not able to shift hex data in a unsigned long - c++

i am trying to convert IEEE 754 Floating Point Representation to its Decimal Equivalent so i have an example data [7E FF 01 46 4B CD CC CC CC CC CC 10 40 1B 7E] which is in hex.
char strResponseData[STATUS_BUFFERSIZE]={0};
unsigned long strData = (((strResponseData[12] & 0xFF)<< 512 ) |((strResponseData[11] & 0xFF) << 256) |((strResponseData[10] & 0xFF)<< 128 ) |((strResponseData[9] & 0xFF)<< 64) |((strResponseData[8] & 0xFF)<< 32 ) |((strResponseData[7]& 0xFF) << 16) |((strResponseData[6] & 0xFF )<< 8) |(strResponseData[5] & 0xFF));
value = IEEEHexToDec(strData,1);
then i am passing this value to this function
IEEEHexToDec(unsigned long number, int isDoublePrecision)
int mantissaShift = isDoublePrecision ? 52 : 23;
unsigned long exponentMask = isDoublePrecision ? 0x7FF0000000000000 : 0x7f800000;
int bias = isDoublePrecision ? 1023 : 127;
int signShift = isDoublePrecision ? 63 : 31;
int sign = (number >> signShift) & 0x01;
int exponent = ((number & exponentMask) >> mantissaShift) - bias;
int power = -1;
double total = 0.0;
for ( int i = 0; i < mantissaShift; i++ )
int calc = (number >> (mantissaShift-i-1)) & 0x01;
total += calc * pow(2.0, power);
double value = (sign ? -1 : 1) * pow(2.0, exponent) * (total + 1.0);
return value;
but in return am getting value 0, also when am trying to print strData it is giving me only CCCCCD.
i am using eclipse ide.
please i need some suggestion

((strResponseData[12] & 0xFF)<< 512 )
First, the << operator takes a number of bits to shift, you seem to be confusing it with multiplication by the resulting power of two - while it has the same effect, you need to supply the exponent. Given that you have no typical data types of 512 bit width, it's fairly certain that this should actually be.
((strResponseData[12] & 0xFF)<< 9 )
Next, it's necessary for the value to be shifted to be of a sufficient type to hold the result before you do the shift. A char is obviously not sufficient, so you need to explicitly cast the value to a sufficient type to hold the result before you perform the shift.
Additionally keep in mind that depending on your platform an unsigned long may be either a 32 bit or 64 bit type, so if you were doing an operation with a bit shift where the result would not fit in 32 bits, you may want to use an unsigned long long or better yet make things unambiguous, for example with #include <stdint.h> and type such as uint32_t or uint64_t. Given that your question is tagged "embedded" this is especially important to keep in mind as you might be targeting a 32 (or even 8) bit processor, but sometimes building algorithms to test on the development machine instead.
Further, a char can be either a signed or an unsigned type. Before shifting, you should make that explicit. Given that you are combining multiple pieces of something, it is almost certain that at least most of these should be treated as unsigned.
So probably you want something like
((uint32_t)(strResponseData[12] & 0xFF)<< 9 )
Unless you are on an odd platform where char is not 8 bits (for example some TI DSP's) you probably don't need to pre-mask with 0xff, but it's not hurting anything
Finally it is not 100% clear what you are staring with:
i have an example data [7E FF 01 46 4B CD CC CC CC CC CC 10 40 1B 7E] which is in hex.
Is ambiguous as it is not clear if you mean
[0x7e, 0xff, 0x01, 0x46...]
Which would be an array of byte values which debugging code has printed out in hex for human convenience, or if you actually mean that you something such as
"[7E FF 01 46 .... ]"
Which string of text containing a human readable representation of hex digits as printable characters. In the latter case, you'd first have to convert the character representation of hex digits or octets into into numeric values.


How does this Union and Bit field interaction work?

