Below I depict the general structure of my code:
class OperandIterator : public std::iterator<std::input_iterator_tag, pOpReference>
OperandIterator & operator++(); // also calls to advance()
OperandIterator operator++(int); // also calls to advance()
bool operator==(const OperandIterator & other) const;
bool operator!=(const OperandIterator & other) const;
pOpReference operator*();
virtual void advance();
class OperandSpecialIterator : public OperandIterator
void advance() override; // this is the only diffrence between the classes
class TraversalPattern
TraversalPattern(Operand op, Order order, bool specialTraversal);
OperandIterator begin() { return specialTraversal ? OperandSpecialIterator(...) : OperanInerator(...); }
// somewhere
TraversalPattern p(...specialTraversal=ture);
OperandIterator iter = p.begin();
Even though begin() function returns OperandSpecialIterator, when it++ performed the advance function that is being called is the advance function of OperandIterator.
The problem is that begin() can't return a reference.
The question is:
Can begin function return iterators of different types?
What you are asking is not possible. The begin() function cannot return different types depending on a runtime value. What you could do, is implement something like a VariantIterator that can hold different types of operators in an std::variant (C++17) and forwards the iterator operations to the currently held iterator.
For this simple case, I personally would do the advancing by passing a function pointer to my Iterator:
class OperandIterator; // forward declaration
namespace advancers { // Forward declarations since definition only works,
// when OperandIterator is defined. You can make this easier by making
// these methods static in the class. I declare them forward to be able
// to use them as defaults in OperandIterator.
void advance_normally(OperandIterator& it);
void advance_specially(OperandIterator &it);
} // End namespace advancers
class OperandIterator : public std::iterator<std::input_iterator_tag, pOpReference>
OperandIterator() = default;
OperandIterator(void (*advanc_fnc)(OperandIterator&)) : advancer(advanc_fnc) {}
OperandIterator & operator++(); // also calls advancer with *this
OperandIterator operator++(int); // also calls advancer with *this
const void (*advancer)(OperandIterator&) = &advancers::advance_normally;
namespace advancers { // Definitions
void advance_normally(OperandIterator& it) {
void advance_specially(OperandIterator &it) {
// Something else
} // End namespace advancers
OperandIterator make_special() {
return OperandIterator(&advancers::advance_specially);
class TraversalPattern
TraversalPattern(Operand op, Order order, bool specialTraversal);
OperandIterator begin() { return specialTraversal ? OperandSpecialIterator() : make_special(); }
// somewhere
TraversalPattern p(...specialTraversal=ture);
OperandIterator iter = p.begin();
The nice thing about this is, that you can easily add more versions of advancing and even make them in place with a lambda.
I want to know how to have a c++ class to be iterable (stl compatible) without exposing the implementation ?
The structure of the project is like :
class Stream
StreamIterator iter()
return StreamIterator(this);
class impl;
std::unique_ptr<impl> pimpl;
class StreamFilter
class impl;
std::shared_ptr<impl> pimpl;
class StreamIterator
StreamIterator(Stream* streamToFilter);
void addFilter(StreamFilter* filter);
void removeFilter(StreamFilter* filter);
class impl;
std::unique_ptr<impl> pimpl;
StreamFilter is a base class for differents filtering strategies.
For simplicity in the sample code, I used raw memory pointers, of course in a real exploitation code I use intelligents pointers : shared, weak ...
I want to allow the StreamIterator become iterable in a STL way, doing :
StreamIterator iter = stream.iter();
iter.addFilter(new FilterByOffset([...with parameters...]));
for (auto item : iter)
[...doing something with filtered items...]
The basic way is to add some accessors to allow range-based for loop.
class StreamIterator
StreamIterator(Stream* streamToFilter);
iterator begin();
iterator end();
const_iterator cbegin() const;
const_iterator cend() const;
void addFilter(StreamFilter* filter);
void removeFilter(StreamFilter* filter);
class impl;
std::unique_ptr<impl> pimpl;
Where iterator and const_iterator are basically typedef's to the internal container iterators. And this is the problem.
First, I don't want to expose private implementation in the StreamIterator header. And so, iterator and const_iterator are not allowed here.
Second, because of the stream filtering strategy, the iterators returned are not just alias to some internal stl containers. In the internal implementation, I need to call the filters in a functor way to check if the item need to be exclude or not.
The only type allowed in the StreamIterator header is the type of the item object returned.
Is there a way to do that?
Thank you very much!
