I have a ColdFusion 10 server. I am using a JDBC driver to connect to a db2 database. I came across this note. Where is this setting? I also looked at neo*.xml files, but I did not see any db driver thread setting. I am not sure if this is specific to ColdFusion 2016 either. I also looked for it in ColdFusion 2018 administrator with no luck.
ColdFusion Server takes the SQL content of the cfquery tag and passes
it to the specified driver for the data source. The driver request is
handled by a thread. By default, the ColdFusion Administrator is
configured to limit the amount of active threads to 5.
ColdFusion administrator limits the max connections to 5 and it will be affected only if you disable the "maintain connections".
If you want to increase the default active connections to 100, please enable "maintain connections" and check the "limit connections" to some number.
ColdFusion, by default, will not set the default max connection property on neo-datasource.xml.
Please find the below XML configurations for the 2 configurations.
<var name="myDataSource">
<var name="pooling">
<boolean value="true" />
<struct type="coldfusion.server.ConfigMap">
I can not choose optimal configuration for wildfly as. I have a droplet on DigitalOcean and it has 2GB Ram and 1vCPU. I have a social media application with mongodb(login and see your followers). This app triggers the Firebase Cloud Message service every 15 min. after FCM send notification to clients and clients send a request to server. After server make some db read/write operations. But the problem is server can not response approximately every 2-3 hours so I need to restart it. I track memory usage graph. after reboot memory usage graph increase slowly but always increase. Is this about wildfly conf or you can say anything about this? There is Nginx front of the Wildfly.
Wildfly conf:
if [ "x$JAVA_OPTS" = "x" ]; then
JAVA_OPTS="-Xms768m -Xmx1024m -XX:MetaspaceSize=256M -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=256m -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true"
JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Djboss.modules.system.pkgs=$JBOSS_MODULES_SYSTEM_PKGS -Djava.awt.headless=true -Duser.timezone=GMT+3"
echo "JAVA_OPTS already set in environment; overriding default settings with values: $JAVA_OPTS"
<server-group name="main-server-group" profile="full">
<jvm name="default">
<heap size="1024m" max-size="1536m"/>
<socket-binding-group ref="full-sockets"/>
<server-group name="other-server-group" profile="full-ha">
<jvm name="default">
<heap size="1024m" max-size="1536m"/>
<socket-binding-group ref="full-ha-sockets"/>
<jvm name="default">
<heap size="1024m" max-size="1536m"/>
<option value="-server"/>
<option value="-XX:MetaspaceSize=96m"/>
<option value="-XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=256m"/>
<option value="--add-exports=java.base/sun.nio.ch=ALL-UNNAMED"/>
Thank you.
Have you tried setting the Garbage collection in 'standalone.conf' located in libexec/bin?
I switched to Oracle's G1 garbage collection and it sorted out all my "out of memory" problems on WildFly 10/11. Now using it with 12.
# G1 Garbage Collector
JAVA_OPTS="-server -Xms2g -Xmx8g"
JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=200"
JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -XX:InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent=45"
JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -XX:G1ReservePercent=25"
JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps -verbose:gc -XX:+PrintGCDetails -Xloggc:/Users/NOTiFY/IdeaProjects/MigrationTool/garbage-collection.log"
Is the Azure Service Fabric Reverse Proxy available in an on-premises cluster? If so, how can I enable it for an existing cluster?
The Service Fabric Reverse Proxy is described here. It allows clients external to the cluster to access application services by name with a special URL, without needing to know the exact host:port on which an instance of the service is running (which may change as services are automatically moved around).
By default the Service Fabric Reverse Proxy does not appear to be enabled for my on-prem cluster with two instances of a stateless service. I tried using the documented port 19008 but could not reach the service using the recommended URI syntax.
To wit, this works:
but this does not:
In the NodeTypes section of the ClusterConfig JSON used to set up my on-prem cluster, there is a property "httpGatewayEndpointPort": "19080", but that port does not appear to work as a reverse proxy (it is the Service Fabric Explorer web-app endpoint). I am guessing that the needed configuration is specified somehow in the cluster config JSON. There are instructions in the referenced article that explain how to configure the reverse proxy in the cloud, but not on-premises.
What I am looking for are instructions on how to set up the Service Fabric reverse proxy in an on-premises multi-machine cluster or dev cluster.
Yes, the reverse proxy is available on-premises.
To get it working for an existing cluster, it must be configured and enabled in the cluster config XML and then the new config must be deployed, as described below.