So here is an example:
struct field
unsigned int a : 8;
unsigned int b : 8;
unsigned int c : 8;
unsigned int d : 8;
union test
unsigned int raw;
field bits;
int main()
test aUnion;
aUnion.raw = 0xabcdef;
printf("a: %x \n", aUnion.bits.a);
printf("b: %x \n", aUnion.bits.b);
printf("c: %x \n", aUnion.bits.c);
printf("d: %x \n", aUnion.bits.d);
return 0;
now running this I get:
a: ef
b: cd
c: ab
d: 0
And I guess I just dont really get whats happening here. So I set raw to a value, and since this is a union, everything else pulls from that since they have all been set to be smaller than an unsigned int? so the bit field is based on raw? but how does that map out? why is d: 0 in this instance?
I would appreciate any help here.
Using hexadecimal representation of an integer is useful because it makes clear what is the value of every byte of the integer. So the setting
aUnion.raw = 0xabcdef;
means that the value of least significant byte is 0xef, that the second least significant byte has value 0xcd and so on. But you are setting the raw field of the union, that is an integer so it is 4 bytes long. In the previous representation the most significant byte is missing, so it can be written as
aUnion.raw = 0x00abcdef;
(it is like making explicit that an integer x = 42 has 0 hundreds, 0 thousands and so on).
Your union fields represent respectively a =byte[0], b = byte[1], c = byte[2] and d = byte[3] of the integer raw, since in a union all the elements share the same memory location. This is true because you are running your code in a little endian architecture (least significant bytes come first).
a = byte[0] of raw = 0xef
b = byte[1] of raw = 0xcd
c = byte[2] of raw = 0xab
d = byte[3] of raw = 0x00
Its because your unsigned int isn't 32 bit long enough (all 32 bits not set) to completely fill all the bit field values. Because it only 24 bits long, the bit field d is showing hex value of 00 . Try it for e.g.
aUnion.raw = 0xffabcdef;
which will produce
a: ef
b: cd
c: ab
d: ff
Since the dd bit field occupies bits 24-32 (on little endian), unless the assigned unsigned int field has been assigned a value that occupies those bits set, that bit field position doesn't show the value too.

32 bit binary to 24 bit signed conversion

I'm using a 24 bit I2C ADC with the Arduino and there is no 3 byte (24 bit) data type so I instead used the uint32_t which is a 32 bit unsigned int. My actual output however, is a 24 bit signed number as you can see below:
Also here is the code that I used to read the results if you're interested:
uint32_t readData(){
byte dataMSB =;
byte data =;
byte dataLSB =;
uint32_t data32 = dataMSB;
data32 <<= 8;
data32 |= data;
data32 <<= 8;
data32 |= dataLSB;
return data32;
In order for this number to be useful, I need to convert it back to a 24 bit signed integer (I'm not sure how to do that or eve if it's possible because 24 is not a power of 2) so I'm a bit stuck. It would be great if somebody can help me as I'm almost finished with the project and this is one of the last few steps.
The problem is that there’s no safe and portable way to use shifting for sign extension in C — at best it is implementation defined. So if you want to do it portably, you need to convert your 2s-complement value manually into a signed integer.
int32_t cvt24bit(uint32_t val) {
val &= 0xffffff; // limit to 24 bits -- may not be necessary
if (val >= (UINT32_C(1) << 23))
return (int32_t)val - (INT32_C(1) << 24);
return val;
this will take your 24-bit two’s-complement value in a uint32_t and convert it to a (signed) int32_t.
Conversion from 24-bit two’s complement in a uint32_t to int32_t can be done with:
int32_t Convert(uint32_t x)
int32_t t = x & 0xffffff;
return t - (t >> 23 << 24);
The x & 0xffffff ensures the number has no spurious bits above bit 23. If it is certain no such bits are set, then the statement can be just int32_t t = x;.
Then t >> 23 removes bits 0 to 22, leave just bit 23, which is the sign bit for a 24-bit integer. Then << 24 scales this, producing either 0 (for positive numbers) or 224 (for negative numbers). Subtracting that from t produces the desired value.
Use int32_t instead of unit32_t for data32. Then before returning the value, shift it left by 8, then right by 8 to sign extend it.
So this code:
uint32_t readData(){
byte dataMSB =;
byte data =;
byte dataLSB =;
int32_t data32 = dataMSB;
data32 <<= 8;
data32 |= data;
data32 <<= 8;
data32 |= dataLSB;
return (data32 << 8) >> 8;