Additional Information:
Maybe this declaration is a way to allow a private implementation, I need to investigate more :
class StreamIterator
StreamIterator(Stream* streamToFilter);
struct iterator
Object::Ptr operator*();
iterator& operator++();
bool operator!= (const iterator& it) const;
typedef typename StreamIterator::iterator iterator;
iterator begin();
iterator end();
void addFilter(StreamFilter* filter);
void removeFilter(StreamFilter* filter);
class impl;
std::unique_ptr<impl> pimpl;
First, don't call it StreamIterator; an iterator is a pointer-like object for which 2 of them can specify a range. Your StreamIterator doesn't have this. Nothing good can come of reusing the well defined iterator term here.
Now, your StreamIterator is some kind of range of iterators. So we'll call it a StreamRange.
In order to hide how StreamRange can be iterated over, you have to hide how the iterators it uses work.
And this -- hiding the implementation detalis of a stream iterator -- has a substantial cost to it.
When iterating over a loop, each step in the loop involves ++ and * and an ==. Throwing a pointer indirection and a vtable lookup (or equivalent) on each of those will make your loops much slower.
But here is how to do it.
template<class Value>
struct any_input_iterator {
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
using value_type=Value;
using pointer = value_type*;
using reference = value_type;
using iterator_category = std::input_iterator_tag;
struct vtable_t {
bool(*equal)( std::any const& lhs, std::any const& rhs ) = 0;
Value(*get)( std::any& ) = 0;
void(*inc)( std::any& ) = 0;
vtable_t const* vtable = 0;
std::any state;
template<class U>
static vtable_t make_vtable() {
return {
[](std::any const& lhs, std::any const& rhs)->bool {
return std::any_cast<U const&>(lhs) == std::any_cast<U const&>(rhs);
[](std::any& src)->Value {
return *std::any_cast<U&>(src);
[](std::any& src) {
template<class U>
static vtable_t const* get_vtable() {
static const auto vtable = make_vtable<U>();
return &vtable;
template<class U,
std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same<std::decay_t<U>, any_input_iterator>{}, bool> = true
any_input_iterator(U&& u):
any_input_iterator& operator++() { vtable->inc(state); return *this; }
any_input_iterator operator++(int) { auto tmp = *this; ++*this; return tmp; }
reference operator*() { return vtable->get(state); }
friend bool operator==( any_input_iterator const& lhs, any_input_iterator const& rhs ) {
if (lhs.vtable != rhs.vtable) return false;
if (!lhs.vtable) return true;
return lhs.vtable->equal( lhs.state, rhs.state );
friend bool operator!=( any_input_iterator const& lhs, any_input_iterator const& rhs ) {
return !(lhs==rhs);
struct fake_ptr {
Value t;
Value* operator->()&&{ return std::addressof(t); }
fake_ptr operator->()const { return {**this}; }
there are probably some typoes, but this is basic type erasure. Boost does a better job at this.
I only supported input iterators. If you want to support forward iterators, you have to change up some typedefs and return references and the like.
any_input_iterator<int> begin();
any_input_iterator<int> end();
that is, however, enough to let someone iterate over your range in question.
It will be slow, but it will work.
So I need to make try/catch for when the iterator is at the front of the list and the -- operator is used. I've tried checking to see if the iterator is equal to begin() but that doesn't seem to work.
template <typename E>
class List : public SLinkedList<E> {
// Use E everywhere else! m
// For a nested class, methods are declared and defined *INSIDE*
// the class declaration.
template <typename I>
class Iterator {
// Give List access to Iterator private fields.
friend class List<E>;
// These are the minimum methods needed.
E operator*() { return nodePosition->elem; } //dereference the iterator and return a value
Iterator<E> operator++() {
try {
if (nodePosition->next == nullptr)
throw OutsideList("\nIterator:Error: attempted acess position outside of list.");
nodePosition = nodePosition->next;
catch (OutsideList err) {
cout << err.getError() << endl;
return *this;
} //increment the iterator
Iterator<E> operator--() {
try {
if (nodePosition == llist.begin())
throw OutsideList("\nIterator:Error: attempted acess position outside of list.");
nodePosition = nodePosition->prev;
catch (OutsideList err) {
cout << err.getError() << endl;
return *this;
} //decrement the iterator
bool operator==(const Iterator<E> p) {
return (nodePosition == p)
} //test equality of iterators
bool operator!=(const Iterator<E> p) {
return (nodePosition != p.nodePosition);
} //test inequality of iterators
// Constructors & destructor here since only want List class to access.
