Problem while using mypy with my django project - django

I have implemented mypy in my django rest framework but I am getting errors ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'config' while running mypy.Is there any wrong with my django_settings_module in my mypy.ini file ?
I used to run my project with the command python runserver --settings=config.settings.development which was working fine but while configuring this setting in the mypy it is giving me error. What I might be doing wrong ?
Any help would be appreciated.
plugins =
ignore_missing_imports = True
warn_unused_ignores = True
strict_optional = True
check_untyped_defs = True
follow_imports = silent
show_column_numbers = True
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:D:\DjangoProjects\project\config
django_settings_module = config.settings.development
settings directory
app_path = os.path.abspath(
os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), os.pardir)
sys.path.append(os.path.join(app_path, "project"))
os.environ.setdefault('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', 'config.settings')
application = get_wsgi_application()

If anybody happens to run into this and was as confused as I am, here is what I did to make sure the mypy django plugin works.
I indeed had to add my project root to PYTHONPATYH, such that the plugin will be able to find your project. But let me clarify. In windows, you can search for 'environment variables' and create an environment variable named PYTHONPATH there, or edit the one that is already there with an added path.
I had been banging my head against the walls for a couple hours, because I didn't know how to properly set the PYTHONPATH. When you add this variable, make sure it is the full path, and that the folder you're specifying is the folder that includes
For me, that was C:\Users\...\myproject (without the trailing slash).
I hope that works and that I can save someone from wasting hours of their life like I did.

Adding my two cents here - in my case I was running a system-wide mypy instead of the one from virtualenv:
Even though I was in the virtualenv
(env) ➜ project git:(develop) ✗ which python
Mypy was not aliased:
(env) ➜ project git:(develop) ✗ which mypy
The solution was to either:
run mypy directly
(env) ➜ project git:(develop) ✗ ../env/bin/mypy .
ensure that you have all the dependencies installed in the system-wide python installation


pycharm django debug configrations doesn't recognize apps folder

All my apps are in apps folder
I also added sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "apps"))
my project structure as below:
But when I simply create and run a default Django Server in Pycharm (2019.1)
It returned an error
... 'apps' is not a package
My project runs perfectly in pipenv shell; python runserver
Can anyone help me, please?
I figure out it's due to the Content Root setting
My Git root is dwhnt but my Django root is dwhnt/proj
After deleting the old Content Root and set it with as below it works

Error: Could not import settings

I'm switching a very large multi-package, multi-app Django (1.4.5) project from using Django's native test runner to py.test (2.3.5). The tests for the lowest level package, web-framework, were discovered and run with no errors after creating a setup.cfg (to manage the py.test options) and a (to ignore When running py.test (with a setup.cfg and on any higher level package, which all require web-framework, I receive the following error:
ERROR: Could not import settings 'high_level_package.test_settings' (Is it on sys.path?): No module named web_framework.settings
I'm using a virtual environment, and web-framework is in the venv at the following location: ENV/lib/python2.7/site-packages/
I've tried with the venv built in the package's root directory and with it built outside the project path, to no avail. Also, I can import web_framework.settings from the Python interactive command line in the higher level package's root directory.
My current is just the following line: collect_ignore = [""]
I've tried adding the following lines above it:
import os
import sys
I also tried hardcoding in the path to the web-framework package in the above sys.path.append.
Neither worked.
In case it's relevant, my setup.cfg is:
python_files = *test*.py
norecursedirs = node_modules ENV
addopts = --junitxml=python_result.xml, --doctest-modules
Forgot to mention the traceback relationship. higher_level_package.test_settings imports higher_level_package.settings, which itself imports web_framework.settings.
in order to have it work you either need to have a develop-install of the worktree, or add . to the PYTHONPATH env var
Change to the folder where your main python website module is located
django-admin runserver --settings=mysite.settings
where mysite was created by
django-admin startproject mysite