For a new cluster, set it up in the cluster config JSON before creating the cluster, as described by #Scott Weldon.
#Senj provided the clue (thanks!) that led me to the answer. I had recently updated my Service Fabric bits on my dev box to When I looked in C:\SfDevCluster\Data\FabricHostSettings.xml, I noticed the following:
<Section Name="FabricNode">
<Parameter Name="NodeVersion" Value="" />
<Parameter Name="HttpApplicationGatewayListenAddress" Value="19081" />
<Parameter Name="HttpApplicationGatewayProtocol" Value="http" />
Interesting! With the dev cluster fired up, I browsed to:
and voila! My API returned the expected data. So #Senj was correct that it has to do with the HttpApplicationGateway settings. I am guessing that in the latest SDK version it is pre-configured and enabled by default. (What threw me off is all the docs refer to port 19008, but the actual configured port was 19081!)
In order to get the reverse proxy to work on the 'real' multi-machine (VM) cluster, I did the following (Note: I don't think upgrading the cluster codepackage was necessary, but since I had nothing in my image store for the cluster upgrade, and the cluster upgrade process requires a code package, I used the latest version):
Copy the existing cluster manifest (from the Manifest tab in Service Fabric Explorer), paste into a new XML file, bump the version number and modify as follows:
To the NodeType Endpoints section, add:
<NodeType Name="NodeType0">
<HttpApplicationGatewayEndpoint Port="19081" Protocol="http" />
and under <FabricSettings>, add the following section:
<Section Name="ApplicationGateway/Http">
<Parameter Name="IsEnabled" Value="true" />
Using Service Fabric PowerShell commands:
Copy the new cluster config (the previously copied manifest.xml) to the fabric image store
Register the new cluster config
Copy the Service Fabric Runtime cluster codepackage (available here - see the release notes for the link to the MSI) to the image store
Register the cluster codepackage
Start and complete cluster upgrade (I used unmonitored manual mode, which does one VM at a time and requires a manual Resume command after each node is complete)
After the cluster upgrade was complete, I was able to query my service API using the reverse proxy endpoint and appname/servicename URL syntax:
I enabled this in the standalone installer version (5.1.156) by adding the following line to the JSON configuration file under the nodeTypes element (I used ClusterConfig.Unsecure.MultiMachine.json but I assume any of the JSON files would work):
"httpApplicationGatewayEndpointPort": "19081"
So the final nodeTypes looked like this:
"nodeTypes": [
"name": "NodeType0",
"clientConnectionEndpointPort": "19000",
"clusterConnectionEndpoint": "19001",
"httpGatewayEndpointPort": "19080",
"httpApplicationGatewayEndpointPort": "19081",
"applicationPorts": {
"startPort": "20001",
"endPort": "20031"
"ephemeralPorts": {
"startPort": "20032",
"endPort": "20062"
"isPrimary": true
I think it has something to do with the HttpApplicationGatewayEndpoint property, see also my question on https://github.com/Azure/service-fabric-issues/issues/5
But it doesn't work for me..
Also notice that
<Section Name="ApplicationGateway/Http">
<Parameter Name="IsEnabled" Value="true" />
is true for me.
I noticed that on my Windows-Only installation, HttpApplicationGatewayListenAddress has value 0 in the FabricHostSettings.xml
<Parameter Name="HttpGatewayListenAddress" Value="19080" />
<Parameter Name="HttpGatewayProtocol" Value="http" />
<Parameter Name="HttpApplicationGatewayListenAddress" Value="0" />
<Parameter Name="HttpApplicationGatewayProtocol" Value="" />
I have install Virtual Machine Manager on windows server 2012 R2 . it installed sucessfuly but the SCVMM service can't be started please check the following log for and the error
when i try to start SCVMM service its endup with the following error
" The System Center Virtual Machine Manager Service on Local Computer started and then stopped. Some services stop automatically if they are not in use by other services or programs.
