ASP.NET Core on AWS Fargate with Reverse Proxy and ALB - amazon-web-services

We are looking to migrate our .NET Core applications to AWS. For some background information; At the moment we host our applications on VM's behind IIS, which with the .NET Core Hosting module, is very straight forward. Our applications are a combination of both intranet and externally facing applications, nothing with very high traffic demand.
After some research it seems like AWS ECS Fargate is a good option. The plan is to Dockerize our applications and deploy them to ECS Fargate at this point.
My consern is mainly about the topic of reverse proxies.
For now I have got an Identityserver application successfully running on ECS Fargate behind an Application Load Balancer. The ALB does TLS termination, and forwards traffic to the container running under ECS Fargate on http. It's a very straight forward setup, but I worry I am missing something as this really is not my field of expertise.
My question is, would the above setup sound sufficient? My current headache is if it would be worth to add Nginx (or similar) reverse proxies to the pipeline? In that case we'd have 2 scenarios as I understand it:
Keep the ALB and add another reverse proxy (say Nginx). The ALB still does TLS termination and forwards the traffic to Nginx which again forwards the traffic to the container running the application itself. I am maybe not seeing the benefits of this, however I fear I might be wrong. I feel it's adding unnecessary complexity to the setup.
Skip the ALB all together and expose Nginx (or another reverse proxy) publicly. The Nginx instance would stand for TLS termination, load balancing and so on. While I can see the benefit of more control with this scenario, again - the additional setup makes me think it might not be worth it, seeing we are a small team with limited hosting experience.
So - my main question would be if the original scenario would sound plausible for a production environment? Any other feedback is of course also highly appreciated if someone can contribute with some feedback.


Does Nginx becomes redundant if we have AWS Application Load balancer for a Node application?

I have a Node application running on AWS. When moving into production, there is a very high chance that it will get a very high number of requests. I'm planning to host it using AWS ECS and there will be an AWS Application load balancer in front of the application.
When I looked at "How to deploy Node application in production", I saw that everybody is suggesting the use of Nginx in front of Node application.
My doubt is that, if we have the ALB in the architecture do we need to add the Nginx also? Is there any advantage if we use Nginx if we need to host the application for 1 million users?
It depends on how you are using the NGINX for load balancing. Application Load balancer surely brings a lot of features that can make NGINX redundant in your architecture but it is not exactly as advanced as NGINX. For example ALB only use round robin load balancing, while you can configure nginx for round-robin, least connnection, etc. ALB does not have any caching capabilities while nginx provides static content caching. ALB only uses path based routing while nginx can route on request headers, cookies, or arguments, as well as the request URL.
For further reading and source :
Note : One other important fact of using nginx is cloud agnostic. So if you plan to switch cloud provider, you can take the nginx settings with you.
It depends on the rest of your architecture. If ALB can handle everything for you, you probably don't need nginx. Also, nginx has a learning curve in case you are a first time user.

Having load balancer before Akka Http multiple applications

I have multiple identical Scala Akka-HTTP applications, each one is installed on a dedicated server (around 10 apps), responding to HTTP requests on port 80. in front of this setup I am using single HAproxy instance that receives all the incoming traffic and balances the workload to these 10 servers.
We would like to change the HAproxy (we suspect that it causes us latency problems) and to use a different load balancer. the requirement is to adopt a different 3rd party load balancer or to develop a simple one using scala that round robin each http request to the backend akka http apps and to proxy back the response.
Is there another recommended load balancer (open source) that I can use to load balance / proxy the http incoming requests to the multiple apps other than HAproxy (maybe APACHE httpd) ?
Does it make sense to write a simple akka http application route as the loadbalancer, register the backend apps hosts in some configuration file, and to roundrobin the requests to them?
maybe I should consider Akka cluster to that purpose ? the thing is, that the applications are already standalone akka http services with no cluster support. and maybe it would be too much to go for clustering. (would like to keep it simple)
What is the best practice to load balance requests to http apps (especially akka http scala apps) as I might be missing something here?
Note - having back pressure is something that we also would like to have, meaning that if the servers are busy, we would like to response with 204 or some status code so our clients wont have timeouts in case my back end is busy.
Although Akka HTTP performance is quite impressive, I would not use it for writing a simple reverse proxy since there are tons of others out there in the community.
I am not sure where you deploy your app, but, the best (and more secure) approach is to use a LB provided by your cloud provider. Most of them has one and usually it has a good benefit-cost.
If your cloud provider does not provide one or you are hosting yourself your app, then first you should take a look on your HAProxy. Did you run tests on HAProxy in an isolated way to see it still has the same latency issues? Are you sure the config optimised for what you want? Does your HAProxy has enough resources (cpu and memory) to operate? Is your HAProxy in the same DataCenter as your deployed app?
If you follow and check all of these questions and still are having latency issues, then I would recommend you to choose another one. There are tons out there, such as Envoy and NGINX. I really like Envoy and I've been using it at work for a few months now without any complains.
Hope I could help.

