AWS SNS Subscription Filter policy checking a key in Message Attributes does NOT exist - possible? - amazon-web-services

We have two types of SNS messages coming in:
1. has MessageAttributes empty like this:
"MessageAttributes": {}
2. has MessageAttributes coming in like this:
"MessageAttributes": {
"Generator": {
"Type": "String",
"Value": "some-service"
I would like to use a filter subscription policy that ignores the second type but passes the first type to the subscriber.
So I tried this for the policy:
"Generator": [
"exists": false
I thought this would mean it will only pass along messages that do NOT contain the Generator key in MessageAttributes
However I am seeing now that no messages are getting passed along.
The AWS Subscription Filter docs seem to support this as a solution, but they only show the opposite way of checking that a key does exist, so I'm not sure if they support checking a key doesn't exist:
Is this possible?

The answer from #David Adams is out of date. See the Attribute key matching docs.
Use "exists": false to return incoming messages that don't include the specified attribute.
It is now possible to exclude any messages that have a particular key by using the policy:
"key": [
"exists": false

Late response but may be helpful to someone.
Filtering out by lack of existance is not possible. See the bottom of
Note: You cannot use the exists operator to match messages in which an attribute does not exist. Filtering will NOT match any messages if you set [{"exists": false}].
You could pass a string 'null' or similar to the generator attribute if it is non existant maybe?


Lambda event filtering for DynamoDB trigger

Here is a modified version of an Event type I am receiving in my handler for a lambda function with a DynamoDB someTableName table trigger that I logged using cargo lambda.
Event {
records: [
EventRecord {
change: StreamRecord {
approximate_creation_date_time: ___
keys: {"id": String("___")},
new_image: {
"valid": Boolean(true),
event_name: "INSERT",
event_source: Some("aws:dynamodb"),
table_name: None
Goal: Correctly filter with event_name=INSERT && valid=false
I have tried a number of options, for example;
{"eventName": ["INSERT"]}
While the filter is added correctly, it does not trigger the lambda on item inserted.
Q1) What am I doing incorrectly here?
Q2) Why is table_name returning None? The lambda function is created with a specific table name as trigger. The returned fields are returning an option (Some(_)) so I'm asssuming it returns None if the table name is specified on lambda creation, but seems odd to me?
Q3) From AWS Management Console > Lambda > ... > Trigger Detail, I see the following (which is slightly different from my code mentioned above), where does "key" come from and what does it represent in the original Event?
Filters must follow the documented syntax for filtering in the Event Source Mapping between Lambda and DynamoDB Streams.
If you are entering the filter in the Lambda console:
{ "eventName": ["INSERT"], "dynamodb": { "NewImage": {"valid": { "BOOL" : [false]}} } }
The attribute name is actually eventName, so your filter should look like this:
{"eventName": ["INSERT"]}

Dealing With Incoming Null Values In Cloud Data Fusion When Building Data Pipeline

I have started trying out google cloud data fusion as a prospect ETL tool that I can finally decide to use.When building a data pipeline to fetch data from a REST API source and load it to a MySQL database am facing this error Expected a string but was NULL at line 1 column 221'. Please check the system logs for more details. and yes it's true I have a field that is null from the JSON response am seeing
"systemanswertime": null
How do I deal with null values since the available dropdown in the cloud data fusion studio string is not working are they other optional data types that I can use?
Below are two screenshots showing my current data pipeline structure
geneneral view
view showing mapping and the output schema
Thank You!!
What you need to do is to tell HTTP plugin that you are expecting a null by checking the null checkbox in front of output on the right side. See below example
You might be getting this error because in the JSON schema you are defining the value properties. You should allow systemanswertime parameter to be NULL.
You could try to parse the JSON value as follow:
"systemanswertime": {
"type": [
In the case you don't have access to the JSON file, you could try to use this plug in in order to enable the HTTP to manage nulleable values by dynamically substituting the configurations that can be served by the HTTP Server. You will need access to the HTTP endpoint in order construct an accessible HTTP endpoint that can serve content similar to:
"name" : "output.schema", "type" : "schema", "value" :
{ "name" : "id", "type" : "int", "nullable" : true},
{ "name" : "first_name", "type" : "string", "nullable" : true},
{ "name" : "last_name", "type" : "string", "nullable" : true},
{ "name" : "email", "type" : "string", "nullable" : true},
In case you are facing an error such as: No matching schema found for union type: ["string","null"], you could try the following workaround. The root cause of this errors are when the entries in the response from the API doesn't have all the fields it needs to have. For example, some entries may have callerId, channel, last_channel, last data, etc... but others entries may have not have last_channel or whatever other field from the JSON. This leads to a mismatch in the schema provided in the HTTP source and the pipeline fails right away.
As pear this when nodes encounter null values, logical errors, or other sources of errors, you may use an error handler plugin to catch errors. The way is as following:
In the HTTP source plug-in, change the following:
Output schema to account for custom field.
JSON/XML field mapping to account into custom field.
Changed Non-HTTP Error Handling field to Send to Error. This way it pushes the records through error collector and the pipeline proceeds with subsequent records.
Added Error Collector and a sink to capture the error records.
With this method you will be able to run the pipeline and had the problematic fields detected.
Kind regards,

Get AWS Reservation Utilization by custom tag

I am currently assigning AWS media-live channels to a specific group by a custom tag and want to get the (CostExplorer) GetReservationUtilization for a group's channels by filtering by tag. The AWS documentation for GetReservationUtilization lists the Filtering options as:
"Filter": {
"Tags": {
"Key": "string",
"MatchOptions": [ "string" ],
"Values": [ "string" ]
I interpret it as it should be possible to sort by a custom set tag via:
"Key": "Group",
"Value": [customId]
But I get an error that says "An error occurred (ValidationException) when calling the GetReservationUtilization operation: Tags expression is not allowed, allowed expression(s): And, Not, Dimensions"
Feels like I have tried everything possible but I cant seem to get it to work.
Have you looked at the examples boto3 documentation?
Seems you may need to wrap the tag element inside of the And, Not or supply dimensions
For anyone coming here in the future, sorting reservation-utilization by the tag dimension is currently not supported. The following dimensions are supported:
As specified in the AWS API docs.

