How to ignore build ERRORS (and not warnings) in VS2017 SQL Database projects - visual-studio-2017

I work on VS 2017 with SQL Database projects. After to have generate all scripts, I have some errors (71501 or 71561 -> unresolved references). I want to use SQL Database projects only to compare a database with versioned scripts, only to have an history of my database changes.
I don't want to do database references because I don't need it and I've already tried it and it doesn't work with linked servers.
I've already tried to set Build Action to None. But when I recompare my database with my scripts, existings scripts are ignored and the compare tool want add new scripts.
So, could you help me to find a simple way to ignore errors in SQL Database Projects in VS2017 ?
Thanks for your help !


I am using Flyway database migration tool. Can I archive artifacts for what was migrated or they have to stay under current folder?

I am using flyway database migration tool. Let's assume I have 100 sql scripts under a folder and I migrated them by applying on a server. Later I added 50 more sql scripts. Can I be able to move these 100 old sql scripts away and archive them somewhere (artifactory or remote share). That way I can only have 50 sql scripts which are new and needed for current migration.
Is this possible? Or all sql scripts has to be present under the directory?
It would be useful if you could edit your question to state the reason why you want to only include the 50 scripts for the current migration, as this would help me recommend an approach.
There are two ways that I know of that you could use.
Create subfolders for each release, rather than have one single folder with an unmanageable list of scripts. This approach means that all migrations remain in the project, which has advantages such as being able to rebuild a test database from scratch (using flyway clean migrate) and also being able to reuse the project later on to repeat earlier deployments. If you do it this way, you will need to reference each subfolder using the flyway.locations parameter.
Remove the sql scripts that have already been run, as you have suggested. If you do this, you will need to run flyway baseline on any targets. This command will ensure that the targets don't expect migrations below a specific version, so the missing migration files won't confuse flyway.
My personal preference is the first option. If you can't use this for whatever reason, we'd be interested to understand why.

Python alembic offline mode without alembic_version table

I'd like to use alembic in offline mode, and execute the SQL migrations from an external software.
The external software tracks the DB version, so I don't need the alembic_version table at all.
Do you know if I can generate SQL migrations without creating an alembic_version table ? Is it a supported feature ?
I don't think generating migrations off line is an available feature till now as #zzzeek wrote in 'Writing Migration Scripts to Support Script Generation' section in the official tutorial . I do hope the new feature will come as my project can't connect to the database server directly but generating sql scripts off line will save my time by preventing writing SQL DDL and SqlAlchemy objects both.

Is there an alternative for using a .testsettings file with TestCases and Microsoft Test Manager?

We have a peculiar situation here that is causing our automated tests to fail on a newly created lab environment, using TFS 2012.
We've always had a bunch of 'unit' tests that tested our DAL code, which in turn uses the Enterprise Library Data Application Block to perform operations on the database. This was setup quite a few years ago, to enable our clients to choose either SqlServer or Oracle databases alongside our product, taking advantage of the DatabaseFactory class and all the supporting generic interfaces and classes in the I mentioned 'unit' like this because these are actually not pure unit tests but integration ones, seeing as they require a real database to work.
To test the same SQL code against both databases, we maintain two separate .config files inside a 'Resources' folder in our TFS project branch, pointing to our test databases:
Resources\SqlServer\ConnectionStrings.config (SqlServer specific connection strings)
Resources\Oracle\ConnectionStrings.config (Oracle specific connection strings)
In the root Resources folder, there are two accompanying .testsettings files, responsible for deploying files specific to each database:
Resources\SqlServer.testsettings (which deploys the SqlServer\ConnectionStrings.config file)
Resources\Oracle.testsettings (which deploys the Oracle\ConnectionStrings.config file)
Since the whole structure is in source control, the testsettings is able to find the .config files by using relative paths, allowing us to test everything without having to setup parameters manually.
On devs machines, we always select the SqlServer.testsettings file when running the tests, so that they don't need to have the whole oracle environment installed to validate their changes before checking in the code. The Oracle side of the validation always occurred in our build process, where we actually test every method twice: first using the same SqlServer.testsettings used by the developers, and then using the Oracle.testsettings.
This way, we can setup our test assemblies' app.configs to redirect the connectionStrings node to an external file, like this:
<connectionStrings configSource="ConnectionStrings.config"/>
When the tests are run, mstest copies the adequate ConnectionStrings.config file to the test's working folder, based on which .testsettings was used to initiate the run.
This was working fine until today, when I discovered that tests started through Microsoft Test Manager ignore the Visual Studio .testsettings files. Now I'm trying to run these same tests in our lab environment but the ConnectionStrings.config files are not deployed (understandably) and the tests fail.
How can we achieve this without using .testsettings files? After having huge headaches trying to setup oracle correctly in our new x64 build server, we disabled Oracle tests in the build definition. Now that we started setting up our lab environment, we thought about having one of the machines in it configured with our whole system using Oracle, enabling us to again run these 'unit tests' with oracle-specific connection strings to validate our queries. At the same time, we want to keep testing everything locally and on the build server using SqlServer also.
I think using [DeploymentItem] in this case is impossible, since it is meant for static files and not selectable, dynamic ones like our current setup.
Is there any equivalent to the .testsettings deployment process that we could use with TestCases inside MTM/Lab Env? On the Properties tab for our TestPlan, I can see the Automated Runs -> Test Settings option, but that only seems to allow deployment by specifying absolute paths (which will actually be resolved on the target machines). Is there a way to specify a relative path there, pointing to our ConnectionStrings.config files checked in on TFS? Maybe yet another alternative exists that I'm missing, perhaps using multiple build configurations?
Create separate build configurations for each of the server types by going into Configuration Manager and click New under Active solution configurations. Edit the project file and do something like this:
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)' == 'Oracle'">
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)' == 'SQL'">
Then ensure you have the correct connection strings in each of the config files. You can then configure TFS to build using those build configurations.
More info on using PropertyGroup and Condition, MSBuild Configurations and MSBuild project properties

