Reduce TTFB while requesting public images from Google Cloud Storage [duplicate] - google-cloud-platform

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Is Google Cloud Storage an automagical global CDN?
(4 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
Based on the discussions here I made my Google Cloud Storage image public but its still taking a lot of time for TTFB? Any idea why? How can I reduce the TTFB while calling Google Cloud Storage?. My URL and snapshot of what i see on developer tools is given below
Public image URL

Ok, now I understand your question. Your concern is how to reduce the TTBF time of requesting an image from Google Cloud Storage. There is not a magic way to reduce the TTFB to 0. This is near to impossible. Time to First Byte is how long the browser has to wait before start receiving data. For the specific case of Google Cloud Storage is (in a general way) the time between you requesting an image, this message being delivered to the Google server where your image is stored, this server searching the image and delivering the image to you.
This will depend on 2 main factors:
The speed of the message being transport to/from the server. This will depend on the speed of your connection and the distance between the server and you. It is not the same if you are fetching an image form USA or from India, this will give you 2 very different TTFB.
You can see this example where I get the same image from 2 different buckets with public policy. For reference, I'm in Europe.
Here is my result calling the image from a bucket in Europe:
And here is my result calling the image from India:
As you can see that my download time doesn't increase that much while my TTFB is doubled.
The second factor to see if you want to reduce your TTFB is the speed of the request being processed by your server. In this case, you don't have much influence on this since you are requesting this directly from Google Cloud Storage and you can't modify the code. The only way to influence this is by removing load to the request. Making the image public helps with this because now the server doesn’t have to look for certs or permissions, it will just send you back the image.
So, in conclusion, there is not much that you can do in here to reduce the TTFB more than select a server closer to your user location and improve your internet speed.
I found this article really useful and could help you to understand better the TTFB and how to understand it measurement.

Thanks I have moved my bucket to a nearby location to my users. That has reduced the time


EBS as Image Storing

In my scenario CDN request are for images on the article pages, I want to make sure that they exist before rendering, if one doesn't exist we show a generic one An example is there is 1 image per article.
The problem is occurs when The synchronous requests held the page execution for many minutes and then the load balancer timed out the request. looks like caused by making HTTP requests with no HTTP timeout.
Currently, my resources are in S3 so perhaps a CRON that syncs data hourly to the webservers, and the webservers take a copy of the S3 bucket when building. I think For that solution though I'd need an EBS to scale to our total image size. I'm not sure about it. Can anyone please guide me on how to calculate it, what that would be?
I had tried to use EFS for session storage previously but found its cost was far too high for us to use in production, +$15,000/mo. also please advise if there would be a better solution for this?

Cloud File Storage with Bandwidth Limits

I want to develop an app for a friend's small business that will store/serve media files. However I'm afraid of having a piece of media goes viral, or getting DDoS'd. The bill could go up quite easily with a service like S3 and I really want to avoid surprise expenses like that. Ideally I'd like some kind of max-bandwidth limit.
Now, the solutions for S3 this has been posted here
But it does require quite a few steps. So I'm wondering if there is a cloud storage solution that makes this simpler I.e. where I don't need to create a custom microservice. I've talked to the support on Digital Ocean and they also don't support this
So in the interest of saving time, and perhaps for anyone else who finds themselves in a similar dilemma, I want to ask this question here, I hope that's okay.
Not an out-of-the-box solution, but you could:
Keep the content private
When rendering a web page that contains the file or links to the file, have your back-end generate an Amazon S3 pre-signed URLs to grant time-limited access to the object
The back-end could keep track of the "popularity" of the file and, if it exceeds a certain rate (eg 1000 over 15 minutes), it could instead point to a small file with a message of "please try later"