Regex filtering of messages in SNS

Is there a way to filter messages based on Regex or substring in AWS SNS?
AWS Documentation for filtering messages mentions three types of filtering for strings:
Exact matching (whitelisting)
Anything-but matching (blacklisting)
Prefix matching
I want to filter out messages based on substrings in the messages, for example
I have a S3 event that sends a message to SNS when a new object is added to S3, the contents of the message are as below:
"Records": [
"s3": {
"bucket": {
"name": "images-bucket"
"object": {
"key": "some-key/more-key/filteringText/additionaldata.png"
I want to keep the messages if only filteringText is present in key field.
Note: The entire message is sent as text by S3 notification service, so Records is not a json object but string.
From what I've seen in the documentation, you can't do regex matches or substrings, but you can match prefixes and create your own attributes in the MessageAttributes field.
To do this, I send the S3 event to a simple Lambda that adds MessageAttributes and then sends to SNS.
In effect, S3 -> Lambda -> SNS -> other consumers (with filtering).
The Lambda can do something like this (where you'll have to programmatically decide when to add the attribute):
let messageAttributes = {
myfilterkey: {DataType: "String", StringValue:"filteringText"}
let params = {
Message: JSON.stringify(payload),
MessageAttributes: messageAttributes,
MessageStructure: 'json',
TargetArn: SNS_ARN
await sns.publish(params).promise();
Then in SNS you can filter:
{"myfilterkey": ["filtertext"]}
It seems a little convoluted to put the Lambda in there, but I like the idea of being able to plug and unplug consumers from SNS on the fly and use filtering to determine who gets what.

requestParameters returning "Invalid mapping expression specified: true"

I'm configuring a lambda function's API gateway integration with the Serverless Framework version 0.4.2.
My problem is with defining an endpoint's request parameters. The AWS docs for API gateway entry says:
Represents request parameters that can be accepted by Amazon API Gateway. Request parameters are represented as a key/value map, with a source as the key and a Boolean flag as the value. The Boolean flag is used to specify whether the parameter is required. A source must match the pattern method.request.{location}.{name}, where location is either querystring, path, or header. name is a valid, unique parameter name. Sources specified here are available to the integration for mapping to integration request parameters or templates.
As I understand it, the config in the s-function.json is given directly to the AWS CLI, so I've specified the request parameters in the format:
"method.request.querystring.startYear": true. However, I'm receiving an Invalid mapping expression specified: true error. I've also tried specifying the config as "method.request.querystring.startYear": "true" with the same result.
"name": "myname",
// etc...
"endpoints": [
"path": "mypath",
"method": "GET",
"type": "AWS",
"authorizationType": "none",
"apiKeyRequired": false,
"requestParameters": {
"method.request.querystring.startYear": true,
"method.request.querystring.startMonth": true,
"method.request.querystring.startDay": true,
"method.request.querystring.currentYear": true,
"method.request.querystring.currentMonth": true,
"method.request.querystring.currentDay": true,
"method.request.querystring.totalDays": true,
"method.request.querystring.volume": true,
"method.request.querystring.userId": true
// etc...
"events": []
Any ideas? Thanks in advance!
It looks like the requestParameters in the s-function.json file is meant for configuring the integration request section, so I ended up using:
"requestParameters": {
"integration.request.querystring.startYear" : "method.request.querystring.startYear",
"integration.request.querystring.startMonth" : "method.request.querystring.startMonth",
"integration.request.querystring.startDay" : "method.request.querystring.startDay",
"integration.request.querystring.currentYear" : "method.request.querystring.currentYear",
"integration.request.querystring.currentMonth" : "method.request.querystring.currentMonth",
"integration.request.querystring.currentDay" : "method.request.querystring.currentDay",
"integration.request.querystring.totalDays" : "method.request.querystring.totalDays",
"integration.request.querystring.volume" : "method.request.querystring.volume",
"integration.request.querystring.userId" : "method.request.querystring.userId"
This ended up adding them automatically to the method request section on the dashboard as well:
I could then use them in the mapping template to turn them into a method post that would be sent as the event into my Lambda function. Right now I have a specific mapping template that I'm using, but I may in the future use Alua K's suggested method for mapping all of the inputs in a generic way so that I don't have to configure a separate mapping template for each function.
You can pass query params to your lambda like
"requestTemplates": {
"application/json": {
"querystring": "$input.params().querystring"
In lambda function access querystring like this event.querystring
First, you need to execute a put-method command for creating the Method- Request with query parameters:
aws apigateway put-method --rest-api-id "yourAPI-ID" --resource-id "yourResource-ID" --http-method GET --authorization-type "NONE" --no-api-key-required --request-parameters "method.request.querystring.paramname1=true","method.request.querystring.paramname2=true"
After this you can execute the put-integration command then only this will work. Otherwise it will give invalid mapping error
"requestParameters": {
"integration.request.querystring.paramname1" : "method.request.querystring.paramname1",
"integration.request.querystring.paramname2" : "method.request.querystring.paramname2",
Make sure you're using the right end points as well. There are two types or some such in AWS.. friend of mine got caught out with that in the past.