Spring Boot - Different systems( eureka , zuul, ribbon, nginx,) used for what?

I have been working with spring and now would like to learn spring boot and microservices. I understand what microservice is all about and how it works. While going through docs i came across many things used to develop microservices along with spring boot which i am very much confused.
I have listed the systems below.and the questions:
Netflix Eureka - I understand this is service discovery platform.
All services will be registered to eureka server and all
microservices are eureka clients. Now my doubt is , without having
an API gateway is there any use with this service registry ? This is
to understand the actual use of service registry.
ZUULApi gateway- I understand ZUUL can be used as API gateway which is basically a load balancer , that calls appropriate
microservice corresponding to request URL. iS that assumption
correct? will the api gateway interact with Eureka for getting the
appropriate microservice?
NGINX - I have read NGINX can also be used as API gateway? Is that possible? Also i read some where else like NGINX can be used as a service registry , that is as an alternate for Eureka ! Thus which is right? Api gateway or service registry or both? I know nginx is a webserver and reverse proxies can be powerfully configured.
AWS api gateway - Is this can also be used as an alternate for ZUUL?
RIBBON - for what ribbon is used? I didn't understand !
AWS ALB- This can also be used for load balancing. Thus do we need ZUUL if we have AWS ALB?
Please help
without having an API gateway is there any use with this service registry ?
Yes. For example you can use it to locate (IP and port) of all your microservices. This comes in handy for devops type work. For example, at one project I worked on, we used Eureka to find all instances of our microservices and ping them for their status (/health, /info).
I understand ZUUL can be used as API gateway which is basically a load balancer , that calls appropriate microservice corresponding to request URL. iS that assumption correct?
Yes but it can do a lot more. Essentially because Zuul is more of a framework/library that you turn into a microservice, you can code it to implement any kind of routing logic you can come up with. It is very powerful in that sense. For example, lets say you want to change how you route based on time of day or any other external factors, with Zuul you can do it.
will the api gateway interact with Eureka for getting the appropriate microservice?
Yes. You configure Zuul to point to Eureka. It becomes a client to Eureka and even subscribes to Eureka for realtime updates (which instances have joined or left).
I have read NGINX can also be used as API gateway? Also i read some where else like NGINX can be used as a service registry , that is as an alternate for Eureka ! Thus which is right? Api gateway or service registry or both?
Nginx is pretty powerful and can do API gateway type work. But there are some major differences. AFAIK, microservices cannot dynamically register with Nginx, please correct me if I am wrong... as they can with Eureka. Second, while I know Nginx is highly (very highly) configurable, I suspect its configuration abilities do not come close to Zuul's routing capabilities (due to having the whole Java language at your disposal within Zuul to code your routing logic). It could be the case that there are service discovery solutions that work with Nginx. So Nginx will take care of the routing and such, but service discovery will still require a solution.
Is this can also be used as an alternate for ZUUL?
Yes AWS API Gateway can be used as a Zuul replacement of sorts. The issue here, just like Nginx, is service discovery. AWS API Gateway lets you apply logic to your routing... though not as open ended as Zuul.
for what ribbon is used?
While you can use the Ribbon library directly, for the most part consider it as an internal dependency of Zuul. It helps Zuul do the simple load balancing that it does. Please note that this project is in maintenance mode and not recommended any more.
This can also be used for load balancing. Thus do we need ZUUL if we have AWS ALB?
You can use ALB with ECS (elastic container service) to replace Eureka/Zuul. ECS will take care of the service discover for you and will map all instances of a particular service to a Target Group. Your ALB routing table can then route to Target Groups based on simple routing rules. The routing rules in ALB are very simple though, but improving over time.
Different systems which can be used for the working of microservices, that comes along with spring boot:
Probably the first microservice to be UP. Eureka is a service registry, means , it knows which ever microservices are running and in which port. Eureka is deploying as a sperate application and we can use #EnableEurekaServer annotation along with #SpringBootAPplication to make that app a eureka server. So our eureka service registery is UP and running. From now on all microservices will be registered in this eureka server by using #EnableDiscoveryClient annotation along with #SpringBootAPplication in all deployed microservices.
Zuul: ZUUL is a load balancer , routing application and reverse proxy server as well. That is before we were using apache for reverse proxy things , now , for microservices we can use ZUUL. Advantage is, in ZUUL we can programatically set configurations, like if /customer/* comes go to this microservice like that. Also ZUUL can act as a load balancer as well , which will pick the appropriate microservice in a round robin fashion. SO how does the ZUUL knows the details of microservices, the answer is eureka. It will work along with eureka to get microservice details. And in fact this ZUUL is also a Eureka client where we should mark using #EnableDiscoveryClient, thats how these 2 apps(Eureka and zuul) linked.
Ribbon use for load balancing. This is already available inside ZUUL, in which zuul is using Ribbon for load balancing stuff. Microservices are identified by service-name in properties file. IF we run 2 instances of one microservices in different port, this will be identified by Eureka and along with Ribbon(Inside zuul), requests will be redirected in a balanced way.
Aws ALB , NGINX , AWS Api gateway etc: There are alternatives for all the above mentioned things. Aws is having own load balancer, service discovery , api gateway etc . Not only AWS all cloud platofrms ,like Azure, have these. Its depends which one to use.
Adding a general question as well , How these microservices communicate each other: Using Resttemplate or Feignclient actual rest API can be called or Message queues like Rabbit MQ etc can be used .
Eureka can be used in conjunction with NGINX, which leads to very powerful combination.
I am using it on AWS EC2 environment. Previously instead of NGINX I was using Spring Cloud Gateway and before that Zuul. Depending of the load Spring Cloud Gateway was running on AWS t3.medium or t3.large instances. After moving to NGINX I am using t3.micro (8 times less memory) instance. I am almost sure that I can do the trick and with t3.nano (16 times less memory) instance, but I wanted to be sure that there will be no surprises.
Below are the high level steps what you have to do in order to plug NGINX in the Eureka ecosystem. More details you can find in NGINX With Eureka Instead of Spring Cloud Gateway or Zuul article.
Create a service which can read the configuration of all applications from Eureka and to 'translate' it to NGINX configuration.
Create a cronjob entry which at certain period will read the configuration from the above service and will call the NGINX hot reload
NGINX which will consume the configuration produced from the service and the cronjob and will work as API Gateway