General guidance around Bigtable performance

I'm using a single node Bigtable cluster for my sample application running on GKE. Autoscaling feature has been incorporated within the client code.
Sometimes I experience slowness (>80ms) for the GET calls. In order to investigate it further, I need some clarity around the following Bigtable behaviour.
I have cached the Bigtable table object to ensure faster GET calls. Is the table object persistent on GKE? I have learned that objects are not persistent on Cloud Function. Do we expect any similar behaviour on GKE?
I'm using service account authentication but how frequently auth tokens get refreshed? I have seen frequent refresh logs for gRPC Java client. I think Bigtable won't be able to serve the requests over this token refreshing period (4-5 seconds).
What if client machine/instance doesn't scale enough? Will it cause slowness for GET calls?
Bigtable client libraries use connection pooling. How frequently connections/channels close itself? I have learned that connections are closed after minutes of inactivity (>15 minutes or so).
I'm planning to read only needed columns instead of entire row. This can be achieved by specifying the rowkey as well as column qualifier filter. Can I expect some performance improvement by not reading the entire row?
According to GCP official docs you can get here the cause of slower performance of Bigtable. I would like to suggest you to go through the docs that might be helpful. Also you can see Troubleshooting performance issues.

How to design scalable video streaming architecture using GCP?

I have a video streaming application which does streaming the video from google storage bucket. All the files which reside on the storage bucket are not public. Every time when users click on a video from the front-end I am generating a signed URL using API and load into the HTML5 video player.
I see if the file size is more than 100 MB it takes around 30-40 sec to load the video on front-end.
When I googled to resolved this problem, some of the articles are saying use cloud CDN and storage bucket then cache the file. As far as I know, to cache the file, the file has to publicly available. I can't make files publicly available.
So my concern is, are there any ways where we can make it scalable/ reduce the initial time?
Cloud CDN will help your latency for sure. Also, with that amount of latency it might be good to look into the actual requests that are being sent to Cloud Storage to make sure chunks are being requested and that the whole video file isn't being loaded before starting to play.
Caching the file does not require that the file is public. You can make the file private and add the Cloud CDN service into your Cloud Storage ACLs ( Also, as Kolban noted above, signed cookies might be better for your application to streamline the requests.
Not an exact answer but this site is useful to design solution using GCP.
As mentioned earlier, CDN is right way to go for video streaming with low latency.

AWS S3 + CDN Speed, significantly slower

So I've been playing around with amazon web services as I am trying to speed up my website and save resources on my server by using AWS S3 & CloudFront.
I ran a page speed test initially, the page speed loaded in 1.89ms. I then put all assets onto an s3 bucket, made that bucket available to cloudfront and then used the cloudfront url on the page.
When I ran the page speed test again using this tool using all their server options I got these results:
Server with lowest speed of : 3.66ms
Server with highest speed of: 5.41ms
As you can see there is a great increase here in speed. Have I missed something, is it configured wrong? I thought the CDN was supposed to make the page speed load faster.
Have I missed something, is it configured wrong? I thought the CDN was supposed to make the page speed load faster.
Maybe, in answer to both of those statements.
CDNs provide two things:
Ability to scale horizontally as request volume increases by keeping copies of objects
Ability to improve delivery experience for users who are 'far away' (either in network or geographic terms) from the origin, either by having content closer to the user, or having a better path to the origin
By introducing a CDN, there are (again two) things you need to keep in mind:
Firstly, the CDN generally holds a copy of your content. If the CDN is "cold" then there is less likely to be any acceleration, especially when the test user is close to the origin
Secondly, you're changing the infrastructure to add an additional 'hop' into the route. If the cache is cold, the origin isn't busy, and you're already close to it, you'll almost always see an increase in latency, not a decrease.
Whether a CDN is right for you or not depends on the type of traffic you're seeing.
If I'm a distributor based in the US with customers all over the world, even for dynamic, completely uncachable content, then using a CDN can help me improve performance for those users.
If I'm a distributor based in North Virginia with customers only in North Virginia, and I only see one request an hour, then I'm likely to have no visible performance improvement - because the cache is likely not to be kept populated, the network path isn't preferable, and I don't have to deal with scale.
Generally, yes, a CDN is faster. But 1.89ms is scorchingly fast; you probably won't beat that, certainly not under any kind of load.
Don't over-optimize here. Whatever you're doing, you have bigger fish to fry than 1.77ms in load time based on only three samples and no load testing.
I've seen the same thing. I initially moved some low-traffic static sites to S3/cloudfront to improve performance, but found even a small linux ec2-instance running nginx would give better response times in my use cases.
For a high traffic, geographically dispersed set of clients S3/Cloudfront would probably outperform.
BTW: I suspect you don't mean 1.89ms, but instead 1.89 seconds, correct?