Facing SSL certificate problem error in adding material in GoCD pipeline in windows - go-cd

Facing the below isssue.
Error performing command: --- Command ---
git ls-remote http://gbs05291:******#git...pro/scm/fbkpla/gocd-mobileapp.git refs/heads/InvestmentApp_GoCDTest
--- Environment ---
--- INPUT ----
--- EXIT CODE (128) ---
STDERR: fatal: unable to access 'http://*********repoIP**/scm/fbkpla/gocd-mobileapp.git/': SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate in certificate chain
1.Tried adding the certificate to keystore in gocd server with the below command..
keytool -importcert -file "C:\Users\Desktop\BitBucket.cer" -keystore "C:\Program Files (x86)\Go Server\config\keystore"
2.Tried git config --global http.sslVerify false
Please note :Able to clone the same repo from git bash.

Download the certificate, convert it into .pem file and add the .pem certificate to git config at either system level, global level or local level, depending on the requirement. This will resolve SSL self signed certificate problem.
Converting .crt to .pem file using OpenSSL:
x509 -outform der -in /certificate.crt -out /certificate.pem
add certificate to git config:
git config --system http.sslCAInfo /certificate.pem

Please go with this links. Hope your will find better solution of your problem.
Using your own SSL certificates on the Server


AWS Managed AD SSL Certifcates export

I am trying to explore AD integration and was able to succesfully complete the setup as described in AWS blog post, and verified that SSL connection is working fine from "Management box".
Based on my understanding, ldp.exe from Management box is working fine because management box is joined to this AD and certificates are propagated properly.
I have use case where another linux box (which can't be joined to AD) but should use LDAPS over SSL to do some user search. For this to work, I need to export SSL and install it on Linux box. I couldn't quite figure out how to find and export certificates in this example? Are those certificates are available on RootCA (or) SubordinateCA and how to export them? appreciate any help.
I'm assuming you generated the SSL cert in AWS via Amazon Certificate Services (ACS). Although ACS won't allow you to export the private key from ACS, you shouldn't need it. All you need to do is import the public certificate into the certificate trust store that your Linux box is using when it connects to the AD server. I can't tell you how to do that (not sure what the application is), but you should be able to extract the public cert using openssl. You'll point openssl to the ad server, and have it output the public cert.
I'm pretty sure this is the openssl command line that would do that:
openssl s_client -showcerts -connect activedirectory.yourdomain.com:636
You can download the certificate from the ldaps end point and install it as follows.
Install openldap client
sudo yum install -y openldap-clients
• Download and Add Server Certificate to the openldap cert path
openssl s_client -connect <LDAPSURL>:636 -showcerts </dev/null 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -outform PEM > server.crt
• Configure LDAP Details
Vi /etc/openldap/ldap.conf
BASE dc=corp,dc=example,dc=com
URI ldaps://corp.example.com
TLS_CACERT /etc/openldap/certs/server.crt

Mosquitto MQTT service failed to restart after adding SSL configuration

I'm trying to configure SSL access to my mosquitto bridrge on Amazon EC2, Ubuntu 18 server. I followed the steps described in mosquitto tls docs and ended up with the following files:
in a temporary directory.
Then I copied three files:
sudo cp ca.crt /etc/mosquitto/ca_certificates/
sudo cp server.key /etc/mosquitto/certs/
sudo cp server.crt /etc/mosquitto/certs/
Then I added the following section to the configuration file:
listener 8883
cafile /etc/mosquitto/ca_certificates/ca.crt
keyfile /etc/mosquitto/certs/server.key
certfile /etc/mosquitto/certs/server.crt
Then I wanted to restart mosquitto:
sudo service mosquitto restart
This doesn't work and responds with
> Job for mosquitto.service failed because the control process exited with error code.
> See "systemctl status mosquitto.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.
I tried both and there was just information, that the configuration is wrong.
I tried commenting out different lines and the following structure let's the service restart:
listener 8883
cafile /etc/mosquitto/ca_certificates/ca.crt
keyfile /etc/mosquitto/certs/server.key
#certfile /etc/mosquitto/certs/server.crt
Unfortunatelly, the certfile is nessesary for the configuration to work. I checked the example configuration and the docs, and the certfile is a legal and required parameter.
How can I solve this issue?
I'm running Mosquitto on Ubuntu server. I ran also into Mosquitto failing to start after adding SSL certificates and configuration. I got a standalone certificate from Let’s Encrypt by Certbot tool.
Version information:
Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS,
Mosquitto 2.0.4. (MQTT v5.0/v3.1.1/v3.1 broker) and
Certbot 1.11.0.
In original and failing configuration the mosquitto was configured to use certificates in /etc/letsencrypt... location.
My solution was to move all certificate files from /etc/letsencrypt/archive/ into /etc/mosquitto/ -folder and make the respective certificate file pointers in mosquitto configuration to point to this location.
Most relevant debugging for the problem in the trouble shooting is available in the logfile /var/log/mosquitto/mosquitto.log file.*
Further info about troubleshooting
Playing around with ownerships did not have any effect, in this case. The final configuration with certificates in /etc/mosquitto/certs folder worked regardless if the owner of the files and certificate containing folder was mosquitto or root.
I also tried not using the symbolic links of .../live/... and tested using directly the files in /etc/letsencrypt/archive/... location instead, did not work.
I did not check if some individual file is causing the issue, just moved them all. Tried afterwards to symlink from ..mosquitto/certs one of the files only to note that mosquitto will fail to start. For this server set-up to run, I need to keep the certificate files in ...mosquitto/certs folder".
Changing the certificate/key permissions fixed the issue for me.
sudo chmod 744 raspberrypi.crt
sudo chmod 644 raspberrypi.key
As per this forum:-