Communication Between Microservices in Aws Ecs

I'm having troubles with the communication between microservices. I have many spring boot applications, and many requests HTTP and AMQP (RabbitMQ) between them. Locally (in dev) I use Eureka (Netflix Oss) without Docker Images.
The question is: in the Amazon ECS Infraestructure how i can work with the same behavior? Which is the common pratice for the communication between microservices using Docker? I can still use Eureka for Service Discovery? Besides that, how this comunication will works between container instances?
I'd suggest reading up on ECS Service Load Balancing, in particular two points:
Your ECS service configuration may say that you let ECS or the EC2 instance essentially pick what port number the service runs on externally. (ie for Spring Boot applications inside the Docker container your application thinks it's running on port 8080, but in reality to anything outside the Docker container it may be running on port 1234
2 ECS clusters will check the health endpoint you defined in the load balancer, and kill / respawn instances of your service that have died
A load balancer gives you different ways to specify which application in the cluster you are talking to. This can be route based or DNS name based (and maybe some others). Thus could point to a different ECS service than or vs
You can configure ECS without a load balancer, I'm unsure how well that will work in this situation.
Now, you're talking service discovery. You can still use Eureka for service discovery, having Spring Boot take care of that. You may need to be clever about how you tell Eureka where your service lives (as the hostname inside the Docker container may be useless, and the port number inside the container totally will be too.) You may need to do something clever here to correctly derive that number, like introspecting using AWS APIs. I think this SO answer describes it correctly, or at least close enough to get started.
Additionally apparently ECS has service discovery built in now. This is either new since I last used ECS, or we didn't use it because we had other solutions. If you aren't completely tied to Eureka for other reasons.
Thanks for you reply. For now I'm using Eureka because I'm using Feign too for comunication between microservices.
My case is this: I have microservices (Example A,B,C). A communicates with B and C by way of Feign (Rest).
Microservices Example
Example of Code on Microservice A:
public interface BFeign {
public interface CFeign {
Using ECS and ALB it's possible still using Feign? If yes or not, how you suggest I do this?