Should I have my Postgres directory right next to my project folder? If so, how?

I'm trying to develop a Django website with Heroku. Having no previous experience with databases (except the sqlite3 one from the tutorial), it seems to me a good idea to have the following file structure:
I'm finding it hard to figure out how to do it, with psql commands preferring to put the databases in some obscure directory instead. Perhaps it's not such a good idea?
Eventually I want to be able to test and develop my site (it'll be just a blog for a while, I'm still learning) locally (ie. add a post, play with the CSS) and sync with the Heroku repository, but I also want to be able to add posts via the website itself occasionally.
The underlying data files (MyDb) has nothing to do with your project files and should not be under your project.
added two ways to sync your local database with the database ON the Heroku server
1) export-import
This is the most simple way, do the following steps every now and then:
make an export on the Heroku server by using the pg_dump utility
download the dump file
import the dump into your local database by using the psql utility
2) replication
A more sophisticated way for keeping your local db in sync all the time is Replication. It is used in professional environments and it is probably an overkill for you at the moment. You can read more about it here:

Designing a full database migration stack

During development, I like the idea of frameworks like Entity Framework 4.3 Migrations (although I need it to work with sql scripts instead of Migration classes) keeping all developer databases up-to-date. Someone does an update to get the latest source, they try to run the application and get an error that they need to update their database to the latest migration (or have the migration happen automatically). Migration files are timestamped so devs don't have to worry about naming two files the same or the sequence the files need to be executed in.
When I get ready to build a WebDeploy deployment package, I want the package to contain the scripts required to move the production database to the latest db version. So somehow, MSBuild or WebDeploy need to make a decision about which scripts must be packaged. For deployment I don't want the application to try to update itself like what EF offers. I want to either hand the package to the IT department or do an auto-deploy through a deployment server.
Some of my questions are:
Can EF 4.3 work with sql scripts instead of DBMigration classes for my development needs (I'm already using it for my ORM so it would be nice if it could)?
Does MSBuild or WebDeploy understand the concept of database migrations (e.g. does it recognize the EF. 4.3 migrationHistory table) or do I have to make sure to give it just the scripts it needs to run that will bring my prod db to the latest migration? Manually deciding which scripts should be pakaged is not something I want to do so is there a MS WebDeploy extension that understands migrations?
Are my concerns and ideas valid? I'm just researching this stuff so I don't really know.
I think that your concerns are valid. During development anything that keeps the developer machines in sync will do. When deploying, more control is needed.
In my project we've decided to only use code-based migrations, to ensure that all databases are migrated in the same order with the same steps. Automatic migration and db creation is disabled by a custom initialization strategy that only checks that the db exists and is valid.
I've written more about the details in Prevent EF Migrations from Creating or Changing the Database. I've also looked a bit into merge conflicts which will eventually happen with multiple developers.
You can run SQL in the classes by calling the Sql method, or generate SQL from a migration by using the -script parameter with the update-database command.
No. They were looking at adding support for webdeploy but apparently decided against it before rtm. They did however release a command line app (and powershell script obviously) which you could call from either.
What I do in my projects is create an startup module in my applications and run any migrations that haven't been deployed automatically - Triggering EF migration at application startup by code. It's not perfect, developers have to run the app after getting latest before changing the db, but it works for both get latest and deployment.