#RequestMapping(value="/getRoles",method=RequestMethod.GET) public List<Roles> getRoles(){ return (List<Roles>) roleRepository.findAll(); } - assert

main method:
public List<UserRoleAssoc> getAllUsers() {
List<Users> userLst = (List<Users>) userRepository.findAll();
final List<UserRoleAssoc> userRoleAssociationList = new ArrayList<UserRoleAssoc>();
for(Users users : userLst) {
List<UserRoleAssoc> userRoleAssoList = userRoleAssociationRepository.getRoleByuserId(users.getUserId());
if (userRoleAssoList != null)
for (UserRoleAssoc userRoleList : userRoleAssoList) {
return userRoleAssociationList;
test case:
/* start getAllUsers*/
public void getAllUserstest() throws Exception {
MockHttpServletResponse response = mvc.perform(get(restEndPoints.GET_ALL_USERS.uri() + 987)
i am unable to write test cases for these actually,GET and POst methods with findall is difficult to coverage


Xamarin Forms System.MissingMethodException:'Could not find method' System.String[] System.String.Split(Char, System.StringSplitOptions)'

I tried to test this method with UnitTest, but when I run the test I received the System.MissingMethodException.
My method:
public void LoadData()
while ((line = stream.ReadLine()) != null)
var words = line.Split('\t',StringSplitOptions.None);
My test:
public void Test_Resource_Load_Data()
int idListato = 3;
SDictionary sDictionary = new SDictionary(idListato);
I tried many solutions but without success, any suggestions?

Interceptors doesn't work in Unit tests

I am get Interceptors working on the application server. I have annotated EJB:
public class AccountsEJB {
#PersistenceContext(unitName = "weducationPU")
private EntityManager em;
// . . . other methods
#Restricted(allowedRoles = {}) // Allowed only for admin
public Account save(Account item) {
if (item.getId() == 0) {
return item;
} else {
return em.merge(item);
#Restricted(allowedRoles = {}) // Allowed only for admin
public void delete(final Account item) {
Account a = em.find(Account.class, item.getId());
if (null != a) {
Empty list of roles means, that It's allowed only for role admin.
Here the unit test file for this EJB
public class AccountsEJBTest {
private static EJBContainer container;
private static AccountsEJB ejb;
public static void setUpClass() {
try {
Map<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<>();
properties.put(EJBContainer.MODULES, new File("target/classes"));
properties.put("org.glassfish.ejb.embedded.glassfish.installation.root", "glassfish");
properties.put(EJBContainer.APP_NAME, "weducation");
container = EJBContainer.createEJBContainer(properties);
ejb = (AccountsEJB) container.getContext().lookup("java:global/weducation/classes/AccountsEJB");
System.out.println("AccountsEJBTest running...");
} catch (NamingException e) {
fail("Container init error: " + e.getMessage());
public static void tearDownClass() {
if (null != container) {
System.out.println("AccountsEJBTest finished");
private boolean equals(Account source, Account result) {
if (!source.getFullName().contentEquals(result.getFullName())) return false;
if (!source.getLogin().contentEquals(result.getLogin())) return false;
return source.getRole() == result.getRole();
public void testOperations() {
try {
Account testAccount = new Account();
testAccount.setFullName("Test Account");
Account savedAccount = ejb.save(testAccount);
assertTrue(equals(testAccount, savedAccount));
savedAccount.setFullName("Still Test Account");
testAccount = ejb.save(savedAccount);
assertTrue(equals(testAccount, savedAccount));
savedAccount = ejb.save(testAccount);
assertTrue(equals(testAccount, savedAccount));
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("Exception class " + e.getClass().getName() + " with message " + e.getMessage());
And this test working. I think, that is not correct, because there is no user with admin role logged in. But why this behavior happing?
#Restricted interface:
#Target({METHOD, TYPE})
public #interface Restricted {
AccountRole[] allowedRoles();
SecurityInterceptor class
#Restricted(allowedRoles = {})
public class SecurityInterceptor implements Serializable {
private transient SessionMB session;
public Object checkSecurity(InvocationContext context) throws Exception {
//System.out.println("Security checker started.");
if ((session == null) || (session.getUser() == null)) {
throw new SecurityException("Can't get user info");
// Allow all to admin
if (session.isAdmin()) {
//System.out.println("It's admin.");
return context.proceed();
// walk non administrator roles
for (AccountRole r : getAllowedRoles(context.getMethod())) {
// if match - accept method invocation
if (session.getUser().getRole() == r) {
//System.out.println("It's " + r.getDescription());
return context.proceed();
throw new SecurityException(session.getUser().getFullName()
+ " has no souch privilegies ");
private AccountRole[] getAllowedRoles(Method m) {
if (null == m) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Method is null!");
// Walk all method annotations
for (Annotation a : m.getAnnotations()) {
if (a instanceof Restricted) {
return ((Restricted) a).allowedRoles();
// Now - walk all class annotations
if (null != m.getDeclaringClass()) {
for (Annotation a : m.getDeclaringClass().getAnnotations()) {
if (a instanceof Restricted) {
return ((Restricted) a).allowedRoles();
// if no annotaion found
throw new RuntimeException("Annotation #Restricted not found at method "
+ m.getName() + " or it's class.");
The beans.xml is placed in WEB-INF folder and looks like
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="http://xmlns.jcp.org/xml/ns/javaee"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://xmlns.jcp.org/xml/ns/javaee http://xmlns.jcp.org/xml/ns/javaee/beans_1_1.xsd"
Can someone help me to know:
How to get Interceptors working in Unit tests?
How to start authorized session in Unit tests (log in as admin, for example)?
How to test such operations as creation and deleting account with the different tests (one test for creating, one for deleting)? Is it correct - to test all operations in one test?
Thank you for your time and your questions.

