Azure Event Grid and Azure Event Hub - azure-eventhub

I am using Azure Services with node js. I am pushing and getting the messages from service bus. I want to know what is the role that of event grid , event hub. When i create them they want end point what is that.
And how should i proceed

Service Bus, Event Hub, and Event Grid are three different Azure services.
In a nutshell;
Service Bus provides queue and pub/sub messaging typologies to decouple business applications. -
Event Hubs provides a commit log for event driven applications and supports high volume data ingestion architectures and pipelines. -
Event Grid provides solutions for event triggers for reactive apps. -
Why do you need Event Hubs or Event Grid? Can you elaborate your design a little more?


Consuming azure event hub events in AWS

I'm trying to consume events that are published to a Azure event hub hosted by a third party, the service that consumes these events is an AWS based architecture.
What is the best way to consume event hub messages in aws services?
Would my only options be:
Set up an EC2 with an application that continuously processes the event hub messages
Have a scheduled lambda that processes messages, picking up where the last invocation left off
Both options using this guide:
Is there any other way to accomplish this? The goal would be to somehow have event hub trigger a service like lambda directly.

Is there any way to send data from AWS Kinesis to Azure Event Hubs?

My company is doing a POC on some streaming data and one of the tasks is sending data from AWS Kinesis to Azure Event Hubs.
Has anyone tryed to do something like this before?
I was thinking of a lambda function listening to kinesis firehose and sending the data to event hubs but I have no experience on Azure at all and I don't even know if this is possible.
Yes, this is very much possible.
Inter-Cloud environment where data can be streamed among two services can be achieved using AWS Kinesis and Azure Event Hub.
You can stream data from Amazon Kinesis directly to Azure Event Hub in Real-Time. Using ‘serverless’ model and cloud computing to process and transfer events without having the need to manage any native application written on an on-premise server.
You will be required connection string, SharedAccessKeyName, and SharedAccessKey from the Azure Event Hub. This will be needed to send data to Event Hub. Also, make sure the Event hub can receive data from the IP address you are running the program from.
Refer this third-party tutorial to accomplish the same

How are AWS IOT Jobs different to Topic subscription?

In AWS IOT we can make device subscribe to a topic. When a message is received on a topic, the device can be programmed to execute some code.
AWS IOT Jobs seems similar in that the device listens on the job and executes certain code when job is received.
How are AWS IOT Jobs different to Topic subscription?
The primary purpose of jobs is to notify devices of a software or
firmware update.
AWS IOT Events activities (like subscribing to a topic) would be the generic implementation for doing stuff when a device gets a message. IOT jobs are more of a managed workflow for doing a specific activity- like notifying devices of a firmware update and using CodeSigning.
Just want to add an important point to what #Bobshark wrote.
Yes, Amazon engineers implemented a set of endpoints to manage a whole job lifecycle on a single device and the process of gradually rolling out jobs over a fleet of devices.
However, IoT jobs are not tied down to using MQTT as the transport protocol. As the AWS docs [1] mention:
Devices can communicate with the AWS IoT Jobs service through these methods:
HTTP Signature Version 4
My personal advice: Use jobs if you would have to implement your own update procedure (such as progress reporting, gradual rollouts, etc.) otherwise.

How to subscribe to AWS Event Bus events in a client application

How to subscribe to AWS Event Bus events from client side applications ex: NodeJS app, Angular client or a Mobile client app ?
In December 2020, an email from AWS Marketing has presented the advantages to use the Event-Driven architecture . Following the documentation and the tutorials, soon I stumble into the wall of not finding a way to subscribe to this events from a client side application.
The email states:
4 Reasons to Care About Event-Driven Architectures
Are you looking to scale and build robust applications without delays and dependencies? We break down the basics of event-driven architectures, how they work, and show you ways to get started. Learn how event-driven architectures can help you:
Scale and fail independently - No more dependencies
Develop with agility - No custom polling code
Audit with ease - Use your event router to define policies
Cut costs - Stop paying for continuous polling
The disappointing part is that there is no example of libraries to be integrated in the client side code to subscribe to those event. Googling does not return any significant result and the only current library for node: #aws-sdk/client-eventbridge-node only expose a send and destroy methods.
There is no way to directly subscribe to an Amazon EventBridge bus, as it doesn't provide publish/subscribe functionality. In order to process events in EventBridge you create event rules that filter and send matching events to targets. You can find all targets available to EventBridge rules on this list: Amazon EventBridge Targets.
One of these targets could be an Amazon SNS topic, which provides pub/sub functionality, i.e. your client application can subscribe to the topic to automatically receive the respective events.
This may sound complicated at first, but the implementation is strictly following the principle of separating concerns. It provides simple building blocks--like Lego pieces--that you can put together in order to create truly loosely coupled architectures.
This diagram shows the functionality in scope of Amazon Event Bridge and how it communicates with other services and applications.
Services that allow you to subscribe as you want it (directly delivering subscribed messages to your code over a tcp connection such as a websocket) are:
AppSync - websocket
IOT Core - websocket, mqtt
SQS - long poll
(From the top of my head)
So a straightforward serverless solution for you could be:
Event bridge —> SQS —> your code
I often use AppSync for this purpose. But eventbridge is cool too.
if you want to avoid polling and you cant/want use AWS Lambda then you can reverse the problem and call an api on your application from EventBridge with a rule.
You can create API Targets in EventBridge:
API destination

Pointing to Azure Event Hub instead of AWS Kinesis

My company currently uses Azure for our Data Warehousing infrastructure. In the past we have used Azure Event Hubs for streaming data. When working on previous projects this hasn't been an issue we just provide the connection details and they start sending us data.
However we have recently started working on a new project where most of their infrastructure is hosted on AWS, we have been asked to set up a Amazon Kinesis endpoint instead as they do not support Azure Event Hubs.
I don't know much about sending the data, but is it asking a lot to send to an Event Hub instead of Kinesis?
My suggestion for this is you could introduce a middle layer which understands both Kinesis and Event hub. And the middle layer I know is Spring Cloud Stream. It provides binder abstraction to supports various message middleware such as Kafka, Kinesis and Event hub.