PowerBI Failed to execute 'atob' on 'Window' in parsePowerBIAccessToken - powerbi

Randomly today my powerbi embedded code has been throwing:
DOMException: Failed to execute 'atob' on 'Window': The string to be decoded is not correctly encoded.
at window.atob (eval at <anonymous> (https://app.powerbi.com/13.0.11674.244/scripts/reportembed.externals.bundle.min.js:1326:504), <anonymous>:1:83)
at e.parsePowerBIAccessToken (https://app.powerbi.com/13.0.11674.244/scripts/reportEmbed.min.js:1:2331307)
at e.isTokenTenantValid (https://app.powerbi.com/13.0.11674.244/scripts/reportEmbed.min.js:1:2331046)
at t.isPowerBIAccessTokenValid (https://app.powerbi.com/13.0.11674.244/scripts/reportembed.bundle.min.js:21:31523)
at t.promptForLogin (https://app.powerbi.com/13.0.11674.244/scripts/reportembed.bundle.min.js:21:31233)
at m.scope.promptForLogin (https://app.powerbi.com/13.0.11674.244/scripts/reportembed.bundle.min.js:21:25515)
at fn (eval at compile (https://app.powerbi.com/13.0.11674.244/scripts/reportembed.externals.bundle.min.js:1444:307), <anonymous>:4:374)
at m.$digest (https://app.powerbi.com/13.0.11674.244/scripts/reportembed.externals.bundle.min.js:1350:310)
at https://app.powerbi.com/13.0.11674.244/scripts/reportEmbed.min.js:1:1626830
at t.i [as _next] (https://app.powerbi.com/13.0.11674.244/scripts/reportEmbed.min.js:1:189984)
I checked the access token and they appear valid. (No different to the ones working yesterday). I added a debug hook into window.atob and it seems like something inside of parsePowerBIAccessToken is passing undefined to atob. I can't figure out why though unless this code changed.
Kind of stuck on how to figure out the issue. (Not helping that Chrome seems to struggle to debug the lines without crashing).
The code path is trying to run the embed token through this code:
e.prototype.parsePowerBIAccessToken = function() {
return JSON.parse(atob(i.powerBIAccessToken.split(".")[1]))
Odd because the code is clearly using "tokenType: models.TokenType.Embed," and thus probably shouldn't be going down that code path?
I noticed it works if I'm logged into the MS account though, so it's using cookies.

If you copy and paste the embed URL from a report it'll have autoAuth=true in the URL. You must remove this from the embed URL or it attempts to use your cookies to authenticate. (It'll also try to use the embed token like an access token and execute wrong code, so that's MS's bug).
In my JS code I removed the autoAuth from the embed url and it'll skip trying to use cookies.
embedURL = embedURL.replace(/autoAuth=true&/ig, '');

You should always get the embed URL using the REST APIs.
From the embed for your customers (Embed Token) documentation
using Microsoft.PowerBI.Api.V2;
using Microsoft.PowerBI.Api.V2.Models;
// You need to provide the workspaceId where the dashboard resides.
ODataResponseListReport reports = await client.Reports.GetReportsInGroupAsync(workspaceId);
// Get the first report in the group.
Report report = reports.Value.FirstOrDefault();
// Generate Embed Token.
var generateTokenRequestParameters = new GenerateTokenRequest(accessLevel: "view");
EmbedToken tokenResponse = client.Reports.GenerateTokenInGroup(workspaceId, report.Id, generateTokenRequestParameters);
// Generate Embed Configuration.
var embedConfig = new EmbedConfig()
EmbedToken = tokenResponse,
EmbedUrl = report.EmbedUrl,
Id = report.Id
You get the embed URL from the Report object.
The URL you got from powerbi.com is powerbi secure embed and it is not recommended to use this URL for another scenario.

We raised this issue with the PowerBI team. You are supposed to use an API call to get the embed URL for a report. There is an API tester here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/power-bi/reports/getreportingroup
Here is a playground for testing embedding: https://microsoft.github.io/PowerBI-JavaScript/demo/v2-demo/index.html


