express-gateway: Is there a way to serve static files direct from the gateway? - express-gateway

I have configured the express-gateway with a few apis and pipelines. I also have a static web app with some html and js files. Can i serve those files directly from the gateway or do i have to add another nginx based microservice to do so?

In general, NodeJS is not the best way to serve static files. The best would be to back that up to something else such as nginx, but you can easily write an EG plugin to serve static files, if you want.


Suggestions for hosting SPA on AWS

I have an application that has an Angular Frontend and a Django Backend. I've already set up my django application to run on Elastic beanstalk, however, I am unsure what I should do to serve static files. I'd rather not handle this within the django application.
I have tried using nginx reverse proxy with elastic beanstalk to properly serve files, however I'm unable to serve them on "/", only extensions like "/index" or "/dashboard", and the js files the index.html needs aren't found (404 error).
I thought about rewriting the entire nginx configuration but I'm unsure where to start. Any ideas would be very helpful!!
You can host your Angular frontend on S3 (with website hosting enabled). To make it more performant and cheap, add CloudFront in front of it. Different paths (APIs) of your application can be routed to backend via CloudFront "Behaviours" feature. You can set No-Caching for those dynamic paths.

Why is it suggested to use a different service to host static files (like nginx or apache) for django?

I've seen many questions on stackoverflow about handling static files in django during deployment. I saw that many answers said something like this - "With debug turned off Django won't handle static files for you any more - your production web server (Apache or something) should take care of that."
Why can't we use the server hosting the django project to host the static files too?
Static files don't require any kind of logic or processing. It is more efficient to deliver them directly to the end-user directly from disk via a web server, rather than running them through the middle layer of Django. That middle layer (such as gunicorn, uwsgi, or mod_wsgi) is what allows things like views to be processed and for the ORM to connect with a database. Since static files require none of that, bypassing it is the most efficient. The same is true for media files that are uploaded by the end user. Good luck!

Serving an Angular2 App on aws s3

I have created a Angular 2 form which posts the form data to a postgres DB using a Rest API. Now, I want to serve my Angular 2 app on AWS S3. I googled on this and I found that creating a webpack is a solution but not able to create one. I want to know where to start with, to bundle my code and serve it on s3.
GitHub link for Form:
Thanks for the Help!!
The quickest way is to build the app using angular-cli and then deploy the content of the 'dist' directory as a static site in S3 (an S3 bucket can be configured to host a static site; make sure you assing read permission to 'anybody' to avoid http 4xx return codes).
You just need to host it as a static site on S3.
Check this:
I infer from your code that you are using angular-cli.
Create a dev/production build
ng build --dev / ng build --prod
Content of your dist folder will contain bundled files for deployment. Your primary file for refrence will be 'index.html' as this will load you angular app.
You need to decide what kind of server you'll be using to serve you webapp.
For development purpose when we do ng serve , webpack-dev-server is used as a static file server (local development). I'll recommend should go with the most comfortable/cost effective solution you can have when deploying to actual server.
Static file Server
Directly hosting website is aws space as a static website.
Aspnet Core with static file server middleware. (*)
Nodejs Express with static file server middleware.(*)
Java serverlet for serving static files. (*)
(*)Following aproach will also allow you to have some server-side code if you require in future.
When you deploy your ng2-app, you should use AOT(ahead of time) compile.
I guess you are using JIT(just in time) compile.
In angular2 guide page,
With AOT, the browser downloads a pre-compiled version of the application. The browser loads executable code so it can render the application immediately, without waiting to compile the app first.
When you use JIT compile, your browser will download vendor.js which is defined by angular2 compiler and it will compile your app just in time. It will be too slow and your client have to download vendor file. When you use AOT, you dont have to use vendor file, so resources are being smaller.
I recommend to use AOT compile when you deploy your app, and use lazy loading for resource size.
If you are curious about ng2 AOT compile, read this guide.
And here is example angular2 app with webpack2 and lazy load.
use file structure and config files in here.
When I tested with example app, files bundled with aot was smaller than 500KB.
When you use aot compile with #ngtools/webpack or whatever,
just put all files in dist directory which have files compiled with aot in your S3 bucket, and I recommend to use aws cloudfront cache for your s3 bucket resources.

Media server vs normal server

I am designing an iphone forum application with django running in amazon ec2. Currently I am learning to deploy django using either nginx or apache. I am confused about media server and normal server. A lot of sources say that nginx is good for serving media files or static content, what does that mean? For normal group conversation/forum application, how does apache and nginx differ in performance etc? When is my mobile application serving dynamic content and when is it serving static content?
Googling will find you better results for a comparison between Apache vs Nginx than anyone on this site can give you. It is too broad of a question and can be highly subjective.
Media Files
Media in a django context generally refers to files that have been uploaded by end users. It is common to have a django view that initially uploads the users file, but then any future access to it is served by a traditional web server like nginx.See the docs for more info.
Static Files
Static in a django context refer to images, javascript and css files. While developing your site, the built-in django development server will serve these files for you. However, when moving to production you will want to use a traditional web server like apache to serve these files. See the docs for more details.
Dynamic Content
This would refer to the content (html, json, xml etc.) that is generated by the views that you write within Django.

aws, django, unicorn and s3 - do I need nginx then?

I'm building app in django which I want to deploy on aws ec2 server. The app will run on gunicorn, and I want to place static files on s3. So my question is - do I need to use nginx at all?
Is there any other benefit of using nginx beside serving static files?
Putting nginx in the front of your stack not only allows you to route static content requests to your s3 storage but also give you the ability to do things like caching your django requests and lower the hits in your app and database. You can set up fine grain cache policies and have more control of exactly where requests will go, all while still under the same url structure as your set up in django.
Even though you're placing static files on S3, you still need a web server to serve them, right? I don't see how S3 changes the fact that with Apache/WSGI or gunicorn it's better to have something like nginx serving static files.
Also, read this: