS Catalina. Any workarounds? - macos-catalina

TextWrangler does not work in Mac OS Catalina. Do you know any tricks to get it working or are there good alternatives to TextWrangler?

macOS Catalina will not run TextWrangler and there is no way to change that. (TextWrangler is a 32-bit app, and Catalina will not run 32-bit apps.)
However, BBEdit is built on a modernized (and 64-bit) version of the same core and it is the intended replacement. (BBEdit is free to use, just like TextWrangler was.)
You can find out more on the TextWrangler product page.


Cocoa app on old OSX 10.5.6 - configuration for maximum compatibility

I am very new to C ++ programming for OSX.
What is the configuration that I need to set in Xcode on the old OSX 10.5.6 to create a simple Cocoa application but that also works on new operating systems.
What compiler do I need to set, the architecture etc ???
I hope the questions are not very silly...
To run on the latest versions of macOS, you must build a 64-bit app. In the Architectures build setting, make sure 64-bit Intel (x86_64) is one of the architectures you're building for.

Compile for OS X 10.6?

Normally for my OS X builds I have been compiling my applications on an old Mac Book Pro that runs 10.6. This assures that I support this version of OS X.
However for various reasons, the MBP is no longer a long term option so I have been compiling on a more recent device which runs 10.8. However when I do this, my application does not work on 10.6 even with the -mmacosx-version-min=10.6 flag set. The error that happens when I set the flag is "Symbol not found: _wcsdup" in libSystem.B.dynlib
I looked up this error and the only recommendations I can find is to directly link against the 10.6 SDK. However when I tried copying the 10.6 SDK from my MPB to the new machine (because 10.6 SDK is not installed on 10.8), it fails to compile with errors like "error: bits/c++config.h: No such file or directory" I assume this is because of the way I "installed" the SDK, although others have had success with this.
Does anyone have a solution?
Run 10.6 in a VM, like VMWare or VirtualBox.
I am able to reinstall older SDKs and compilers with this procedure: How can we restore ppc/ppc64 as well as full 10.4/10.5 SDK support to Xcode 4?
You need to change the path of xcode installs in the script.
Also you probably won't be able to use -std=c++11 when targeting 10.6 since you will mostly also need -stdlib=libc++ which is only available when targeting 10.7 or above.
Apple only distributes libc++ binaries since 10.7. You could build your own libc++ and deploy it with your app to 10.6 machines. But Apple hard coded the compiler to disallow -stdlib=libc++ when targeting anything lower than 10.7.

Is it possible to build a Mac binary on a non-Mac unix machine?

I would like to set up a Mac buildbot slave, but unfortunately it's not possible to install Mac OS X 10.5 on my XenServer hypervisor. So, I've had an idea, but not quite sure whether or not it'll work. The application is C++, and on Mac it's compile using GNU Make. I have a Mac desktop PC, and I was hoping I could copy the .h and .lib files on to a Linux box, and try to build against the Mac headers:
#include <mach-o/dyld.h>
#include <AvailabilityMacros.h>
You have to cross compile. gcc can create many versions of object files, not dependent upon what sort of host system you are running. mac uses a VERY old version of the gcc suite that they have forked for OSX development so even though it's possible, it's not going to be easy.
Essentially, search for cross compiling on the gcc compiler, but be sure that it will take a substantial effort to do this.
look here for an answer (albeit a different host machine OS)

How easy (or difficult) is it to migrate to a development environment on Mac from Ubuntu

I am used to Ubuntu, I like it, I know my way around it.
I am looking forward to upgrade my work laptop.
I find the awesome hardware that a Macbook Pro is made of, a turn-on.
Now, having never used a mac before, I'd like to know how easy it is to move my development environment to a mac from being on Ubuntu.
My work is primarily web application development using the django framework.
I love the apt-get install and the package managers and such stuff that Ubuntu provides. Are there equivalents on a mac?
What are the other things I need to know to move my development environment to a Mac?
I moved from ubuntu to Mac 6 months back, the tools that you get in Mac are awesome(like iweb) and most of the application work out of the box without compilation. There are alternative for apt-get in Mac, I use port, fink which works pretty much like apt-get. I would say list down all your favorites tools in ubuntu mostly you will find the same in Mac or its equivalent.
Should be pretty easy. MacPorts is like a package manager for installing open source software and libraries.
I do some django work and moved from Windows to Mac recently. I found it very easy since django is Python which is pre-installed in Mac OS X, but can be upgraded if necessary. I also use Eclipse with the PyDev plugin which all runs on Java.

Mac OS X free C compiler

Is there a small, free C or C++ compiler for OS X, like TCC?
Xcode is not small, or simple like TCC, AFAIK.
I'm looking for something like a GCC binary file or TCC for OS X.
gcc is the most widely used one (and Apple provides official builds of it as part of XCode). XCode is also usually distributed on your OS X cd's, though that version may be a little out of date now, depending on what version of OS X you have.
For information and samples on how to use it, look here.
Look into Fink or one of the similar projects out there if you want a build of gcc that's not linked to Xcode. That said though, Xcode is a great IDE for OS X.
You could use the Xcode Tools that are already included in OSX.
Xcode is the same professional
developer toolset used by Apple to
create Mac OS X, as well as many great
Apple applications, and Xcode is
included with every copy of Mac OS X.
You can use Code::Blocks IDE its simple slick and hav good set of feture, a plus opensurce and ready to dl for 3 major plateforms
still recoment using Xcode if u just have to make projects for MAC, but if u are going to port it to linux and windows, then my choice is Code::Blocks [Give it a try atleast]
I know you want a small compiler, but it is best to just download and install Xcode. It is a great IDE. From there, you don't have to use it if you don't want to. Once it is installed, you can use something like this in terminal:
gcc myFile.c -o myFile
And that would build a source file called myFile.c which contains C code and the output module (executable) would be myFile. You'd execute it by running:
Update: What is your reason for not wanting Xcode? Furthermore, is GCC itself ok (disregarding Xcode for a moment)? It's important to know that GCC is not a part of Xcode. Apple made use of GCC, which is an open source C/C++ (and more) compiler.
I just can't find binaries of GCC for mac so downloading Xcode is an easy way to get some...
Update 2: It also just came to my attention that NetBeans will compile C / C++ Code. It also uses the GCC compiler. I'm not sure if it using GCC from my Xcode installation but I thought I'd mention this.
Best Regards,
There are binary packages for LLVM, both for the Clang and GCC front-ends.
PCC, the Portable C Compiler, is available for the Mac. It is small and free. Its tarball weighs in at total of 1778 KB from its 4th of July CVS Snapshot.
If you don't want to use Xcode install the macports from macports.org and if you like a graphical user interface install porticus as a managment gui for all the installed ports. In Porticus you can now easily install all different versions of gcc without Xcode.
Porticus will compile the packages for your mac and install all the needed dependencies like a Linux packet manager.