Ejabbed with letsencrypt certificate

I'm trying to get Ejabberd to work with letsencrypt certificates on centos7.
I keep getting errors about the certificates not being signed by a known CA.
I have created the certificates by certbot, and I joined the privkey and fullchain files to single file.
All c2s connections work fine, but s2s connections don't.
When starting Ejabberd I see the following relevant log entries:
[warning] <0.606.0>#ejabberd_pkix:check_ca_dir:386 CA directory /etc/ssl/certs doesn't contain hashed certificate files; configuring 'ca_path' option might help
[warning] <0.606.0>#ejabberd_pkix:mk_cert_state:240 certificate from /opt/ejabberd/conf/xxxx.pem is invalid: certificate is signed by unknown CA
Connections to for example draugr.de generate the following entries:
[info] <0.793.0>#ejabberd_s2s_in:handle_auth_failure:206 (tls|<0.792.0>) Failed inbound s2s EXTERNAL authentication draugr.de -> XXXXX.net (::FFFF: unable to get local issuer certificate
I hope someone can help me out, thanks!
[EDIT 2020 may]
It looks like ejabberd now has automatic acme support (meaning it can request the certificate on its own from letsencrypt). So what you read below is obsolete.
As of 2018 november,
Merely installing letsencrypt using certbot is enough click here to see how. Ejabberd uses the provided certificates.
Note that you may need to register multiple subdomains for some strict jabber clients to work properly.
or install a wildcard certificate from letsencrypt
sudo certbot certonly --server https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory --manual --preferred-challenges dns -d *.yourjabberdomain.com
I think there is a rule in the ejabberd config file ejabberd.yml that allows this to happen
- "/etc/letsencrypt/live/*/*.pem"
I was able to solve it myself finally but i am out of office the next few days and can't get you the exact configuration to solve it.
But if I recall correctly I downloaded the CA bundle here https://curl.haxx.se/docs/caextract.html and there was some configuration parameter for ejabberd to use this CA bundle in stead of the default one.
Hope it helps you.
If it is working for c2s and not working for s2s then it looks like the s2s block in configuration file is not updated with certfile. I believe you have something like this for c2s:
port: 5222
ip: "::"
module: ejabberd_c2s
starttls: true
certfile: 'CERTFILE'
protocol_options: 'TLSOPTS'
Similarly your s2s block should have:
port: 5269
ip: "::"
module: ejabberd_s2s_in
starttls: true
certfile: 'CERTFILE'
protocol_options: 'TLSOPTS'
max_stanza_size: 131072
shaper: s2s_shaper


I am using Liberty
I am trying to call xxxx SOAP services, but i got the following errors
[ERROR ] CWPKI0022E: SSL HANDSHAKE FAILURE: A signer with SubjectDN CN=xxxx, was sent from the target host. The signer might need to be added to local trust store serverHome/resources/security/key.jks, located in SSL configuration alias defaultSSLConfig. The extended error message from the SSL handshake exception is: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
I used next command to generate certificate
openssl s_client -connect xxxxURL:443 | sed -ne '/-BEGIN CERTIFICATE-/,/-END CERTIFICATE-/p' > xxx.cert
Then injecting it into liberty jks default file with next command
keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias xxxSigner -file xxx.cert -keystore *pathToHomeServer/resources/security/key.jks* -storepass Liberty -storetype jks
Also this is my server.xml tags related to that
<keyStore id="defaultKeyStore" location="${server.config.dir}/resources/security/key.jks" password="{xor}EzY9Oi0rJg==" type="jks" />
<keyStore id="defaultTrustStore" location="${server.config.dir}/resources/security/key.jks" password="{xor}EzY9Oi0rJg==" type="jks" />
<sslDefault sslRef="defaultSSLConfig" />
<ssl id="defaultSSLConfig" keyStoreRef="defaultKeyStore" trustStoreRef="defaultTrustStore" sslProtocol="TLSv1.2"/>
<httpEndpoint id="defaultHttpEndpoint" httpPort="9080" httpsPort="9443">
<sslOptions sslRef="defaultSSLConfig"></sslOptions>
So what is the problem my side which
Not sure why your approach is not working, but another way to go about it is to use a browser to retrieve the certificate and then keytool to add it, as described here (see the 8/5/2015 comment at the bottom of the article): developer.ibm.com/wasdev/docs/single-sign-google-liberty
Does it work if you explicitly add the signer itself, shown at the bottom of the stack of certs when you append -showcerts to your openssl command?

WSO2 DAS: certificate didn't match

I'm installed WSO2 DAS Server on my LAN network, but I can't create new Dashboard because this error:
javax.net.ssl.SSLException: hostname in certificate didn't match:
<> != localhost
in log file here.
Please help and thanks
It happens due to certificate is for localhost not for the domain that we run. For that we need to generate new certificate with specific domain and configuration changes with correct .jks file and correct password.
It will resolve the certificate didn't match. We need to replace all the localhost in the portal folder. If I have worked like these and fixed with gaudiness. For more refernce please visit
Above error log happens due to certificate is for localhost not for the host ( You can fix this by importing KeyStore file to the trustore by using following commands in the terminal.
keytool -export -alias <HostName> -file mycert.crt -keystore myjks.jks -storepass <pwd>
keytool -import -alias <HostName> -file /usr/local/app/wso2/wso2das-3.0.0/repository/resources/security/mycert.crt -keystore cacerts -storepass changeit
Please refer following articles for more details [1]. On the other hand for a quick test you can access dashboard portal in http by using following URL
[1] https://medium.com/#dunithd/wso2-das-how-to-fix-javax-net-ssl-sslexception-160c13bc8fe7#.npua5d4nf