// List constructor called from List::begin(). Use initializer list or
// create class copy constructor and assignment overload.
Iterator(const List<E>* sl) : llist(sl) {
nodePosition = sl->head;
// Class fields.
const List<E>* llist; //give Iterator class a handle to the list
Node<E>* nodePosition; //abstracted position is a pointer to a node
}; /** end Iterator class **/
/* The Iterator class is now fully defined. The rest of these
statements must go AFTER the Iterator class or the compiler
won’t have complete information about their data types.
// REQUIRED: While not necessary for the code to work, my test suite needs
// this defined. Create a less cumbersome name for Iterator<E>. Use
// anywhere you would have used List<E>::Iterator<E> in class List. Allows
// this syntax in main() -- List<int>::iterator instead of List<int>::Iterator<int>.
typedef typename List<E>::Iterator<E> iterator;
/*** All method declarations and fields for the List class go here.
Any method that returns an iterator must be defined here.
iterator begin() const { //return an iterator of beginning of list
// Call iterator constructor with pointer to List that begin() was
// called with.
return iterator(this);
E back();
E pop_back();
void push_back(const E e);
iterator end() const {
iterator itr = iterator(this);
while (itr.nodePosition->next != nullptr) {
return itr;
void insert(int itr, E elem);
void erase(int itr);
bool operator==(const Iterator<E> p) {
return (nodePosition == p);
does not seem right. The main problem is that you are comparing nodePosition of the current object, the object on the LHS, with the object on the RHS.
You don't need Iterator<E>. Just Iterator is good enough.
There is no point in making the argument const Iterator. It can be just Iterator, or better const Iterator&.
Make the member function a const member function.
The comparison needs to be made with the corresponding nodePositions.
Here's what I think it should be:
bool operator==(const Iterator& p) const {
return (nodePosition == p.nodePosition);
My requirements are same to the question asked Using Iterators to hide internal container and achieve generic operation over a base container[1] at stackoverflow. I have a generic pure virtual base container class, which needs to provide an iterator which should be STL complaint so I can use them with cpp algorithm's #include <algorithm>. My implementation uses only an single class instead of two classes as in [1] solution.
Base pure virtual class
class BaseItr
class iterator : public std::iterator<std::input_iterator_tag, int>
iterator() : _in(NULL) {}
inline iterator(const iterator& org) : _in(org._in) {}
inline iterator& operator=(const iterator& other) { _in = other._in; return *this; }
virtual inline int operator * () { return _in->operator*(); }
virtual inline iterator& operator++() { (*_in)++; return *this; }
virtual inline iterator& operator++(int unused) { (*_in)++; return *this; }
virtual inline bool operator==(const iterator& other)
return *(*_in) == *(*(other._in));
virtual inline bool operator!=(const iterator& other)
return *(*_in) != *(*(other._in));
// would use shared pointer insted of this
//~iterator() { if(_in) { delete _in; } }
static inline iterator New(iterator *in) { return iterator(in); }
iterator(iterator *in) : _in(in) {}
iterator *_in;
virtual iterator begin() = 0;
virtual iterator end() = 0;
class Itr : public BaseItr
class iterator : public BaseItr::iterator
iterator(int val) : _val(val), BaseItr::iterator() {}
int operator * () { return _val; }
inline iterator& operator++() { ++_val; return *this; }
inline iterator& operator++(int unused) { _val++; return *this; }
int _val;
BaseItr::iterator _begin;
BaseItr::iterator _end;
inline Itr(int start, int end)
_begin = BaseItr::iterator::New(new iterator(start));
_end = BaseItr::iterator::New(new iterator(end));
BaseItr::iterator begin() { return _begin; }
BaseItr::iterator end() { return _end; }
My implementation works was need, I want to know are there any drawbacks with this implementation, Please help me decide with my design to use the appropriate implementation. I have add my full working example code in github:gist
Iterator for custom container with derived classes
Using Iterators to hide internal container and achieve generic operation over a base container
Fast and flexible iterator for abstract class
C++ : Using different iterator types in subclasses without breaking the inheritance mechanism
The most glaring issue: your iterator does not have value semantics.
The STL algorithms are free to copy an iterator if they wish. For example suppose:
template <typename It>
It find(It b, It e, typename std::iterator_traits<It>::const_reference t) {
for (; b != e; ++b) {
if (*b == t) { return b; }
return e;
The problem is that if you invoke this algorithm with BaseItr&, then the result is of type BaseItr, and you are thus exposed to Object Slicing, which is undefined behavior.
In order to give value semantics to you iterator, you need to create a wrapper class around an abstract implementation and have the wrapper correctly manage the copy through a virtual clone method. If your iterator ends up with virtual methods, you are doing it wrong.
I have written a very simple file managing database that basicly looks like this:
class FileDB
FileDB(std::string dir) : rootDir(dir) { }
void loadFile(std::string filename, File &file) const;
void saveFile(std::string filename, const File &file) const;
std::string rootDir;
Now I would like to iterate through all files contained in the database like using a std::iterator:
void iterateFiles()
FileDB filedb("C:\\MyFiles");
for (FileDB::iterator file_it = filedb.begin(); file_it != filedb.end(); ++file_it)
File f = *file_it;
// do something with file
I've read answers to similar questions, some suggesting to derive std::iterator, some to use std::iterator_traits, but I don't really understand how to do that. What can possibly go wrong when trying to implement a custom iterator? And what's a simple yet elegant way to do it?
Please don't consider using boost, my question is of more conceptual nature.
The FileDB works like this:
So basicly, I can find a file by its name.
As my container is not in memory, I don't have pointers to its data. So my idea was to store the file's path in the iterator. This way, I can implement operator== with a string comparison, as the paths should be unique. The iterator returned from fileDB.end() would be an empty string and operator* would call fileDB::loadFile() with its filepath.
My biggest concern is about operator++. Having the filename, I can find out the containing directory and search for the next file, but this is really ineffective. Any ideas on how to do that? Or am I completely wrong with my whole concept?
Writing iterators yourself is hardly ever pretty. The pretiest way to add an iterator to your classes is to reuse an existing one. You should be aware, that pointers for example are just as good as iterators in C++ so there are many ways to provide an iterator without actually having to write your own.
This is basically how C++ works in many ways. It tries to make the language expendable and simple for end users by putting a lot of burden on library writers. I.e. library writers can write all the unpretty stuff, so the end user doesn't have to. Iterators are usally a part of a library.
Having said that, here comes the actual ugly part:
To be able to write your own iterators, here are some things you need to be aware of.
Type traits:
Type traits are a simple mechanism to add aditional information to types in C++ which works even with types which cannot be changed themselves. For example for an iterator it is important to know what it iterates over (i.e. the contained type). The way to get this information for a given iterator depends a lot on the iterator. For iterators which actually are objects, you can add typedefs in the class and use those, but for iterators which are pointers you need to infer it from the pointer type. To make this possible the information is stored in a type trait instead so there is a single place an code can look this information. This is the std::iterator_traits type trait.
std::iterator_traits work on anything, which is derived from the std::iterator template as well as on any kind of pointer, without any tweaking. So often it is best to use std::iterator as a base to avoid having to write your own traits specialisation. In case you cannot do this, it is still possible to provide the necessary traits, but it will be harder.
Tag classes and iterator types:
There are several different types of iterators available in C++ which have different behaviour and can/cannot do a lot of different things. Have a look at to see what kind of iterators are available and what they can do. The diagrams are not meant to be in an object oriented way (i.e. an input_iterator is neither a sub nor a base class of a forward_iterator), but rather as an API kind of derivation. I.e. you can use all algorithms which were written for an input iterator also with an forward iterator. The table on the page will tell you which methods you have to provide for each category.
Since these categories are not actually sub classes of each other (they shouldn't be, especially when comming from different types of collections), another mechanism is used to identify the capabilities of each iterator. An empty tag class is also included in the std::iterator_traits describing each iterator, which tells what this iterator can do and what it cannot do. If you do not write your own traits, you need to supply this tag class to the std::iterator template upon instantiation.
This example is taken from the section on iterators:
class myiterator : public iterator<input_iterator_tag, int>
int* p;
myiterator(int* x) :p(x) {}
myiterator(const myiterator& mit) : p(mit.p) {}
myiterator& operator++() {++p;return *this;}
myiterator operator++(int) {myiterator tmp(*this); operator++(); return tmp;}
bool operator==(const myiterator& rhs) {return p==rhs.p;}
bool operator!=(const myiterator& rhs) {return p!=rhs.p;}
int& operator*() {return *p;}
This iterator does not really make sense, since it only wraps a pointer, which could also have been used directly. However it can serve as an explanation. The iterator is derived from std::iterator as an input_iterator by supplying the appropriate tag. Also the template is told, that this iterator is iterating over ints. All other types, which are needed difference_type, reference, poiner etc. are automatically infered by the template. In some cases it may make sense to change some of these types manually (for example a std::shared_ptr has to be used as a pointer sometimes). Also the traits needed for this iterator will exist automatically, since it is already derived from std::iterator and the std::iterator_traits know where to find all necessary information.
