Kinesis- like sharding with SQS? - amazon-web-services

I'm interested in replacing Kinesis (because it's expensive and I don't need the historic log) with SQS, but I need a sharding/partitioning mechanism, specifically when processing with Lambda.
I see SQS FIFO queues have recently acquired Lambda event mapping -
which I think brings partitioning tantalisingly close via the use of MessageGroupID.
Message processing is described as proceeding via the following rules -
1) Return the oldest message where no other message with the same MessageGroupId is in flight.
2) Return as many messages with the same MessageGroupId as possible.
3) If a message batch is still not full, go back to the first rule. As a result, it’s possible for a single batch to contain messages from multiple MessageGroupIds.
1) and 2) sound great - each Lambda request batch containing a single MessageGroupID only - but then 3) seems to mess it all up :-(
Any thoughts on a strategy to ensure every Lambda request batch only contains messages from a single MessageGroupID ? Possibly via MessageDeduplicationID ?

Suspect the answer here is just to use one queue per “partition” as SQS pricing works on a per-message basis, not per-queue. If you have a lot of “partitions” then create them programmatically during the stack spin up process (e.g. as part of a CodeBuild script), rather than defining each and every queue in CloudFormation.


I want to know when a batch of messages has completed in a AWS SQS Queue

I think this is more of a 'architecture design' question.
I have a lambda producer that will put ~600 messages on a SQS queue (there are multiple producers) as a batch (so not 1 message with a body of ~600 messages). A consumer lambda that will take individual messages and deal with them (at scale). What I want to do is run another lambda when each batch is complete.
Initial ideas was to create a 'unique batch number', a 'total batch number' and a 'batch position number' and add it to the messages attributes for every message. And then in the consumer lambda check the these to decide if the batch is complete.
But does that mean I would need to use a FIFO queue and partition on the batch number and only have one lambda consumer per batch. Or do I run some sort of state management in DynamoDB (is the a pattern out there for this? please guide me on this).
Regards, J
It seems like the goal is to achieve Fork-Join capabilities in a distributed system. One way to handle this in AWS is using Step Functions. Assuming a queue service needs to be used, state of the overall operation will need to be tracked. Some ways to do this are:
Store state of the overall operation in a DB.
Put a 'terminatation' message in the queue after all others and process FIFO.
Create a metadata service which receives 'start' and 'stop' messages for each service and handles them accordingly.
Reference: Fork and Join with Amazon Lambda

SNS > AWS Lambda asyncronous invocation queue vs. SNS > SQS > Lambda

This archhitecture relies solely on Lambda's asyncronous invocation mechanism as described here:
I have a collector function that is invoked once a minute and fetches a batch of data in that can vary drastically in size (tens of of KB to potentially 1-3MB). The data contains a JSON array containing one-to-many records. The collector function segregates these records and publishes them individually to an SNS topic.
A parser function is subribed the SNS topic and has a concurrency limit of 3. SNS asynchronously invokes the parser function per record, meaning that the built-in AWS managed Lambda asyncronous queue begins to fill up as the instances of the parser maxes out at 3. The Lambda queueing mechanism initiates retries at incremental backups when throttling occurs, until the invocation request can be processed by the parser function.
It is imperitive that a record does not get lost during this process as they can not be resurrected. I will be using dead letter queues where needed to ensure they ultimately end up somewhere in case of error.
Testing this method out resulted in no lost invocation. Everything worked as expected. Lambda reported hundreds of throttle responses but I'm relying on this to initiate the Lambda retry behaviour for async invocations. My understanding is that this behaivour is effectively the same as that which I'd have to develop and initiate myself if I wanted to retry consuming a message coming from SQS.
1. Is the built-in AWS managed Lambda asyncronous queue reliable?
The parser could be subject to a consistent load of 200+ invocations per minute for prelonged periods so I want to understand whether the Lambda queue can handle this as sensibly as an SQS service. The main part that concerns me is this statement:
Even if your function doesn't return an error, it's possible for it to receive the same event from Lambda multiple times because the queue itself is eventually consistent. If the function can't keep up with incoming events, events might also be deleted from the queue without being sent to the function. Ensure that your function code gracefully handles duplicate events, and that you have enough concurrency available to handle all invocations.
This implies that an incoming invocation may just be deleted out of thin air. Also in my implementation I'm relying on the retry behaviour when a function throttles.
2. When a message is in the queue, what happens when the message timeout is exceeded?
I can't find a difinitive answer but I'm hoping the message would end up in the configured dead letter queue.
3. Why would I use SQS over the Lambda queue when SQS presents other problems?
See the articles below for arguments against SQS. Overpulling (described in the second link) is of particular concern:
I can't find any articles or discussions of how the Lambda queue performs.
Thanks for reading!
Quite an interesting question. There's a presentation that covered queues in detail. I can't find it at the moment. The premise is the same as this queues are leaky buckets
So what if I add more Leaky Buckets. We'll you've delayed the leaking, however it's now leaking into another bucket. Have you solved the problem or delayed it?
What if I vibrate the buckets at different frequencies?
Further reading:
operate lambda
message expiry
message timeout
DDIA / DDIA Online
SQS Performance
sqs failure modes
mvce is missing from this question so I cannot address the the precise problem you are having.
As for an opinion on which to choose for SQS and Lambda queue I'll point to the Meta on this
sqs faq mentions Kinesis streams
sqs sns kinesis comparison
It depends
I think the biggest advantage of using your own queue is the fact that you as a user have visibility into the state of the your backpressure.
Using the Lambda async invoke method, you have the potential to get throttled exceptions with the 'guarantee' that lambda will retry over an interval. If using a SQS source queue instead, you have complete visibility into the state of your message processing at all times with no ambiguity.
Secondly regarding overpulling. In theory this is a concern but in practice its never happened to me. I've run applications requiring thousands of transactions per second and never once had problems with SQS -> Lambda. Obviously set your retry policy appropriately and use a DLQ as transient/unpredictable errors CAN occur.

