Google Cloud SDK installation fails on Windows 10 - google-cloud-platform

When I tried to install Google Cloud SDK, it fails:
Welcome to the Google Cloud SDK!
To use the Google Cloud SDK, you must have Python installed and on your PATH.
As an alternative, you may also set the CLOUDSDK_PYTHON environment variable
to the location of your Python executable.
Google Cloud SDK installer will now exit.
Press any key to continue . . .
I installed Python and copied system32 path in system variable and environment variable even, but still fails. What's going wrong?

I had the same problem some time ago, this is how I solved it:
uninstall cloud sdk (delete also the folder), uninstall python
reboot you system
launch the installer and select "install bundled python"
when the installer asks for an installation path, point to "C:\Users\YOUR_USER\AppData\Roaming\gcloud"
I had a problem with my windows installation since I had different permissions set on the default path suggested which was "Program Files (x86)".
Starting fresh + changing path fixed the issue for me :)
also review this page, to see if everything is in check for you


Problems installing google cloud SDK

After I download the Google Cloud SDK install package, I trigger the install and click all the Next buttons in the wizard to accept all of the default installation options. However, this process errors out before completion. I've attempted this install process 3 times and it errors out each time.
Any idea what the issue might be or how to debug?

How can I fix this issue, installing the Google Cloud SDK?

I can't seem to find a way to install the Google cloud platform. I have tried to download from the Eclipse Marketplace, from the web page; and nothing.
After some work, I have reached the point where in the installation terminal, they ask me if I want to UPDATE %PATH% to include CLOUD SK Binaries?
I put yes and this happens:
even though my system variables are:
Please Help
I just tried it installing it in a new windows vm from here and the %PATH% the installation created is not the same as yours. In my case it was
C:\Users\<YOUR_USER>\AppData\Local\Google\Cloud SDK\google-cloud-sdk\bin
Are you sure Cloud SDK binaries are in C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\google-cloud-sdk\bin?

Use package manager in a Cloud Foundry instance

Can I use apt-get or other package managers in Cloud Foundry buildpacks or .profile scripts that come with apps; and if I can, how to do it? I expect to do it the same way as in a dockerfile, but it doesn't work with or without sudo in my case.
Can I use apt-get or other package managers in Cloud Foundry buildpacks or .profile scripts that come with apps; and if I can, how to do it?
No. Running apt-get or a package manager would typically require root access and you do not get root access when the build pack runs or when your application runs (this is a difference w/Docker).
That said, you can do anything that doesn't require root access, so if you found a package manager that installed in the vcap user's home directory and didn't need root then you could use that.
It depends on what you're trying to install, but in some cases you can work around this by downloading the .deb or .rpm file and manually extracting the binaries. This typically works OK for things like shared libraries. Just download the precompiled binary that matches your stack (cflinuxfs2 == Ubuntu Trusty). For other things, you can build your own binaries from source. This is what the build pack's do, see binary-builder.
Hope that helps!

Ionic can't find ANDROID_HOME on Windows 10

Im using Ionic to build an Android app and I'm finding a problem that I cant work around or find an answer to. When I run ionic build android or ionic emulate android I get the following:
Error: Failed do find 'ANDROID_HOME'...
I believe I have added the correct variables to PATH and ANDROID_HOME under System Variables, but please check:
The first image is ANDROID_HOME, the second shows where the sdk is located, the third is the Error itself and the fourth is my path variable.
I run it from Git Bash. Running as an administrator did not make any difference, I also tried reinstalling Android SDK (with Android Studio) in a different folder (was in %HOME%\AppData\Local\Android\ before) without any difference. Also tried to reboot after reinstalling SDK.
I also tried to run the SDK Manager first (C:\Android\sdk\tools\android.bat) and keeping it open while trying to build or emulate, but it still didn't work.
You need to create a new system variable called ANDROID_HOME and as a value put the path to the android SDK installation directory.
For more information, please refer to the installation guide.

Composer - copy vendor files from dev to production is OK?

I'm using composer for AWS SDK.
Is it OK to install the SDK on a dev pc (windows) and copy the vendor directory to production or must I install composer on the production server (linux) and get the libraries installed there by composer?
Moving the whole project around to another path or even different computer should work fine, given that all paths generated for autoloading etc are relative.