class FileDB
class iterator;
FileDB(std::string dir) : m_rootDir(dir) { m_files = getFileTreeList(); }
void loadFile(std::string filename, File &file) const;
void saveFile(std::string filename, const File &file) const;
iterator begin()
return iterator(m_files.begin(), *this);
iterator end()
return iterator(m_files.end(), *this);
std::list<std::string> getFileTreeList() const;
std::string m_rootDir;
std::list<std::string> m_files;
class FileDB::iterator
iterator(std::list<std::string>::iterator pos, FileDB& owner) : m_pos(pos), m_owner(owner){}
bool operator==(const iterator& rhs) {return m_pos == rhs.m_pos;}
bool operator!=(const iterator& rhs) {return m_pos != rhs.m_pos;}
void operator++() {++m_pos;}
File operator*()
return openFile(*m_pos); // for example open some file descriptor
closeFile(*m_pos); // clean up!
std::list<std::string>::iterator& m_pos;
FileDB& m_owner;
Here is iterator which calculatetes subnodes during traversal.
I wrote it for windows, but I think it is not difficult to castomize it for other platforms.
#include <list>
#include <windows.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
class File{};
class Iterator
virtual bool isDone() = 0;
virtual void next() = 0;
virtual std::string getFileName() = 0;
virtual ~Iterator(){};
bool operator== (Iterator& lhs, Iterator& rhs);
class EndIterator : public Iterator
virtual bool isDone() {return true;}
virtual void next(){};
virtual std::string getFileName() {return "end";};
class DirectoryIterator : public Iterator
DirectoryIterator(const std::string& path);
virtual bool isDone();
virtual void next();
virtual std::string getFileName();
virtual ~DirectoryIterator();
std::list<Iterator*> getSubelementsList(const std::string& path) const;
void init();
bool m_wasInit;
std::string m_path;
std::list<Iterator*> m_leaves;
std::list<Iterator*>::iterator m_current;
class FilesIterator : public Iterator
FilesIterator(const std::string& fileName);
virtual bool isDone(){return true;};
virtual void next(){};
virtual std::string getFileName();
virtual ~FilesIterator(){};
std::string m_fileName;
class DbItertor
DbItertor(Iterator* iterator) : m_ptr(iterator){}
DbItertor(const DbItertor& rhs) {*m_ptr = *rhs.m_ptr;}
std::string operator*()
return "end";
return m_ptr->getFileName();
//File operator->(){return FileOpen(m_ptr->getFileName());}
void operator++() {m_ptr->next();}
~DbItertor(){delete m_ptr;}
Iterator* m_ptr;
class FileDB
FileDB(std::string dir) : m_rootDir(dir){}
DbItertor begin()
return DbItertor(new DirectoryIterator(m_rootDir));
DbItertor end()
return DbItertor(new EndIterator());
std::string m_rootDir;
FilesIterator::FilesIterator(const std::string& fileName) :
std::string FilesIterator::getFileName()
return m_fileName;
DirectoryIterator::DirectoryIterator(const std::string& path) :
void DirectoryIterator::init()
m_leaves = getSubelementsList(m_path);
m_current = m_leaves.begin();
m_wasInit = true;
for(std::list<Iterator*>::iterator i = m_leaves.begin(); i != m_leaves.end(); ++i)
delete *i;
void DirectoryIterator::next()
bool DirectoryIterator::isDone()
return (m_leaves.size() == 0) || (m_current == --m_leaves.end());
std::string DirectoryIterator::getFileName()
return (*m_current)->getFileName();
std::list<Iterator*> DirectoryIterator::getSubelementsList(const std::string& path) const
std::list<Iterator*> result;
char sPath[2048] = {0};
sprintf(sPath, "%s\\*.*", path.c_str());
hFind = FindFirstFile(sPath, &fdFile);
assert(hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE);
if(strcmp(fdFile.cFileName, ".") != 0 && strcmp(fdFile.cFileName, "..") != 0)
std::string fullName = path;
fullName += std::string(fdFile.cFileName);
if(fdFile.dwFileAttributes &FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
fullName += "\\";
result.push_back(new DirectoryIterator(fullName));
result.push_back(new FilesIterator(fullName));
while(FindNextFile(hFind, &fdFile));
return result;
bool operator== (Iterator& lhs, Iterator& rhs)
return lhs.getFileName() == rhs.getFileName();
bool operator!= (DbItertor& lhs, DbItertor& rhs)
return *lhs != *rhs;
int main()
FileDB db("C:\\456\\");
for(DbItertor i = db.begin(); i != db.end(); ++i)
std::cout << *i << std::endl;
return 0;
Have a quick question about what would be the best way to implement iterators in the following:
Say I have a templated base class 'List' and two subclasses "ListImpl1" and "ListImpl2". The basic requirement of the base class is to be iterable i.e. I can do:
for(List<T>::iterator it = list->begin(); it != list->end(); it++){
I also want to allow iterator addition e.g.:
for(List<T>::iterator it = list->begin()+5; it != list->end(); it++){
So the problem is that the implementation of the iterator for ListImpl1 will be different to that for ListImpl2. I got around this by using a wrapper ListIterator containing a pointer to a ListIteratorImpl with subclasses ListIteratorImpl2 and ListIteratorImpl2, but it's all getting pretty messy, especially when you need to implement operator+ in the ListIterator.