How to trigger AWS Lambda just once on multiple S3 notifications

We are designing a pipeline. We get a number of raw files which come into S3 buckets and then we apply a schema and then save them as parquet.
As of now we are triggering a lambda function for each file written but ideally we would like to start this process only after all the files are written. How we can we trigger the lambda just once?
I encourage you to use an alternative that maintains the separation between the publisher (whoever is writing) and the subscriber (you). The publisher tells you when things are written; it's your responsibility to choose when to process those things. The neat pattern here would be for the publisher to write its files in batches and publish manifests for you to trigger on: i.e. a list which says "I just wrote all these things, you can find them in these places". Since you don't have that / can't change the publisher, I suggest the following:
Send the notifications from the publisher to an SQS queue.
Schedule your lambda to run on a schedule; how often is determined by how long you're willing to delay ingestion. If you want data to be delayed at most 5min between being published and getting ingested by your system, set your lambda to trigger every 4min. You can use Cloudwatch notifications for this.
When your lambda runs, poll the queue. Keep going until you accumulate the maximum amount of notifications, X, you want to process in one go, or the queue is empty.
Process. If the queue wasn't empty when you stopped polling, immediately trigger another lambda execution.
Things to keep in mind on the above:
As written, it's not parallel, so if your rate of lambda execution is slower than the rate at which the queue fills up, you'll need to 1. run more frequently or 2. insert a load-balancing step: a lambda that is triggered on a schedule, polls the queue, and calls as many processing lambdas as necessary so that each one gets X notifications.
SNS in general and SQS non-FIFO queues specifically don't guarantee exactly-once delivery. They can send you duplicate notifications. Make sure you can handle duplicate processing cleanly.
Hook your Lambda up to a Webhook (API Gateway) and then just call it from your client app once your client app is done.
Zip all files together, Lambda unzip it
create a UI code and send files one by one, trigger lambda from it when the last one is sent
Lambda check files, if didn't find all files, silent quit. if it finds all files, then handle all files in one thread

How to ensure once-only processing of data in an AWS serverless architecture?

I have some data that needs to be processed at a point in time.
My current strategy is to pull the data every minute and load it into a queue and process it.
I have two concerns with this strategy:
I can't guarantee that the last minute captures all data so I pull the last two minutes; and
Lambdas as far as I know can fire multiple times depending on the trigger (in this case SQS.)
I'm trying to avoid writing a flag to the data because of the spikey nature of batch processing.
The only other solution I can think of is using S3 to create a lock-file.
Is there a better way to 'kick off' future events? Is there a strategy outside database and S3 flags?
Have a look at SQS FIFO Queues, they are designed to deliver once and only once.
You can now use Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) for applications that require messages to be processed in a strict sequence and exactly once using First-in, First-out (FIFO) queues. FIFO queues are designed to ensure that the order in which messages are sent and received is strictly preserved and that each message is processed exactly once. ...source

What if my lambda job, which is subscribed to an AWS SNS topic, goes down or stops working?

I have one publisher and one subscriber for my SNS topic in AWS.
Suppose my subscriber is getting failed and exiting with a failure.
Will SNS repush those failed messages?
If not...
Is there another way to achieve that goal where my system starts processing from the last successful lambda execution?
There is a retry policy, but if your application already received the message, then no. If something goes wrong you won't see it again and since Lambdas don't carry state...You could be in trouble.
I might consider looking at SQS instead of SNS. Remember, messages in SQS won't be removed until you remove them and you can set a window of invisibility. Therefore, you can easily ensure the next Lambda execution picks up where things left off (depending on your settings). Each Lambda would then be responsible for removing that message from SQS and that's how you'd know the message was processed.
Without knowing more about your application and needs, I couldn't say for sure...But I would take a look at it. I've built a "taskmaster" Lambda before that ran on a schedule and read from an SQS queue (multiple queues actually - the scheduled job passed different JSON event based on which queue to read from). It would then pass the job off to the appropriate Lambda "worker" which would then remove that message. Should it stop working...Well, the invisibility period would timeout (and 5 minutes isn't bad here given that's all Lambdas can execute for) and the next Lambda would pick it up. The taskmaster then would run as often as needed and read as many jobs from the queue as necessary. This really helps you have complete control over at what rate you are processing things, how many times you are retrying things, etc. Then you can also make use of a dead-letter queue to catch anything that may have failed (also, think about sticking things back into the queue).
You have a LOT of flexibility with SQS that I'm not really sure you get with SNS to be honest. I was never fond of SNS, though it too has a place and time and so again without knowing more here I couldn't say if SQS would be the fit for you...But I think your concerns can be taken care of with SQS if it makes sense for your application.