OpenGL - How can I rotate an object on the global axis? - opengl

I'm trying to rotate an object along the global axis according to keyboard input. My current function works, but the consecutive rotations are done on the rotated axis instead of the global axis. I know the solution involves manipulating the matrices but I'm still learning and don't know what I need to do.
I've tried using glPushMatrix and glPopMatrix, but I think somewhere I'm missing the matrix multiplication.
def Render(screen):
global _current
global _pos
global _angles
glRotatef(_angles[0], 1, 0, 0)
glRotatef(_angles[1], 0, 1, 0)
glRotatef(_angles[2], 0, 0, 1)


Rotating a shape to anywhere between 1 and 2 radians resets its rotation

I'm currently using GLM to transform shapes in OpenGL. However, when the rotation of the shape is between 1 and 2 radians, the values of the matrix that represent rotation are set back to how they would be in an identity matrix. I'm outputting the model matrix to the console currently which helped find out the exact moment it turned back to 0 radians of rotation. Here is that:
Sorry if it's hard to understand, I've tried to annotate it because of how annoying it is to look at otherwise. Here's a link directly to the image if it is needed.
The first value on each line in the console is the rotation as a single value, in radians. Then, the model matrix of the shape is output.
Uploading a video of it is annoying to do but I'm sure you can visualise it - it's just a shape rotating normally for a while until that rotation hits one radian, at which point it gets reset to normal rotation. Then, when it reaches two radians, it goes back to normal as if there was never a problem.
Here's the code related to shape transformation:
// NOTE: the variables 'active_translation, active_rotation, and active_scaling' are the values the user gives to translate, rotate, and scale the shape
// In this case, 'active_rotation' is equal to ~0.02 (1 degree in radians) every frame
void defshape::apply_transformations() {
// Create an identity matrix to store the applied transformations
glm::mat4 applied_transformation = glm::mat4(1.0f);
// Add the active translation to the stored transformations variable
applied_transformation = glm::translate(applied_transformation, active_translation);
// Apply the rotation to the mat4. For the sake of this example, I've only showed the Z axis line to simplify it as it's the only one being affected.
applied_transformation = glm::rotate(applied_transformation, active_rotation.z, glm::vec3(0, 0, 1));
// Add the active scale to the stored transformations variable
applied_transformation = glm::scale(applied_transformation, active_scaling);
// Apply these changes to the renderer by setting its model matrix and then updating it
renderer_handle->model_matrix = applied_transformation;
// Reset the translation of the model matrix back to 0
// This step ensures that the object rotates around its local origin, rather than the world space origin
applied_transformation = glm::translate(applied_transformation, glm::vec3(0.0f));
// Then apply this change to the renderer's model matrix
renderer_handle->model_matrix = applied_transformation;
Could this be related to GLM, or is there something wrong with my code?
Solved - the issue was related to a block of code specific to my project, which was likely why it is so unique.
Specifically, I made a mistake related to what axes to affect when rotating via glm. The way I coded it the first time was as follows:
// Variable to store the affected rotation axes
glm::vec3 _active_rotation_axes = glm::vec3(0, 0, 0);
// Get the affected axes for rotation
// 'active_rotation' stores the rotation values for each axis
_active_rotation_axes.x = (active_rotation.x != 0) ? 1 : 0;
_active_rotation_axes.y = (active_rotation.y != 0) ? 1 : 0;
_active_rotation_axes.z = (active_rotation.z != 0) ? 1 : 0;
// Keep in mind the above code is partly pseudocode, as I have simplified it heavily and typed it directly into the answer.
The variable _active_rotation_axes was then used as such:
if (_active_rotation_axes.x != 0) applied_transformation = glm::rotate(applied_transformation, active_rotation.x, glm::vec3(_active_rotation_axes.x, 0, 0));
if (_active_rotation_axes.y != 0) applied_transformation = glm::rotate(applied_transformation, active_rotation.y, glm::vec3(0, _active_rotation_axes.y, 0));
if (_active_rotation_axes.z != 0) applied_transformation = glm::rotate(applied_transformation, active_rotation.z, glm::vec3(0, 0, _active_rotation_axes.z));
This caused the issue I was experiencing, although I still don't know exactly why.
Regardless, all I had to do in the end was remove the first code block, and change the second code block to the following, which checks active_rotation directly instead of the now non-existent variable _active_rotation_axes:
if (active_rotation.x != 0) applied_transformation = glm::rotate(applied_transformation, active_rotation.x, glm::vec3(1, 0, 0));
if (active_rotation.y != 0) applied_transformation = glm::rotate(applied_transformation, active_rotation.y, glm::vec3(0, 1, 0));
if (active_rotation.z != 0) applied_transformation = glm::rotate(applied_transformation, active_rotation.z, glm::vec3(0, 0, 1));
Really, I should have done it this way from the start as it is significantly more efficient and simple.