deploying Django - Dreamhost

I am neewbie with django and I am stuck trying to deploy my project on the server ( a shared Dreamhost server). I have followed the tutorials I found but it doesnt work. My project structure is:
- public
* media
* static
- project
- tmp
- passenger_wsgi.pyc
It only works on my, but I have a simple 'hello world' view to try but it isnt showing. I get only an HTTP 404 when I access my domain...
I have installed Python 2.7 and Django 1.5 . Now I get a 500 Internal Server Error.
This is how I do it, with Django 1.5, on DreamHost:
A virtualenv dedicated to my project is in ~/virtualenv/myproject
My Django project is in ~/projects/myproject, with setup:
The database file is in the project root, named sqlite3.db
STATIC_ROOT is set to os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), '..', 'static'), that is, the static directory in the project root.
When the static files are updated in the project, I have to run python collectstatic
I have per-environment settings in ~/projects/myproject/myproject, named,, and so on.
My site is in ~/sites/, the layout inside:
myproject -- symlink to the Django project
sqlite3.db -- symlink to the database file in the Django project
public/static -- symlink to the STATIC_ROOT defined in the Django project
tmp/restart.txt -- touch this file to have Passenger reload the site settings -- the Passenger configuration
Create like this:
projectname = 'myproject'
virtualenv_root = '/home/jack/virtualenv/' + projectname
import sys
import os
INTERP = os.path.join(virtualenv_root, 'bin', 'python')
if sys.executable != INTERP:
os.execl(INTERP, INTERP, *sys.argv)
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), projectname))
os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = projectname + '.prod_settings'
import django.core.handlers.wsgi
application = django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIHandler()
Create like this:
from myproject.settings import *
DEBUG = False
ADMINS = (('My Project', ''), )
DATABASES = {} # Appropriately for your production environment
SECRET_KEY = "..." # Your secret key
ALLOWED_HOSTS = ["", ""]
For Django 1.4 or earlier, you need to make some minor modifications, but the same idea works. I've been using variations of this setup since Django 1.2.
I setup virtualenv like this:
# install pip and virtualenv in my home directory
easy_install --user pip
pip install --user virtualenv
# create a virtualenv dedicated to my django project
mkdir ~/virtualenv
virtualenv --distribute ~/virtualenv/myproject
# activate the virtualenv, install django and all project dependencies
. ~/virtualenv/myproject/bin/activate
cd ~/projects/myproject
pip install -r requirements.txt
Notice that after activating the virtualenv, you don't need the --user flag anymore when you install packages with pip. When a virtualenv is active, all packages are installed in that virtualenv.
About requirements.txt:
Create it in your development like this: pip freeze > requirements.txt
Edit it, leave only the packages that your project really really needs. It's better to remove too much and add back later as needed.
Note that virtualenv is not necessary, but recommended. You can do without by setting INTERP in your to /usr/bin/python. virtualenv is useful to have multiple Django sites with different dependencies on the same account. It is also useful when you want to upgrade Django for your site, so that you can test the upgrade on without disrupting traffic on your main site.
Finally, if you are using shared hosting, DreamHost support encourages using different user accounts for each website, but I don't know what difference that makes. Be careful with heavy operations, for example large data imports, because if the process uses much memory, it can get killed by DreamHost. The memory ceiling is unspecified, but it's quite low. So if your site needs to do some heavy operations, you need to make such operations fault tolerant, in order to resume after killed.

location of for django project hosted in Google App Engine

I've problems running the simplest django project within GAE.
After running django-admin startproject myproj (Using django 1.4 from Google SDK), the folder hierarchy look as:
+ myproj (root folder of project)
+ myproj (a sub folder for the project files)
I then add the usual app.yaml to the root folder - that is to the same folder where is.
application: u-pavarotti
version: 1
runtime: python27
api_version: 1
threadsafe: true
- name: django
version: "1.4"
- django_wsgi: on
syncdb, dbshell, shell ... works great. Even runserver works file. However, trying to run dev_appserver fails. The exception I get is:
ImportError: Could not import settings 'settings'.
Well, taking a look at google/appengine/ext/django/main (which django_wsgi is basically setting a URL handler for .* to the is appears that it expect to find settings in the python path. But without doing anything, the module to import is myproj.settings (as myproj isn't in the path).
Now, adding .../myproj/myproj (the lower folder) to the PYTHONPATH solve everything on my dev machine, but as I have no control on the search path on the GAE deployment - this solution won't work.
I can move all files, or just up to the upper myproj, or move app.yaml down (kinda same thing), but it requires various changes form the default genereated - and I don't this is the way to go. Alternatively, I can write my own handler, which will instantiate django.core.handlers.wsge.WSGIHandler (old tutorials used to do that) - again, seems against the intention of at least the creators of the 'builtin' attribute of app.yaml.
I wonder how everyone else is solving this issue, and what is the right thing to do.
You can declare the environment variable DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE in your app.yaml:
DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE: 'myproj.settings'

Django custom commands not showing up on Heroku

I’m having a problem when using django custom commands on Heroku.
On my local machine, the custom command appears in help if I run ./ help and running ./ deletedphotos runs it too.
All the files are there and the settings are also correct, i.e. there are not major config differences between my local and Heroku instances.
Now, when I put it on Heroku, it does not show up. All my other non-default commands are there: ping_google that comes from installing sitemap.xml support and commands for south migrations. But for some reason, my self written commands do not show up.
I’ve also sent a support request to Heroku, but haven’t heard back from them in a few days, so I thought I’d post here as well, maybe someone has had any similar problems.
The file contents are pretty much like this if that matters anything:
from import BaseCommand, CommandError
from import *
class Command(BaseCommand):
help = 'Delete photos from S3'
def handle(self, *args, **options):
deleted_photos = Photo.objects.filter(deleted=True).exclude(large='', small='', thumb='')
self.stdout.write('Found %s photos\n' % str(len(deleted_photos)))
I’ve tried checking all the correct python paths etc, but not 100% if I’m not missing something obvious.
I was actually able to find a solution. The INSTALLED_APPS had my local app referenced, but for some reason it was not working as intended.
My app is in: /name/appname/ and having 'name.appname' in INSTALLED_APPS was working fine in local setup.
Yet, on Heroku, I had to change the reference to just 'appname' in INSTALLED_APPS and all started working magically.
Your home directory needs to be on your Python path. A quick and unobtrusive way to accomplish that is to add it to the PYTHONPATH environment variable (which is generally /app on the Heroku Cedar stack).
Add it via the heroku config command:
$ heroku config:add PYTHONPATH=/app
That should do it! For more details:
I had this problem too, found the answer here: Django Management Command ImportError
I was missing an file in my management folder. After adding it everything worked fine.