Attempt to embed back Power BI report fails on Blazor page

My Blazor server app has a page that shows an embedded Power BI report.
The implementation is relatively straightforward: I have a empty div in my page named reportContainer, and use the powerbi.embed(reportContainer, config) provided by PowerBI.js to embed the report.
And it works fine. I can see my report rendered.
I also need to remove the report in some cases. And embed it back if the user wants to. The way I remove the embedded report is simply setting the container div to empty again via JS interop. And embedding back just uses the same code as the first rendering.
Here's the relevant code.
In Blazor page:
private async Task RemoveReportAsync() {
await JSRuntime.InvokeVoidAsync("removeReport");
private async Task ShowReportAsync() {
await JSRuntime.InvokeVoidAsync("showReport");
In script:
function showReport(...) {
var config = ...;
var reportContainer = document.getElementById('reportContainer');
powerbi.embed(reportContainerDiv, config);
function removeReport(){
var reportContainer = document.getElementById('reportContainer');
reportContainer.innerHTML = "";
However, while I can show the report for the first time and remove the report with no problem, subsequential calls to the ShowReportAsync doesn't work. I can still observe the JS method being executed. But the report is not embedded, and the container div remain empty.
What am I missing here? Is there a better way to implement this?
Instead of altering the innerHTML you can use powerbi.reset(element).
This method removes the embed from the service as well as the iframe.
function removeReport(){
var reportContainer = document.getElementById('reportContainer');

Instagram authentication scope param using coldfusion

I have an Instagram application written in Coldfusion 8 that basically pulls in media by tags and then allows people to Like / vote on the photos which is all done via the Instagram API. The Liking part is causing me no end of grief though, as I can get the Authentication and Access_Token without a drama, however the Access_Token doesn't appear to have permission to Like by default. There is an optional param for the Authenticate call "scope" which allows you to pass the permissions allowed for the Access_Token but i cannot work out how to pass this via ColdFusion CFHTTP as a POST.
Here is the preparation for the data to be sent over CFHTTP looping over all params as type="FormField". No matter how I try and present the scope options, either JSON format, string with spaces, string with "+" delimiters it seems to have no effect and the Like operation continues to fail due to permission errors.
var LOCAL = {};
LOCAL['config'] = {};
LOCAL['returnStruct'] = {};
// prep packet required by the main call method
// the following values are required for EVERY call
LOCAL['config']['method'] = 'POST';
LOCAL['config']['format'] = ARGUMENTS['outputType'];
LOCAL['config']['url'] = VARIABLES.authURL;
// variables required by this method
LOCAL['config']['params'] = {};
LOCAL['config']['params']['client_secret'] = ARGUMENTS.client_secret;
LOCAL['config']['params']['grant_type'] = 'authorization_code';
LOCAL['config']['params']['redirect_uri'] = ARGUMENTS.redirect_uri;
LOCAL['config']['params']['code'] = ARGUMENTS.code;
LOCAL['config']['params']['scope'] = 'likes comments relationships';
If anyone else is running into the same issues with "scope" not being correctly applied to the return Access_Token it turns out the problem was Instagram Documentation being vague about where this argument should be used. I had tried it every way possible as a POST operation as it suggested during the server-side Authentication, however it appears to only work if sent as GET params and after some playing around I decided to tack the "scope" param onto the 2nd stage of the authentication which is where the Code is requested and that worked! See below
This will present the user with an confirmation message from Instagram to allow the application to perform Likes on behalf of the user and everything else works like a charm after this.

Failing to fetch CategorizedFacebookType

I have an application which I developed about a year ago and I'm
fetching facebook accounts like this:
facebookClient = new DefaultFacebookClient(access_token);
Connection<CategorizedFacebookType> con = facebookClient.fetchConnection("me/accounts", CategorizedFacebookType.class);
fbAccounts = con.getData();
It worked fine until about a month ago, but now it returns the
fbAccounts list empty. Why is that?
I was hoping moving from restfb-1.6.2.jar to restfb-1.6.9.jar would
help but no luck, it comes up empty on both.
What am I missing?
EDIT, to provide the code for another error I have with this API. The following code used to work:
String id = page.getFbPageID(); // (a valid facebook page id)
FBInsightsDaily daily = new FBInsightsDaily(); // an object holding some insights values
try {
Parameter param = Parameter.with("asdf", "asdf"); // seems like the param is required
JsonObject allValues = facebookClient.executeMultiquery(createQueries(date, id), JsonObject.class, param);
This throws the following exception:
com.restfb.json.JsonException: JsonArray[0] not found.
at com.restfb.json.JsonArray.get(JsonArray.java:252)
at com.restfb.json.JsonArray.getJsonObject(JsonArray.java:341)
Again, this used to work fine but now throws this.
You need the manage_pages permission from the user to access their list of adminned pages - a year ago I'm not sure you did - check that you're obtaining that permission from your users
Some of the insights metrics were also deprecated, the specific values you're checking may no longer exist - https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/fql/insights/ should have the details of what is available now
Try to check your queries manually in the Graph API Explorer to eliminate any issues in your code and hopefully get more detailed error messages that your SDK may be swallowing