Split parts of a uint32_t hex value into smaller parts in C++

I have a uint32_t as follows:
uint32_t midiData=0x9FCC00;
I need to separate this uint32_t into smaller parts so that 9 becomes its own entity, F becomes its own entity, and CC becomes its own entity. If you're wondering what I am doing, I am trying to break up the parts of a MIDI message so that they are easier to manage in my program.
I found this solution, but the problem is I don't know how to apply it to the CC section, and that I am not sure that this method works with C++.
Here is what I have so far:
uint32_t midiData=0x9FCC00;
uint32_t status = 0x0FFFFF & midiData; // Retrieve 9
uint32_t channel = (0xF0FFFF & midiData)>>4; //Retrieve F
uint32_t note = (0xFF00FF & midiData) >> 8; //Retrieve CC
Is this correct for C++? Reason I ask is cause I have never used C++ before and its syntax of using the > and < has always confused me (thus why I tend to avoid it).
You can use bit shift operator >> and bit masking operator & in C++ as well.
There are, however, some issues on how you use it:
Operator v1 & v2 gives a number built from those bits that are set in both v1 and v2, such that, for example, 0x12 & 0xF0 gives 0x10, not 0x02. Further, bit shift operator takes the number of bits, and a single digit in a hex number (which is usually called a nibble), consists of 4 bits (0x0..0xF requires 4 bits). So, if you have 0x12 and want to get 0x01, you have to write 0x12 >>4.
Hence, your shifts need to be adapted, too:
#define BITS_OF_A_NIBBLE 4
unsigned char status = (midiData & 0x00F00000) >> (5*BITS_OF_A_NIBBLE);
unsigned char channel = (midiData & 0x000F0000) >> (4*BITS_OF_A_NIBBLE);
unsigned char note = (midiData & 0x0000FF00) >> (2*BITS_OF_A_NIBBLE);
unsigned char theRest = (midiData & 0x000000FF);
You have it backwards, in a way.
In boolean logic (the & is a bitwise-AND), ANDing something with 0 will exclude it. Knowing that F in hex is 1111 in binary, a line like 0x9FCC00 & 0x0FFFFF will give you all the hex digits EXCEPT the 9, the opposite of what you want.
So, for status:
uint32_t status = 0xF000000 & midiData; // Retrieve 9
Actually, this will give you 0x900000. If you want 0x9 (also 9 in decimal), you need to bitshift the result over.
Now, the right bitshift operator (say, X >> 4) means move X 4 bits to the right; dividing by 16. That is 4 bits, not 4 hex digits. 1 hex digit == 4 bits, so to get 9 from 0x900000, you need 0x900000 >> 20.
So, to put them together, to get a status of 9:
uint32_t status = (0xF000000 & midiData) >> 20;
A similar process will get you the remaining values you want.
In general I'd recommend shift first, then mask - it's less error prone:
uint8_t cmd = (midiData >> 16) & 0xff;
uint8_t note = (midiData >> 8) & 0x7f; // MSB can't be set
uint8_t velocity = (midiData >> 0) & 0x7f; // ditto
and then split the cmd variable:
uint8_t status = (cmd & 0xf0); // range 0x00 .. 0xf0
uint8_t channel = (cmd & 0x0f); // range 0 .. 15
I personally wouldn't bother mapping the status value back into the range 0 .. 15 - it's commonly understood that e.g. 0x90 is a "note on", and not the plain value 9.

