How to build setup executable for chromium from sources - build

How to build setup.exe or setup.dmg (for mac) of chromium browser?
I tried to read the build documentation but there is only information about how to build chromium and run it but not to build setup.exe

Setup is an executable file and you can create that file by running the following command:
ninja -C folder_to_output setup


How to install Conan build tools in the Jenkins machine

I have an installation of Jenkins on Azure and wish to build a c++ project using Conan. Many examples show the following pipeline command to initiate Conan:
def conanClient = Artifactory.newConanClient()
however this throws an error:
sh: 1: conan: not found ERROR: Couldn't execute Conan task.
RuntimeException: Conan build failed with exit code 127
I assumed the newConanClient() would install Conan but that is not the case as verified by:
sh 'conan -v' resulting in conan: not found
From the JFrog documentation you would think there shouldn't be any problems as they say:
There is no need for any special setup for it, just install Conan and
your build tools in the Jenkins machine and call the needed Conan
So how does one "just install Conan" in Jenkins?
From the Documentation:
Conan can be installed in many Operating Systems. It has been extensively
used and tested in Windows, Linux (different distros), OSX, and is also
actively used in FreeBSD and Solaris SunOS. There are also several
additional operating systems on which it has been reported to work.
Based on your OS, you can install from here. newConanClient() method is part of the Artifactory plugin for Jenkins but doesn't install Conan
Now you can verify the installation
conan -v
and further can execute commands in Jenkins pipeline
sh 'conan build .'

Add shell script as executable to catkin package to use with rosrun

When using a catkin package it is possible to start the c++ executables, that were added in the CMakeLists.txt, using the command rosrun <package_name> <executable_name> from anywhere on the computer.
Is there a way to add a shell script as an executable to the catkin package so that it can be called using rosrun <package_name> <>?
Yes it is. You can do this by performing the following steps:
You need to place your script in the scripts folder of your package. Also the script needs to be marked as executable (chmod +x
After sourcing your workspace, you can run and launch the script with ROS tools like
rosrun your_package
Note that you need to add your script also to the CMakeLists.txt in case of installation:
install(PROGRAMS scripts/

Error while setting up Movesense platform with Cmake commands

I've been trying to set up movesense platform in my windows 10 machine and facing issues with cmake commands.
I pulled the movesense container using docker
docker pull movesense/sensor-build-env:latest
I cloned the movesense repo using the below code
git clone
Then I moved to the cloned folder
cd movesense-device-lib
Then I started the docker image on the terminal
docker run -it --rm -v c:/My/Project/Folder/movesense-device-lib:/movesense:delegated movesense/sensor-build-env:latest
The docker prompted and I followed the below commands
cd /movesense
mkdir myBuild
cd myBuild
Now, I ran the CMake "Run the CMake (needs to be done only once unless you add files to the project). It's possible to build both the debug and release version. In both cases the command will contain the following:" by the following command
cmake -G Ninja -DMOVESENSE_CORE_LIBRARY=../MovesenseCoreLib/ -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../MovesenseCoreLib/toolchain/gcc-nrf52.cmake <sample_directory>
I created a sample folder as build1 and saved. In the place of sample_directory, I pasted "build" and executed the command.
But in return I get an error as
CMake Error: The source directory "/movesense/myBuild/build" does not appear to contain CMakeLists.txt. Specify --help for usage, or press the help button on the CMake GUI.
The objective is to create a project as zip file and run it in visual studio. Please help me to solve the issue. I've attached the links of the documents which I followed from movesense.
Movesense Set up document
The "<sample_directory>" should be a path to the folder where the firmware source code is (i.e. the sample app folder). If you create the build folder as /movesense/myBuild and cd into it, the path would be ../samples/blinky_app if you are building the blinky_app -sample.
Full disclosure: I work for the movesense team

qt ./configure on Debian

I have a debian installation with qt4-dev-tools installed from apt-get.
I want to configure qt for compiling statical applications, but there is no ./configure file - i found the qt directory at /usr/share/qt4, but there is no configure.
Is there another option for configuring it or is the configure file hidden somewhere?
You need a proper build environment to configure the way your programs are built. See qmake or cmake documentation for more information. You can also use QtCreator as IDE

guide to create debian package in netbeans

I've written a C++ application aided by netbeans on ubuntu. In netbeans there is a build feature to build debian package. When I build the package using it I am not getting desired result. The files I am installing to linux filesystem using makefile are not being put into debian package.
in my makefile
install config.xml /etc/${APPNAME}.conf.xml
install devices.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/${APPNAME}.rules
install error.log /var/log/${APPNAME}.log
install init.conf /etc/init/${APPNAME}.conf
install init.d /etc/init.d/${APPNAME}
chmod u+x ${CND_ARTIFACT_NAME_${CONF}}
but after building the package with netbeans, in the build .deb archive there is only usr/bin/${APPNAME} file. How to build debian package as expected.