How execute a FQL Insights query with Facebook Graph API

I try without success to execute a FQL query using Graph API to get the value of Insights counters.
Does anyone know how I can do this?
I use "Facebook C# SDK" version 5.4.1, C# 4.0.
If I use C# sample code provided in the documentation
var fb = new FacebookClient(m_accessToken);
dynamic result = fb.Query("SELECT name, uid FROM user WHERE uid= me()");
I receive a good response
With the same syntax, If I request "pages_fans" Insights counter and use library 5.4.1
var fb = new FacebookClient(m_accessToken);
dynamic result = fb.Query("SELECT metric, value FROM insights WHERE object_id=6176018219 AND metric='page_fans' AND end_time=end_time_date('2011-12-31') AND period=period('lifetime')");
I receive always an empty response
With the same code but with library 5.2.1
I receive always a good response
It is the same problem described here : Error with FQL query with library 5.4.1 but with another syntax.
Currently I use FQL Insights queries using REST API (with libary 5.2.1) but I want to migrate to FQL Insights queries using the Graph API (with library 5.4.1) because the REST API is deprecated.
Where is the bug:
In my syntax request?
In the "Facebook C# SDK" library?
On Facebook server?
Best regards.
I made a request with the Facebook Graph API Explorer
https://graph.facebook.com/fql?q=SELECT metric, value FROM insights
WHERE object_id=6176018219 AND metric='page_fans' AND
end_time=end_time_date('2011-12-31') AND period=period('lifetime')
I receive always an empty response.
"data": [
It is a Facebook's bug.
A bug was created about it on Facebook : http://developers.facebook.com/bugs/232510993491615?browse=search_4f08c675cce9d2265724293
I found another way to retrieving the info which works reliably
I found another way of retrieving insights which seems to be reliable.
documentation found here http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/insights/.
with more options to allow format and period changes - below example.
period is day, month, week, lifetime.
timestamp has to be a valid PST midnight only.
access_token = could be.
1. nothing for the metrics that don't need permission.
2. app_id|secret_code or
3. your authentication token granted that you have access to the insight data of the application or pages (ie owner or insight users).
C# sdk example:
FacebookClient fbClient = new FacebookClient([appID], [secret]);
DateTime untilDate= (new DateTime([Now].Year, [Now].Month, [Now].Day));
DateTime sinceDate= (new DateTime([Now].Year, [Now].Month, [Now].Day)).AddDays(-1);
TimeSpan t = (untilDate- new DateTime(1970, 1, 1));
int timestampUntil = (int)t.TotalSeconds;
t = (sinceDate- new DateTime(1970, 1, 1));
int timeStampSince = (int)t.TotalSeconds;
var result = (IDictionary<string, object>)fbClient.Get([appID] + "/insights/" + [metricID] + "/" + [period] + "?format=json&since="+timeStampSince+"&until="+timestampUntil );
Make sure you have the correct permissions when you get your Access Token
<fb:login-button perms="read_insights"></fb:login-button>
This issue related to Facebook C# SDK.
Probably best thing you can do is file a bug on codeplex, and replace usage of end_time_date to "time in seconds" and period to "lifetime".

Trouble Getting Data from a Webservice using Qooxdoo

My capstone team has decided to use Qooxdoo as the front end for our project. We're developing apps for OpenFlow controllers using NOX, so we're using the NOX webservices framework. I'm having trouble getting data from the service; I know the service is running because if I go to the URL using Firefox the right data shows up. Here's the relevant portion of my code:
var req = new qx.io.remote.Request("http://localhost/ws.v1/hello/world",
"GET", "text/plain");
req.addListener("complete", function(e) {
var get = new qx.ui.form.Button("get");
get.addListener("execute", function() {
alert("The button has been pressed");
}, this);
In the firebug console I get this message after I click through the alert:
008402 qx.io.remote.Exchange: Unknown status code: 0 (4)
And if I press the Get button again I get this error:
027033 qx.io.remote.transport.XmlHttp[56]: Failed with exception: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80070057 (NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE) [nsIXMLHttpRequest.open]" nsresult: "0x80070057 (NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE)" location: "JS frame :: file:///home/user/qooxdoo-1.0-sdk/framework/source/class/qx/io/remote/transport/XmlHttp.js :: anonymous :: line 279" data: no]
I've also looked at the Twitter Client tutorial, however the "dataChange" event I set up in place of the "tweetsChanged" event never fired. Any help is appreciated, thank you.
This sound like a cross domain request issue. qx.io.remote.Request uses XHR for transporting the data which may not work in every case due to the browser restriction. Switching the crossDomain flag on the request to true will change from XHR to a dynamically inserted script tag doesn't have the cross domain restriction (but other restrictions).
Maybe that solves your problem.
Additionally, you can take a look at the documentation of the remote package to get some further details on cross domain requests:
Also take care not to use a request object twice. The only work once.