C++ How to combine two signed 8 Bit numbers to a 16 Bit short? Unexplainable results

I need to combine two signed 8 Bit _int8 values to a signed short (16 Bit) value. It is important that the sign is not lost.
My code is:
unsigned short lsb = -13;
unsigned short msb = 1;
short combined = (msb << 8 )| lsb;
The result I get is -13. However, I expect it to be 499.
For the following examples, I get the correct results with the same code:
msb = -1; lsb = -6; combined = -6;
msb = 1; lsb = 89; combined = 345;
msb = -1; lsb = 13; combined = -243;
However, msb = 1; lsb = -84; combined = -84; where I would expect 428.
It seems that if the lsb is negative and the msb is positive, something goes wrong!
What is wrong with my code? How does the computer get to these unexpected results (Win7, 64 Bit and VS2008 C++)?
Your lsb in this case contains 0xfff3. When you OR it with 1 << 8 nothing changes because there is already a 1 in that bit position.
Try short combined = (msb << 8 ) | (lsb & 0xff);
Or using a union:
#include <iostream>
union Combine
short target;
char dest[ sizeof( short ) ];
int main()
Combine cc;
cc.dest[0] = -13, cc.dest[1] = 1;
std::cout << << std::endl;
It is possible that lsb is being automatically sign-extended to 16 bits. I notice you only have a problem when it is negative and msb is positive, and that is what you would expect to happen given the way you're using the or operator. Although, you're clearly doing something very strange here. What are you actually trying to do here?
Raisonanse C complier for STM8 (and, possibly, many other compilers) generates ugly code for classic C code when writing 16-bit variables into 8-bit hardware registers.
Note - STM8 is big-endian, for little-endian CPUs code must be slightly modified. Read/Write byte order is important too.
So, standard C code piece:
unsigned int ch1Sum;
TIM5_CCR1H = ch1Sum >> 8;
TIM5_CCR1L = ch1Sum;
Is being compiled to:
;TIM5_CCR1H = ch1Sum >> 8;
LDW X,ch1Sum
;TIM5_CCR1L = ch1Sum;
MOV TIM5_CCR1+1,ch1Sum+1
Too long, too slow.
My version:
unsigned int ch1Sum;
TIM5_CCR1H = ((u8*)&ch1Sum)[0];
TIM5_CCR1L = ch1Sum;
That is compiled into adequate two MOVes
;TIM5_CCR1H = ((u8*)&ch1Sum)[0];
MOV TIM5_CCR1,ch1Sum
;TIM5_CCR1L = ch1Sum;
MOV TIM5_CCR1+1,ch1Sum+1
Opposite direction:
unsigned int uSonicRange;
((unsigned char *)&uSonicRange)[0] = TIM1_CCR2H;
((unsigned char *)&uSonicRange)[1] = TIM1_CCR2L;
instead of
unsigned int uSonicRange;
uSonicRange = TIM1_CCR2H << 8;
uSonicRange |= TIM1_CCR2L;
Some things you should know about the datatypes (un)signed short and char:
char is an 8-bit value, thats what you where looking for for lsb and msb. short is 16 bits in length.
You should also not store signed values in unsigned ones execpt you know what you are doing.
You can take a look at the two's complement. It describes the representation of negative values (for integers, not for floating-point values) in C/C++ and many other programming languages.
There are multiple versions of making your own two's complement:
int a;
// setting a
a = -a; // Clean version. Easier to understand and read. Use this one.
a = (~a)+1; // The arithmetical version. Does the same, but takes more steps.
// Don't use the last one unless you need it!
// It can be 'optimized away' by the compiler.
stdint.h (with inttypes.h) is more for the purpose of having exact lengths for your variable. If you really need a variable to have a specific byte-length you should use that (here you need it).
You should everythime use datatypes which fit your needs the best. Your code should therefore look like this:
signed char lsb; // signed 8-bit value
signed char msb; // signed 8-bit value
signed short combined = msb << 8 | (lsb & 0xFF); // signed 16-bit value
or like this:
#include <stdint.h>
int8_t lsb; // signed 8-bit value
int8_t msb; // signed 8-bit value
int_16_t combined = msb << 8 | (lsb & 0xFF); // signed 16-bit value
For the last one the compiler will use signed 8/16-bit values everytime regardless what length int has on your platform. Wikipedia got some nice explanation of the int8_t and int16_t datatypes (and all the other datatypes).
btw: is useful for looking up the ANSI C standards and other things that are worth to know about C/C++.
You wrote, that you need to combine two 8-bit values. Why you're using unsigned short then?
As Dan already said, lsb automatically extended to 16 bits. Try the following code:
uint8_t lsb = -13;
uint8_t msb = 1;
int16_t combined = (msb << 8) | lsb;
This gives you the expected result: 499.
If this is what you want:
msb: 1, lsb: -13, combined: 499
msb: -6, lsb: -1, combined: -1281
msb: 1, lsb: 89, combined: 345
msb: -1, lsb: 13, combined: -243
msb: 1, lsb: -84, combined: 428
Use this:
short combine(unsigned char msb, unsigned char lsb) {
return (msb<<8u)|lsb;
I don't understand why you would want msb -6 and lsb -1 to generate -6 though.