Load balancer for php application

Questions about load balancers if you have time.
So I've been using AWS for some time now. Super basic instances, using them to do some tasks whenever I needed something done.
I have a task that needs to be load balanced now. It's not a public service though. It's pretty much a giant cron job that I don't want running on the same servers as my website.
I set up an AWS load balancer, but it doesn't do what I expected it to do.
It get's stuck on one server, and doesn't load balance at all. I've read why it does this, and that's all fine and well, but I need it to be a serious round-robin load balancer.
I've set up the instances on different zones, but no matter how many instances I add to the ELB, it just uses one. If I take that instance down, it switches to a different one, so I know it's working. But I really would like it to always use a different one under every circumstance.
I know there are alternatives. Here's my question(s):
Would a custom php load balancer be an ok option for now?
IE: Have a list of servers, and have php randomly select a ec2 instance. Wouldn't be scalable at all, bu atleast I could set this up in 2 mins and it can work for now.
Should I take the time to learn how HAProxy works, and set that up in place of the AWS ELB?
Am I doing it wrong, and AWS's ELB does do round-robin. I just have something configured wrong?
1) Web server finds a task to do.
2) If it's too large it sends it off to AWS (to load balancer).
3) Do the job on EC2
4) Report back via curl to an API
5) Rinse and repeat
Everything works great. But because the connection always comes from my server (one IP) it get's sticky'd to a single EC2 machine.
ELB works well for sites whose loads increase gradually. If you are expecting an uncommon and sudden increase on the load, you can ask AWS to pre-warm it for you.
I can tell you I used ELB in different scenarios and it always worked well for me. As you didn't provide too much information about your architecture, I would bet that ELB works for you, and the case that all connections are hitting only one server, I would ask you:
1) Did you check the ELB to see how many instances are behind it?
2) The instances that you have behind the ELB, are all alive?
3) Are you accessing your application through the ELB DNS?
Anyway, I took an excerpt from the excellent article that does a very good comparison between ELB and HAProxy.
ELB provides Round Robin and Session Sticky algorithms based on EC2
instance health status. HAProxy provides variety of algorithms like
Round Robin, Static-RR, Least connection, source, uri, url_param etc.
Hope this helps.
This point comes as a surprise to many users using Amazon ELB. Amazon
ELB behaves little strange when incoming traffic is originated from
Single or Specific IP ranges, it does not efficiently do round robin
and sticks the request. Amazon ELB starts favoring a single EC2 or
EC2’s in Single Availability zones alone in Multi-AZ deployments
during such conditions. For example: If you have application
A(customer company) and Application B, and Application B is deployed
inside AWS infrastructure with ELB front end. All the traffic
generated from Application A(single host) is sent to Application B in
AWS, in this case ELB of Application B will not efficiently Round
Robin the traffic to Web/App EC2 instances deployed under it. This is
because the entire incoming traffic from application A will be from a
Single Firewall/ NAT or Specific IP range servers and ELB will start
unevenly sticking the requests to Single EC2 or EC2’s in Single AZ.
Note: Users encounter this usually during load test, so it is ideal to
load test AWS Infra from multiple distributed agents.
More info at the Point 9 in the following article
HAProxy is not hard to learn and is tremendously lightweight yet flexible. I actually use HAProxy behind ELB for the best of both worlds -- the hardened, managed, hands-off reliability of ELB facing the Internet and unwrapping SSL, and the flexible configuration of HAProxy to allow me to fine tune how things hit my servers. I've never lost an HAProxy instance yet, but it I do, ELB will just take that one out of rotation... as I have seen happen when the back-end servers have all become inaccessible, which (because of the way it's configured) makes ELB think the HAProxy is unhealthy, but that's by design in my setup.