Log Name: Application
Source: SCVMMService
Date: 11/4/2014 7:58:55 AM
Event ID: 0
Task Category: None
Level: Error
Keywords: Classic
User: N/A
Computer: HC**********
Service cannot be started. System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Unable to load one or more of the requested types. Retrieve the LoaderExceptions property for more information.
at System.Reflection.RuntimeModule.GetTypes(RuntimeModule module)
at System.Reflection.RuntimeModule.GetTypes()
at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes()
at Microsoft.VirtualManager.Remoting.IndigoSerializableObject.BuildKnownAssemblyTypes(Assembly assembly)
at Microsoft.VirtualManager.Remoting.IndigoSerializableObject.InitializeKnownTypesCache(List`1 assembliesToExamine)
at Microsoft.VirtualManager.Engine.Remoting.IndigoServiceHost.InitializeKnownTypesCache()
at Microsoft.VirtualManager.Engine.VirtualManagerService.TimeStartupMethod(String description, TimedStartupMethod methodToTime)
at Microsoft.VirtualManager.Engine.VirtualManagerService.OnStart(String[] args)
at System.ServiceProcess.ServiceBase.ServiceQueuedMainCallback(Object state)
Event Xml:
<Event xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event">
<Provider Name="SCVMMService" />
<EventID Qualifiers="0">0</EventID>
<TimeCreated SystemTime="2014-11-04T07:58:55.000000000Z" />
<Computer>HC-S*********** </Computer>
<Security />
<Data>Service cannot be started. System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Unable to load one or more of the requested types. Retrieve the LoaderExceptions property for more information.
at System.Reflection.RuntimeModule.GetTypes(RuntimeModule module)
at System.Reflection.RuntimeModule.GetTypes()
at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes()
at Microsoft.VirtualManager.Remoting.IndigoSerializableObject.BuildKnownAssemblyTypes(Assembly assembly)
at Microsoft.VirtualManager.Remoting.IndigoSerializableObject.InitializeKnownTypesCache(List`1 assembliesToExamine)
at Microsoft.VirtualManager.Engine.Remoting.IndigoServiceHost.InitializeKnownTypesCache()
at Microsoft.VirtualManager.Engine.VirtualManagerService.TimeStartupMethod(String description, TimedStartupMethod methodToTime)
at Microsoft.VirtualManager.Engine.VirtualManagerService.OnStart(String[] args)
at System.ServiceProcess.ServiceBase.ServiceQueuedMainCallback(Object state)</Data>
Thanks for posting here.
To resolve this issue, review the AD group membership for any circular references and remove them. If the circular reference is not obvious, the script below can list the nested members of a particular group.
NOTE Use Active Directory Users and Computers to determine the top most group of the group causing issues.
dsquery group -name "Group_VMMSSU" | dsget group -members -expand
I hope you have followed these steps before installing SCVMM
High Level Deployment Process:
In AD, create the following accounts and groups, according to your naming convention:
•DOMAIN\scvmmsvc SCVMM Service Account account
•DOMAIN\scvmmadmin SCVMM RunAs account for managing hosts
•DOMAIN\sqlsvc SQL service account
•DOMAIN\SCVMMAdmins SCVMM Administrators security group
Add the “scvmmsvc” and “scvmmadmin” account to the “SCVMMAdmins” global group.
Add the domain user accounts for yourself and your team to the SCVMMAdmins group.
I suggest you to check this link for more details.
Girish Prajwal
I had this error and couldn't find an updated answer to the problem.
In my case, I have SCVMM (server AND console) installed on the same machine (i guess this is pretty normal for a first time installation).
I had seen the system working, then I installed all updates offered from Windows Update. After reboot, my service "System Center Virtual Machine Manager" could not start.
Solution was to look in control panel: "Programs and Features". Clicking "installed updates" there was an entry for System Center Console.
This was a rollup 10.
I uninstalled this, now the service is able to start, and I can log on.
Hope this helps someone.
This KB article from Microsoft addresses the issue- https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/3045931
To resolve this issue, complete the update rollup installation by installing the VMM server update package in addition to the console update. Both the VMM server and VMM Admin Console updates must be at compatible version levels. This will typically be the same update rollup level. For example, a VMM Admin Console should be at the VMM UR5 level if the server is also at UR5.
In some instances, there may not be a comparable update for a component. In that case, the component should be updated to the most recent applicable update. For example, if the VMM server is updated to a post-UR5 hotfix, but there is no corresponding hotfix for the VMM Admin Console, the VMM Admin Console should be updated to UR5.
In my case update rollup 11 was the cause for the break. Going in to Programs and Features -> Installed Updates, I noticed that Update rollup 11 for the admin console had installed successfully but Update rollup 11 for the VMM service had failed.
I manually installed the failed update (in my case http://download.microsoft.com/download/7/5/1/7515E3DB-1B43-4E7F-8774-A877CCEAA96E/kb3184831_vmmserver_amd64.msp) and now VMM service is able to start and stay started.