convert md5 string to base 62 string in c++

i'm trying to convert an md5 string (base 16) to a base 62 string in c++. every solution i've found so far for converting to base 62 only works if you can represent your number as a 64 bit integer or smaller. an md5 string is 128 bits and i'm not getting anywhere with this on my own.
should i just include a bigint library and be done with it?
Let's see. 128/log2(62)=21.497. That means you'd need 22 "digits" for a base-62 representation.
If you're just interested in a string representation that's not longer than 22 characters and doesn't use more than 62 different characters, you don't need a real base-62 representation. You can break up 128 bits into smaller pieces and code the pieces separately. This way you won't need any 128 bit arithmetics. You could split the 128 bits to 2x64 bits and encode each 64 bit chunk with a string of length 11. Doing so is even possible with just 57 different characters. So, you could eliminate 5 of the 62 characters to avoid any "visual ambiguities". For example, remove l,1,B,8. That leaves 58 different characters and 11*log2(58)=64.438 which is just enough to encode 64 bits.
Getting the two 64 bit chunks is not that difficult:
#include <climits>
#if CHAR_BIT != 8
#error "platform not supported, CHAR_BIT==8 expected"
// 'long long' is not yet part of C++
// But it's usually a supported extension
typedef unsigned long long uint64;
uint64 bits2uint64_bigendian(unsigned char const buff[]) {
return (static_cast<uint64>(buff[0]) << 56)
| (static_cast<uint64>(buff[1]) << 48)
| (static_cast<uint64>(buff[2]) << 40)
| (static_cast<uint64>(buff[3]) << 32)
| (static_cast<uint64>(buff[4]) << 24)
| (static_cast<uint64>(buff[5]) << 16)
| (static_cast<uint64>(buff[6]) << 8)
| static_cast<uint64>(buff[7]);
int main() {
unsigned char md5sum[16] = {...};
uint64 hi = bits2uint64_bigendian(md5sum);
uint64 lo = bits2uint64_bigendian(md5sum+8);
For simplicity, you can use my uint128_t c++ class ( With it, a base converter would look pretty much as simple as this:
#include "uint128.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
int main() {
char a[] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789";
uint128_t x = U128_C(0x130eb6003540debd012d96ce69453aed);
std::string r;
r.reserve(22); // shouldn't result in more than 22 chars
// 6-bits per 62-bit value means (128 / 6 == 21.3)
while(x != 0) {
r += a[(x % 62).to_integer()];
x /= 62;
// when converting bases by division, the digits are reversed...fix that :-)
std::reverse(r.begin(), r.end());
std::cout << r << std::endl;
This prints:
GMP provides a convenient c++ binding for arbitrary precision integers