I have added a custom namespace and xml packet structure to ejabberd.
How can I scale ejabberd to process multiple packets (with different namespaces) to run on different queues in parallel and return the response to the client?
I remember observing the 'iqdisc' option in ejabberd, but it has been removed now.
Is there a way I can achieve this behavior? Am I missing something else here?
Any suggestions/pointers would be really appreciated.
As far as what I have found online, ejabberd follows the one-process-per-connection idiom. There was no direct config option as such, so I had to manually spawn queues from the calling process and then route the packet back to the client.
I'm right now I have a Thrift TSimpleServer that is going to accept connection from multiple clients at once. Once those clients connect they will be sending data that is to be stored in a respective file on the server. Now I'm pretty new to thrift so I'm not sure how the TSimpleServer handles multiple connections(haven't tested that yet) anyways I'm not even sure how to go about saving the received data in separate files simultaneously. I assume a separate thread is created to handle each client connections but how do give each thread a file path to use?
TSimpleServer handles simply :-) one connection at a time. You may want to use TThreadedServer or TThreadPoolServer which are able to process requests in parallel.
How you do give each thread a file depends on your exact use case. For example, you could consider deriving an own version of a thread factory and register this one with the thread Manager. Although the following blog post does not exactly cover your scenario, you should get the idea from the code at the end of the text:
Looking for the best approach to sending the same message to multiple destinations using TCP/IP sockets. I'm working with an existing VS 2010 C++ application on Windows. Hoping to use a standard library/design pattern approach that has many of the complexities already worked out if possible.
Here's one approach I'm thinking about.. One main thread retrieves messages from a database and adds them to some sort of thread safe queue. The application also has one thread for each client socket connection to some destination server. Each one of these threads would read from the thread safe queue, and send the message over a tcp/ip socket.
There may be better/simpler/more robust approaches than this one though..
The issues I have to be concerned about mostly are latency. The destinations could be anywhere, and there may be significant latency between one socket connection and another.
The messages must go in an exact FIFO order to all the destinations.
Also one destination will be considered the primary destination.. all messages must get to this destination, no exceptions. For the other destinations, i.e. non-primary, the messages are just copies and it's not absolutely critical if the non-primary destinations do not receive a few messages. At any point, one of the non-primary destinations could become the primary destination. If one of the destinations falls too far behind, then that thread would need to catch up to the primary destination, but skipping some messages.
Looking for any suggestions. Preliminary research so far, my situation appears to be something akin to a single producer and multiple consumers pattern, or possibly master-worker pattern in Java.
I need to implement this in C++ on Windows, and the application must use tcp/ip sockets using an existing defined protocol.
Any help at all would be greatly appreciated.
You need exactly two threads, one that saturates the IO channel to the database and another that saturates the IO channel to the network leading to the 12 servers. Unless you have multiple network interfaces (which you should think about!) you don't send things faster by using multiple threads. Also, since you don't have multiple threads taking care of the network, you don't have to sync them.
What you definitely need to know about is select(). In the case of WinSock, also take a look at WSAEventSelect/WaitForMultipleObjects. Basically, you take a message from the queue and then send it to all clients when they're ready. select() tells you when one of a set of sockets is ready to accept data, so you don't waste time waiting or block trying to send data. What you need to come up with is a schema to reconnect after broken connections, when to drop messages to lagging clients etc. Also, in case the throughput to the different targets varies a lot, you need to think about handling multiple messages in parallel. If they are small (less than a network packet's payload) it makes sense combining them anyway to avoid overhead.
I hope this short overview helps getting you started, otherwise I can elaborate on the details.
i got a very specific question about server programming in UNIX (Debian, kernel 2.6.32). My goal is to learn how to write a server which can handle a huge amount of clients. My target is more than 30 000 concurrent clients (even when my college mentions that 500 000 are possible, which seems QUIIITEEE a huge amount :-)), but i really don't know (even whats possible) and that is why I ask here. So my first question. How many simultaneous clients are possible? Clients can connect whenever they want and get in contact with other clients and form a group (1 group contains a maximum of 12 clients). They can chat with each other, so the TCP/IP package size varies depending on the message sent.
Clients can also send mathematical formulas to the server. The server will solve them and broadcast the answer back to the group. This is a quite heavy operation.
My current approach is to start up the server. Than using fork to create a daemon process. The daemon process binds the socket fd_listen and starts listening. It is a while (1) loop. I use accept() to get incoming calls.
Once a client connects I create a pthread for that client which will run the communication. Clients get added to a group and share some memory together (needed to keep the group running) but still every client is running on a different thread. Getting the access to the memory right was quite a hazzle but works fine now.
In the beginning of the programm i read out the /proc/sys/kernel/threads-max file and according to that i create my threads. The amount of possible threads according to that file is around 5000. Far away from the amount of clients i want to be able to serve.
Another approach i consider is to use select () and create sets. But the access time to find a socket within a set is O(N). This can be quite long if i have more than a couple of thousands clients connected. Please correct me if i am wrong.
Well, i guess i need some ideas :-)
P.S. i tag it for C++ and C because it applies to both languages.
The best approach as of today is an event loop like libev or libevent.