Mock with Rhino mock -MVVM

I am using Rhino mock for mocking in my test methods. Could someone please see the TODO part in the test method and help me to mock it?
This is my service interface:
public interface ICustomersServiceAgent
void GetCustomers(EventHandler<GetCustomersCompletedEventArgs> callback);
void SaveCustomer(POC.Model.Customer cust, EventHandler<SaveCustomerCompletedEventArgs> callback);
This is my ViewModel
public class CustomerVM : ViewModelBase
private Model.Customer _curentCustomer;
private RelayCommand _saveCommand;
private ICustomersServiceAgent ServiceAgent { get; set; }
private bool isSaved;
private RelayCommand _calculateAgeCommand;
private Decimal age;
private DateTime dateOfBirth;
public CustomerVM(ICustomersServiceAgent serviceAgent)
if (serviceAgent == null)
ServiceAgent = ServiceManager.GetCustomerServiceManagement();
ServiceAgent =serviceAgent;
// if curent object is null then it should be intialize
public Model.Customer CurentCustomer
get { return _curentCustomer ?? (_curentCustomer = new Model.Customer()); }
if (_curentCustomer != value)
_curentCustomer = value;
public RelayCommand CalculateAgeCommand
private set;
private void WireCommands()
SaveCustomerCommand = new RelayCommand(SaveCustomer);
SaveCustomerCommand.IsEnabled = true;
CalculateAgeCommand = new RelayCommand(CalculateAge);
private void SaveCustomer()
var cus = CurentCustomer;
ServiceAgent.SaveCustomer(cus, (s, e) =>
IsSaved = e.Result;
private void CalculateAge()
Age = DateTime.Now.Year - DateOfBirth.Year;
public RelayCommand SaveCustomerCommand
private set;
public bool IsSaved
get { return isSaved; }
isSaved = value;
public decimal Age
get { return age; }
set {
age = value;
public DateTime DateOfBirth
get { return dateOfBirth; }
set {
dateOfBirth = value;
I want to test the SaveCustomerCommand in ViewModel above.
So In the my test method, I want to mock the void SaveCustomer(POC.Model.Customer cust, EventHandler<SaveCustomerCompletedEventArgs> callback) method in the ICustomersServiceAgent interface.
This is my test method, see the ToDo part
public void SaveCustomerCommandTest()
var customerServiceMock = MockRepository.GenerateMock<ICustomersServiceAgent>();
var customerVM = new POC.SilverlightClient.ViewModel.CustomerVM(customerServiceMock);
// TO do : Code to mock SaveCustomer method ///////////////////////////////////
var saveCustomerCommand = customerVM.SaveCustomerCommand;
Could someone please explain how I can do this?
I don't see why you need to mock SaveCustomer. All the private SaveCustomer method does is invoke the ServiceAgent service which you already are mocking. I assume the RelayCommand class invokes the delegate you're sending in the constructor parameter which is the call to SaveCustomer. Have you tried running the unit test in your question as-is?
Try following:
customerServiceMock.Stub(sa => sa.SaveCustomer(Arg<POC.Model.Customer>.Is.Anything, Arg<EventHandler<SaveCustomerCompletedEventArgs>>.Is.Anything)).WhenCalled(invocation =>
new SaveCustomerCompletedEventArgs { Result = true });

