Copy a GCR image from one project to another - google-cloud-platform

I aim to copy a gcr image from one project to another as soon as the image lands in the container registry of the first project. I am aware of the gcloud container images add-tag command, looking for a more automated option. Also the second project where the image has to be copied is protected by VPC-SC. Any leads will be appreciated...

I understand that you are looking for the best way to mirror the GCR images between two projects. Currently, you can follow the workaround in this document click to copy the container images for your use case. At the moment, the only way to move between two registries is by pulling from one and pushing to another, if you have the right permission. There is currently a tool on github that can automate this for you, gcrane click . However, for mirroring the container images between two projects, a feature request has already been submitted but there is no ETA.
According to the GCP documentation click , If the project is protected by VPC-SC, the container registry does not use domain. To achieve this, container registry need to configured via private DNS or BIND to map to the restricted VIP separately from other APIs.

When a change is made to a container registry that you own, a Pub/Sub message can be published. You can use this Pub/Sub message as a trigger to perform work. My immediate thought would be to create a Cloud Function that is triggered by the arrival of a message which then fires off a Cloud Build recipe. The Cloud Build would perform a docker pull of your original image and then a tag rename and then a docker push. It feels like this would be 100% automated and use components that are designed for CI/CD pipelines.
Configuring Pub/Sub notifications
Cloud Build documentation


unable to delete custom plugin from datafusion instance

I tried uploading a custom jar as cdap plugin and it has few errors in it. I want to delete that particular plugin and upload a new one. what is the process for it ? I tried looking for documentation and it was not much informative.
Thanks in advance!
You can click on the hamburger menu, and click on Control Center at the bottom of the left panel. In the Control Center, click on Filter by, and select the checkbox for Artifacts. After that, you should see the artifact being listed in the Control Center, which then you can delete.
Alternatively, we suggest that while developing, the version of the artifact should be suffixed with -SNAPSHOT (ie. 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT). Any -SNAPSHOT version can be overwritten simply by reuploading. This way, you don't have to delete first before deploying a patched plugin JAR.
Actually each Data Fusion instance is running in GCP tenant project inside fully isolated area, keeping all orchestration actions, pipeline lifecycle management tasks and coordination as a part of GCP managed scenarios, thus you can make a user defined actions within a dedicated Data Fusion UI or targeting execution environment via CDAP REST API HTTP calls.
The purpose for using Data Fusion UI is to create a visual design for data pipelines, controlling ETL data processing through different phases of data executions, therefore you can do the same accessing particular CDAP API inventory.
Looking into the origin CDAP documentation you can find Artifact HTTP RESTful API that offers a set of HTTP methods that you can consider to manage custom plugin operations.
Referencing GCP documentation, there are a few simple steps how to prepare sufficient environment, supplying INSTANCE_URL variable for the target Data Fusion instance in order to smoothly trigger API functions within HTTP call methods against CDAP endpoint, i.e.:
export INSTANCE_ID=your-instance-id
export CDAP_ENDPOINT=$(gcloud beta data-fusion instances describe \
--location=us-central1 \
--format="value(apiEndpoint)" \
When you are ready with above steps, you can push a particular HTTP call method, approaching specific action.
For plugin deletion, try this one, invoking HTTP DELETE method:
curl -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Bearer ${AUTH_TOKEN}" "${CDAP_ENDPOINT}/v3/namespaces/system/artifacts/<artifact-name>/versions/<artifact-version>"

How to use a docker file with terraform

Terraform has a dedicated "docker" provider which works with images and containers and which can use a private registry and supply it with credentials, cf. the registry documentation. However, I didn't find any means to supply a Dockerfile directly without use of a separate registry. The problem of handling changes to docker files itself is already solved e.g. in this question, albeit without the use of terraform.
I could do a couple of workarounds: not using the dedicated docker provider, but use some other provider (although I don't know which one). Or I could start my own private registry (possibly in a docker container with terraform), run the docker commands locally which generate the images files (from terraform this could be done using the null_resource of the null provider) and then continue with those.
None of these workarounds make much sense to me. Is there a way to deploy docker containers described in a docker file directly using terraform?
Terraform is a provisioning tool rather than a build tool, so building artifacts like Docker images from source is not really within its scope.
Much as how the common and recommended way to deal with EC2 images (AMIs) is to have some other tool build them and Terraform simply to use them, the same principle applies to Docker images: the common and recommended path is to have some other system build your Docker images -- a CI system, for example -- and to publish the results somewhere that Terraform's Docker provider will be able to find them at provisioning time.
The primary reason for this separation is that it separates the concerns of building a new artifact and provisioning infrastructure using artifacts. This is useful in a number of ways, for example:
If you're changing something about your infrastructure that doesn't require a new image then you can just re-use the image you already built.
If there's a problem with your Dockerfile that produces a broken new image, you can easily roll back to the previous image (as long as it's still in the registry) without having to rebuild it.
It can be tempting to try to orchestrate an entire build/provision/deploy pipeline with Terraform alone, but Terraform is not designed for that and so it will often be frustrating to do so. Instead, I'd recommend treating Terraform as just one component in your pipeline, and use it in conjunction with other tools that are better suited to the problem of build automation.
If avoiding running a separate registry is your goal, I believe that can be accomplished by skipping using docker_image altogether and just using docker_container with an image argument referring to an image that is already available to the Docker daemon indicated in the provider configuration.
docker_image retrieves a remote image into the daemon's local image cache, but docker build writes its result directly into the local image cache of the daemon used for the build process, so as long as both Terraform and docker build are interacting with the same daemon, Terraform's Docker provider should be able to find and use the cached image without interacting with a registry at all.
For example, you could build an automation pipeline that runs docker build first, obtains the raw id (hash) of the image that was built, and then runs terraform apply -var="docker_image=$DOCKER_IMAGE" against a suitable Terraform configuration that can then immediately use that image.
Having such a tight coupling between the artifact build process and the provisioning process does defeat slightly the advantages of the separation, but the capability is there if you need it.

