Google sheet custom formula with SEARCH function using multiple words - regex

The following formula works to make a search using a custom formula
but dont work if I use the logical operator OR. Example :
Is there a way to solve this issue?

=(SEARCH("release", $C:$C))+(SEARCH("prod", $C:$C))
=REGEXMATCH($C:$C, "release|prod")


How to use regexextract on an imported data?

I can't get my regexextract to work properly on google sheets.
I have imported data from one tab to another, like this:
=IMPORTRANGE(""; "SheetName 1!A2:G103")
This works fine and what Im importing are percentages. Now, what I'm trying to do is to use regex to extract the numbers and omit the '%' symbol.
Normally I would type: =VALUE(REGEXEXTRACT(A11,"\D+"))but it doesn't work. However, if I use this exact Regex on any 'normal' cell (cell that is not an import from another tab), it works.
Is there a reasong regex doesn't work on an imported value?
I have to send surveys to clients to know if they are satisfied with the provided service. Customers will choose between a few options. I do that using google forms by creating one form, and I link it to a google sheet where the answers from the form are pasted:
On the same sheet, I've added a tab where I import the data from the previous tab, by using importrange:
As you can see, it works. But I want to take out the letters and the '%' symbol. I just want the numbers so I can run an AVG function.
Is there a way to do that?
You can try the following:
Here is the sample input and output data using the previous function:
I think the problem is just related to the capital "D" since you need to use "d" instead.
You can check this other post as a reference:
What does \d+ mean in regular expression terms?

How to Keep rows of multi-line cells containing a keyword in google sheets

I'm trying to keep lines that contain the word "NOA" in a column A which has many multi-line cells as can be viewed in this Google Spreadsheet.
If "NOA" is present then, I would like to keep the line. The input and output should look like the image which I have "working" with too-many helper cells. Can this be combined into a single formula?
Theoretical Approaches:
I have been thinking about three approaches to solve this:
ARRAYFORMULA(REGEXREPLACE - couldn't get it to work
JOIN(FILTER(REGEXMATCH(TRANSPOSE - showing promise as it works in multiple steps
Using the QUERY Function - unfamiliar w/ function but wondering if this function has a fast solution
Practical attempts:
FIRST APPROACH: first I attempted using REGEXEXTRACT to extract out everything that did not have NOA in it, the Regex worked in demo but didn't work properly in sheets. I thought this might be a concise way to get the value, perhaps if my REGEX skill was better?
ARRAYFORMULA(REGEXREPLACE(A1:A7, "^(?:[^N\n]|N(?:[^O\n]|O(?:[^A\n]|$)|$)|$)+",""))
I think the Regex because overly complex, didn't work in Google or perhaps the formula could be improved, but because Google RE2 has limitations it makes it harder to do certain things.
Then I came up with an alternate approach which seems to work 2 stages (with multiple helper cells) but I would like to do this with one equation.
Can these formulas be combined and applied to the entire Column using an Index or Array?
Or perhaps, the REGEX in my first approach can be modified?
Is there a faster solution using Query?
The shared Google spreadhseet is here.
Thank you in advance for your help.
Here's one way you can do that:
filter(A2:A,A2:A<>""),char(10)),))," ","❄️")
,,9^9)))," ",char(10)),"❄️"," "))
First, we split the data by the newline (char 10), then we filter out the lines that don't contain NOA and finally we use a "query smush" to join everything back together.

Google Sheets regexextract multiple text strings from a cell

I am trying to extract the hashtag info from a twitter data cell in google sheets.
We can call this Cell A1:
In a perfect situation I would be able to produce this in another cell extracted from A1:
#QOTD #CSEC4CG #myCSEC #Connecticut #Giveback #COVID19
I am lost how to do it using REGEXTRACT. I assume this is the best method, but any that gets the job done is good.
Thank you for any help!
You want to achieve the following conversion using the built-in functions in Google Spreadsheet.
#QOTD #CSEC4CG #myCSEC #Connecticut #Giveback #COVID19
If my understanding is correct, how about this answer?
Sample formula:
=TRIM(REGEXREPLACE(REGEXREPLACE(A1,"\[|\]|,",""),"{""text"":""(.+?)""""indices"":.+?}"," #$1"))
In this case, it supposes that the input value is put in the cell "A1".
The flow is as follows.
Replace \[|\]|, with "" using REGEXREPLACE.
Replace {""text"":""(.+?)""""indices"":.+?} with " #$1" using REGEXREPLACE.
The top space is removed with TRIM.

Using IFS and REGEXMATCH Fails

I'm trying to use the following IFS statement
but Google Sheets keeps saying the syntax is wrong. What is wrong with this?
Column B is a text column.
Other similar posts did not work for me.
The formula works fine.
You probably need to change it (depending on your locale) to:
Another improvement you may make is to wrap it in the IFNA function
=IFNA(IFS(REGEXMATCH(D2,"football"),"brown",REGEXMATCH(D2,"baseball"),"white"),"No match")

openoffice calc use contents of a cell as the formula for another

I searched for this and couldn't find how to do it. I have a cell that has an equation like: ".25 + .33" which I want displayed exactly like that. In the cell next to it, I want it to give me the result of that equation, ie, to turn that into "=.25 - .33" and show the result. I know I could do it the other way around, typing the formula out, and then using =FORMULA() and REPLACE() to remove the '=' or even use macros. But that's not what I want in this case. Is there a way to do this? I tried looking at functions like =INDIRECT() but no joy.
Given the constraints you have chosen, in a word, No.