Rotating object around itself

I have an object that I want to to move around using the following mechanic: the left and right arrows change its rotation and the up arrow increments its position.
My problem is that I either can't rotate the object around itself, or I can't move it in the direction being looked at.
The draw function is as follows:
glTranslatef(x, 0, 0);
glRotatef(rotationZ, 0, 0, 1);
glTranslatef(-x, 0, 0);
// Draw the object...
Key press detection code:
teclas.up = GL_TRUE;
teclas.left = GL_TRUE;
teclas.right = GL_TRUE;
Timer function:
if (teclas.up) {
if (teclas.left) {
if (teclas.right) {
I've seen multiple threads about this, and I've tried changing the signal of the x variable but nothing seems to work.
I just changed the part of the Timer function that is responsible for the forward movement to this:
if (estado.teclas.up) {
homer.x+= (float)cos(homer.rotationZ * M_PI / 180);
homer.y+= (float)sin(homer.rotationZ * M_PI / 180);
And also, my Draw function:
glTranslatef(x, 0, 0);
glRotatef(rotationZ, 0, 0, 1);
// Draw the object...
This way, the object always moves towards what it's facing
This is a case of problem with Moving Reference Frame, those are the keywords. Unless you simulate physics of process as well, for OpenGL rendering all we have to worry about are the coordinates. Here we have the stationary reference frame, sometimes called a world frame (especially if observer is moving relative to it as well), and a moving reference frame (MRF )connected to object. MRF can have arbitrary rotation and translation relative to world frame, there are traditional ways how it is defined.
For example for Earth globe MRF defined as origin in center of Earth, positive X axis intersecting equator and 0 meridian, positive Z - north pole and Y is complementary to them. For static point on surface of earth (local geographic coordinates) it usually Y directed to zenith and positive Z - toward North in plane of horizon and positive X - toward east. In case of moving vehicle's the positive Y- or pitch axis always points to its left, and the positive Z- or yaw axis always points up, X - the roll axis is pointed straight forward. This one seem to match your case.
Regardless of axis specification, the rotation of vehicle is equivalent of changing matrix corresponding to it. Lets call it transformation matrix. In local coordinates vehicle speed v = {vx,0,0} is a vector collinear to positive X axis. But in world coordinates it is equal to
v' = M*v
where M is a transformation matrix of MRF. As v is change of coordinates per unit of time, then any translations should follow this formula too. There are two ways to solve this , if you're using legacy OpenGL, you have two options:
First: you would start with identity matrix and recreate all transforms in proper order.
Set identity matrix.
Translate by value required (in local cords)
Apply rotations of vehicle
Translate by values of last known position of vehicle.
Either calculate new position of vehicle, knowing transforms, or read that value , by getting matrix from OpenGL (by glGetFloatv(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, ptr)) and extracting offset from it.
Downside of this method is that you have to use functions of OpenGL,where each call of glTranslate or glRotate is creating another matrix that is getting multiplied with other (in opposite order). That's excess math operations and precision of them isn't brilliant either. It can get quite interesting in Chinese manner if you have several frames of reference, especially nested.
Second method is to do all matrix math yourself, for example using some math library like GLM (glm.h) and store matrix for each frame of reference, modifying or regenerating them when needed. You can supply matrix directly to OpenGL even in legacy mode by glLoadMatrix. If you worry about performance, you should know that all modern implementations are done that math on CPU anyway, GPUs do not work with matrix stack anymore, for long time. It can be found quickly by inspecting open-source implementations.
In case of modern, flexible pipeline you don't have glScale, glTranslate, glRotate available at all. Entire matrix stack is deprecated in OpenGL 3. You can do it only in second way, but in this case you would supply matrices to shader program through uniforms.