Separate URL for each git branch in Cloud Run

I am looking into Cloud Run to host my new app, and I am wondering if it is possible to generate a separate URL for each git branch.
I use Netlify to host my other app. When it is connected to GitHub (or other VCS services), it builds the source code in a branch and deploy it to a URL that is specific to the branch.
Can it be done easily or do I have to write some logic?
Or do you think AWS amplify or some other services are of better fit?
The concept of Cloud Run and URLs is quite simple:
https://<service-name>-<project hash>.<region>
If your project and region are the same for all the branches, you simply have to deploy a different service for each branch to get a different URL.
That was for Cloud Run. Now, I'm not sure that Netlify is compliant with Cloud Run. I found no documentation on this.
This answer won't be directly useful to you but I think it's relevant and worth mentioning
The open source Knative API (and implementation actually exposes a "tag" feature while splitting the traffic between multiple revisions:
This feature is not currently supported on Cloud Run fully managed, but it will be.
By tagging releases this way, you could define tag: v1 and tag: v2 in your traffic configuration, and you would get new URLs like:
that directly go to these specific versions.
And the interesting thing is, these revisions you specified in the traffic: block of the Service object do not have to receive any traffic (you can say traffic percentage: 0) but it would still create a domain name like I showed above to the inactive revisions of your app.
So when Cloud Run fully-managed supports tag fields, you can actually achieve this, although it will be less out-of-the-box experience than Netlify.

What service should I use to process my files in a Cloud Storage bucket and upload the result?

I have a software that process some files. What I need is:
start a default image on google cloud (I think docker should be a good solution) using an API or a run command
download files from google storage
process it, run my software using those downloaded files
upload the result to google storage
shut the image down, expecting not to be billed anymore
What I do know is how to create my image hehe. But I can't find any info saying me what google cloud service should I use or even if I could do it like I'm thinking. I think I'm not using the right keywords to find what i need.
I was looking at Kubernetes, but i couldn't figure out how to manipulate those instances to execute a one time processing.
Explaining better the process I have an app that receive images and send it to Google storage. After that, I need to process that images, apply filters, georeferencing, split image etc. So I want to start a docker image to process it and upload the results to google cloud again.
If you are using any of the runtimes supported by Google Cloud Functions, they are easiest way to do those kind of operations (i.e. fetch something from Google Cloud Storage, perform some actions on those files and upload them again). The Cloud Functions will be triggered by an event of your choice, and after the job, it will die.
Next option in terms of complexity would be to deploy a Google App Engine application in standard environment. It allows you to deploy your own application written in any of the supported languages for this environment. While there is traffic in your application, you will have instances serving, but the number of instances running can go down to 0 when they are not serving, which would mean less cost.
Another option would be Google App Engine in flexible environment. This product allows you to deploy your application in any custom runtime. This option has always at least one instance running, so it would never shut down.
Lastly, you can use Google Compute Engine to "create and run virtual machines on Google infrastructure". Otherwise than GAE, this is not that managed by Google, which means that most of the configuration is up to you. In this case, you would need to programmatically indicate your VM to shut down after you have finished your operations.
Based on your edit where you stated that you already have an app that is inserting images into Google Cloud Storage, your easiest option would be to use Cloud Functions that are triggered by additions, changes, or deletions to objects in Cloud Storage buckets.
You can follow the Cloud Functions tutorial for Cloud Storage to get an idea of the generic process and then implement your own code that handles your specific tasks. There are other tutorials like the Imagemagick tutorial for Cloud Functions that might also be relevant to the type of processing you intend to do.
Cloud Functions is probably your lightest weight approach. You could of course do more full scale applications, but that is likely overkill, more expensive, and more complex. You can write your processing code in Node.js, Python, or Go.

Trigger deployment button in Jenkins pipeline

I'm setting up a Continuous Delivery pipeline for my team with Jenkins. As a final step, we want to deploy to AWS.
I came across this while searching: :
The last step is a button where you can click to trigger deploying. Very nice! However, I searched throw Jenkins plugins page but I don't think it is there (or it is under a vague name).
Any ideas what it could be?
I'm not sure about the specific plugin you are looking for, but there is a Jenkins plugin for CodeDeploy, which can automatically create a deployment as a post-build action. See:
It really depends on how what kind of requirements you have on the actual deployment procedure. One thing to keep in mind if you do infrastructure as code to setup your pipelines automatically (e.g. through JobDSL or Jenkins Job Builder), is that the particular plugins must be supported. For that reason it some times might be more convenient to just script your deployments instead of relying on plugins. I've implemented multiple deployment jobs from Jenkins to AWS by just using plain AWS CLI commands, e.g. triggering Cloudformation creation/updates.
It turns out that there is a button to trigger an operation in the plugin. It was hard to detect as the UI of the plugin is redesigned and the button became smaller.