Any thoughts on a better design to get around these issues?
If you can get away with making List<T>::iterator non-virtual, then delegating the virtualness off add to List makes things simple:
template<typename T>
class List
virtual void add_assign(iterator& left, int right) = 0;
class iterator
const List* list;
const T* item;
iterator(const List* list, const T* item) : list(list), item(item) {}
iterator& operator +=(int right)
list->add_assign(*this, right);
return *this;
static iterator operator +(iterator const& left, int right)
iterator result = left;
result += right;
return result;
virtual iterator begin() const = 0;
virtual iterator end() const = 0;
Otherwise (if the iterators need to store significantly different data, for example), then you have to do the regular, boring pointer-to-implementation to get your virtualness:
template<typename T>
class List
class ItImpl
virtual ItImpl* clone() = 0;
virtual void increment() = 0;
virtual void add(int right) = 0;
class iterator
ItImpl* impl;
// Boring memory management stuff.
iterator() : impl() {}
iterator(ItImpl* impl) : impl(impl) {}
iterator(iterator const& right) : impl(right.impl->clone()) {}
~iterator() { delete impl; }
iterator& operator=(iterator const& right)
delete impl;
impl = right.impl->clone();
return *this;
// forward operators to virtual calls through impl.
iterator& operator+=(int right)
return *this;
iterator& operator++()
return *this;
template<typename T>
static List<T>::iterator operator+(List<T>::iterator const& left, int right)
List<T>::iterator result = left;
result += right;
return result;
template<typename T>
class MagicList : public List<T>
class MagicItImpl : public ItImpl
const MagicList* list;
const magic* the_magic;
// implement ...
iterator begin() const { return iterator(new MagicItImpl(this, begin_magic)); }
iterator end() const { return iterator(new MagicItImpl(this, end_magic)); }
There is something very important among iterators, called Iterator Category:
Each category define an exact set of operations that are supported, efficiently, by the iterator.
Here, it seems you wish to turn down that powerful identification mechanism to create some kind of bastard category in which the operations are all present, but no guarantee is made on their efficiency.
I think your design smells.
So the problem is that the
implementation of the iterator for
ListImpl1 will be different to that
for ListImpl2. I got around this by
using a wrapper ListIterator
containing a pointer to a
ListIteratorImpl with subclasses
ListIteratorImpl2 and
ListIteratorImpl2, but it's all
getting pretty messy, especially when
you need to implement operator+ in the
This design is fine IMHO, I can't see anything messy about it. Except for equality and subtraction, operations of the iterator can be implemented by virtual function pretty easily, so you'll have something like
class ListIteratorInterface // abstract
virtual Data& operator*()=0;
// and other operations
class ListIteratorA;
class ListIteratorB; // implementation of the above
class ListIterator
ListIteratorInterface* impl_;
// when you create this, allocate impl_ on the heap
// operations, forward anything to impl_
You could store operator+ as a private virtual method in the base class, and have the iterator call that.
Alternatively, you could consider statically polymorphic list classes, rather than runtime polymorphism.
Say I have a templated base class 'List' and two subclasses "ListImpl1" and "ListImpl2"
What exactly do you gain by using inheritance here?