Object orientation within an opengl scene

I'm having difficulty getting the right orientation from my objects within a scene. The objects are defined in standard Cartesian coordinates in the same units as I define the scene.
I then define my scenes matrix with the following code:
void SVIS_SetLookAt (double eyePos[3], double center[3], double up[3])
// Determine the new n
double vN[3] = {eyePos[0] - center[0], eyePos[1] - center[1], eyePos[2] - center[2]};
// Don't I need to normalize the above?
// Determine the new up by crossing witht he Up Vector.
double vU[3];
MATH_crossproduct(up, vN, vU);
// Determine V by crossing n and u...
double vV[3];
MATH_crossproduct(vN, vU, vV);
// Create the model view matrix.
double modelView[16] = {
vU[0], vV[0], vN[0], 0,
vU[1], vV[1], vN[1], 0,
vU[2], vV[2], vN[2], 0,
// -MATH_Dotd(eyePos, vU), -MATH_Dotd(eyePos, vV), -MATH_Dotd(eyePos, vN), 1
0, 0, 0, 1
// Load the modelview matrix. The model view matrix shoudl already be active.
I am attempting to display n-1 objects such that each object is facing the object in front of it, excluding the first object which is not displayed. So for each object, I define the up, right, and forward vectors as such:
lal_to_ecef(curcen, pHits->u); // up vector is our position normalized
MATH_subtractVec3D((SVN_VEC3D*) prevcenter, (SVN_VEC3D*) curcen, (SVN_VEC3D*) pHits->f);
MATH_crossproduct(pHits->u, pHits->f, pHits->r);
MATH_crossproduct(pHits->f, pHits->r, pHits->u);
I then go on to display each object with the following code:
double p[3] = {pHits->cen[0] - position[0],
pHits->cen[1] - position[1],
pHits->cen[2] - position[2]};
SVIS_LookAt(pHits->u, pHits->f, pHits->r, p);
void SVIS_LookAt (double u[3], double f[3], double l[3], double pos[3])
double model[16] = {
l[0], u[0], f[0], 0,
l[1], u[1], f[1], 0,
l[2], u[2], f[2], 0,
pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], 1
I would expect this to work for any object such that the output would be whatever was defined in the Cartesian coordinate system would be present at the given point oriented such that it was pointed at the proceeding object with 0,1,0 and 0,-1,0 from the defined object would be aligned vertically on the screen. What I am seeing instead (by using simple rectangle as the object to be displayed) is that the objects are consistently rotated about the forward axis.
Can anyone point out what I am doing wrong here?
I've displayed an axis grid without translating by taking the three vectors multiplying a scalar and adding/subtracting it to the centre point. Doing this, the axis align up as I would expect. Overlaying the object described above shows the object to not be aligned the same way. Is there a relationship between the object space forward, right, and up vectors and the desired world-space vectors that I am missing? Am I simply completely off the mark with regards to my rotation translation matrix?
You are conflicted here; part of that matrix is transposed and part of
it is correct... you have the 4th column correct but your top-left 3x3
matrix is transposed. Each column of the 3x3 matrix (row in that array
of 16 double) is supposed to be one of your axes. It should be:
l[0],l[1],l[2],0, u[0],u[1],u[2],0, f[0],f[1],f[2],0,
pos[0],pos[1],pos[2],1. – Andon M. Coleman
This was dead on. Thanks Andon.
Building an entirely new modelview matrix from scratch using a 'lookat' implementation for each object is, frankly, crazy (or will at least drive you crazy). What you're doing is tantamount to trying to build a scene by having set of objects which are always in a fixed location, and constantly repositioning a camera to catch them from different angles.
A lookat style function should be called once to set up the camera (the view portion of the modelview matrix) position, and subsequently you should be using the matrix stack to position objects within the scene (the model portion of the modelview matrix). That's why it's called the modelview matrix, and not just the view matrix.
In code terms, it would look something like this
// Set up camera position
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
// move the object to it's location relative to the world coordinate system
// rotate the object to have the correct orientation
// render the geometry
Of course this assumes that everything has it's position defined in world coordinates. If you have a hierarchy of objects, then you would need to descend into an objects children between the glCallList and glPopMatrix in order to have their locations applied relative to their parent object.