In most cases you will find that one thread is more than enough, but even if it isn't, you can always have multiple threads with separate loops (at least with libev).
Libev[ent] uses the most efficient polling solution for each OS (and anything is more efficient than select or a thread per socket).
You'll run into a couple of limits:
fd_set size: This is changable at compile time, but has quite a low limit by default, this affects select solutions.
Thread-per-socket will run out of steam far earlier - I suggest putting the longs calculations in separate threads (with pooling if required), but otherwise a single thread approach will probably scale.
To reach 500,000 you'll need a set of machines, and round-robin DNS I suspect.
TCP ports shouldn't be a problem, as long as the server doesn't connection back to the clients. I always seem to forget this, and have to be reminded.
File descriptors themselves shouldn't be too much of a problem, I think, but getting them into your polling solution may be more difficult - certainly you don't want to be passing them in each time.
I think you can use the event model(epoll + worker threads pool) to solve this problem.
first listen and accept in main thread, if the client connects to the server, the main thread distribute the client_fd to one worker thread, and add epoll list, then this worker thread will handle the reqeust from the client.
the number of worker thread can be configured by the problem, and it must be no more the the 5000.
I am new to quickfix (I'm a student trying to teach myself), and have downloaded the examples from quickfix.org (in c++) and have been able to connect ordermatch to tradeclient and get them talking to each other. I changed the config file for ordermatch to allow multiple clients and got that working (ordermatch can receive orders from multiple clients and manage the order book).
I have been trying to find a way to alter ordermatch to send it's confirm messages to ALL clients, not just the sender.
I have a seperate implementation of a limit orderbook and want to crack the incoming messages (orders, cancels, etc) and store them in my limit orderbook. My orderbook watches the book an makes trading decisions based on it. The problem is, I can't figure out how to get ordermatch to send all updates to this client. Further, I am having a hard time figuring out how to "soup up" the tradeclient to not only send orders, but receive and crack them.
I'm thinking I need to have an acceptor and an initator in each application(in ordermatch and in one of the tradeclients)--I've read this is possible and common but can't find any sample code. Am I on the right track here, or is there a better way to set this up? Does anybody have some sample code they can share? I am not planning on using this for live trading so crude code is perfectly fine by me.
Thanks in advance
Same application can act as Initiator for one session and Acceptor for different session.
Infact you can have multiple Acceptor/Initiator sessions from same application.
Config file needs to define multiple sessions.
Or you can have separate config file for each session.
If I understand correctly, I think what you're trying to do is intercept messages between an OMS and a broker (c.f. client and server) and act depending on what they contain. There are a few ways you could do this, including intercepting at the TCP layer, but I think that the easiest way might be to use 2 separate programs as #DumbCoder suggests and connect to one of them as an acceptor from your clients, process the messages and then pass them on to another program via another protocol and then send them on from the other program. Theoretically you can create another instance of the engine in your program and, by using different config files on creation (when FIX::FileStoreFactory storeFactory(*settings); is called) of each instance of the engine. However, I have never seen this done and so feel that it could cause problems. If you do try this method I would strongly advise putting the initiator and the connector in different dlls which might just separate the two engine instances enough.
I have a remote server which handles various different commands, one of which is an event fetching method.
The event fetch returns right away if there is 1 or more events listed in the queue ready for processing. If the event queue is empty, this method does not return until a timeout of a few seconds. This way I don't run into any HTTP/socket timeouts. The moment an event becomes available, the method returns right away. This way the client only ever makes connections to the server, and the server does not have to make any connections to the client.
This event mechanism works nicely. I'm using the boost library to handle queues, event notifications, etc.
Here's the problem. While the server is holding back on returning from the event fetch method, during that time, I can't issue any other commands.
In the source code, XmlRpcDispatch.cpp, I'm seeing in the "work" method, a simple loop that uses a blocking call to "select".
Seems like while the handling of a method is busy, no other requests are processed.
Question: am I not seeing something and can XmlRpcpp (xmlrpc++) handle multiple requests asynchronously? Does anyone know of a better xmlrpc library for C++? I don't suppose the Boost library has a component that lets me issue remote commands?
I actually don't care about the XML or over-HTTP feature. I simply need to issue (asynchronous) commands over TCP in any shape or form?
I look forward to any input anyone might offer.
I had some problems with XMLRPC also, and investigated many solutions like GSoap and XMLRPC++, but in the end I gave up and wrote the whole HTTP+XMLRPC from scratch using Boost.ASIO and TinyXML++ (later I swaped TinyXML to expat). It wasn't really that much work; I did it myself in about a week, starting from scratch and ending up with many RPC calls fully implemented.
Boost.ASIO gave great results. It is, as its name says, totally async, and with excellent performance with little overhead, which to me was very important because it was running in an embedded environment (MIPS).
Later, and this might be your case, I changed XML to Google's Protocol-buffers, and was even happier. Its API, as well as its message containers, are all type safe (i.e. you send an int and a float, and it never gets converted to string and back, as is the case with XML), and once you get the hang of it, which doesn't take very long, its very productive solution.
My recomendation: if you can ditch XML, go with Boost.ASIO + ProtobufIf you need XML: Boost.ASIO + Expat
Doing this stuff from scratch is really worth it.