I am trying to set up Amazon cloud front with s3 bucket behind. As per my company policy i cannot grant public access to the bucket.
How can we achieve this without violating company security?
People should able to access content with only URL.
Our organization is planning to use AWS Managed services like Rekognition, Textract etc. Since these services uses S3 buckets for Face comparison and analyzing documents. The concern is end users shouldn't be able to access buckets outside our organization, is there any way I can limit the access for only S3 buckets in my organization? Buckets can be created on the fly by the user, so the access control should cover all the buckets in the account.
We're also using VPC endpoints for these services.
There is no capability to configure Rekognition such that it can only use buckets within the specific AWS Account.
Objects in Amazon S3 are private by default. IAM Users in your organization will only have access to buckets for which they have been granted access via a policy on their IAM User, or via a Bucket Policy on the bucket itself.
If a user references an S3 object in a call to Amazon Rekognition, the user must have access to the bucket via an IAM Policy or Bucket Policy. If they can access the object, then they can use the object with Rekognition.
In other words, if they have general access to an object (eg to download the object), then they can use Rekognition with it.
I have provided AmazonS3FullAccess policy for both the IAM user and group. Also the buket that I am trying to access says "Objects can be public". I have explicitly made the folder inside the bucket public. Despite all this I am getting access denied error when I tried to access it through its url. Any idea on this?
Objects in Amazon S3 are private by default. This means that objects are not accessible by anonymous users.
You have granted permission for your IAM User to be able to access S3. Therefore, you have access to the objects but you must identify yourself to S3 so that it can verify your identity.
You should be able to access S3 content:
Via the Amazon S3 management console
Using the AWS CLI (eg aws s3 ls s3://bucketname)
Via authenticated requests in a web browser
I suspect that you have been accessing your bucket via an unauthenticated request (eg bucketname.s3.amazonaws.com/foo.txt. Unfortunately, this does not tell Amazon S3 who you are, so it will deny the request.
To access content with this type of URL, you can generate an Amazon S3 pre-signed URLs, which appends some authentication information to the URL to prove your identity. An easy way to generate the URL is with the AWS CLI:
aws s3 presign s3://bucketname/foo.txt
It will return a URL that looks like this:
The URL will be valid for one hour by default, up to 7 days.
There are two ways I will recommend.
go to s3 dashboard, and download the object you need, one by one manually, the bucket can be kept private at the same time.
build a gateway/a small service, to handle authentication for you, set a policy and give the permission to the service container/lambda to visit the private bucket, and restrict only specific users to download the objects.
download from aws s3
aws policy, permission and roles
In one of the blog post, the author has mentioned that he uploaded dataset into a s3 bucket and gave public access.
Now I want to download/see the data from my chrome browser.
When I copy paste above link in chrome address bar it is asking for:
Access key ID
Secret access key
What should I give here?
Did the author initially made it public and now made it private?
(I am confused)
Also can we access these kind of URLs that start with s3:// directly from browsers?
Should I need to have a AWS account to access these S3 buckets?
(I know we can access web data using http protocol.. http://)
The Amazon S3 management console allows you to view buckets belonging to your account. It is not possible to view S3 buckets belonging to other accounts within the S3 console.
You can, however, access them via the AWS Command-Line Interface (CLI). For example:
aws s3 ls s3://us-east-1.elasticmapreduce.samples/flightdata/input/
You can also copy files from other buckets by using aws s3 cp and aws s3 sync.
These calls require a set of valid AWS credentials (Access Key and Secret Key), which can be stored in the credentials files via the aws configure command. You do not need specific permission to access public buckets, but you do need permission to use S3 in general. You can obtain an Access Key and Secret Key in the IAM management console where your IAM User is defined. (Or, if you do not have permission to view it, ask your AWS administrator for the Access Key and Secret Key.)
I uploaded an image to my bucket on s3 and when I try to make the image public from within the same account I get an access denied. I'm relatively new to AWS, but I used my account to upload it and it even lists me as the owner of the bucket/image.
It sounds like the bucket has Block Public Access applied by default. You can turn it off on the bucket, or for all buckets.
See: Amazon S3 Block Public Access – Another Layer of Protection for Your Accounts and Buckets | AWS News Blog
How do you restrict bucket access of an endpoint?
Here's my password protected CloudFront page:
d2hyhnit1e4g1k.cloudfront.net where the protection is created through a Lambda function.
I want to restrict access to my endpoint so I can't access the endpoint through http://data-flood.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com only through CloudFront.
It's easy: Simply do not grant public access to the bucket.
By default, Amazon S3 buckets are private. Therefore, nobody should be able to access the bucket.
But, you ask, how can CloudFront access the bucket to serve content? The answer is Restricting Access to Amazon S3 Content by Using an Origin Access Identity - Amazon CloudFront. That way, CloudFront can access the bucket, but nobody else can access it.