I set my schedule item schedule as:
It should be run every 20 minutes. But it seems this schedule has never run after I deploy them.
The scheduling in web.config looks like this:
<!-- Time between checking for scheduled tasks waiting to execute -->
<!-- Agent to process schedules embedded as items in a database -->
<agent type="Sitecore.Tasks.DatabaseAgent" method="Run" interval="00:10:00">
<param desc="database">core</param>
<param desc="schedule root">/sitecore/system/tasks/schedules</param>
<!-- Agent to process schedules embedded as items in a database -->
<agent type="Sitecore.Tasks.DatabaseAgent" method="Run" interval="00:10:00">
<param desc="database">master</param>
<param desc="schedule root">/sitecore/system/tasks/schedules</param>
Any help? Thanks.
I come across this post when trying to figure out why scheduled tasks weren't firing and thought i'd post a solution to a specific scenario i had.
The problem i found was that I installed the Sitecore SIM InitializeSpeedBooster.cofig which removes the following which stops scheduled tasks from running.
<processor type="Sitecore.Pipelines.Loader.InitializeScheduler, Sitecore.Kernel">
<patch:delete />
Remove that patch:delete from the config and you'll still have a quicker initialisation of Sitecore, but with Scheduled tasks running.
A more detailed explanation can be found on my blog post for Sitecore scheduled tasks not working.
Sitecore will only run scheduled tasks if the application pool has not cycled down. In other words, if your application does not receive enough traffic IIS may cycle down the application pool to conserve resources. To prevent this from happening you could setup a keep-alive service that makes a request to your application on a set interval insuring that the application pool never cycles down.
Scheduling is a consistent problem in ASP.NET applications due to its architecture. Sitecore has attempted to fix this issue, but does a middling job of it, in my opinion. Barbosa describes one definite problem, but Sitecore has a built-in keepalive system you can use. In my web.config (version 6.3), that is configured directly after the DB scheduling agent you posted.
We don't have all the information we need to assess the problem. However, from your comment, it seems that your Last Run field is empty? This is a problem. It must have a value for scheduling to work. Scheduled items only kick off if the time interval between 'Now' and the Last Run value is greater than the time value in the Schedule field.
Here is an example from my Sitecore site that is working correctly (RAW values):
Schedule: 20000101|21000101|127|23:59:00
Last run: 20121126T074001
So... next question is this: Do you see the output from the scheduling agent in your log? First make sure you are logging INFO level. You should see something like this:
1924 10:40:22 INFO Scheduler - Adding agent: Sitecore.Tasks.DatabaseAgent (interval: 00:10:00)
If you DON'T see that, then Sitecore is not kicking off the Scheduler and you should open a Sitecore support request. If you DO see this, then the problem is most likely your Sitecore Schedule or Command items. You should see output from the schedule agent that it is starting/stopping your particular command. This is where error output will occur if your scheduled item is failing. Which brings us to the next step...
Your Schedule item has a Command field, which must link to a valid item under System/Tasks/Commands. That item's Type and Method field actually specific which method is being executed. If those are set correctly, the next step I would take is to create a one-off ASPX page with a single button... which executes this method. If that doesn't work... well, then you know where the problem lies.
Hope this helps.
I am using tk10x server to listen some request from a GPS device on my OpenGTS server. By default this tk10x has a timeout of 60000ms. I want to remove this timeout thing what should i do ?
Here are a few texts from: http://www.opengts.org/FAQ.html
For Tomcat
This can be changed in the Tomcat default "web.xml" file found in the Tomcat directory "$CATALINA_HOME/conf/web.xml". Here is the section of the "web.xml" file that sets the timeout to 30 minutes:
You can change this value to any desired length of time. Tomcat should be restarted after this value has been changed. (Note: setting this value too large may cause excessive resources to be consumes by users which have logged in, but are not actually using the system).
This can be configured in the "dcservers.xml" file (or "dcservers/dcserver_XXXXX.xml" file where XXXXX is the DCS id) by setting the TCP timeout values to '0', as follows:
<Property key="tcpIdleTimeoutMS">0</Property>
<Property key="tcpPacketTimeoutMS">0</Property>
<Property key="tcpSessionTimeoutMS">0</Property>
This will cause the DCS (where the above properties were set) to always leave the TCP session open. (Note: each connected TCP connesion consumes system resources - memory, threads, filehandles, etc. Having many such connected TCP sessions may significantly limit the number of devices which can connect with your server).