Not updating coordinate positions?

I have managed to rotate a rectangle in OpenGL (C++) just fine. I am making a program that tests two rectangles for collision using the "separated axis theorem". To use the theorem, I need the x and y coordinates of each corner of the rectangle, but my problem is that, although I call glRotatef(...), the coordinates of the corners of the rectangle are not changed to the values that they are rotated too, but the rectangle rotates as it should. How can I update the coordinates of my rectangle after glRotatef is called?
// float r1.x[4] and r1.y[4] hold the x and y position of each of the 4 corners, starting with the upper left (r1.x[0], r1.y[0])
glTranslatef((r1.x[0] + r1.x[2]) / 2, (r1.y[1] + r1.y[3]) / 2, 0); // Translates matrix to center of rectangle
glRotatef(r1.angle, 0, 0, 1);
glTranslatef(-((r1.x[0] + r1.x[2]) / 2), -((r1.y[1] + r1.y[3]) / 2), 0); // Translates back
glVertex2f(r1.x[0], r1.y[0]);
glVertex2f(r1.x[1], r1.y[1]);
glVertex2f(r1.x[2], r1.y[2]);
glVertex2f(r1.x[3], r1.y[3]);
Transformation calls in OpenGL (like glTranslatef and glRotatef) update an internal transformation matrix that get multiplied by the points you provide before getting drawn on the screen. OpenGL does not at all touch your data.
In general, that is what you want. You have a model that is constant in time, but it gets transformed around.
If however, you do need to update your data, you need to create your own transformation matrix, manually multiply it and then draw with a clean transformation matrix (with glLoadIdentity)
You could get a little help from OpenGL though, as you can get the transformation matrix from OpenGL, but I don't recommend this. The math is not that hard and you'd appreciate learning how to do it.

OpenGL flip or mirror the drawing object

How can i flip, ot mirror up/left of the image OBJECT, not the screen in the onDraw method?
I tried scale(1, -1, 1) that not worked
my code:
.translate(x-1, y, -9);
if (opengl.getPathModifier(vertexname).getAngle()>-180 &&
opengl.getPathModifier(vertexname).getAngle()<0 ) {
} else {
opengl.rotate(opengl.getPathModifier(vertexname).getAngle()+90, 0, 0, 1);
Not 100% sure what you're asking here, but I think what you want to do is transform the projection matrix. If you want to flip so that things on the left appear on the right then you need to Scale the projection matrix by (-1, 1, 1). If you want things at the top to appear at the bottom you need to scale by (1,-1, 1) and if you want both you can scale (-1, -1, 1).
Edit based on extra information: If all you want to do is display the object exactly the same, but with texture flipped, you need to change the texture coordinates of the vertices in the objects - flip the texture coordinates by replacing the old u texture coordinate with 1-u.
If you are using glFrustum(l,r,b,t,n,f) then change it yo glFrustum(l,r,t,b,n,f), in case you want a vertical flip. This apply also to glOrtho function.