EntityManger null in seam unit tests

Below is the code I am trying to test, but getting null pointer exception on entityManager.find coz entityManager = null. Any suggestions?
#Converter(forClass= UserProfile.class)
public class UserProfileConverter implements javax.faces.convert.Converter {
private static Log logger;
public Object getAsObject(FacesContext arg0, UIComponent uiComponent, String s) {
EntityManager entityManager = (EntityManager) Component.getInstance("entityManager");
UserProfile p;
if(s == null || s.equals("null")) {
return null;
} else {
try {
long i = Long.parseLong(s);
return entityManager.find(UserProfile.class, i);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
} catch (SecurityException e) {
return null;
public String getAsString(FacesContext context, UIComponent uiComponetn, Object arg2) {
return ((CsaRole)arg2).getCsaRoleId() + "";
Here is my test class..
public class UserProfileConverterTest extends SeamTest {
private UserProfileConverter converter;
private FacesContext mockFacesContext;
private UIComponent mockUiComponent;
private final static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(UserProfileConverterTest.class);
public void setup() {
converter = new UserProfileConverter();
public void testGetAsObject()
throws Exception {
new ComponentTest() {
protected void testComponents() throws Exception {
String value = "11111111111";
converter.getAsObject(mockFacesContext, mockUiComponent, value);
public class UserProfileConverterTest extends SeamTest {
EntityManager mockEntityManager;
private UserProfileConverter converter;
UIComponent mockUiComponent = null;
MockFacesContext mockFacesContext = null;
public void setup() {
converter = new CsaUserProfileConverter();
mockEntityManager = EasyMock.createMock(EntityManager.class);
class BaseComponentTest extends ComponentTest {
protected void testComponents() throws Exception {
ScopeType.EVENT.getContext().set("entityManager", mockEntityManager);
public void testGetAsObject() throws Exception {
new BaseComponentTest() {
protected void testComponents() throws Exception {
UserProfile expectedResult = new UserProfile();
//Replay Mock
Object target = converter.getAsObject(mockFacesContext,mockUiComponent,"1");
Assert.assertEquals(expectedResult, target);
//Verify the Mock

Mocking, Unit Testing (NUnit) setup problem with HttpHandler

This post relates to two other posts, here and here.
I'm new to Unit Testing & Mocking. I have a test fixture that is trying to mock a HttpContext object including the response and request. I think the test code is not setup properly, as after calling the handler I get an error immediately. There error I am getting is:
System.NullReferenceException : Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Abstract.BaseHttpHandler.get_Request() in BaseHttpHandler.cs:line 21
at Abstract.BaseHttpHandler.get_IsRequestFromUAD() in BaseHttpHandler.cs:line 23
at Handlers.UADTimeHttpHandler.ProcessRequest(HttpContextBase context) in UADTimeHttpHandler.cs:line 19
at UnitTests.UADHandlerFixture.Request_Is_Object() in UADHttpHanderTests.cs:line 47
The test code is this:
public class UADHandlerFixture
private Mock<HttpContextBase> _mockHttpContext;
private Mock<HttpRequestBase> _mockHttpRequest;
private Mock<HttpResponseBase> _mockHttpResponse;
private UADTimeHttpHandler _handler;
private WindsorContainer _container;
public void Init()
_mockHttpRequest = new Mock<HttpRequestBase>();
_mockHttpResponse = new Mock<HttpResponseBase>();
_mockHttpContext = new Mock<HttpContextBase>();
_container = new WindsorContainer();
_container.AddComponent<ILogger, FakeLogger>();
_container.AddComponent<IDataRepository, FakeDataRepository>();
_mockHttpContext.SetupGet(x => x.Application[0]).Returns(_container);
_mockHttpContext.SetupGet(x => x.Request).Returns(_mockHttpRequest.Object);
_mockHttpContext.SetupGet(x => x.Response).Returns(_mockHttpResponse.Object);
_handler = new UADTimeHttpHandler();
public void Request_Is_Object()
public class UADTimeHttpHandler : BaseHttpHandler
public override void ProcessRequest(HttpContextBase context)
if (IsRequestFromUAD)
Logger.Log("Log stuff");
DataRepository.Write("DB stuff");
ReturnResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, DateTime.Now.ToString());
public abstract class BaseHttpHandler : IHttpHandler
private HttpContext _httpContext;
private ILogger _logger;
private IDataRepository _dataRepository;
protected ILogger Logger { get { return _logger; } }
protected IDataRepository DataRepository { get { return _dataRepository; } }
protected HttpContext Context { get { return _httpContext; } }
protected HttpRequest Request { get { return _httpContext.Request; } }
protected HttpResponse Response { get { return _httpContext.Response; } }
protected bool IsRequestFromUAD { get { return Request.UserAgent == null ? false : Request.UserAgent.Equals("UAD"); } }
public virtual bool IsReusable { get { return false; } }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
WindsorContainer container = (WindsorContainer)context.Application[0];
_logger = container.Resolve<ILogger>();
_dataRepository = container.Resolve<IDataRepository>();
_httpContext = context;
ProcessRequest(new HttpContextWrapper(context));
protected virtual void ReturnResponse(HttpStatusCode httpStatus)
Response.StatusCode = (int)httpStatus;
protected virtual void ReturnResponse(HttpStatusCode httpStatus, string response)
Response.StatusCode = (int)httpStatus;
protected virtual string GetInputStream()
using (var reader = new StreamReader(Request.InputStream))
return reader.ReadToEnd();
public abstract void ProcessRequest(HttpContextBase context);